“Do You Use Modern Inventions in Everyday Life?”
методическая разработка (11 класс) по теме
ПЛАН-ПРОЕКТ УРОКА АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА “Do You Use Modern Inventions in Everyday Life?” (УМК В. П. Кузовлева и др. “English10-11”) 11класс
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Городской конкурс «Учитель года-2007»
“Do You Use Modern Inventions in Everyday Life?”
(УМК В. П. Кузовлева и др. “English 10-11”)
11 класс
Подготовила и провела
учитель английского языка
лицея № 4 г.Орла
Татьяна Петровна Музыченко
г. Орёл
- Познавательный аспект - знакомство с достижениями науки, которые используются в повседневной жизни.
- Развивающий аспект - развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия, воображения, развитие догадки о значении слов по картинкам, по аналогии с родным языком.
- Воспитательный аспект – формирование потребности и способности к критическому мышлению.
- Учебный аспект – формирование лексических навыков говорения;
Сопутствующие задачи: развитие умения читать/понимать речь на слух с разными стратегиями.
- Речевой материал - продуктивный лексический: a gadget, cordless, a talking alarm clock, a sewing machine, a TV remote control unit, to do calculations, to operate, a waste of time, automatic, safe, luxury.
Этапы | Учебно-коммуникативная деятельность | Примечания |
I | Подготовка учащихся к иноязычной деятельности | |
1. Организационный момент - Приветствие - Проверка готовности класса и учащихся к уроку Good morning, girls and boys. I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. Prepare all your necessary things for the lesson; put your books, exercise books and pens on you desks. I hope, now you are ready for your English lesson. - Функциональная установка к уроку Look at these two models of the rooms. Can you tell the difference? Can you name the objects that make this room look modern? 2. Фонетическая зарядка - Совершенствовать произношение звуков [t], [r], [w] Let’s pronounce the sounds correctly: [t] – computer, TV set, telephone, calculator; [r] – camera, electronic, recorder, video recorder; [w] – wash, washing machine, dish washer, microwave oven, mower. 3. Речевая зарядка Задача: Развитие неподготовленной речи учащихся. Побеседовать о функциях различных бытовых приборов. (На основе материала предыдущего урока.) Teacher. Answer the questions and find the gadget I’ll describe on the blackboard. - What do you need to watch films? We need TV or video. - What do you need to wash your clothes? We need a washing machine. - What do you need to clean your carpets and furniture? We need a vacuum cleaner. - What do you need to solve problems in Math's? We need a calculator. - What do you need to take photos? We need a camera. - What do you need to cook? We need a microwave oven. - What do you use for ironing? An iron. - What do you use for washing the dishes? A dish-washer. - What do you use for keeping food fresh? A refrigerator. - What do you use for listening to music? A tape recorder. | Макеты комнат: старинной и современной Изображения расположены на доске, на обратной стороне – название (для самоконтроля). | |
II | Работа с новым языковым материалом | |
Формирование навыков. Задача: Научить воспринимать, понимать и произносить новые лексические единицы по теме. Which of these things have you got at your home? What do use them for? Which of them would you like to have? | Упр. 4, с. 215 | |
III | Обучение различным видам речевой деятельности | |
1. Развитие перцептивных навыков аудирования Задача: развитие умения понимать речь на слух с целью извлечения детальной информации. Установка: Listen to what the members of the family are talking about. Can you identify the things? 2. Развитие речевых умений и навыков Задача 1: Совершенствование лексических навыков говорения. Установка: You are finishing school this year and maybe you’ll soon have the family of your own. Let’s play a game. Imagine that you have got a family and you are going to buy all the necessary electronic devices for your flat. Let’s form three families. Here are the word combinations that you may need. Look them through: have you got any questions? Make a project of your flat, fill in all the equipment you may need. Explain your choice. Which project do you like most? Задача 2: Развивать умение читать с детальным пониманием. Установка: As far as I can see, many of you have got computers at home. What do you usually do with your computers? Let’s read the text and learn about some other possibilities. Do you think it is really possible? Let’s hope so. | Ex. 1(1), p. 213 Подстановочные таблицы. План – проект квартиры. Текст “Computers That Do Everything” | |
IV | Заключительный этап | |
Today we’ve talked about inventions that make our life easier.
And now open your record books and write down your home task.
You’ve got some cards. I wonder if you can tell what is there. If you have enough cards to make the word “TV set”, then your mark is definitely 5. Give me your record books. The lesson is over, thank you. Good-bye everyone! | AB упр. 4, с. 92; текст “Future of Technology” |
Речевая зарядка
(по картинкам с изображением бытовой техники):
Teacher. Answer the questions.
- What do you need to watch films?
We need TV or video.
- What do you need to wash your clothes?
We need a washing machine.
- What do you need to clean your carpets and furniture?
We need a vacuum cleaner.
- What do you need to solve problems in Math's?
We need a calculator.
- What do you need to take photos?
We need a camera.
- What do you need to cook?
We need a microwave oven.
- What do you use for ironing?
An iron.
- What do you use for washing the dishes?
A dish-washer.
- What do you use for keeping food fresh?
A refrigerator.
- What do you use for listening to music?
A tape recorder.
Computer users have had the ability to play games for many years but now their performance has gone beyond playing games and they can do practically anything. Once computer diaries and calculators just helped organize our working lives, and the games provided entertainment.
The relationship between humans and computers was clearer. In the past, a computer was simply a machine and no substitute for the warmth and companionship of a human being. You can now tell a computer your problems and it can ask you about your personal feelings and aspire. There is no need for them to reach out to their family or friends and psychologists will soon be unemployed.
Many people find this situation intolerable and clearly object to the way people use computers to escape from reality.
Technology has already made it possible for parents to sit at work and watch their children playing or studying at home through a computer at work and video cameras. The way technology is advancing we will soon be able to control nearly everything using a computer or central remote control sending signals to a computer.
Imagine yourself sitting in your car on the way home from work. You pick up the remote control and switch the hot water heater on for a well-deserved bath as soon as you get home. Then, while waiting at the traffic lights, you check to see if there are any messages on your answer phone, or any faxes. The wind is a bit chilly so you turn up the central heating a couple of degrees and close the curtains so that it feels warmer when you finally get home. The traffic is not moving very fast and you are stuck behind the wheel, so turn on the oven to cook the casserole you left ready this morning, and switch the washing machine.
You don't want to miss your favourite chat show so you programme the video to have it recorded. Soon you arrive home, head for the front door, you press a button and the burglar alarm is set.
Does all this sound impossible and unlikely? Well, a lot of this technology is available today and in the near future, everyone will be using it.
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Do You Use Modern Inventions in Everyday Life?
-знакомит с достижениями науки, которые используются вповседневной жизни; - формирует лексические навыки говорения...