Литературный урок
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Бучина Маргарита Викторовна
Look at the picture. What might this person be? Try to guess.
He was one of the world’s most talented writers.  He was able to write in many styles, whether it be science-fiction or nonfiction.  Although talented in many areas and genres of the literary world, it is for his contribution to the realm of science-fiction that he will always be remembered. 
Yes, that's right. This is Herbert George Wells.
Watch a video "The never-aging mannequin".
In the movie "The Time Machine" (produced 1960 after a novel by H. G. Wells) a display dummy is used to illustrate the progress of time.
Its dresses are changed in fast (and faster) motion. It represents both the rapidness of all these fleeting impressions and - with its lasting charm and chic - a contrast  to the threatenings of the the war times which interrupt three times the time travel.
No wonder, the pilot calls it once "my never-aging friend".
What might the book be about? Is it fiction or non-fiction book?
The book might be about a machine that can
take people through time. It is fictional.
Let's read about G.Wells and get to know some interesting facts about his life.
Make up 10 more different questions on his biography and write them down in your exersise books.
  Herbert George Wells was born on September 21, 1866 in Bromely, Kent, England. He was the fourth child to Sarah and Joseph Wells, owners of a crockery shop called Atlas House. It was Joseph's career as a professional Cricket player that helped them survive. Herbert was seven years old. He was laid up on the sofa for days, his only entertainment were books that he got from his father and neighbors. This opportunity to read great classics initiated his love of reading and writing.The second incident happened four years later when Joseph Wells fell off a ladder, ending his Cricket career. 
        Herbert's mother had been saving up for a while, and had made enough to send him to a private school. After passing numerous examinations in different subjects, he achieved advanced passes in many. Wells did so well, that he was invited to apply for a scholarship at the Normal School of Science in North Kensington. He wrote many short science fiction stories during this period.
       Herbert failed in geology class during his third term at North Kensington destroying his scientific career, so he accepted a teaching job in Wales. However, he never made it there due to a kidney injury while playing football and was then further halted by a diagnosis that he had tuberculosis. After going through a few odd jobs in London, he got a job teaching at a private academy. H.G. Wells was awarded a Bachelor Degree of Science and achieved a new position at the University Correspondence College.
       Wells wrote a science book and co-authored another, and also wrote a few articles for various newspapers and newsletters while resting, due to a worsening of his illness. He then married his cousin, Isabel, who he cheated on with her friend after just a few weeks. After a reoccurrence of his tuberculosis, he was convinced he needed to quit his teaching job. After Isabel died in 1891 at an age of 64, he married the Amy Catherine Robins, a young student. After writing a few more articles and series for newspapers, Wells first book, "The Time Machine" (Originally "The Chronic Argonauts"), was printed. He later released such classics as "The Island of Dr. Moreau" (1896), "The Invisible Man"(1897), "War of the Worlds" (1898), and "The First Men In The Moon" (1901). In his later years, Wells wrote a number of books using his lower-middle-class background as references.
        He had two children with Amy, his eldest George co-writing "The Science of Life" (1929) with him. He died on the 13th of August, 1946 in his home in London, England.

Imagine, that you have just been on a journey in a time machine. Write short description of your journey.

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