Методическая разработка по формированию разговорных навыков описания города.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс)
Данная разработка предлагает задания по формированию разговорных навыков при описании города, отработку употребления Past Simple при описании города в прошлом.
Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок по английскому языку “In the Past”.
УМК «Английский в фокусе» , 6 класс, Модуль 7 ”Now and then”
Цели урока:
-научить использовать умения и навыки при описании города в прошлом.
Задачи урока:
- учить использовать во всех видах речевой деятельности грамматического времени Past Simple;
- закрепить во всех видах речевой деятельности лексику по теме «Город».
-развивать практические умения и навыки восприятия речи на слух (аудиозапись, речь учителя, речь одноклассников);
- развивать мышление, память, логику, самостоятельность
- развивать социокультурную компетенцию;
- развивать познавательные интересы за рамками урока
- воспитывать культуру общения и поведения на уроке;
- воспитывать любовь и интерес к истории своего города
-формирование мотивации к изучению иностранного языка, интереса и уважения как к другим странам и народам, так и к своей стране
Оборудование: учебник, презентация, раздаточный материал – картинки городских зданий, для создания коллажа и описания созданного города с использованием лексики по теме
Ход урока.
- Организационный момент.
Hello, dear students. I’m happy to see you again. How are you today? Today we’ve got a lot of work to do. We’ll learn how to use Past Simple, how to describe different towns, to speak about places in the past and in the present.
- Основная часть.
- Введение и отработка лексики по теме «Город» (сл.2-7)
Today we’re going to visit different places. I’d like to be in a beautiful place. Here we are. I like this city. It’s a big modern city. The city is clean, busy, beautiful and crowded. The city has got wide streets and a lot of different buildings. Here you can find: a hotel, a school, a post office, a newsagent’s, a supermarket, a restaurant, a cafe, a doctor’s and a railway station. There are a lot of skyscrapers, old and modern buildings.
Now I’d like to visit another place, opposite to the one I’ve visited before. Oh, it’s so scary. No people, no cars, no working buildings. Everything is dull and gloomy. It’s a ghost town. It’s ugly, deserted, polluted and quiet. Why do you think it’s a ghost town? It is called a ghost town because …
- It’s a town ghosts live in.
- A town which doesn’t exist any more.
- A town in which people lived but now there aren’t any people left.
- Чтение с поиском детальной информации.
Let’s learn the history of the ghost town.
It was a different town in the past. In 1871 people lived in it. It was a busy town. There was a school, lots of shops, a post office, saloons, a doctor’s, a hotel, a restaurant, a weekly newspaper. People travelled on horses and by trains. They liked to spend their time in the saloons and restaurants. Everyone was happy and wealthy. Then the town started to change. It became quiet. Many families moved to other towns and the shops closed down. Today there are only a few ruined buildings left. Answer the questions about the text:
- When did people live in the town?
- How many people lived there?
- What was the town like?
- What was there in the town?
- How did people travel?
- Where did they spend their time?
- What were people like?
- What happened with the town?
- How did it change?
- Введение грамматической структуры Past Simple (сл.8-13).
Have a look at the phrases: people lived, people travelled, they liked, the town started, families moved, shops closed down. What actions do the verbs express-in the present or in the past? To speak about past actions we use Past Simple. We use Past Simple when the action happened: last month/year/week/ Monday/night..., 3 days/5 minutes ago.., in 1997/my childhood, yesterday. To speak about the events in the past we use V2. Verbs can be regular or irregular. Today we’re speaking about regular verbs. To make an affirmative sentence we add “ed” to the base form: I lived, we liked, travelled, started, closed, changed, opened. For a negative form we use did plus the base form of the verb: “We didn’t live in the city two years ago.” To make an interrogative sentence we use “did” and the base form of the verb V1: “Did you travel to Spain last year?” Be careful. We do not add “ed” to the base form of the verb here.
There are some spelling rules. -If the verb ends in “y” with the consonant before it we should change “y” into “i” and add -e: carry-carried, cry-cried, study-studied. But be careful: play-played. If the verb ends in “e” we just add -d: smile-smiled, like-liked, dance-danced. We double the last consonant, if there is only one vowel and one consonant in the end of the word: plan-planned, stop-stopped, ban-banned, rub-rubbed. And if the word ends in “l’ we usually double ‘l’: travel-travelled. And let’s revise the Past Simple of the verb “to be”. It has 2 past forms: “was”/” were”. I/he/she/it-was , They/we/you-were: She was at school yesterday. There was a school in the town. There were lots of nice buildings in the city.
- Отработка и закрепление структур Past Simple.
Change the sentences into the Past Simple (сл.14). Use the words in brackets:
- He lives in Paris. (in 1995)
- My father works at the factory. (2 years ago)
- We move to New York. (last year)
- They always work hard. ( at the last lesson)
- My grandfather is a good pilot. (5 years ago)
- Does she usually help her mother? ( yesterday)
- My brother always plays computer games. (last week)
- He doesn’t travel on horses. (in his childhood)
- Do you live in a modern town? (in 2014)
Well done. And now I’m going to tell you about my home town Peterhof. You’ll see old photos of Peterhof. But I’d like you to help me. Change the sentences from Present Simple into the Past simple and we’ll have the history of Peterhof. Let’s start (сл.15-23):
“It is a beautiful busy town. 12.000 people live in it. There are wonderful parks and gardens with beautiful fountains and royal palaces. There are magnificent churches and cathedrals. There is a school, a railway station, a hotel and a theatre. The streets are wide and clean. People live in lovely small two or three-story buildings. Some of them are made of bricks and some are small wooden houses. People travel on horses, by train and by bicycle. Members of the royal family like to spend summer in Peterhof. In the free time people visit musical concerts, walk in the parks and admire fireworks on holidays. But after 1917 life in the town changes greatly. Thank you. We’ve made the story about the past of my town.”
And now put the words in the sentences in the correct order (сл.24). The first group works with numbers1,2,3, the 2d- with the sentences 4,5,6 and the 3d team -with the sentences 7,8,9. The first team is the winner.
- Отработка репродуктивных умений описания города в прошлом.
Учащиеся делятся на 3 группы, им выдаются листы с изображениями различных городских зданий, которые они используют для создания коллажа города. По окончании работы дети описывают свой город, используя Past Simple. (сл.25, Приложение)
-And now I think you are ready to make a story about a town that you’ll create with the help of the pictures I’ll give you. You are divided into 3 groups. Each group is given a sheet of paper and a set of pictures. You’ll work in groups. Your task is to create your own old town and tell us about it. Use: It was… in the past. There were/ there was a … The streets were... People lived in… buildings/houses. People worked at… They travelled on…/by… They liked to spend their time … They walked in…
Well, I think you’re ready, represent us your town and tell us about it.
- Заключение.
Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия. Домашнее задание.
-Thank you for your work at the lesson. We’ve learned to describe the city, to speak about the town in the past using the V2.
Appreciate your work at the lesson. Are you pleased with your work?
Your marks for the lesson …
Your h/w is to find information, to write a story and to speak about your town 110 years ago.
The lesson is over, I hope it was useful and you liked it. See you later.
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