Разработка открытого урока по теме "Живопись Англии 18-19 столетия".
методическая разработка (9 класс) на тему
Разработка открытого урока по теме Живопись Англии 18-19 века.
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Разработка открытого урока по теме
“Живопись Англии 18-19 столетия”.
Тема урока: Живопись Англии 18-19 столетия.
Цель урока: (1) научить учащихся понимать незнакомый текст;
(2) научить учащихся получать информацию во время чтения и прослушивания
(3) научить отвечать на вопросы;
(4) научить учащихся выполнять проектные работы и презентации;
(5) научить учащихся работать в парах, группах, принимать участие в ролевых играх;
(6) научить учащихся выполнять и представлять проектные работы и презентации, разработанные на компьютере.
(7) Приобщить учащихся к культуре страны изучаемого языка, расширить кругозор учащихся.
(8) Обеспечить всестороннее развитие личности учащихся, повысить осознание своей собственной культуры.
1.The words are written on the blackboard and pupils get to know with them before reading the text. Pupils repeat the words after the teacher. Слова написаны на доске, ученики знакомятся с этими словами перед чтением текста.. Ученики повторяют слова за учителем:
painting – живопись; картина
exhibition - выставка
painter – живописець
portrait – портрет
to be a great success – иметь огромный успех
lover – сторонник, приверженец (чему-то)
Royal Academy of Arts – Королевская Академия искусств
oil painting - картина, написання масляними красками
water-color – акварель
marine – картина с видами моря
artist – художник
to be highly praised – высоко цениться
to be mainly known as – бать известным
landscape - пейзаж
National Gallery.
London is rich in Art Museums and Picture Galleries. One of them is National Gallery situated at Trafalgar Square. The National Gallery was founded in 1824 and now it contains paintings of many famous West European artists and among them such Renaissance painters as Leonardo da Vinci, Titian, Velasquez and others.
National Gallery also possesses paintings of both English and foreign painters, who worked in England. One of such painters was Van Dyck, the famous Flemish painter, who married the daughter of a lord and lived in England for a long time. Van Dyck was the father of the English portrait school.
The first truly English painter was William Hogarth. After Hogarth came other great English painters – Reynolds, Gainsborough, Constable, Turner.
Sir Joshua Reynolds was one of the outstanding British painters. He stayed three years in Rome, where he was copying Old Masters. Reynolds was the first president of the Royal Academy of Arts and the principal painter of the King. He made a whole gallery of portraits of many prominent people of his time – famous statesmen, writers and scientists.
Thomas Gainsborough was a great lover of Van Dyck and painted a lot of portraits, but he is mainly known as the father of the English school of landscape.
John Constable was one of the English greatest landscape painters, too. He showed his pictures both in England and abroad. In 1824 some of his landscapes were a great success at the exhibition in Paris.
Joseph Turner is famous both for his oil paintings and water colors. He painted a lot of marine subjects. His works were highly praised by many great critics.
2. Answer the questions on the text.
Ответь на следующие вопросы.Учитель задаёт вопросы, а учащиеся отвечают.
- Where is National Gallery situated?
- When was National Gallery founded?
- What kind of pictures does National Gallery possess?
- Are there any paintings of Renaissance (English) painters in National Gallery?
- Who was the father of the English portrait school? What do you know about him?
- Who was the first truly English painter?
- Who was the first president of the Royal Academy of Arts?
- Who was the father of the English school of landscape? What do you know about this artist?
- What kind of painter was John Constable? Were his paintings a success in Paris?
- What is Joseph Turner famous for? Were his works praised by critics?
Task 3. Answer the questions. Work in pairs. Дай ответы на вопросы. Работаем в парах.
Используются те же вопросы, которые были в задании №2.
4.Role-play. Imagine that you are interviewing an Englishman. Make a list of questions to ask him( her).
Ролевая игра. Представь, что тебе нужно взять интервью у англичанина. Напиши вопросы для того, чтобы взять у него интервью.Учащиеся пишут вопросы, а потом отдают их учителю. Учитель проверит и поставит оценки за сделанную работу на следующем уроке.
Task 5. Представь, что ты только что вернулся из Лондона. Твои друзья с огромным нетерпением хотят узнать о достопримечательностях Лондона. Ты хочешь рассказать им о том, что тебя удивило в Сити. Imagine you have been to London and you have just come back to Ukraine. Your friends are eager to get to know of the sightseeing of London. You’d like to tell them everything you’ve been impressed in the City.
Task 6.Учитель рассказывает об алгоритме действий для того, чтобы выполнить проектную работу.The teacher tells about the order of actions to make the project work.
- Find information about the National Gallery, famous painters and their paintings.
- Find some pictures or photos.
- Copy out the most difficult words from the text you have found.
- Put the text in your project work.
- Write some sentences which should be completed.
- Make up the questions to the information you have.
- Make up the vocabulary with the new words.
- Display your work in the class.
- Share you information about the paintings and painters with the classmates.
Представление проектов. Несколько учащихся собираются рассказать об известных английских художниках. Перед чтением и прослушиванием текстов остальные учащиеся знакомятся с неизвестной лексикой. Все тексты и неизвестные слова розданы учащимся для ознакомления. Презентации разработаны учащимися заранее.
Проект 1.
The “Golden Age of English Painting”
The period from W. Hogarth to Constable and W. Turner is the period between the 1730s and 1830s.
It is rightly considered to be the ”Golden Age” of English painting.
Never in any other century did England contribute so much to the history of world art.
It was at that time when England took path of capitalist development.
It was marked by the general advance in its economic might and national culture and art.
Some of the greatest foreign masters were attracted to England loaded with honours and even in some sort received into the nation by the titles of nobility conferred upon them.
Holbein, Antonio More, Rubens, Van Dyck were almost English painters during a longer or shorter period of their lives.
They influenced greatly the formation of the British national painting school.
Sir Anthony Van Dyck
Sir Anthony Van Dyck (1599-1641), the Flemish painter, a pupil of great Rubens, is considered the father of the English portrait school and set before it an aristocratic ideal of a person.
He married the daughter of a lord and lived in England for a long time.
He trained a few English pupils but his principal imitators and successors were like himself foreigners settled in London.
Проект 2.
William Hogarth
William Hogarth (1697-1764) is the first truly English painter.
He was the first great English painter who raised English pictorial art to a high level of importance, who brought painting closer to literature and theatre. In his masterpieces The Rake’s Progress and The Marriage-a-la- Mode Hogarth showed himself as an innovator.
He was the first to invent a story and illustrate it.
Being a social painter, he produced his own pictorial drama, showing different scenes of society’s social life.
His art was a reflection and a commentary on the social condition of his time.
Hogarth was a great master of composition, which is perfectly displayed in his series of engravings.
The Marriage-a-la-Mode, the moral series consisting of six engravings, displayed one of the sharpest problems of his time – marriage based on money and vanity.
Although his narrative pictures were comic and full of satire, his portraiture was honest and original (the most brilliant of them are the portrait of The Shrimp Girl and his Self-Portrait).
Hogarth`s famous Gin Lane was one of a series of powerful pictures of the less pleasant aspects of English social life.
This picture illustrates the evils of drink. In fact gin drinking led to so much death and criminality that a number of Quakers began brewing beer commercially as an alternative, less damaging, drink.
The cellar entrance, bottom left, has the inscription “Drink for a Penny, dead drunk for Two pence, clean straw for Nothing”.
Breaking all the unwritten laws of art of that time, W. Hogarth, a remarkable painter and engraver, showed the terrible evils of the society of those times with unprecedented courage.
It is rightly considered to be он (период) по праву считается
never….did England contribute никогда Англия не делала такого вклада
took path of capitalist development вступила на путь капиталистич. развития
It was marked было отмечено
general advance общее продвижение (подъём)
economic might экономическое могущество
were attracted были привлечены
loaded with honors награждены почестями
the titles of nobility conferred upon титулы дворянства дарованные им
influenced greatly сильно повлияли
trained научил (обучил)
principal imitators and successors главные последователи и те кому повезло
pictorial art изобразительное искусство
He was the first to invent он был первый кто изобрёл
produced создал
different scenes различные сцены
society’s social life социальная жизнь общества
reflection отражение
a commentary on the social condition комментарий социальных условий
displayed показал
engravings. гравюры
the sharpest problems острейшая проблема
marriage свадьба
narrative pictures картины – истории (рассказы)
The Shrimp Girl Маленькая (ничтожная, тщедушная) Девочка
the evils of drink зло от пьянства
gin drinking распитие джина (напиток)
criminality преступность
brewing beer пивоварение
The cellar entrance вход в винный погреб
the unwritten laws of art ненаписанные законы искусства
a remarkable painter выдающийся художник
engraver гравёр (художник)
with unprecedented courage с беспрецедентным мужеством
Проект 3.
The Brilliant School of English Portrait Painting
In the second half of the 18th century narrative and satirical themes lost their leading role in English art. The ruling classes during the years of industrial revolution tried to show in art a glorification of their social position. The most popular form of painting became ceremonial portraits of representatives of the ruling class.
Sir Joshua Reynolds
Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792) was the most outstanding portraitist of that period.
He was the first president of the Royal Academy of Arts in Britain.
He created a whole gallery of portraits of the most famous contemporaries of his time. Reynolds painted portraits, group pictures and historical themes.
Among his sitters there were the socially prominent people of the time.
He made careful studies of Old Master paintings: Rembrandt, Titian, Raphael.
Reynolds succeeded in revealing his sitters` inner world.
For Reynolds each sitter was not just a physical fact to be recorded but rather a story to be told. One of the most perfect paintings in which a great artist had enshrined his dream of woman was The Portrait of Nelly O`Brien. Lighting and colour show the artist’s technique at its best.
Reynolds often painted the characters in heroic style and they are not free of idealization (Mrs Siddons as the Tragic Muse, Cupid Unties the Zone of Venus).
Проект 4.
Thomas Gainsborough
Thomas Gainsborough (1727-1788) succeeded brilliantly as a portrait painter.
A good amateur violinist and a lover of the drama, he was an artistic person.
His manner of painting differs from Reynolds`.
His portraits are painted in clear tones, where blue and grey colours predominate (The Blue Boy, Mrs. Sheridan). Even in the portraits Gainsborough is an out-of-door painter.
The backgrounds of his portraits are often the well-observed country scene.
T.Gainsborough is the creator of the great English school of landscape painting.
His great love for the English country and his delicate understanding of nature are especially felt in the pictures The Watering Place, The Harvest Waggon.
Thomas Gainsborough, perhaps England’s finest portrait painter, painted for the rich and famous. The Morning Walk has a clam domesticity about it.
There is also informality and deep affection in his picture, quite different from the formality of The Tichborne or The Tudor Family.
narrative and satirical themes повествовательные и сатирические темы
a glorification прославление
ceremonial portraits церемониальные портреты
contemporaries современники
sitters натурщики
prominent people выдающиеся люди
succeeded in revealing his sitters` inner world. преуспел в раскрытии внутреннего
мира натурщика
had enshrined хранил (лелеял) мечту
amateur violinist скрипач-любитель
an out-of-door painter художник на открытом воздухе
the backgrounds фон, задний план
a clam domesticity скрытая семейная (домашняя) жизнь
informality неформальность
deep affection глубокая привязанность
Проект 5.
A Glory of English Art – the Landscape Painting
John Constable (1776 – 1837) is one of the most outstanding painters, who developed his own style of painting. He was the first English landscape painter to ask no lessons from the Dutch. His originality does not lie in the choice of subjects, which frequently repeat themes beloved by Gainsborough. Nevertheless, Constable seems really to belong to another century, he ushers in a new era and this difference results at once from technique and feeling.
He considered the sketch made directly from nature the first task of the painter to do.
He introduced green into painting, the green of trees, the green of summer, all the greens which painters refused to see.
He used broken touches of colour.
He made quick sketches based on his first impressions of natural beauties.
His work is important as the beginning of the impressionist school.
His masterpieces are The Haywain, The Flatford Mill.
In his works J.Constable gave the impetus for the development of the realistic trend in British painting, that was first developed alongside with the romantic trend.
Constable was an acute observer of nature and had a romantic passion for light.
For him light was a means of great importance.
Constable’s treatment of skies is especially notable.
No one has painted cloud effects so truthfully and depicted them with so much skill.
The sparkless of light and colour in Constable’s works and the deliberate roughness of texture broke with the tradition of smooth painting.
Besides the intrinsic merit of Constable’s work, it is also historically important for the effect it had on both the Romantic and the Impressionist group.
developed разработал, создал
landscape painter пейзажист
the Dutch голландцы
originality оригинальность
the choice of subjects выбор объектов
frequently часто
themes beloved by темы любимые
Nevertheless, тем не менее, однако
ushers in a new era вводит новую эру
difference results at once from technique and feeling и это отличие происходит в
результате в технике и чувствах
considered the sketch рассматривал эскиз
introduced ввёл, представил
refused отказывались
broken touches of color разорванные прикосновения света
quick sketches быстрые эскизы
first impressions of natural beauties первые впечатления красоты природы
masterpieces шедевры
the impetus импульс, толчок, побуждение
realistic trend реалистическое направление (подход, тенденция)
romantic trend романтическое направление
an acute observer проницательный наблюдатель (исследователь)
a romantic passion for light. романтическая страсть (любовь) к свету
a means средство
treatment of skies обращение с небом (небесами)
notable. выдающийся, заметный, значительный
cloud effects эффекты с облаками
truthfully правдиво
depicted рисовал, изображал
skill умение
sparkless of light отсутствие искр (блеска, сверкания) в свете
deliberate roughness of texture преднамеренная (умышленная) шероховатость ткани texture строение ткани, степень плотности фактура, ткань произведения
особенности художественной техники в произведениях искусства
smooth painting гладкая (ровная) живопись
the intrinsic merit внутреннее достоинство
Проект 6.
William Turner
William Turner (1774- 1851) had a life-long passion for the sea and he dedicated most of his paintings to it.
He was a sailor and the sea absorbed him.
He gave to his seas mass and weight as well as movement.
His waves seem to be alive. To a sailor a ship is a living creature, courageous and loyal.
In drawing ships Turner shows a knowledge that springs from love.
If Turner sympathized with ships, he sympathized equally with the men within them and loved to depict fishermen pulling at oars or sailors grapping with ropes.
He only cared to portray the mood of the sea as it affected the experiences of a man.
Calais Pier is one of his greatest creations.
The more it is studied the more actual the vision of a storm becomes.
Those who look at the picture can smell the water and hear the shout of the wind.
The composition gains unity from the concentration in the center of the picture of two masses of light upon the sky above and upon the waves below.
The coloring of the painting is masterful.
dedicated посвятил
absorbed поглотил
mass and weight массу и вес
movement движение
alive живой
living creature живое создание (творение)
loyal верный, преданный, лояльный
springs from love берёт своё начало от любви
to depict изображать, рисовать
pulling at oars тянущих вёсла
grappling with ropes схватившихся за верёвки
to portray the mood of the sea изображать (рисовать ) настроение моря
it affected the experiences of a man это повлияло на опыт человека
The more….. the more чем…….тем
smell чувствовать запах
the shout крик
gains unity приобретает единство
The coloring цветовая гамма
masterful мастерски, уверенно
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