конспект учебного занятия в 9 классе "Инопланетяне"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Данный материал представляет собой конспект занятия по коммуникативной технологии
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Конспект учебного занятия в 9 классе.
Учитель: Купенко Светлана Геннадьевна
Тема: “ALIENS !”( «Инопланетяне !»).
Цель урока: Развитие коммуникативных компетенций учащихся, анализ элементов эффективного драматического описания.
- формировать навыки чтения, устной речи, сопутствующим навыкам аудирования и письма;
- формировать и совершенствовать специальные навыки коммуникации, в частности способы выражения собственного мнения, предположения, обучать написанию драматического рассказа-описания;
- закрепить прилагательные, описывающие персонаж;
- расширить словарный запас учащихся по теме «Страх».
- развивать мышление и воображение, содействовать творческой деятельности учащихся;
- развивать умение логически выражать свои мысли и быть готовым к общению;
- развивать коммуникативные умения сотрудничать и соблюдать этические нормы общения.
- воспитывать интерес к изучаемому языку;
- формировать у учащихся личностные качества, активность, умение работать в контакте со сверстниками, уважение друг к другу.
Компьютер, видеопроектор, экран, магнитофон, карточки, CD с материалами к уроку, коллекция короткометражных мультфильмов студии Пиксар, том 1 , «Похищение».
Используемые современные образовательные технологии:
- технология коммуникативного обучения иноязычной культуре;
-технология применения ИКТ в предметном обучении;
- технология развития критического мышления через чтение и письмо;
-обучение в сотрудничестве;
-здоровьесберегающее обучение.
Формы организации деятельности учащихся: фронтальная работа, индивидуальная работа, работа в парах и группах.
План урока:
этап | Краткое описание | Форма организации учебной деятельности | Время, отведённое на этап |
Организационный момент | Приветствие, Who likes to read books? Who likes to watch films? Is it difficult to write an interesting story or a script for a film?(voting) Предъявление картинки (эмоция – страх) | фронтально | 1-2 мин. |
Основная часть урока,сообщение целей, введение нового материала | Ответ на вопрос What are you afraid of most of all? Составление таблицы «Страх» | Индивидуально работа в парах | 8-10 мин |
Закрепление нового материала. | Чтение текста “Kidnepped” Ответы на вопросы; Ролевая игра «Интервью» | Индивидуальнов группах | 10-12 мин. |
Вопрос How to make a colourful story, description of a person or event? What part of speech is the most important in description of something? Игра “Black and white”(распределить по колонкам позитивные и негативные черты) Просмотр мультфильма «Похищение» Составление краткого описания характера персонажей.((alien-boss, alien-student) | Фронтально, работа в группах | 10 мин. | |
Аудирование рассказа (аудирование – пила) Составление плана рассказа. | Индивидуально работа в группах. | 7-8 мин. | |
Домашнее задание. | Суммируя изученное, составить рассказ «Встреча с пришельцами». | 2-3 мин. | |
Подведение итогов урока. | 1-2 мин. |
TEACHER: Good morning, my dear friends. I hope you’re fine. Let’s start our lesson. First of all, let’s do some survay. Those who are fond of reading books, raise your hands, please. And now, who likes watching movies.?
(работа в парах)
And now, whats’s your opinion, is it easy or difficult to write an interesting story or script for a good film?
So, the main aim of today’s lesson is to analize the important elements for creating an effective dramatic narrative.At the end of the lesson you will be given a hometask.It won’t be a secret – to write a story or a script for a movie.Don’t be afraid, I’ll do my best to help you.
May be this lesson will be the beginning of your future careers as writers od even directors in Hollywood. Every owk has been an acorn, you know.
But... what will be the topic of our script or story? I’ll show you a picture of a man. Please, try to guess the emotion on his face?
What are you afraid of?
(Possible answers: height, spiders, snakes, exams, ghosts, polterheist, alliens...)
So, the topic of our story will be “the meeting with an alliens”, as everybody likes to watch movies like “Men in Black”, “X-files” ans so on.
At first, the question arises – How to describe fear?
I don’t want to beat around the bush. Let’s try to analize a certain sceme – semantic field on topic “fear”.I hope it will help you to make your story very scary and colourful.Open the page number 1 in your handouts.
(анализ таблицы «Семантическое поле «Страх»»)
-dead scared
-made my hair stand on end
-my heart neally stopped beating
-rooted to the spot
-stuck terror in my heart
-shake with fright
-finally got myself together
-I’ve never seen anything like that before.
(Analises follows)
-Can you describe your emotions now? OK, let’s continue our jouney to the world of creative writing. The second stage is reading a story. Before reading, please answer my questions:
Is there life on other planets?
Do you think creatures from outer space have visited Earth?
So, read the story about Jack, who believes he was kidnepped by aliens. Who kidnapped Jack?I draw your attention to the task in your handouts. Find the answers in the story.First of all do it individually, then share your opinion with your partner.
(работа по тексту)
What was Jack doing that night?
What did Jack see?
What did the aliens look like?
Where did the aliens take Jack?
What did the aliens do to Jack?
Where did the aliens come from?
Who kidnapped Jack?
Let’s split into groups. The first group will be from planet Zog, the second group will be from planet Earth. Here are your role cards. You are to prepare your parts.
( работа над ролевыми карточками, далее следует ролевая игра «Интервью»)
You worked really hard. Are you tired? OK, as an old proverb goes “Too much work makes Jack a dull boy”.As a short rest, I suggest watching a short animated cartoon, the main characters are two aliens.You are not only to watch this lovely piece, but to describe the main characters using adjectives, as adjectives will make the story colourful. First of all, look into your handouts and try to divide the adjectives into positive and negative.Let’s call the game “Black and white”.
(игра «День и ночь», просмотр короткого мультфильма).
Let's work in pairs, choose the adjectives to describe the Alien-Boss and the Alien-student.
(заполнение таблицы).
Any story should pass through certain stages. Here is the plan to refresh in your memory these stages. They are:
-Setting the scene;
-building towords the climax;
-the climax;
-gradual reliease from the climax;
-the after effect of the whole incident.
And please, don’t forget to use certain expression for correct order of events. Such as:
When, At first, Meanwhile, Next, Then, Much later, Finally.
Finally, I want to show you that it’s not so difficult as it may seem.Letls listen to a short story, describing close encounter with aliens or UFO. In your handouts there is a script with missing words.So, listen and fill in the gaps and pay particular attention to the order of events minding the sceme, we’ve mentioned before. Are you ready?
( аудирование текста, подстановка пропущенных слов).
So, let's check your work. In order to save our time, here is the clue.
All the stages are clearly seen in this story and besides, I believe it’s a good example of using the adjectives, advers in describing sounds, sight and person’s reaction.
You may fill in the table to illustrate this at home.The table is in your handouts.
Sounds | sight | Person’s reaction |
So, your homework will be to make a story or a script “Close encounter with aliens”.(200-250 words).Try to follow the plan? Use as much adjectives as possible, describing the sounds, the sight. Don’t forget to use expressions showing emotions, such as “fear”.Appeal to senses of a reader!Try to be creative!
(домашнее задание, подведение итогов, оценки за урок)
You are brilliant! You are talanted! Marks for the lesson are:
Thank you very much! It was real pleasure to work with you!
Student's handout
1.How to describe your emotional state (FEAR):
“It’s true, I’ll tell you!I thought I was going to die! Jack is 45 years old. There is nothing strage about him, except that he believes he was kidnapped by aliens. I am Marti Blunt from CNB TV News, and I am her to talk to Jack about his experience. “What happened?” I asked. “I was driving home one night, when I saw some lights flashing in the sky.They moved towards me. Suddenly my engine stopped. I got out of my car and stared. The flashing lights landed in front of me and two “something” appeared. They were very small, had two legs and tiny heads.” “Weren’t you scared?” “Sure I was scared!” he replies. “I was taken into the spaceship by the two little creatures! I was put in a large, white room where I was examined by some kind of a doctor. He seemed very interested in me.” “What happened next?” “Well, they all wanted to talk to me and I was asked a lot of questions.” “How did you communicate?” I ask. “Oh,there was a translator. I was told that they were studing different planets. I was even thanked for my help! Oh, one more thing! They told me they came from - a planet called Earth. I’ve never heard of it before. I wander where is it?” I scrach my head with my tentacles and reply, “I’ve no idea.” | Questions: What was Jack doing one night? What did Jack see? What did the aliens look like? Where did the aliens take Jack? What did the aliens do to Jack? Where did the aliens come from? Who kidnapped Jack? |
3. Plan of a story with an effective dramatic narrative:
1. Setting the scene;
2.Building towards the climax;
3. The climax;
4. Gradual release from the climax;
5. The after effect of the whole incident.
Expressions for a correct order of events:
At first...
Much later...
4. Listening.Fill in the gaps:
I can remember it so clearly even though it all happened really very quickly. It was __________________________________, abot 9.30. I was ____________________ in my room watching television. My mum was out, so I was ________________ in the house.
All of a sudden, the walls of the began to __________________! I heard a _______________ roar , and it sounded as if something was coming so close to the house it was going to crash through the wall! I don’t know What what was shaking more – the house, or me ... with _____________ .
I looked out of the window and a _____________________ ___ flew past so low it made the windows ________________ . I really thought it was going to crash into the house.
After the plane had passed, I was still ______________ with fright. Strangely, though, I felt really _________ too and I thought about going outside to see what was happening. My curiosity got better of my fear and I ran out into the rain.
I saw something unreal. The plane was chasing a _______ of dazzing white light moving across the ____________. The light didn’t flash. It was moving incredibly fast, waving around so that the plane could hardly keep up. Then, they both ________________ in the dark.
What was it I saw? Was this a close encounter with something alien? The whole thing only lasted a couple of minutes. Could it really be a plane chasing a ___________? But why else would a fighter plane be flying in the rain?
I always thought that people were ____________ things when they reported seeing strange bright lights in the sky and UFOs, but I’ve never seen anything like that before.
Hometask: write a story with an effective dramatic narrative “ Close encounter with aliens” (200-250 words). Follow the plan, use as much adjectives as possible.
Key for listening:
Monday evening
Fighter jet
Shaking with fright
A ball
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