Чтение является неотъемлемой частью изучения иностранного языка.
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Одной из основных целей обучения иностранному языку является формирование и развитие базовых коммуникативных умений в основных видах речевой деятельности: говорения, чтения, аудирования, письма. Младшие школьники стремятся к познанию: им побыстрее хочется читать. А чтение – это сложный и многогранный процесс. Обучение чтению как виду речевой деятельности включает в себя ряд методических задач, связанных с техникой чтения и понимания читаемого. Одна из таких важнейших задач – развивать умение читать.
Предварительный просмотр:
Чтение является неотъемлемой частью изучения иностранного языка.
Одной из основных целей обучения иностранному языку является формирование и развитие базовых коммуникативных умений в основных видах речевой деятельности: говорения, чтения, аудирования, письма. Младшие школьники стремятся к познанию: им побыстрее хочется читать. А чтение – это сложный и многогранный процесс. Обучение чтению как виду речевой деятельности включает в себя ряд методических задач, связанных с техникой чтения и понимания читаемого. Одна из таких важнейших задач – развивать умение читать.
Чтение является неотъемлемой частью изучения иностранного языка. По мнению Клычниковой З.И. «ученики, читая вслух, закрепляют навыки артикуляции, укрепляются в интонировании и тем самым развивают у себя фонетически правильную речь». ( Психологические особенности обучения чтению на иностранном языке. Москва 1973 г с.39 ).
Да, чтение является базовым, ключевым умением всего образования. По мнению А.М.Кушнира, традиционная методика, построенная на звукобуквенном анализе, переходе к слоговому чтению через чтение слияний, блокирует природные механизмы образного – «мгновенного» познания. А.М.Кушнир, внедривший в массовую практику природосообразную модель обучения грамоте, разработал новую педагогическую технологию. Замысел разработки направлен на кардинальное решение, снятие проблем чтения в начальных классах. Надо отметить, что при обучении иностранному языку в младших классах перед учителем стоят большие задачи:
- ознакомить учащихся со страной изучаемого языка;
- дать им почувствовать и ощутить произношение, ритм, интонацию изучаемого языка;
- научить учащихся чтению;
- научить писать на иностранном языке;
научить учащихся воспринимать и понимать на слух иностранный язык.
I u II четверти во 2 классе направлены на формирование слухового восприятия английского языка, реагирования на речь учителя, поддержания беседы по изученным клише этикета. В III и IV четвертях начинается обучение письму и чтению с ознакомления алфавита – гласных и согласных букв.
Для того чтобы научиться правильно читать, надо научиться правильно произносить звуки. В связи с тем, чтобы было легче запоминать произношение, для каждого звука, дифтонга я предлагаю использовать скороговорки.
- Once a feller met a feller in a field of fitches, Said a feller to a feller, 'Can a feller tell a feller, Where a feller itches?'
- We eat what we can and what we can't, we can.
- Benny Butler bought bitter butter in a brass bell but broke it.
- Good, better, best, Never let it rest, Till your good is better, and your better best.
- The Sunday school sings spiritual songs spiritedly.
- Tommy Tickle tickled his teacher. Where did Tommy Tickle's teacher tickle Tommy.
- I was barbarously barbarized by the barbarity of a barbarian barber in a barber's barbarizing shop.
- Mr. Mrs. Master and Miss Moth met Miss, Master, Mrs. and Mr. Moss.
- Seven shaggy sheepdogs shook sand everywhere.
- I can’t can a can without a can; can you can a can without a can?
- Tiny Tommy Tortoise talked to Tessie Turtle on the telephone ten times today.
- Fiona felt the French film was fatuous and flashy.
- Six silly sisters sell silk to six sickly senior citizens.
- The rat-catchers can't catch caught rats.
- Nina needs nine knitting needles to knit naughty Nita's knickers nicely.
- Six Swiss ships swiftly shift.
- Dauntless Doris Davis does a dozen daring dives daily.
- The short sort shoots straight through.
- Pretty Pamela Parker picked pink petunia posies.
- She stops at the shops where I shop, and if she shops at the shops where I shop I won't stop at the shop where she shops!
- The tiresome wireless man's fireless, whilst the fireless wireless man’s tireless.
- You can have— Fried fresh fish, Fish fried fresh, fresh fried fish, fresh fish fried, or fish fresh fried.
- I saw Esau beating Kate, I saw Esau, he saw me. And she saw I saw Esau.
- Our great-grand-gran is a greater great-grand-gran than your great-grand-gran is.
- My wife gave Mr. Snipe's wife a swipe.
- The school coal in the school coal scuttle was scattered by a cool scholar.
- Swedish sword swallowers shift short swords swiftly.
- Fearless Frank flew fast flights to Frankfurt.
- Malaria is a malady many men meet when meeting mosquitoes in Malaysia.
- Florence Freeman fell forward and frightened her father frightfully.
- Billy's big blue badly bleeding blister.
- Beautiful babbling brooks bubble between blossoming banks.
- Nice nieces nestle nicely in Nice.
- Hungry Henry Hobson hurries home.
- 'Please cook crooked crabs, Cook.'
- Billy Bolton buttoned his bright brown boots and blue coat before breakfast began.
- Nobby knew Noddy better than Noddy knew Nobby.
- Swim, Sam, swim, Show them you're a swimmer!
- Six sharp sharks are out to take your liver, So swim, Sam, swim!
- 'Night, night, Knight,' said one Knight to the other Knight the other night. 'Night, night, Knight.'
- The cat-catchers can't catch caught cats.
- If I can't have a proper cup of coffee, In a proper copper coffee pot, I'll have a cup of tea!
- Once I heard a mother utter, 'Daughter, go and shut the shutter.' 'Shutter's shut,' the daughter uttered, 'For I can't shut it any shutter
- 'Walter, get water from the waiter!'
- Who will wet the whetstone while Willy whistles wistfully?
- Our black bull bled black blood on our blackthorn flower.
- Swift Sam Smith and Shifty Sidney Smithers shouldn't send silly signals.
- Bring back bright brand-new British brushes from breezy Bridlington.
- If one doctor doctors another doctor, does the doctor who doctors the doctor doctor the doctor the way the doctor he is doctoring doctors? Or does he doctor the doctor the way the doctor who doctors doctors?
- I see seven seagulls soaring southwards silently.
- The heir's hair gets into the heir's ear here.
- If neither he sells seashells, Nor she sells seashells, Who shall sell seashells? Shall seashells be sold?
- Mrs. Mixer mixes mixes in the mixer.
- I 'd rather lather father Than father lather me. When father lathers He lathers rather free.
- Do breath tests test breath? Yes, that's the best of a breath test. So the best breath stands the breath test best!
- The busy bee buzzed busily around the busy beehive.
- If a hair net could net hair, How much hair could a hair net net, If that hair net could net hair?
- Of all the felt I ever felt I never felt a piece of felt That felt the same as that felt felt When I first felt that felt.
- Oswald Whittle's whistle out whistles all other whistler's whistles in Oswaldtwistle.
- 'Whose shoe?' sighed Sue. 'My shoe,’ lied Lou. 'Here's your shoe Lou,' cried Sue. 'Shucks, Sue, thank you,' Lou sighed. 'My shoe,' cried Blue, 'I'll sue Lou and Sue!'
- Tonight is a light night, So you mustn't light a night light on a light night like this.
- Can clever cooks cook clocks, or should cooks not cook clocks?
- Fancy Nancy didn't fancy doing fancy work. But Fancy Nancy's fancy aunty did fancy Fancy Nancy doing fancy work!
- The new nuns knew the true nuns knew the new nuns too.
- Mumbling bumblings. Bumbling mumblings.
- Swan, swim over the sea. Swim, swan, swim! Swan, swim back again! Well swum, swan.
- I see seven seagulls soaring southwards silently.
- A lively young fisher named Fischer. Fished for fish from the edge of a fissure. A fish with a grin Pulled the fisherman in! Now they're fishing the fissure For Fischer.
- We surely shall see the sun shine soon.
- Weak writers want white ruled writing paper.
- Tommy Tye Tried to tie his tie, But tugging too tight Tore his tie.
- A selfish shellfish smelt a stale fish. If the stale fish was a smelt Then the selfish shellfish smelt a smelt.
- Did Diddy David dawdle down the dale, or did Dale dawdle down to Diddy David's.
- High roller. Low roller. Lower a roller.
- Twenty tinkers took two hundred tin-tacks to Toy Town.
- If the sleeper in a sleeper sleeps, does the sleeper not in the sleeper on the sleeper sleep?
- Let us go together to gather lettuce, whether the weather will let us or no.
- Kimbo Kemble kicked his kinsman's kettle. Did Kimbo Kemble kick his kinsman's kettle? If Kimbo Kemble kicked his kinsman's kettle, Where's the kinsman's kettle Kimbo Kemble kicked?
- Stop Chop Shops selling Chop Shop chops!
- The owner of the Inside Inn was outside his Inside Inn, with his inside outside his Inside Inn.
- I do like cheap sea trips, cheap sea trips on ships.
- Farmer Fresshitt's fresh farm eggs fry furiously in Farmer Fresshitt's frying pan.
- Double bubble gum bubbles double!
- Crazy cooks cut chunky chips for cheeky chaps.
- If one doctor doctors another doctor, does the doctor who doctors the doctor doctor the doctor the way the doctor he is doctoring doctors? Or does he doctor the doctor the way the doctor who doctors doctors?
- Shall Sheila show several sailors sheets that she has sewn?
- Will Winnie wander with Will, or will Will wander with Winnie? We wonder.
- Seven Severn salmon swallowing seven Severn shrimps.
- Wood said he would carry the wood through the wood. And if Wood said he would Wood would.
- King Kong went to Hong Kong to play ping-pong and have a sing-song and then died.
- Red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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