Методическая разработка урока «Do you know traffic rules?»
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Данная методическая разработка может быть использована для обучения английскому языку в 5-8 классах в рамках одного урока самостоятельно, без привязки к конкретному учебнику на этапе закрепления ранее пройденного материала по теме «Do you know traffic rules?». Методическая разработка данного занятия составлена с учетом современных образовательных технологий, применяемых на данном уроке: технология коммуникативного обучения иноязычной культуре, обучение в сотрудничестве, проектная деятельность.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Методическая разработка
«Do you know traffic rules? »
Цели урока: 1) образовательная:
- способствовать повышению интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка;
- познакомить учащихся со знаками дорожного движения (предупреждающими, разрешающими, запрещающими и информирующими) и правилами поведения на дороге (для пешеходов, велосипедистов, пассажиров).
- приобщать учащихся к культуре и традициям англо-говорящих стран;
2) воспитательная:
- воспитывать культуру поведения учащихся на дороге и ответственное отношение к правилам дорожного движения;
- способствовать созданию благоприятного психологического климата в классе и атмосферы доброжелательности;
3) развивающая:
- развивать внимание, память и логическое мышление учащихся;
- способствовать развитию умения работать в группах;
4) практическая:
- совершенствовать произносительные навыки учащихся;
- ознакомить учащихся с новой лексикой по теме “Traffic rules” и тренировать в ее использовании в речи;
- развивать умения и навыки говорения учащихся по теме “Traffic rules” ;
- развивать умения и навыки чтения учащихся на основе текста “Lollipop Lady” и проверить понимание прочитанного;
- формировать умения учащихся в составлении и защите проектной работы.
Оборудование урока: экран, компьютер, проектор; карточки с заданиями, карточки для проектной работы, УМК “Enjoy English 3”, рисунки по теме «Traffic Rules».
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент.
1. Сообщение целей и задач урока.
- Good morning, boys and girls. You are so beautiful today. I’m very glad to see you. How are you today? Ok, let’s start our lesson. Today we’ll make a journey to the world of traffic signs and traffic rules. We’ll talk about road safety and introduce with traffic rules in Russia and in Great Britain.
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
- To begin with, let’s train our tongues and do phonetic exercise. Look at the board, please.
This is traffic light. What traffic lights do you know? (green, red and yellow)
Yes, you are right. Listen to the poem about traffic light.
Twinkle, twinkle traffic light,
On the corner shining bright.
Red means stop,
Green means go,
Yellow means very, very slow.
Twinkle, twinkle traffic light,
On the corner shining bright.
- And now let’s read it all together.
Ok, Masha, read this poem once again. (дети читают по 2 строчки)
- That's right. Your reading is very good. What other poems about traffic light do you know? (Дети рассказывают стихи о светофоре.)
II. Основная часть.
1. Речевая зарядка.
- We all live in a big city. And there are different means of transport there. Now let’s talk a little about them.
- What means of transport do you know? (bike, taxi, car, bus, tram, trolleybus)
- Do you like to ride a bike?
- Does your father have a car?
- Can you drive? Can your mother drive a car?
- Would you like to drive a car? a bus?
- Have you ever driven a car?
- How do you get to school: by bus or on foot?
- Do you go to school by taxi?
- Ok, thank you for your answers. I see, you know different means of transport.
2. Семантизация новой лексики по теме «Traffic rules». (pedestrian, passenger, biker, crossing)
a) Фонетичекая отработка новых слов.
- To talk about traffic rules, we should learn some new words and phrases. So look at the blackboard. (Учитель показывает картинки и вводит новые слова)
This is a passenger. Repeat, please. Ilya, is this a passenger? (Yes, this is a passenger.)
cross the road
walk at the crossing
turn left/right
traffic sign
break the rules
follow the rules
give up seats to the old people
get on/off a bus
б) тренировка учащихся в использовании новых слов в речи.
Игра «Match the words».
- Children, do you like to play? Ok, now let’s play the game “Match the words.” Each group has cards with 2 columns of words. Match the words and make phrases. (Дети составляют фразы из слов.) Let's check your task. What phrases do you have?
Passengers: cross a car turn the rules drive a car break traffic rules know left | Pedestrians: traffic a bus follow signs to be right get on passenger turn the rules | Bakers: to be seats get off a bike cross a pedestrian give up at the crossing ride a bus |
(Учащиеся сверяют фразы с фразами на доске.)
в) закрепление новых слов в речи учащихся с помощью вопросно-ответной формы.
- What can we do on the road? (We can walk, go by bus, drive a car, ride a bike)
So what are we if we walk? (We are pedestrians.)
Are you passengers? (Yes, we are. We are passengers when we walk.)
Can you drive? (No, I can’t.) Are you a driver? (No, I’m not. I am not a driver.)
Are you a biker? (Yes, I am a biker because I like to ride a bike.)
So we are passengers, pedestrians and bikers on the road.
And today we have 3 groups. The 1st group we’ll be passengers, the 2nd – pedestrians and the 3rd one is bikers.
- Where can you cross the road? (At the crossing.)
Should you know traffic signs? (Yes, we should.)
Do you break traffic rules? (No, I don’t.)
Do you follow them? (Yes, I do. I always follow traffic rules.)
Must you give up seats to the old people? (Yes, we must.)
Where should you get on a bus? (At the bus stop.)
3. Ознакомление учащихся со знаками дорожного движения.
а) Введение дорожных знаков.
- Or transport world is full of different signs. They are called road signs. They tell us what we can do, what we should do and what we mustn’t do in the street.
( can / should / mustn’t ) Let’s introduce with some traffic signs.
As you know, there are 4 types of signs.
Know it! These signs are red and triangle.
Don’t do it! These signs are red and round.
Do it! These signs are blue and round.
Information. These signs inform you.
б) Викторина (Quiz) (слайд)
- Do you know these signs? Ok, so let’s check how well you know traffic signs. Let’s do the quiz. Look at the sign, please, and choose the right variant. (Дети отвечают на вопросы викторины на слайде) Good for you. I see you know traffic signs very well.
в) Развитие умений и навыков говорения учащихся. (Вопросы T— Ss)
- Now let’s check how well you know traffic rules. Answer my questions, please. Be careful.
Can you cross street with red traffic light? (No, we can’t. We can cross the street with green traffic light.)
Can you play on the roads? (No, we can’t. We mustn’t play on the roads.)
Can you run over the street? (No, we mustn’t run over the street.)
How should you cross the street? (We should cross the street at the crossing.)
Can you ride a bike if you are 11? (We can ride a bike when we are 14.)
Must passengers give up seats to the old people? (Yes, we must. We must give up seats to the old people.)
- Well done. Thank you for your answers.
г) Rules for pedestrians, passengers, bikers.
- And now look at the board, please. Here you can see some traffic rules. Let’s read them. (Дети читают правила для пешеходов) What are these traffic rules for: passengers, pedestrians or bikers? (These traffic rules are for passengers.)
(Читаем правила для пешеходов и велосипедистов)
4. Развитие умений и навыков говорения учащихся (poems about traffic rules).
- Well, children, do you know poems about traffic rules? Liza, tell us a poem.
(Дети рассказывают стихи о ПДД)
5. Развитие умений и навыков чтения учащихся на основе текста “Lollipop Lady”
- We have talked about traffic signs and traffic rules in Russia. But do you know what traffic signs in Great Britain? (I think they have the same signs.) Yes, Liza, you are right. They have the same signs as we do. But some signs are different. Look at the board, please. As you see, they have the sign “Elderly people” . Do we have this sign in Russia? (No, we don’t.)
- And what is the most interesting there are Lollipop Ladies in Great Britain. Have you ever heard about “Lollipop ladies”? (No, we haven’t.) Children, do we have lollypop ladies in Russia? (No, we don’t.) Let’s read the text about lollipop ladies. Open your books on page 84 ex. 21. It was your home reading.
а) Прослушивание текста.
- But first let’s listen to this text on the tape recorder.
б) Чтение текста учащимися.
- Ok, I want you to read this text and then we’ll do the task.
в) Проверка понимания прочитанного учащимися: игра «True or False»ю
- Now, let’s play the game “True or False”. Listen to my statements and say if they are true or false. Be careful.
1. Lollipop ladies help children to cross the street.
(It’s true. They help children to cross the street.)
2. Lollipop ladies wear a dark coat.
(It’s false. Lollipop ladies wear a bright coat.)
3. They have a stick with a circular sign “Run, Children”.
(It’s false. They have a stick with a sign “Stop, Children”.)
4. The sign looks like a lollipop.
(It’s true. Their sign looks like a lollipop.)
5. They are called lollipop ladies because they have a bright coat.
(It’s false. They are called lollipop ladies because their sign looks like a lollipop.)
6. Most “patrols” that are called lollipop ladies are women.
(It’s true. Most patrols are women.)
7. There are no lollipop ladies in Britain now.
(It’s false. Most towns in Britain still have “Lollipop Ladies”.)
8. Lollipop ladies stand in London underground.
(It’s false. They stand at zebra crossing in the streets of London.)
- Well done. Masha, would you like to meet lollipop ladies? (Yes, I would.)
6. Закрепление пройденного материала по теме «Traffic rules» (выполнение проектной работы: составление буклета c правилами дорожного движения).
- Now it’s time to make rules for everyone: passengers, pedestrians and bikers. You have sheets of paper on your desks and different traffic rules. Passengers, you are to choose your traffic rules: what you should do and what you mustn’t do on the road. The same task is for bikers and pedestrians. You have 4 minutes. (Учащиеся выбирают правила поведения на дороге и приклеивают их на листы бумаги)
- Now, let's check your task. Bikers, what traffic rules do you have?
(Каждая группа зачитывает свои проектные работы с правилами поведения на дороге)
- Ok, well done. Now you know how to keep safety on the road.
III. Заключительная часть.
а) Подведение итогов урока.
- Our lesson comes to the end. Children, do you like our journey to the world of traffic rules and traffic signs? What do you like to do today?
- I like to tell poems about traffic light and traffic rules.
- I like to learn about traffic signs and traffic rules in Russia and in Britain.
- I like to play games.
- I like the story about lollipop ladies in Britain.
- Well, I’m very glad that you like today’s lesson. And I hope you will follow traffic rules and keep safety on the road.
б) Оценивание учебной деятельности учащихся.
- I’m very satisfied with your work today. You worked well during the lesson. But best of all I liked Masha’s work, Liza’s work… So you get excellent marks.
в) Определение домашнего задания.
- For homework you are to make up a crossword on the theme “Traffic rules”. Thank you for your work. Good bye. See you next lesson.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Traffic Light Twinkle, twinkle traffic light, On the corner shining bright. Red means stop, Green means go, Yellow means very, very slow. Twinkle, twinkle traffic light, On the corner shining bright.
« The world of transport »
« The world of transport »
passenger pedestrian biker driver traffic sign cross the road at the crossing break the rules follow the rules give up seats get on the bus get off the bus
« The world of transport » pedestrians bikers passengers drivers
« We are in the world of transport » Group 1 PEDESTRIANS Group 2 BIKERS Group 3 PASSENGERS
Traffic Signs Don’t do it! Know it! Do it! Information
Quiz « Road Signs » a. There is a school here. You can cross the road. b. You can play over the street here.
Quiz « Road Signs » a. You should use zebra to cross the street. b. You mustn’t cross the street here.
Quiz « Road Signs » a. You mustn’t walk here. b. You mustn't turn left.
Quiz « Road Signs » a. You can ride a bike here. b. You mustn’t ride a bike. It is dangerous.
Quiz « Road Signs » a. You can cross the road. b. You mustn’t cross the road. There is no traffic light.
Quiz « Road Signs » a. You should stop before the sign. b. You should turn left or right here.
Quiz « Road Signs » a. You should use the subway to cross the street. b. You can play over the street.
Traffic signs in Great Britain
The Lollipop Lady in Britain
Good luck on the road!
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