Учебное занятие в 7 классе по теме "Что мы знаем о США?"
план-конспект урока (7 класс) на тему
Учебное занятие было подготовлено и проведено в рамках отборочного тура муниципального этапа конкурса "Учитель года-2014". УМК "Английский - VI" (Афанасьева, Михеева, для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка).
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Предварительный просмотр:
Two young Russians.
Hi. My name is Sergey Demidov and I’m 13 years old. I live in Yakutsk, which is the capital of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in northern Siberia.
I love my city in the winter when the clean, crisp snow covers everything. The temperature often falls bellow -40 degrees, so we wear fur caps and coats, thick woolen mittens and unty, which are fur boots made of deer skin. Today it’s bright and sunny. It’s only -25°C outside, so I’m going skiing with my family for the first time this year.
I go to a Russian school, but we have lessons in our native Yakut language as well. My father plays the khomus, which is a traditional Yakut instrument, and my mother does embroidery with beads. She also makes hats and her friends sometimes ask her to make outfits for our national summer holidays. It’s called Ysyakh, and it’s a great chance for me to perform a dance called Ohuokhay and to drink kumys – a national dink that’s made from mare’s milk.
Unty [´untı] – унты, сапоги, сделанные из шкуры оленя
Khomus [´hoːmʊs] – хомус, якутский национальный инструмент
Embroidery with beads – вышивка бисером
Ysyakh [ısı´ɑːh] – Ысыах, якутский национальный праздник
Osuokhay [ǝ¸sʊǝ´haı] – осуохай, национальный танец Якутии
Kumys [kʊ´mıs] – кумыс, молочно-кислый напиток
Mare [mɛǝ] – кобыла
Fill in the gaps using the text.
- The boy’s name is ___________________, he is _______, he lives in _______________, his hobby is __________________ in the winter.
- People in this city wear _______________________________________________ in the winter.
- Unty is ______________________________________.
- Khomus is ___________________________________.
- They perform a dance ____________________ on ________________ holiday.
- The national drink of Yakutia is _____________________.
Two young Russians.
Hi. My name is Aishat Radulova and I’m 13 years old. I live in Grozny, which is the capital of the Chechen Republic in the South of Russia.
I love my city in the spring when the trees and flowers are blooming. The temperature is often about 20 degrees at the beginning of the March, so we wear blouses, shirts and dresses and khidzhab. Khidzhab is a special cloth for girls and women, which is to be worn on our heads all the time. We are Muslims and my favourite hobby is reading and studying Koran.
I go to a Russian school, but we have lessons in our native Chechen language as well. My family is rather big, I have got four brothers and a sister. My father plays dechig pondur, which is a traditional Chechen instrument. My mother cooks well, our favourite national dish is zhizhig-galnash, which is made of boiled beef or lamb with dumplings. Our national holiday is Illy, which is hold every spring. It’s a holiday of national music, songs and dances. My favourite dance is lezginka.
To bloom – цвести
Khidzhab [hıd´Ʒɑːb] – хиджаб, косынка на голове мусульманок
Dechig pondur [dı´tʃiːg pǝn´duːr] – дечиг-пондур, горская балалайка
Zhizhig-galnash [Ʒı´Ʒıg gǝl´nɑːʃ] – жижиг-галнаш, вареное мясо с галушками
Dumplings – галушки, клецки, сваренное кусочками тесто
Illy [´ılı] – Илли, национальный праздник музыки, песен и танцев
Lezginka [lız´gınkǝ] – лезгинка, кавказский народный танец
Fill in the gaps using the text.
- The girl’s name is _______________________, she is ____________, she lives in ______________, her hobby is _________________ and ________________ Koran.
- The girls and women wear _________________________________________________.
- Khidzhab is ___________________________________________________________.
- Dechig-pondur is __________________________________________.
- The girl has got _________ brothers and __________ sisters.
- The Chechen women cook __________________________ from beef or lamb with dumplings.
- They perform ________________________ on _____________ holiday.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Double bubble gum, bubbles double.
Dr. Johnson and Mr. Johnson, after great consideration, came to the conclusion that the Indian nation beyond the Indian Ocean is back in education because the chief occupation is cultivation.
1. Christopher Columbus discovered America in … 1. Christopher Columbus discovered America in … d) 1392 b) 1482 c) 1492 a) 1402
2. Christopher Columbus discovered … d) The United States of America b) South America c) North America a) Central America
3. First English settlements appeared in … a) North America in the 17 th century b) South America in the 17 th century c) Central America in the 16 th century d) America in the 18 th century
4. The “Mayflower” is … a) The name of a season b) The name of the first English Settlement in America c) The name of a flower d) The name of the ship that sailed from Plymouth for the New World in 1620
5 . The first colonists started the traditions of … a) Halloween b) Independence Day c) Thanksgiving Day d) Memorial Day
6 . The first president of the US was … a) George Washington b) Abraham Lincoln c) Jeffrey Jefferson d) Bill Clinton
7. The capital of the US is … a) Washington, D.C. b) Washington c) New York d) Philadelphia
8. There were … colonies in America in 1773. a) 13 b) 7 c) 21 d) 10
9. Jeans are clothes worn by … a) Cowboys in the Wild West b) People all over the world c) Levi Strauss people d) Actors in America
10. The American flag is often called … a) Union Jack b) The White Eagle c) The Red Dragon d) The Stars and Stripes
SB ex. 2 , p. 205.
Listen to the story about two Americans.
Now let’s speak about Russia.
People of many different nationalities live in peace together. They are tolerant, patient and peaceful.
Let’s sum up. Would you like to go to America? Then your home task will be ex.11, p. 211. Think of five good reasons why you would like to go there.
And ex.3, 4, pp. 206-207. These exercises can be done orally. Now your marks…
Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
гимназия №46 Октябрьского района г. Ростова-на-Дону
План открытого урока,
подготовленного в рамках конкурса
«Учитель года – 2014»
Учитель: Прохорчева Вера Александровна.
Предмет: английский язык.
Место проведения: МБОУ гимназия №34.
Класс: 7 «В».
УМК: Английский язык – VI, учебник для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, авторы: О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева.
Тема урока: Что мы знаем о США?
Тип урока: урок актуализации ранее полученных знаний.
Дата проведения: 19.02.2014.
Оборудование: компьютер, динамики, подключенные к компьютеру, проектор, программный продукт для интерактивной доски, подготовленный учителем, интерактивная доска SmartBoard; учебник, листы, разработанные для письменной работы учащихся, аудиоприложение к учебнику, карточки для самооценки и оценки урока.
Цель урока: формирование и развитие УУД учащихся средствами иностранного языка в рамках темы «Что мы знаем о США?».
Задачи урока:
- создать условия для формирования метапредметных компетенций;
- мотивировать учащихся на коммуникативную деятельность в рамках темы «Что мы знаем о США?»;
- мотивировать учащихся на развитие навыков чтения, говорения, аудирования и письма;
- способствовать формированию толерантности, чувства уважения к стране изучаемого языка и патриотизма.
I этап. Приветствие, речевая разминка, целеполагание. (5 мин)
T: Good afternoon, students! Sit down, please. My name is Vera Alexandrovna and today I’ll be your teacher of English. First of all let’s warm up our tongues. Look at the screen here are some tongue-twisters. Let’s say in chorus. (Учащиеся проговаривают скороговорки вслед за учителем хором).
Double bubble gum, bubbles double.
A ship shipping ship shipping shipping ships.
Dr. Johnson and Mr. Johnson, after great consideration, came to the conclusion that the Indian nation beyond the Indian Ocean is back in education because the chief occupation is cultivation.
T: It is such great progress! And now I want you to watch this video. Look at the screen. (Учащиеся смотрят видеоролик на песню «America the Beautiful»). So do you like this video? Are the children nice? What do you think of this song? Do you enjoy it? Have you heard it before?
Ss’ answers.
T: When do we usually sing patriotic songs?
Ss’ answers.
T: Yes, we sing patriotic songs on the National holidays, such as Victory Day, Independence Day and at different international and sport events. What is the most important international sport event happening nowadays?
Ss’ answers.
T: So today we are going to speak about the USA, its history, national flag and symbols.
II этап. Актуализация ранее изученного материала. (3 мин)
T: And now open your Student’s books at p. 204, ex. 1. Read and choose the correct item. We are going to do this task one by one. (Учащиеся в учебнике и на экране видят предложения с пропусками и 4 варианта ответа, по цепочке они читают предложения и выбирают верный, по их мнению, вариант).
Ss’ answers.
T: It is useful information and important knowledge! So let’s move further!
III этап. Работа в парах по коллективному составлению рассказа о США. (6 мин)
T: And now you will work in pairs. Ex. 2, p. 205 in your Student’s books. Read the task, please.
Ss’ answers.
T: You have 1 minute to look through the questions and think over your answers. So let’s start.
Ss’ answers.
IV этап. Аудирование истории о двух американцах. (4 мин)
T: You know that the USA is a multinational country, and now you are going to listen to the story about two Americans. Listen and point to the pictures.
Ss’ answers.
V этап. Работа в группах по подготовке аналогичного рассказа о жителях России. (7 мин)
T: So we listened about two Americans and now let’s compare them with two young Russians. You are going to work in 2 groups, your group will tell us about a boy from Yakutsk, and your group will tell us about a girl from Grozny. Look through the text, fill in the gaps and you’ll get a short story. You have 1 minute to do this task. So let’s start.
Ss’ answers.
VI этап. Подведение итогов урока, выставление оценок и объяснение домашнего задания. (5 мин)
T: As you see our country is very close to the USA. Both countries have many nationalities, languages, cultures and even religions. But different people live in peace together; they are tolerant, patient and peaceful. So what qualities should we have living in Russia or visiting the US?
Ss’ answers.
T: Yes, I completely agree with you. So let’s sum up. Would you like to go to America?
Ss’ answers.
T: Then at home think of 5 good reasons to go there. It is a written task, in your Student’s books it’s ex.11, p.211. And also you should do ex.3, 4, pp. 206-207. These exercises can be done orally. Open your diaries and write down your home task.
T: And now your marks for the lesson.
T: And now let’s remember the whole lesson and your work during it. Look at the screen, here you can see a happy face and a sad one. Come to the interactive board and move them to each column. So come on.
T: At the end of our lesson I would like to wish you “Use your smile to change the world, but don’t the world change your smile”. So the lesson is over now. Thank you so much for your help, good-bye.
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