Тест по теме "Food and Refreshments"
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)

Каримова Ильмира Ринатовна

Контрольная работа №9 по теме "Еда и напитки" для 6 класса ( Spotlight 6)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test 9А      Food and Refreshments



A     Write the shopping list    (6x1)

e.g.       bread

1   ___________________

2   ___________________

3   ___________________

4   ___________________

5   ___________________

6   ___________________

1C:\Users\Артем\Desktop\bunlarin-girdigi-eve-doktor-girmez-26423-22g.jpg 2C:\Users\Артем\Desktop\56f43dce98a5ce8204868cbb12bc9ec9.jpg

3C:\Users\Артем\Desktop\02ff1772e5473e47fa0bebb9b71896bf.jpg  4C:\Users\Артем\Desktop\kahve_fa920e81-1ffa-43e3-a343-e167789ac3f1_1.jpg

e.g.C:\Users\Артем\Desktop\e2e60edb774065bffeeb625b0ff215c9.jpgC:\Users\Артем\Desktop\518b8c0b0ba1e4.09556074.jpg   6C:\Users\Артем\Desktop\87687722_1271077133_morkov.jpg

B     Fill in the correct word    (8x1)


packet    eggs    jar     milk    tins     tomatoes     bags     bread      sugar

e.g. Could I have a packet of nuts, please?

7. Don’t forget to buy a _______ of honey.

8. Mom needs two  ________ of sugar today.

9. Remember to get three _________of tuna when you’re at the shop.

10. If you want to lose your weight, you shouldn’t eat white  ___________.

11. How much does a kilo of  __________ cost?

12. Tea with lemon is sour, would you like some  __________?

13. What a mess! You’ve spilt ____________ on the table.

14. Will you get me five  ___________ from the fridge, please?

C    Underline the correct word    (6x1)

e.g. I can peel/pour a banana for you.

15. First, boil/bake four eggs.

16.Should I mix/dice these potatoes?

17. Then, fry/stir the soup.

18. Before pouring butter on the popcorn you should melt/add it.

19. Finally, pour/mix all ingredients together in a big bowl.

20. You should bake/put  muffins for 20-25 minutes.



D     Fill in the sentences with “some” or “any”   (6x2)

e.g. there aren’t any cookies left.

21. I think I’d like ___________ honey on my bread.

22. Is there ____________ salt in the cupboard?

23. I usually have ____________ cornflakes with milk for breakfast.

24. We don’t need ___________ oil in this recipe.

25. Are there _____________ pens in the pencil-box?

26. Ben has __________ crisps in his bag.

E      Complete the sentences with “much” or “many”  (6x1)

e.g. How many apples are left?

27. You cooked too __________ soup. What will we do with it?

28. There isn’t ___________ milk left. We need more.

29. We haven’t got ___________ carrots and beetroots.

30. I think my dad drinks too ____________ coffee.

31. Are there __________ students in the class?

32. How __________ bacon do you want in your omelette?

 F      Write the correct form (Present Simple or Present Continuous) of the verbs in brackets    (6x2)

My parents usually e.g. do their shopping on Saturday morning but today they 33. (stay) at home. It 34. (be) their wedding anniversary and my brother and I 35. (plan) a  party for them. We 36. (make) a delicious chocolate cake and sirloin steak with creamed mushrooms. Our mom 37. (love) fish so we 38.(prepare) her grilled salmon.



G      Fill in the correct phrase      (5x2)

     anything to drink         are you ready to order           here you are                  I’ll have a chef’s salad   thank you for inviting       I’m on a diet    

  1. Would you like anything to drink?
  2. Yes, I’ll have a glass of water, please.

39.   A. May I have the menu, please?

         B. _________________, sir.

40.   A. ___________________  me to dinner.

        B. Oh, you’re  welcome.

41.    A. Would you like something light?

         B. Yes, thank you. ________________.

42.    A. ________________, madam?

         B. I’d like the chicken curry, please.

43.    A. Would you like a starter?

         B. ______________, thank you.


H      Read the advertisement for a restaurant and mark the sentences T  (true) or  F  (false)   (5x2)



At the Anderson Place, the food is wonderful and the prices are reasonable. A meal for two costs about $50.

Are you looking for a restaurant to go with little children? Well, come visit us at the Anderson Place on Liublinskaya street. The Anderson place is a family restaurant with a kids’ playroom!

Your kid will love the funny vegetable salad for starter. For main course your child can choose between the caterpillar from meatballs or the funny face from pasta with vegetables. Don’t forget to order delicious grilled lamb with strawberry sauce or fantastic chicken curry for yourself! But save room for dessert. This Place is famous for great chocolate cheesecakes and amazing apple pies.


e.g. At the restaurant the food is boring.                                                F

44. The Anderson Place is a restaurant for children only.              ______

45. You can have salad for a starter.                                                  ______

46. The main dish has a form of an animal.                                      ______

47. A meal for two costs less than $60.                                             ______

48. The Anderson Place doesn’t work on Mondays                        ______

Test 9B      Food and Refreshments


A     Write the shopping list    (6x1)

e.g.       bread

1   ___________________

2   ___________________

3   ___________________

4   ___________________

5   ___________________

6   ___________________

1C:\Users\Артем\Desktop\8272_64912_19062013154744_15.jpg   2C:\Users\Артем\Desktop\976jalapeno_peppers.jpg

3C:\Users\Артем\Desktop\Mamenkina-dochka-f1.jpg 4C:\Users\Артем\Desktop\baranina.jpg

e.g.C:\Users\Артем\Desktop\e2e60edb774065bffeeb625b0ff215c9.jpgC:\Users\Артем\Desktop\47566_00012238.jpg   6C:\Users\Артем\Desktop\1325659290_coffee.jpg

B     Fill in the correct word    (8x1)

    packet    butter    bar     milk    cans     honey     kilo     vegetables      rice

e.g. Could I have a packet of nuts, please?

7. Don’t forget to buy a __________ of chocolate.

8. Mom asks you to buy a   ____________of sugar.

9. Remember to get three ___________of cola when you’re at the shop.

10. If you want to lose your weight, you should eat green  ____________.

11. How much does a kilo of  _____________ cost?

12. Tea with lemon is sour, would you like some  _____________?

13. What a mess! You’ve spilt ____________ on the table.

14. Will you get me some  ______________ from the fridge, please?

C    Underline the correct word    (6x1)

e.g. I can peel/pour a banana for you.

15. First, wash/eat four potatoes.

16.Should I mix/dice these onions?

17. Then, fry/stir the soup.

18. Before pouring butter on the popcorn you should melt/add it.

19. Finally, pour/mix all ingredients together in a big bowl.

20. You should bake/put muffins for 20-25 minutes.



D     Fill in the sentences with “some” or “any”   (6x2)

e.g. there aren’t any cookies left.

21. I think I’d like _________honey on my bread.

22. Is there __________ salt in the cupboard?

23. I usually have ___________ cornflakes with milk for breakfast.

24. We don’t need ___________ oil in this recipe.

25. Are there __________ carrots in the bag?

26. Ben has _____________ apples on the shelf.

E      Complete the sentences with “much” or “many”  (6x1)

e.g. How many apples are left?

27. You cooked too __________biscuits. What will we do with them?

28. There aren’t ___________ eggs left. We need more.

29. We haven’t got ___________ tea and coffee.

30. I think my mom uses too ____________ oil to fry meat.

31. Are there ____________ students in the class?

32. How ______________ bacon do you want in your omelette?

F      Write the correct form (Present Simple or Present Continous) of the verbs in brackets    (6x2)

My parents usually e.g. do their shopping on Saturday morning but today they 33. (watch) a film in the cinema. It 34. (be) their wedding anniversary and my brother and I 35. (plan) a  surprise party for them. We 36. (cook) a delicious chocolate cake and sirloin steak with creamed mushrooms. Our mom 37. (love) chicken so we 38.(make) her a chicken curry.

 G      Fill in the correct phrase      (5x2)

        anything to drink         are you ready to order           here you are                  I’ll have a chef’s salad   thank you for inviting       I’m on a diet    

  1. Would you like anything to drink?
  2. Yes, I’ll have a glass of water, please.

39.   A. May I have the menu, please?

         B. _________________, sir.

40.   A. __________________   me to dinner.

        B. Oh, you’re  welcome.

41.    A. Would you like something light?

         B. Yes, thank you. _________________.

42.    A. _________________, madam?

         B. I’d like the chicken curry, please.

43.    A. Would you like a starter?

         B. _________________, thank you.


H      Read the advertisement for a restaurant and mark the sentences T  (true) or  F  (false)   (5x2)



At the Anderson Place, the food is wonderful and the prices are reasonable. A meal for two costs about $50.

Are you looking for a restaurant to go with little children? Well, come visit us at the Anderson Place on Liublinskaya street. The Anderson place is a family restaurant with a kids’ playroom!

Your kid will love the funny vegetable salad for starter. For main course your child can choose between the caterpillar from meatballs or the funny face from pasta with vegetables. Don’t forget to order delicious grilled lamb with strawberry sauce or fantastic chicken curry for yourself! But save room for dessert. This Place is famous for great chocolate cheesecakes and amazing apple pies.


e.g. At the restaurant the food is boring.                                                F

44. The Anderson Place is a family restaurant.                                ______

45. You can have soup for a starter.                                                  ______

46. The main dish can be funny.                                                        ______

47. A meal for two costs more than $40.                                         ______

48. The Anderson Place is open on Wednesdays.                          ______

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