Презентация "Роль рефлексивной практики в образовательном процессе"
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Дополнительный материал к семинару-тренингу по теме "Роль рефлексивной практики в образовательном процессе"
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Target Teacher Group – teachers of EFL from secondary school №4, Salekhard (4 people) friendly, outgoing, creative; work experience: about 15 - 20 years; good knowledge and language skills; very experienced in practical teaching; glad to refresh their knowledge and skills in teaching techniques, tools and tactics; open to new ideas; ready to share their own experience of teaching methodology and practice with colleagues.
Aim of the workshop: understanding the importance and need to use reflective practice in teaching as a mechanism for professional development and teaching skills. Learning Outcomes : to identify what « Reflection/Reflexivity/Critical Reflection/Reflective Practice » mean; to define the value of reflective practice in teaching; to introduce Gibbs ’ Reflective Cycle and acquaint with different reflective tools and techniques in teaching; to support trainees in practicing reflective tools. Learning Output: Trainees should be able to make a list of reflective tools and techniques they would like to use in teaching.
Stage 1. Lead in a training program : to identify the topic of the workshop; using a brainstorming activity «Thought Progression», « Think-Pair - Share » . Stage 2 . Definition of Reflective Practice : to introduce definitions « Reflection », « Reflexivity », « Critical Reflection », « Reflective Practice » in teaching; using the activity « Graffiti »; interaction patterns – a pair work, open class. Stage 3. The value of «Reflective Practice» in teaching : to identify and discuss the value of «Reflective Practice» in teaching; using an in-class activity «Quotes» ,« Pyramid Discussion » , a mingle activity «Find someone who…???» Stage 4. The Structure of Reflection : to introduce the model of Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle; to discuss the sample of Reflective Cycle Plan; using a poster-making activity; pair work, open class. Sequence of workshop stages Stage 5. Reflective Practice tools and techniques: types, description, usage area; using the activity "Matching". Stage 6. Practice in using reflective tools and techniques: to watch and analyze a video lesson using one form of reflective tools: 1) Reflective lesson plan; 2) a Teaching dairy; 3) Reflective Cycle Plan. Stage 7. Follow up. Reflection/Feedback : using « Practice Teaching Feedback Questionnaire » .
The most effective stages: "Introducing the model of Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle, reflective techniques and tools and their using in practice" The greatest activities : "Graffiti", "Poster-making activity", a mingling activity "Find someone who...?","Pyramid Discussion", "Cross-pairs". But some of them need revision in the content
If we don't reflect, then we are teaching "in the dark" without knowing if we are effective and if we should modify our teaching. Unknown https://www.google.ru/search
References: Linda Lawrence-Wilkes. Definitions of Reflection/Reflexivity/Critical Reflection/ Reflective Practice, 2015 ( West Yorkshire, United Kingdom , Leeds City College , Learning & Development): http://www.businessballs.com/reflective-practice.htm . Definition of Reflective Practice : Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reflective_practice . Donald Alan Schön . The article «Reflective Practice», 1987: Definition of ReflectivePractice : https://reflectivepracticecpd.wikispaces.com/Definitions3 Duckworth, 2010: p.41. The article «Reflective Practice»: Definition of ReflectivePractice : https :// reflectivepracticecpd.wikispaces.com /Definitions3 Learning to Teach, 2015: the article about becoming a reflective practitioner (the Open University): http://www.open.edu/openlearn/education/learning-teach-becoming reflective-practitioner/content-section-0 Julie Tice. Reflective teaching: Exploring our own classroom practice, 2004 (British Council): http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/node/378/events . Quotes: https://www.google.ru/search . The Article «The Role of Reflective Practice» (Office of Faculty and InstructionalDevelopment ) : file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/The_Role_of_Reflection_in_Teaching%20(1).pdf . How does Reflection Help Teachers to Become Effective Teachers?, 2013 (International J. Educational Research Vol.1 Issue 4, ISSN: 2306-7063): http://ijsse.com/ijer/sites/default/files/papers/2013/v1i4/Paper-1.pdf . Gibbs, 1988. The article «Gibbs' Reflective Cycle» (by the Mind Tools): https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/reflective-cycle.htm
The Article «Reflective Practice», 2010 (funded through the SWitch Centre for Excellence in Teacher Training(CETT)) https://www.google.ru/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBsQFjAAahUKEwj3nsGmrIrJAhWijXIKHVqMB78&url=http%3A%2F%2Fitslifejimbutnotasweknowit.org.uk%2Ffiles%2FRefPract%2FRefPract_WhatisReflection_Frameworks_Res.doc&usg=AFQjCNFKUUUShO5XBFIVF1NQcaXMSC9gkA&sig2=2ffYla50bP4RkB8PmzPkxA&bvm=bv.107406026,d.bGQ Reflective Tools from workshop: CPD with the British Council, 2012 Lesson Plan Self-reflection and Evaluation: https://www.google.ru/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=10&ved=0CEUQFjAJahUKEwiwzdfB84_JAhUHEHIKHSpvCLM&url=http%3A%2F%2Fippobuk.cv.ua%2Fimages%2FLesson_Plan_Self_reflection_and_Assessment.doc&usg=AFQjCNFu5ZaGXZl1zAg3SNyjcwVPFJHQZA&sig2=w2PmdPicDpLnfGo-yVKwfQ&bvm=bv.107467506,d.bGQ . Sample Reflective Dairy: http://mncampuscompact.org/clio/wpcontent/uploads/sites/2/2014/07/Reflection-Activities-for-All-Classrooms.pdf Continuing Professional Development: Teacher’s self-evaluation of the lesson (Lessons from India Edited by Rod Bolitho and Amol Padwad , British Council): https://www.britishcouncil.in/sites/default/files/continuing_professional_develpoment_-_lessons_from_india.pdf Briony Beaven . TEACHER DEVELOPMENT: What? How? (explains the importance of making input processes explicit on training courses), May 2011: www.etprofessional.com
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