Методическая разработка урока английского языка по теме "Sport in our life"
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Конспект урока английского языка на тему "Спорт в нашей жизни".
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Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект урока английского языка для студентов СПО
По теме «Sport in our life»
Цель урока: формирование умения высказываться по теме «Спорт
Задачи урока:
Обучающие: обогащение и закрепление лексического запаса учащихся по теме «Спорт в нашей жизни», совершенствование речевых умений говорения по теме «Спорт», развитие навыка чтения.
Развивающие: формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся, развитие речевых и языковых способностей, памяти, внимания, работать в группе и индивидуально.
Воспитательные: формировать устойчивый интерес к изучению английского языка, формировать позитивное отношение к спорту.
Формы обучения: фронтальная, групповая, индивидуальная, в парах.
Тип урока: комбинированный
I. Организационный момент: приветствие, ознакомление студентов с темой урока и ходом работы.
T.: Good morning, students. I am glad to see you. I hope you feel good and are ready to start our lesson. Today we continue our work at the theme «Sport in our life». We will review what you already learnt at the previous lessons and have some new information and discuss the problems connected with sport. And I hope at the end of our lesson you will be able to give your opinion about sport.
Фонетическая зарядка.
T.: First we will repeat pronunciation of some words connected with sport. Look at the screen, please. Here you can see some words and expressions. Let’s read it.
to go in for sport
to be keen on
to take part in
physical training
sport achievements
Речевая зарядка.
T.: Now I want you to answer my questions.
- What sports do you know?
- Are you against or for sports?
- Is sport important to you?
- Do you like to watch sports on TV? What are they?
- What is your attitude towards extreme sports?
- What is your favourite kinds of sport?
Students give their ideas.
II. Основная часть.
1. Активизация лексического материала.
T.: Students, look at the screen. Your task is to fill in «do, play or go». Do you remember the difference between the words sport and game?
Student’s possible ideas:
- Play is used with team sports and ball sports
- Go is used with sports ending in –ing
- Do is used with activities that can be done alone
T.: Yes, you are absolutely right. Let’s start it.
1. _____ gymnastics (do) 9. _____ dancing (go)
2. _____ football (play) 10. _____ yoga (do)
3. _____ baseball (play) 11. _____ table-tennis (play)
4. _____skating (go) 12. _____ karate (do)
5. _____ chess (play) 13. _____ skiing (go)
6. _____ aerobics (do) 14. _____ volleyball (play)
7. _____ running (go) 15. _____ sailing (go)
8. _____ swimming (go) 16. _____ judo (do)
T.: Look at the next slide, please. Match sport and games with their descriptions.
1. The practice of swimming with diving mask. 1. Boxing
2. The sport of fighting with fists. 2. Rugby
3. A game of 2 or 4 people who use rackets and small ball and a low net. 3. Athletics
4. A form of football in which the players use their hands. 4. Snorkelling
5. A game played by 6 players on an ice-field. 5. Badminton
6. The sport of one who runs, jumps or walks. 6. Ice-hockey
7. A game like tennis played indoors or outdoors. Instead of balls shuttlecocks 7. Tennis
are used.
2. Работа с текстом (развитие навыков чтения)
a) чтение текста (Текст взят из учебника английского языка для учреждений НПО и СПО «Planet of English», составители Г.Т. Безкоровайная и др., 2012 год)
T.: Ok, students. You have a list with a text. Now we will read a text about sport and do some exercises. (Учащиеся читают текст по абзацам)
b) работа над содержанием текста
T.: Find the Russian equivalents:
- to stay in good shape
- to keep fit
- an opponent
- try to score
- the queen of all sports
- to comprise
- to be a devoted fan
T.: There are some statements. Are they true or false? Correct the false ones.
1. Sport helps people to keep them fit and stay in good shape.
2. People who play a game are sportsmen.
3. Two players playing with each other are opponents.
4. Gymnastics is the queen of all sports.
5. The most popular sport is tennis.
6. Athletics comprises such kinds of sports as running, jumping, racewalking and others.
7. International championships take place every four years.
8. Everyone who likes sport can take part in the Olimpic Games.
Sport and games
Millions of people all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport helps people to stay in good shape, keeps them fit and makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities.
We are sure you are all interested in sport. Many of you certainly play such games as volleyball or football, basketball or tennis. People who play a game are players. Players form teams and play matches with other teams – their opponents. Two players playing with each other are partners. Each team can lose or win. In a football match players try to score as many goals as they can. Most matches take place in large stadiums.
Athletics is the most popular sport. People call it «the queen of all sports». It comprises such kinds of sports as running (for different distances), jumping (long and high jumps) and others.
From time to time international championships and races (horse races, motor races, cycle races) take place. Representatives of various countries can win gold, silver or bronze medals. Such great championships in sport are organized every four years and we call them the Olimpic Games. Only the best may take part in them.
There are so many kinds of sports, such as cycling, swimming, gymnastics, boxing, skating, skiing, rowing, yachting and many more in which you can take an active part or just be a devoted fan.
3. Физическая разминка
T.: You did a good job. Let’s have a rest. (Упражнение для глаз, для улучшения кровообращения)
Look left, look right,
Look up, look down.
Look around.
Look at your nose,
Look at that rose,
Close your eyes.
Open, wink and smile.
4. Work in pairs (развитие диалогической речи)
T.: In pairs perform a dialogue about sport. Ask each other about your favourite sport, what can you do, how good you are at it.
5. Work in groups
T.: Students, do you agree that sport is very important? But some people do not agree that sport is useful. And they have some arguments for it. Why do they think so? Now you are divided into 2 groups to discuss advantages and disadvantages of doing sport. You have some minutes for this (The teacher writes down the arguments in 2 columns on the blackboard).
Student’s possible ideas:
- Sport helps to develop bravery, self-confidence;
- It improves our outlook;
- Sport makes people healthy;
- Sport makes us strong;
- It increases fitness;
- It’s a possibility to become famous;
- It gives you a pleasure;
- Sport allows you to make new friends.
- Sport can be very dangerous;
- It needs to work hard;
- It takes a lot of time and energy;
- Sportsmen often do not have any profession;
- It is sometimes unfair;
- Professional sports cost a lot of money.
T.: Yes, you are right. At the end of our lesson I hope you are able to give your own opinion towards sport and its role in our life. Try to complete and give your opinion, using some word combinations on the screen. They can help you to express your attitude on this topic. (совершенствование навыков монологической речи)
In my opinion …
I think …
As for me …
On the one hand it …
On the other hand…
Truly speaking / frankly …
Резервное задание.
T.: I have some English proverbs about sport. Try to guess the meaning and give Russian equivalents.
1. In sports and journeys men are known (Люди познаются в спорте и в путешествиях).
2. A sound mind in a sound body (В здоровом теле здоровый дух).
3. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile (После обеда отдохни, после ужина милю пройди).
4. It’s not whether you win or lose that matters, it’s how you play the game (Неважно, выигрываешь ты или проигрываешь, важно как ты играешь).
5. Stumbling is not falling (Споткнуться – не упасть).
III. Подведение итогов урока.
T.: Thank you for our lesson. You were active. Today we revised different kinds of sports we have learnt before, word combinations, read the text about popular sports, discussed good and bad sides of doing sport.
What new or interesting things did you find out?
Did you like the lesson?
How is your mood?
Our lesson is over. Have a nice day. Good bye.
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