Презентация "Роль рефлексивной практики в образовательном процессе"
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Сиротенко Марина Сергеевна

Дополнительный материал к семинару-тренингу по теме "Роль рефлексивной практики в образовательном процессе"


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

«The Role of Reflective Practice in Teaching» Salekhard , 2015 Sirotenko Marina Sergeevna , the teacher of EFL, the secondary school №4

Слайд 2

Target Teacher Group – teachers of EFL from secondary school №4, Salekhard (4 people) friendly, outgoing, creative; work experience: about 15 - 20 years; good knowledge and language skills; very experienced in practical teaching; glad to refresh their knowledge and skills in teaching techniques, tools and tactics; open to new ideas; ready to share their own experience of teaching methodology and practice with colleagues.

Слайд 3

Aim of the workshop: understanding the importance and need to use reflective practice in teaching as a mechanism for professional development and teaching skills. Learning Outcomes : to identify what « Reflection/Reflexivity/Critical Reflection/Reflective Practice » mean; to define the value of reflective practice in teaching; to introduce Gibbs ’ Reflective Cycle and acquaint with different reflective tools and techniques in teaching; to support trainees in practicing reflective tools. Learning Output: Trainees should be able to make a list of reflective tools and techniques they would like to use in teaching.

Слайд 4

Stage 1. Lead in a training program : to identify the topic of the workshop; using a brainstorming activity «Thought Progression», « Think-Pair - Share » . Stage 2 . Definition of Reflective Practice : to introduce definitions « Reflection », « Reflexivity », « Critical Reflection », « Reflective Practice » in teaching; using the activity « Graffiti »; interaction patterns – a pair work, open class. Stage 3. The value of «Reflective Practice» in teaching : to identify and discuss the value of «Reflective Practice» in teaching; using an in-class activity «Quotes» ,« Pyramid Discussion » , a mingle activity «Find someone who…???» Stage 4. The Structure of Reflection : to introduce the model of Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle; to discuss the sample of Reflective Cycle Plan; using a poster-making activity; pair work, open class. Sequence of workshop stages Stage 5. Reflective Practice tools and techniques: types, description, usage area; using the activity "Matching". Stage 6. Practice in using reflective tools and techniques: to watch and analyze a video lesson using one form of reflective tools: 1) Reflective lesson plan; 2) a Teaching dairy; 3) Reflective Cycle Plan. Stage 7. Follow up. Reflection/Feedback : using « Practice Teaching Feedback Questionnaire » .

Слайд 6

The most effective stages: "Introducing the model of Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle, reflective techniques and tools and their using in practice" The greatest activities : "Graffiti", "Poster-making activity", a mingling activity "Find someone who...?","Pyramid Discussion", "Cross-pairs". But some of them need revision in the content

Слайд 7

If we don't reflect, then we are teaching "in the dark" without knowing if we are effective and if we should modify our teaching. Unknown https://www.google.ru/search

Слайд 8

References: Linda Lawrence-Wilkes. Definitions of Reflection/Reflexivity/Critical Reflection/ Reflective Practice, 2015 ( West Yorkshire, United Kingdom , Leeds City College , Learning & Development): http://www.businessballs.com/reflective-practice.htm . Definition of Reflective Practice : Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reflective_practice . Donald Alan Schön . The article «Reflective Practice», 1987: Definition of ReflectivePractice : https://reflectivepracticecpd.wikispaces.com/Definitions3 Duckworth, 2010: p.41. The article «Reflective Practice»: Definition of ReflectivePractice : https :// reflectivepracticecpd.wikispaces.com /Definitions3 Learning to Teach, 2015: the article about becoming a reflective practitioner (the Open University): http://www.open.edu/openlearn/education/learning-teach-becoming reflective-practitioner/content-section-0 Julie Tice. Reflective teaching: Exploring our own classroom practice, 2004 (British Council): http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/node/378/events . Quotes: https://www.google.ru/search . The Article «The Role of Reflective Practice» (Office of Faculty and InstructionalDevelopment ) : file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/The_Role_of_Reflection_in_Teaching%20(1).pdf . How does Reflection Help Teachers to Become Effective Teachers?, 2013 (International J. Educational Research Vol.1 Issue 4, ISSN: 2306-7063): http://ijsse.com/ijer/sites/default/files/papers/2013/v1i4/Paper-1.pdf . Gibbs, 1988. The article «Gibbs' Reflective Cycle» (by the Mind Tools): https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/reflective-cycle.htm

Слайд 9

The Article «Reflective Practice», 2010 (funded through the SWitch Centre for Excellence in Teacher Training(CETT)) https://www.google.ru/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBsQFjAAahUKEwj3nsGmrIrJAhWijXIKHVqMB78&url=http%3A%2F%2Fitslifejimbutnotasweknowit.org.uk%2Ffiles%2FRefPract%2FRefPract_WhatisReflection_Frameworks_Res.doc&usg=AFQjCNFKUUUShO5XBFIVF1NQcaXMSC9gkA&sig2=2ffYla50bP4RkB8PmzPkxA&bvm=bv.107406026,d.bGQ Reflective Tools from workshop: CPD with the British Council, 2012 Lesson Plan Self-reflection and Evaluation: https://www.google.ru/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=10&ved=0CEUQFjAJahUKEwiwzdfB84_JAhUHEHIKHSpvCLM&url=http%3A%2F%2Fippobuk.cv.ua%2Fimages%2FLesson_Plan_Self_reflection_and_Assessment.doc&usg=AFQjCNFu5ZaGXZl1zAg3SNyjcwVPFJHQZA&sig2=w2PmdPicDpLnfGo-yVKwfQ&bvm=bv.107467506,d.bGQ . Sample Reflective Dairy: http://mncampuscompact.org/clio/wpcontent/uploads/sites/2/2014/07/Reflection-Activities-for-All-Classrooms.pdf Continuing Professional Development: Teacher’s self-evaluation of the lesson (Lessons from India Edited by Rod Bolitho and Amol Padwad , British Council): https://www.britishcouncil.in/sites/default/files/continuing_professional_develpoment_-_lessons_from_india.pdf Briony Beaven . TEACHER DEVELOPMENT: What? How? (explains the importance of making input processes explicit on training courses), May 2011: www.etprofessional.com

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