Использовании технологии "Jigsaw reading" on the lesson " INTERNET AND MODERN LIFE"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)

Картузова Валентина Ивановна
Для реализации познавательной и творческой активности школьника в учебном процессе используются современные образовательные технологии, дающие возможность повышать качество образования. Современные образовательные технологии ориентированы на индивидуализацию, дистанционность и вариативность образовательного процесса, академическую мобильность обучаемых, независимо от возраста и уровня образования.


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Использовании технологии "Jigsaw reading" on the lesson " INTERNET AND MODERN LIFE"


Ask SS: What words can you associate with the word "Internet".



The Internet has already entered our ordinary life. Everybody knows that the Internet is a global computer network, which embraces hundreds of millions of users all over the world and helps us to communicate with each other.

Nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet today, because there are hundreds of millions of users and their number is growing.

Nowadays the most popular Internet service is e-mail. Most of the people use the network only for sending and receiving e-mail messages. They can do it either they are at home or in the internet clubs or at work. Other popular services are reading news, telnet (телефония), working, gambling (азартные игры) and playing through the internet. etc. You can read the latest copy of your favorite newspaper while planning your night's TV viewing and ordering some cheap CDs from American discount disc store.

You can debate important problems on line, surf the net and get all sorts of information, enter the chat room with other Internet users, correspond with your friends, open your own web page (web site) and place there information about yourself.

You can send e-mail to someone you've never met before... Some people have «met» over the Internet and got married.

However, there are some problems. The most important problem is security. When you send an e-mail, your message can travel through many different networks and computers. The information can be changed. There are many encoding programs available. These programs are not perfect and can easily be cracked.

Another big and serious problem of the net is control. There is no effective control in the Internet, because a huge amount of information circulating through the net.

Card 1. True or false

1) The Internet isn't a global network.

 2) The number of users is growing day by day.

 3) There are not so many services in the Internet.

 4) You can do shopping over the Internet.

 5) Special encoding programs can help users to save their information.


Card 2. Fill in the table

Services                                                Problems

Card 3.


1)What is the Internet?

a)a global computer; b) a global network;

c) our life

2)What do people do with the Internet?

a)use ; b) pay; c) play

3) What can people read in the Internet?

a) only newspapers; b)only books; c)everything

4)Why is security the most important problem?

a) messages can be lost; b) messages can be improved;

c)messages can be changed.

5) Why are encoding programmes not perfect?

a) they can be broken down; b)they can be locked;

c) they can be opened

6)Why is control another big problem?

a) because of lack of information; b) because of lots of information;

c) because of rude users

Task: discuss the following questions:

1) Have you got an Internet access?

2) Do you think it's useful?

3) Can the Internet help you do your homework?

4) What services are of great importance for you?

5) What are the advantages of e-mail/ on-line shopping?

6) Some people have made friends through the Internet. What about you?

7) Some people say that computers make us less sociable. Do you agree?


-Divide SS into groups and ask them to describe how they use Internet in their own life

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