Лексические разработки
методическая разработка (английский язык) по теме
Опыт,собранный в процессе экономической практики в рамках английского языка
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Предварительный просмотр:
Выражения при встрече
Excuse me, if I am not mistaken – извините, если я не ошибаюсь
Nice to meet you – рад с вами познакомиться
I am glad to meet you too – я также рад вас видеть
On behalf of our company - от лица нашей компании
I am happy to welcome you to Saint-Petersburg – я рад приветствовать вас в СПБ
I am sorry to disappoint you – мне жаль вас разочаровывать
We are looking forward to working with your company – мы хотели бы сотрудничать с вашей компанией
As you know the purpose of our visit is – насколько вам известно, цель нашего визита заключается
Your advice will be invaluable – ваш совет будет чрезвычайно полезен
Let me introduce you to my friend – разрешите познакомить вас с моим другом
How do you do – здравствуйте (ответ – how do you do)
This is my card – вот моя визитка
I have heard so much about you – я так много о вас слышал
Thank you for your compliment - Спасибо за комплимент
I have a suggestion to make – у меня есть предложение
Would you like to visit our plant? – вы хотели бы посетить наш завод?
I will show you around – я все вам покажу
You will decide whether our proposals suits you or not – вы решите подходит ли наше предложение или нет
That’s a deal – идет
I have a very tight schedule – у меня очень плотный график
Let me check – дайте кА посмотреть
Could we arrange a meeting on Wednesday? – Могли бы мы организовать встречу в среду?
Will three o’clock be convenient? – В три часа будет удобно?
It suits me all right – это меня устраивает
I’ll call you back if something changes – Я вам перезвоню, если что-то изменится
See you on Wednesday – увидимся в среду
Sorry to interrupt you – извините, что прерываю вас
Предварительный просмотр:
Economy | law | Connect to network |
Costs – затраты Settlement – расчет Capital gains – доходы с капитала Disburse – оплачивать Unfavorable – невыгодный Charges – расходы Remuneration – компенсация Revenues – доходная часть Reimburse – возмещать Equity – обыкновенные акции Expenditure – расход Subsidiary – филиал Bonds – облигации Calculated price – расчетная цена Face value – номинальная стоимость (выпуска акции) Loss – убыток Volume – объём Rate of interest – размер процента Interest payment – выплата процентов Estimate – смета Preference shares – привилегированные акции Bid – предложение цены Assets – активы Balance sheet – бухгалтерский баланс Saver – вкладчик Pipeline – система снабжения Yield – доход, приносить доход Wholesale – оптовая торговля Net cost – себестоимость Margin – прибыль Swap – обмен Physical market – наличный рынок Economic activity – хозяйственная деятельность Bearing of charges – покрытие расходов Retail – розничная продажа Lack of funds – недостаток средств Without charge – на безвозмездной основе Associated companies – дочерние компании Business case – экономическое обоснование Competitive advantage – конкуренетноспособность Cash settlement – наличный расчет Service payment – оплата услуг Partial pre-deposition – частичное обеспечение Order of payment – порядок оплаты Income security – гарантия получения дохода Trading value – рыночная стоимость Trading volume – объём биржевых торгов Transaction costs – операционные издержки Collateral – залог Pre-funded – предипонирование MTF (Multilateral Trading Facility) – Многосторонняя Торговая Площадка CSD (Central Securities Depository) – Центральный Депозитарий DCC (Depository Clearing Company) – депозитарная клиринговая компания Services industry – сфера обслуживания Value chain – инфраструктура бизнеса Rent – арендная плата Overdraft – превышение кредита Profitability – доходность Installment – очередной взнос Inventories – материальные запасы Financials – финансовые показатели Volume price – оптовая цена Transaction price – цена продажи Outbound – экспортный Overdue accounts – счета просроченной задолженности Overhead – общехозяйственные расходы Net income – чистая прибыль Supplier – поставщик Business driver – бизнес фактор DVP (delivery versus payment) – поставка против платежа (требование наличия денежных средств, достаточных для оплаты поставляемых акций) Break even point – точка безубыточности Deal flow – поток сделок Cost estimates – оценка расходов Charge – взимать плату Annual fee – годовой взнос Profit and loss account – счет прибылей и убытков Equity return – доход от акций Surplus – излишек Cost estimates – смета расходов Internal rate of return – внутренняя норма прибыли Product group – товарная группа OTC – внебиржевой Forex reserves – валютный резервный фонд Capital inflow – приток капитала Operating income – текущий доход Credit rating – оценка кредитоспособности Global custody – глобальное депонирование Retail bank – банк, обслуживающий мелкую клиентуру Amount to replenishment – сумма к пополнению Rate of interest on deposit – проценты по депозиту Insolvent – неплатежеспособный Materials sector – сырьевой сектор Exchange-value of ruble – курс рубля Amortization – погашение долга Granting of a credit – выдача кредитов Formation of prices – ценообразование Emerging markets – развивающиеся рынки Lending market – рынок кредитования Devaluation – обесценение, девальвация Cost item – статья расходов Cost base – базовая стоимость Working capital – оборотный капитал Breakeven – безубыточный Equity capital – уставной капитал Equilibrium price – уравновешенная цена Offer price – запрашиваемая цена Reference price – контрольная цена Posted price – заявленная цена Gross Domestic product – ВВП Working expenses – издержки производства НДС – VAT Dues – взносы Bank details – банковские реквизиты Outpayment form – форма выплаты Currency exchange office – обменный пункт Cashier – кассир Foreign exchange market – валютный рынок Steady growth – устойчивый рост Full employment – полная занятость External payment – внешние выплаты Foreign capital flows – зарубежное вливание капитала Foreign exchange restrictions – ограничения валютных операций Foreign exchange reserves – зарубежные валютные резервы Exchange rates – обменный курс National income – национальный доход Aggregate proposal – совокупное предложение Aggregate consumption – совокупное потребление Total price rate – общий уровень цен Interest rate – ставка процента Rate of employment – уровень занятости Active balance – платежный баланс Exchange rate – валютный курс
| Registry – реестр Loan agreement – договор займа Governing law – регулирующее законодательство Legal entity – юридическое лицо Decree – приказ Indemnity – гарантия от убытков Unsanctioned – неправомерный Proprietary information – служебная информация Letter of intent – меморандум о намерениях Assessment – экспертиза Statutory – основанный на законе Statutory acts – нормативные правовые акты Sanction – предусмотренная законом мера наказания Legal provisions – нормативные правовые акты Parity – равенство Liability – долговое обязательство To hold liable – привлечение к ответственности Absent voting – заочное голосование Pledge – залог, поручительство Authorized person – уполномоченное лицо Attorney – юрист Breach – нарушение закона Warranty – гарантия Authorization – разрешение Skilled – квалифицированный Regulations – свод правил Copyright – авторское право Due diligence – должная проверка Violation – нарушение Enactment – введение закона в силу Lawfulness – законность Letter of attorney – доверенность Observe – соблюдать закон Justification – оправдание; законность Verify – удостоверять Without prejudice to – без ущерба для Withhold (withheld) – умалчивать, скрывать General liability – общая ответственность Commission – полномочие Default on commitments – неисполнение обязательств Term sheet – протокол о намерениях Liability of the parties – ответственность сторон Rendering of services – оказание услуг Dispute resolution – урегулирование споров To be governed by – регламентироваться Termination – расторжение договора Execution period – срок выполнения Regulatory environment – нормативно-правовая база Draft bill – проект закона Criminal liability – уголовная ответственность Regulatory authorities – надзорные органы Current liabilities – текущая задолженность Leasing of premises – аренда помещений Leasing – сдача в наем Revenue authorities – налоговые органы Real estate market – рынок недвижимости Assignment of rights – передача прав Legal framework – правовая основа Code of conduct – свод правил Cross ownership – совместное владение Taxation – взимание налогов Credentials – рекомендательные документы Tenant – арендатор Rental – арендная плата Rent price – стоимость аренды Case in point – случай, относящийся к рассматриваемому делу Regulatory requirements – нормативные требования Law enforcement authorities – правоохранительные органы Executive – исполнительная власть By-laws – правила внутреннего распорядка Duly executed – надлежаще оформленный Legislative assembly – законодательное собрание Initiate criminal proceedings – привлечь к уголовной ответственности The Federal Financial Markets Service – ФСФР Criminal Code – Уголовный кодекс Bear responsibility – нести ответственность Repatriation – репатриация Public domain – государственная собственность Divest smb of – лишать права Be filed – быть зарегистрированным Litigation – судебный процесс Chief Justice – Верховный Судья Annual Report – Годовой отчет Defiance – неповиновение Bring an action against – возбудить дело против Rightful – правомерный Non Disclosure Agreement – Соглашение о неразглашении Illegal – незаконный Entity – лицо Certification – засвидетельствование Applicable legislation – действующее законодательство Document delivery – предоставление документов Notarially certified copy – нотариально удостоверенная копия Registering body – регистрирующий орган Verify – заверять Registered letter – заказное письмо Authenticity – подлинность Certify – удостоверять Vat number – ИНН (индивидуальный налоговый номер) Maintenance of share register – ведение реестра акционеров Preparation of documents – подготовка документов Written request – заявление To decline all responsibility – снимать с себя ответственность Sentence to – приговаривать к Culprit – преступник Peccadillo – пустячный проступок | Authorize – поручать Adopt – принимать решение Nominate – назначать на должность Draft – составлять план Charter – устав Execute – осуществлять Adhere to – оставаться верным (принципам) Relevant documents – сопутствующие документы Venue – место встречи Notify – извещать Validation – утверждение Pre-term – досрочный Routine – регламент Submit – представлять на рассмотрение Delegate – поручать Transaction – сделка Evaluate – оценивать Acquisition – приобретение Tentative – ориентировочный Fund – финансировать Stakeholders – круг заинтересованных лиц Endorse – одобрять Surveillance – контроль Reduction – снижение Engage – привлекать, нанимать Deadline – крайний срок Implication – причастность Clarification – прояснение Interim – промежуточный Outline – наметить в общих чертах Impose – налагать обязательства Compliance – согласие Stipulate – обусловливать Volatility – непостоянство Allege – утверждать Input – предоставление сведений Accumulation – наращивание Multilateral – многосторонний Impact – влияние Consolidate – объединять Milestone – этап Excel in – превосходить Evolve – развиваться Receipt – получение (рисиит) Derive – извлекать Prohibit – запрещать Indemnify – обезопасить Omission – упущение Imply – подразумевать Preclude from – мешать Subsequent – дальнейший Objective – цель Premise – предпосылка Merger – слияние Conventional – общепринятый Incentive – стимул Aspiration for – стремление к Pending – ожидающий решения Facilitate – способствовать Inbound – входящий Feasible – обоснованный Disseminate – распространять Rough estimate – приблизительная оценка Including – в том числе Withdrawal – вывод (увод) Conviction – убеждение Pretext – предлог, отговорка Followed by – за которым следует Post factum – задним числом Renounce – отказываться Multinational – международная корпорация Abolish – отменять Hindrance – помеха, препятствие Recession – спад Decisive – решающий Substitute – замена; заменять Executive summary – основные положения Blueprint – проект Willingness – готовность Timing – расчет времени Constraints – ограничения Internalize – усваивать CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) – Содружество Независимых Государств (СНГ) Assumptions – допущение Targeted – намеченный Key dates – отчетная дата tackle – энергично браться Canvass – собирать сведения Ongoing project – осуществляемый проект Component parts – составляющие As collateral – в качестве обеспечения Increasingly – все больше и больше Intermediate – посредничать Reject – отвергать Know how – опыт, умение Designed for – предназначенный Actual use – фактическое использование Revolving – возобновляемый Complicity – соучастие Reduction – сокращение Unacceptable – недопустимый Ambiguously – неоднозначно Supplement – дополнение Roadmap – стратегический план Aligning – выравнивание Play safe – перестраховываться Popular – востребованный Feedback – ответная реакция Incomprehensible – непонятный Abuse – злоупотребление Indirectly – косвенно Undertake – предпринимать Convention – условность Subtract – вычитать Hereof – отсюда Avoidance of – уклонение от Proclaim – обнародовать Leave off – отставать There is no point – не стоит It is telling that – примечательно At a time when – на фоне For want of habit – с непривычки Target customer – потенциальный клиент Allotment – перечисление Without regard to – без учета Weighted average – средневзвешенное значение Reconsideration – изменение решения Forsake (forsook; forsaken) – оставлять; бросать As for the rest – в остальном Inconsistent – несовместимый Mutual understanding – взаимопонимание Intervention – вмешательство Inefficient – малоэффективный Carry on a policy – проводить политику As before – по-прежнему Sign – признак Commotion – беспокойство Contribution – отчисление To the injury of – в ущерб Provoke interest – вызывать интерес Refusal – отказ Confirm – утверждать Insuperable – непреодолимый Privileged – льготный Proliferation – распространение Subdue – подчинять Denote – указывать Sympathize – сочувствовать Absorbing – поглощение Fire-extinguisher system – система пожаротушения Starting date – срок начала Sample (сампль) – образец With respect – с уважением By December 1, 2005 – в срок до 1 декабря 2005 года Forwarding – ускорение Above mentioned – вышеуказанный Please note that – прошу обратить внимание By dispatch – курьером Official – должностное лицо Upon availability – при наличии Impede (импиид) – мешать Deploy – развертывать Redundant – уволенный по сокращению штатов Tenure – пребывание в должности Unilateral – односторонний Drawback – препятствие, недостаток Do postgraduate studies – учиться в аспирантуре Study at the University – учиться в университете Postgraduate studies – аспирантура Defend a dissertation – защитить диссертацию On-topic – по теме Primary school – начальная школа Secondary school – средняя школа Higher school – высшая школа Administrative manager – завхоз First-aid post – медпункт Head of the teaching department – завуч School hall – актовый зал Entrance hall – вестибюль Toilet room – туалет Schedule – расписание Teachers’ common room – учительская Ski – кататься на лыжах Bicycle – кататься на велосипеде Skate – кататься на коньках Sniper rifle – снайперская винтовка Hairdresser – парикмахер Hairdressing saloon – парикмахерская Bakery – булочная Gastronome – гастроном Embankment – набережная Hardware store – строительный магазин Chemists shop – аптека Department store – универмаг Cupboard – буфет Wardrobe – гардероб Stove – кухонная плита Microwave oven – микроволновая печь Deter from – удерживать Shrine – гробница Exact – взыскивать Conspicuous – видный, заметный Unchallengeable – неоспоримый Scrubwoman – уборщица National debt – государственный долг State budget – государственный бюджет Budget deficit financing – финансирование бюджетного дефицита Borrowing market – рынок заемных средств Consumption spending – потребительские расходы Overheated economy – перегретая экономика Present value – текущая ценность Rate of unemployment – уровень безработицы Rate of economic growth – темпы экономического роста Required reserve ratio – норма обязательных резервов Public saving – общественные сбережения Aggregate demand – совокупный спрос Transaction costs – операционные издержки Medium of exchange – средства обращения Social benefits – социальные трансфертные выплаты Labour force – рабочая сила
Предварительный просмотр:
Just a little – чуть
To the foreground – на первый план
In connection with – в связи с …
To our opinion – на наш взгляд
Herewith – при этом
Primarily – в первую очередь
Perchance – может быть
Set the pace – задать тон
Count on – рассчитывать на …
Recently – недавно
Address – выступать с речью
A sense of proportion – чувство меры
Concerning – по поводу
Wind up – ликвидировать
Alternatively – наоборот
Lose one’s way – сбиться с пути
Neither …nor – ни…, ни
Presumption – предположение
Whether it be – будь то
All the more so, as – тем более, что
Calling of a … - созыв
Carrying out – проведение
Making a list – составление списка
Have a right to – иметь право
In preparation for – при подготовке к
Submit for approval – представить на утверждение
Consisting of – в составе
Make acquainted with – ознакомиться
During the period from…to – в период с …по
At the place of – по месту проведения
Not later than – не позднее
Using – с применением
Out of profits – за счет прибыли
Carry on business – вести деятельность
Principal place of business at – место нахождения
License for the right to perform – лицензия на право осуществления
For a term of – сроком на
Have responsibility for – нести ответственность
In such a way that – таким образом, чтобы
Observance of the principles – соблюдение принципов
As of – по состоянию на
Can you make the arrangements for this – организуй это
Meanwhile – пока
Service payment – оплата услуг
Motivated – обоснованный
Ask the advice of – посоветоваться
To be followed by – с последующим
Confirmation to a post – утверждение в должности
Drawing up – оформление
Coming – предстоящий
Infringement of rights – нарушение прав
On the basis of – исходя из
To be at a stop – стоять на месте
Make concessions – идти на уступки
From every corner of the world – со всего мира
Shift the blame – перекладывать ответственность
To the fullest extent – в полном объёме
Comply with – соответствовать
As long as – до тех пор пока
Preferably – желательно
Read out aloud – озвучивать
For no special reason – просто так
Bigger by half – в полтора раза больше
Report to – отчитываться перед
In concordance of the parties – по согласованию сторон
In compliance with – в соответствии с
Turn out – оказываться
Areas of common interest – точки соприкосновения
In addition – помимо этого
From the viewpoint of – с точки зрения
Contained in – содержащийся
In the exercise of – при осуществлении
Shall be valid until – сроком до…
Addressed to – на имя
In due time – своевременно
Submit for approval – представить на утверждение
Level out – выравнивать
Coordination with – согласование с
Go down in value – подешеветь
Noticeably – заметно
Apart from – помимо
Until recently – до недавнего времени
It makes no difference to – все равно
Fulfill obligations – выполнять обязательства
Depending on – в зависимости от
Hold on – оставайтесь на линии
In the presence of – при наличии
At first instance – в первую очередь
Especially as – тем более, что
Hold up – приостанавливать
Specifically – в частности
Repeatedly – неоднократно
Enter into – заключать
In fact – ведь
Far from – не то что
Make an objection – возражать
Make sure – убедиться
Make sense of – разбираться в …
On or before – не позднее
Thereon – вслед за тем
If any – если и есть, то
Hereunder – в силу настоящего соглашения
No matter how – как бы ни
In vain – впустую
No matter how much – сколько бы ни …
By one’s own forces – своими силами
At a high price – дорого
It goes like this – дело обстоит так
Besides – притом
On the contrary – наоборот
Take the lead – взять на себя инициативу
Possibly – по возможности
None of – никто из
Order of presentation – порядок предъявления
The floor is given – слово предоставляется
Formerly – ранее
Before now – до сих пор
To apply for a license – получать лицензию
Adhere to – оставаться верным (принципам)
Take up the matter – вынести вопрос о …
In accordance with – в соответствии с чем-л.
Apply for – обращаться за
Information taken into consideration – информацию принять к сведению
It is crucial – важно
Approve the agenda – утвердить повестку дня
To come up with – создать, произвести
To take up – начинать
Applied by – осуществление кем-л.
Due to – ввиду
Preliminary – предварительный
To set up – учреждать
Interim – промежуточный
To be in line with the plans – соответствовать намерениям
In case – в случае
To meet the requirements – соответствовать требованиям
To go through legal assessment – пройти юридическую экспертизу
To draw the necessary resources – привлечь необходимые ресурсы
Conflict of interest – столкновение интересов
To make a service contract – заключить договор на обслуживание
To take effect – вступать в силу (о законе, постановлении)
To be affiliated to – являться филиалом
Payment for labor – оплата труда
If available – при наличии
Affiliated persons – аффилированные лица (взаимозависимые)
On results of – по итогам
Specified condition – указанное условие
To render services – оказывать услуги
Accounting period – отчетный период
Money resources – денежные средства
Prescheduled repayment – досрочное погашение (долга)
On my behalf – от моего имени
On smb’s account – за счет кого-либо
To make up – составлять (капитал)
Taking into account – принятие во внимание чего-л.
Concerted action – согласованные действия
In favor of – в пользу
To cover operating costs – покрывать текущие расходы
On condition that – при условии, что
With the exception of – за исключением
Net cost – себестоимость
It will take – это займет
At the expiration of the period – по истечении срока
So far as – поскольку
To be engaged in – заниматься
Demand and supply – спрос и предложение
To back up – поддерживать
In the end – в конечном счете
Later on – в дальнейшем
Most likely – скорее всего
Предварительный просмотр:
Present Simple (настоящее простое) Утверждение: I/you/we/they + V We play football very well. He/she/it + Vs He plays football very well. Отрицание: I/you/we/they + do not + V I do not play football. He/she/it + does not + V She does not like football. Вопрос: Do + I/you/we/they + V? Do you travel a lot? Does + he/she/it + V? Does he help his mother? Маркеры: Usually – обычно Often – часто Seldom – редко Sometimes – иногда Always – всегда Every day/week/year – каждый день/неделю/год As a rule – как правило | Past Simple (прошедшее простое) Утверждение: I/he…. + Ved / f2 We returned two hours ago. He left yesterday. Отрицание: I/he…. + did not +V I did not see you that day. Вопрос: Did + I/he…+ V? Did you visit your friends last week? Маркеры: Yesterday - вчера Last year/week – в прошлом году/на прошлой неделе Ago – тому назад That – в тот When – когда In 1998 – в 1998
| Future Simple (будущее простое) Утверждение: I/he…+ will +V We will go to the city. Отрицание: I/he…+ will not + V He will not do it. Вопрос: Will + I/he…+V? Will you help me? Маркеры: Tomorrow - завтра Next year – в следующем году In five hours – через 5 часов |
Present Continuous (настоящее продолженное) Утверждение: I + am + Ving He/she/it + is + Ving You/we/they + are + Ving I am working now. He is working now. We are working now. Отрицание: I + am not + Ving He/she/it + is not + Ving You/we/they + are not + Ving I am not reading at this moment. Вопрос: Am + I + Ving? Is + he/she/it + Ving? Are + we/you/they + Ving? What are you doing? Маркеры: Now - сейчас At this moment – в данный момент | Present Continuous (в качестве будущего времени – планы на будущее) 1) Оборот be going to – собираться что-то сделать I am going to visit them. – Я собираюсь навестить их. He/she is going to tell them. It is going to happen. You/we/they are going to arrange a meeting. 2) Простое употребление continuous в будущем: We are going to museum these weekends. – Мы идем в музей на этих выходных. | |
Present Perfect (настоящее завершенное) Утверждение: I/you/we/they + have + V3f He/she/it + has + V3f I have already done it. – Я уже это сделал. She has been to London. – Она побывала в Лондоне. Отрицание: I/you/we/they + have not + V3 He/she/it + has not + V3 We have not read this book yet. – Мы еще не прочитали эту книгу. Вопрос: Have + I/you/we/they + V3? Has + he/she/it + V3? Have you ever seen this man? Вы когда-нибудь видели этого человека? Маркеры: Already -уже Yet - еще Never - никогда Ever – когда-либо Recently – недавно |
Пояснение: V – verb – глагол
Vf2 – вторая форма глагола (напр., did, spoke)
Ved – глагол с окончанием ed (напр., played, worked, tried)
V f3 – третья форма глагола (напр., written, given)
Предварительный просмотр:
There was a boy who didn’t like the porridge. He was suggested to eat the spoon for the mother, for the father, for the grandmother, even the spoon for the aunt Nadia. But all relatives was enough only for half of the plate of the porridge, no spoon more. And once the father of this boy said:
- Do you know why this porridge is named after Hercules? You don’t know. So I will tell you. Listen. This took place many years ago in one country – Greece. Of course something in this was created by people after that, but there is the truth in it also.
So the two boys were born in Greece. One called Evrisfey and another – Heracles. Evrisfey was born as the tsar, but Heracles - as just a boy. The God Zeus decided like this: let Heracles grows up to be the hero and will serve to Evrisfey until he does ten exploit. When he completes he will become freeman and will be able to leave the tsar. So Zeus decided. So Heracles had to become hero. And for this purpose the Heracles mother knew one true way. She started to feed H. by porridge, which he didn’t like also at the beginning. In return he grew very fast, and when he became a man he became famous for his feats all over the Greece and even all over the world. And the porridge became famous too. But in the other countries people called H. Hercules and the porridge took this name too.
But Evrisfey hated this porridge most of all. Because of this porridge H. has become so strong. And E. was afraid of H. And he sent him to the true death – to defeat the N. Lion.
One morning E. sent for H. and said:
- Prepare H. for the hunting. It is necessary to defeat N. Lion. And he said so that there is not any difficulty in this request. But the matter was that this N. Lion wasn’t ordinary one but mystical – the beast. Nobody could win him. He was living in the mountains not far from the city N. and devouring everything that he met. That is who H. should defeat! But H. told E.:
- If it is necessary this is necessary. After thirty days I will bring you what will be left from the N. Lion. But the tsar E. was thinking by himself: “Oh yeah! After thirty days you will be dead”.
But H. by the time prepared and went to complete his first feat. He took with him bow and arrows, sword and shield. But by the way he knew that the hide of this Lion was stony and it could not be hurt both sword and arrow. Then he drew from the earth the centurial oak, made from it the club and went to the mountains to search the N. Lion.
For many days H. could not find him. At last he saw the traces. At first hi didn’t understand that these were the traces, because each trace was like big basin. And when he understood at last that they were traces he followed them and after the week he came to the cave from which such roar could be heard that the stones fell down from the mountain.
H. stopped to concentrate himself before the battle. And suddenly he heard that the roar became quieter and at last disappeared. What is it? May be the lion decided to wait and attacked H. first? No, indeed! And H. stepped first in the dark cave. But when his eyes were adapted to the darkness he didn’t not believe his eyes. Because there was not the lion in the cave. “Where did he go?” – H. thought and started to examine the cave. And he found the second exit in the farthest end, through which the lion went out. Here the stones which were falling from the mountains found their destination. H. blocked with them the second exit and hid himself by the cave entrance and started to wait for the lion.
The lion returned by the evening. It was the lion in size like an elephant. He came in the cave and H. followed him. He came in and blocked the exit by himself. The N. lion didn’t like it of course. He roared and jumped but suddenly he got such blow on the forehead with the club, that the stony forehead didn’t stand and cracked. And the lion fell down on the floor without breath. Then H. embraced his huge neck with his arms and was pressing it until the lion was dead.
This way H. won the N. lion. He made from lion’s hide the cloak for himself, and from the lion’s head – the helmet, and from then on no arrow, no spear were not frightful for H.
Exactly after thirty days H. returned to E. in the cloak and helmet. E. was so frightened to see H. that he forbade him even to approach to the palace. And he claimed to dig up the special cellar for himself, where he hid when he got to know about the approaching of H. And he sent his orders from the cellar through his herald Koprey. There was nothing to be done because E. was cowardly tsar.
On the following day father of that boy who didn’t like porridge said: “Today I’ll tell you about the second feat of H.
E. didn’t sleep for tow days and two nights until he made up the decision what else impossible task should be given to H. And he ordered to H. to win the L. hydra. And he thought: “You will not be able to win the hydra nevertheless”.
Because this hydra lived in the L. pathless swamps and she had night heads. Moreover one head was even immortal! This hydra devastated all fields thereabout and she assailed on people also.
But H. only smiled and said: “Let it will be hydra!” – and he went to the L. swamps.
He came there on the chariot, which was ruled by the youth Iolay. H. stepped on the swampy land and he near drowned. Iolay drew him hardly. Then H. understood that he could not win the hydra on the swamps. And he began to think how he could draw her from the swamps. And he found out!
He sent Iolay on the other side of the swamp, from where the wind was blowing and ordered to set on fire the dry grass on the hills. I. did this. And sooner the hydra saving herself from the fire and smoke drew on the shore, where H. was waiting for her. The hydra opened their mouths wide, hissed and rushed upon H. But he was waiting for it: raised the sword and one, two, three – cut off all hydra’s head, except for the immortal.
Suddenly the huge cancer Karkin crept out the swamp. He crawled out and caught H. at the leg. And H. wouldn’t manage, if I. hadn’t help him to win K. H. looked at hydra and noticed that on the places of heads, he had cut off, there were two heads more wicked than later. H. continued his fight but more he cut off the heads more they spread. And very soon it was difficult to count them.
And again H. would be in bad situation if I. had not helped him. He made the torch from the long stick and when H. cut off the head he burned this place. And new head couldn’t appear again. Then H. felt better and cut off all the hydra’s heads, and the immortal head he pressed to the earth with the huge stone, from which hydra couldn’t escape. And his arrows H. dipped into the hydra’s poison and from then on every arrow of H. killed the enemy immediately. After that H. and I. gathered all heads, get on the chariot and galloped to E.
When E. saw alive H. and I. with him he trembled with fear sat in the cellar and even didn’t want to look at the cutting heads.
Hoi, Koprey! – the tsar shouted. Tell H. that this feat is eliminated because I. helped you. “If it is so never mind because I found the real and loyal friend and this is more difficult than complete a feat”.
E. didn’t sleep for three days and nights. Because he had sent H. to die but he didn’t. Then E. decided that if he couldn’t eliminate H., he could try to blemish him. And he ordered H. to catch the Cerynitian deer – the most beautiful deer in the world. With hoofs from the pure copper and the horning from the pure gold. The matter was that it was impossible to catch her. Firstly she ran faster than wind. Secondly she was loved by the goddess of hunter Artemida, who would not let do any harm to her lovely deer. When H. received the order he started to think over how to catch the deer. First of all he decided to learn to run faster than the wind also. For this purpose he asked the youth I. to ride as fast as he could. As for H. he caught the horse on the mane and ran beside him. At the first period it was hard. But after half a year he could run beside the horse wasn’t holding at the mane. But after the year I. riding could not overtake him. Then H. decided that it was high time to go to catch the deer.
He was waiting for her near the brook for a long time, where the deer had come to drink. He was sitting in the bushes for two months. At last the deer came. H. jumped out from the bushes and nearly caught her but the deer ran away. And H. ran after her. So they ran over whole Greece and ran to the river Dunai. There the deer suspended her running and H. was going to catch her but the deer made a great jump over the river and landed on the opposite bank. H. was sad and he sat on the bank and started to look at the river. At this time the fishermen were catching the fish with there net. Suddenly H. understood that he could catch the deer with the net. H. asked fishermen to give him the net and swam across the river and set the net in the olive grove. And he shepherded the deer to this grove. The deer ran to the grove and was caught in the net. H. was going to tied the deer when A. appeared with dogs and aimed at H. with her arrow. H. felt uneasy because he left his impenetrable hide at home!
- Wait, A.! – he shouted. – Listen to me!
A. moved down her bow, and H. explained her that he hadn’t got in his mind to kill the deer, and if A. would let him he would just show the deer to E. and then set her free. A. thought a little and let him. H. returned the net to the fishermen, put the deer on his shoulder and went to E.
E. came out to see blemished H. He came out and saw H. with the deer.
It can not be true! – E. shouted. – It is not the K. deer.
And H. set the deer free and she galloped on the hills and valleys. The copper hoofs were ringing. The gold horning was sparkled. Sundogs were spreading over neighborhoods. E. closed his eyes and couldn’t contradict to this fact. He ran to his palace and broke the jug – amphora.
H. was sleeping for four days and four nights after the hunting on the K. deer. But E. contrary wasn’t sleeping. He was thinking up some new unbearable order for H. On the fifth day he ordered to wake up H. and asked him to clean for one day the cattle yard of the tsar Augeas. H. resented. Is it the hero duty to clean the cattle yard? But there was nothing to be done, and he went. But when he went to tsar Augeas and saw these cattle yard he was very surprised. Because it was impossible to go around them during one day, but cleaning them was impossible absolutely. Moreover nobody cleaned them, so they were very shabby.
But what herds were feeding around! From the river Alpheus to the river Peney the beautiful bulls were feeding. Black, red, white. And one bull was sparkling like the star. H. started to think how to complete the order of E. And he came to a decision. He came to Augeas and said:
- Do you want me to clean your cattle yard for one day?
- Ha, ha, ha, - Augeas laughed, - they can’t be cleaned by hundred men for hundred days.
- But I can, - H. said. Then A. told him:
- I will give one half of my herd to that man who will manage it!
- I don’t need the half of your herd, but I won’t refuse to take one bull, sparkling like the star. He is so beautiful!
H. shouldn’t say so, but he said.
- So it’s settled, - A. said and went to bed.
In the morning H. began to work. But he didn’t begin to clean the yard, he started to dig the ditch. At first one to the river Alpheus and then the another to the river Peney. A. was sitting on the terrace having his breakfast and wondering: how it comes the man wanted to clean the yard and begin to dig the ditches.
Before the dinner H. came to the yard but he didn’t start to clean it, but made two holes in the walls – from one side and another. Before the supper he climbed on the rock near the river Alpheus, gathered his strength and broke off the top of the rock and threw it to the river.
The river rose and stopped for the moment its stream. And it went through the new way prepared by H. to the yard. H. at this time did the same with the river Peney and directed its stream to the yard. Two rivers went through the yard and did for five minutes what one hundred men couldn’t do for one hundred years. Then H. finished his work and went to A. A. wanted to give him his bull but somebody told him that H. had done this on the order not according to his will.
- If it is so, you will not get my lovely sparkling bull!
- That’s never mind,- H. said and went back to E.
And somebody told E. that A. had promised H. half of the herd for his work. And he told herald K. to say that this feat wasn’t real because A. had given half of the herd for it.
- Not half of a herd, but only one bull, - H. protested, - but he didn’t give this one either.
- The feat isn’t true all the same because when you were doing it you didn’t know that he would not give you the bull, so you completed this feat for the price. But only free feats are real.
So H. had to refuse from the bull.
For five nights without rest and dream E. was. And finally he thought up the following matter for H.: he sent him to expel from the Stymphalian forest the Stymphalian birds. These were very cruel birds. Vulture seemed the sparrow in comparison with them. These birds had copper beak, claws and wings, and they attacked children and strangers from the nearby settlement.
H. came in the S. wood. He saw the birds above the forest and started to shoot at them from the bow. But it was useless: because there were a lot of them. And the birds began to shoot at H. too. They waved their copper wings and from them the copper feathers flew. “No, - H. thought, - It is impossible to win them only by strength. It should be acted cunningly”. And when it became dark he went through the forest to the settlement to think up the cunning. While he was walking he disturbed all the birds which were already sleeping. Any noise made by H. bothered them. So sensitive sleeping they had. So H. thought up the cunning. “So you don’t like the noise. Very good. I will arrange such a noise on these days that you will never approach to this place”.
When he came to the settlement he began to construct big noisy toys, which made noise from the wind. Every Greece boy can do such things. And of course local boys wanted to help H. but H. didn’t let them. Because E. could deny this feat as when he had denied the feat with L. hydra when I. had helped H. Therefore he did the toys by himself.
He did one hundred toys. Perhaps one thousand. And one day when the birds were hunting he set the toys under their nests. The wind blew so strong and there was such noise that S. birds were afraid to fly near their nests. They were afraid one day, then another and after that they realized that they couldn’t live here and flew away. And later nobody heard about them. At least in Greece.
As soon as H. returned from the S. wood he met another task – it was need to go and catch E. boar. And this boar was the beast not better than N. lion. And even H. didn’t want to fight with him. But there was nothing to be done and he went to the E. mountain and encountered the boar. The sun was shining in H. face. It was uncomfortable for the fight. Then he turned his sparkling shield and sent the sunny rays to the eyes of the boar. And he also started to rap on his shield and shouted something with angry voice. The boar hadn’t expected this anyway. He started to run and very frightening he climbed on the snowy top of the mountain And there he fell down into the snow. H. waited for three days and let him be frozen as much as possible and then he dug him up, tied his legs and brought him down. On the way the boar began to become alive and move, near the palace of E. he even grunted. When E. saw alive boar he got into his cellar and he was there for six days.
There was the tsar on the Crete island – Minos. And Minos had in his herd such a bull, which even Augeas didn’t have, - the most beautiful, the most strong and the most kind bull under the sun. But suddenly this bull became ill. And because of this illness he turned into the most cruel beast remaining beautiful and strong. He rushed over the island and terminated the plantings, destroyed the houses and even killed people. This calamity was fallen on Crete island.
When E. knew about it he was very happy. He always was glad to somebody’s calamity, and in addition to it there was so remarkable deal for H.. So he sent H. on Crete for the bull. But he didn’t tell H. what had happened with this bull after the illness, therefore H. while he was sailing on the ship to the island felt uneasy: “What is the feat – to take the bull from one tsar and to bring him to the other? It looks like rubbery not like the feat”. H. came to the island. H. noticed that people on the island were sad. “Hello!, - he cried, - Why are you so sad?”
“How we can be happy, - people replied, - We have a disaster – the tsar bull has become crazy. We can not calm him.” “This is why I was sent here by E. So catching such harmful bull more resembles the feat than the rubbery”, - H. thought and stepped on the shore.
“Show me where I can find your bull?”
People made a helpless gesture, H. looked around and noticed that everything on the island was destroyed. So H. walked through the devastated island. Suddenly he felt that the ground was shivering under his legs. He turned around and saw the huge bull with the sharp horning was galloped right on him. He was more cruel than E. boar and more fast than K. deer. H. hardly could avoid bull strike. But the bull was already flying to him from another side. The bull thought: “I will win him”, but H. turned away again and caught the bull on the horns and jumped on his back! He pressed bull sides with his strong legs and held his horns so strongly that the bull could not throw H. from his back in spite of his rage. Then the bull roared like N. lion and rushed across the island. And H. pulled one horn then another managing the bull and made him go to the sea. On the shore H. didn’t let the bull stop, pressed his sides more strongly and shepherded the bull to the water. And the bull was swimming – what you could do if more strong and knowing hero was sitting on your back.
So on bull back H. swam over the sea and galloped to the E. palace. The earth was trembling around the palace and E. was trembling in his cellar and he ordered H. to remove the bull as soon as possible. The bull escaped at once to leave this strong man with such powerful legs and arms. But E. was trembling for seven days and couldn’t calm down. “All right, - he was thinking, - You defeated one bull, but we will see how you can manage with four horses of Diomedes.” But Diomedes, the tsar of Thrace, had the cannibal horses! They ate the human meat. And inhospitable Diomedes threw them all foreigners coming to Thrace. So E. thought that H. would be eaten by the horses too. But he was wrong. There were myths about H. not in vain. Of course he defeated the horses and led them to E., and defeated Diomedes when he had wanted to get his horses back. And this cruel tsar deserved his fate.
H. showed these horses to E. and while the later was recovering from the horror he shepherded them to the dense forest and left there. They say that they were killed by wild beasts. It may be so.
E. had a daughter Admeta. E. loved her most of all. And he spoiled her so, that later he was not glad himself. And as soon as his daughter became elder her whims became more unusual and it was more difficult to complete it. And once when A. wished to get the girdle of the queen of horsewomen Hyppolita, E. couldn’t stay calm any longer:
- What is going on? She gives me the tasks where one is more difficult than the other. I am like H.! When he remembered H. he came up the idea. How I could not see this earlier? That is who go for the girdle of Hyppolita! If he deliver the girdle it will be good for A., if he doesn’t – it will be good for me.
So H. was obliged to go by ship to the shores of the horsewomen country.
There were different populations on the earth. Among them there were warlike people. There were very warlike people. But the most warlike people on the earth were horsewomen. These women in the copper armor, galloping on the fast horses, were fearful for the most strong and the most fearless men. And after this who can try to take the girdle from their queen, which was the symbol of her power.
But H. didn’t want to fight with the horsewomen, because they hadn’t done him any harm. Hyppolita at the head of her troop appeared to meet uncalled guest. H. bowed to the queen, and right away told her about himself, E. and his whim daughter A. At sight of beautiful hero the woman’s heart of warlike queen couldn’t stand. And the truthful story made her mild. Hyppolita took off her girdle and said:
Well then H. step on the shore. You will receive this girdle as a reward for your braveness and your honesty. H. came to the shore and all this could have a good end. But insidious Hera influenced in the matter. She hated H. and began to whisper to the armored horsewomen:
Whom do you believe? You took cunning for honesty. He doesn’t want the girdle. He arrived to take our queen away to the slavery of E.
When horsewomen got to know about what danger threatened to their queen they began to shoot at H. with their bows. The arrows bounced from the lion hide didn’t hurt the hero. But he was wounded by offence. “That is why did you invite me on the shore. So it is worse for you”. And the battle began. Many heroes had been made defeated by the horsewomen, but H. was another kind. One by one the horsewomen were falling down, killed by his mortal arrows, but he stayed unwounded. Seeing how her troop was diminishing Hyppollita threw him the girdle and said:
- Take this girdle H. and sail away from here. I don’t want that because of it my horsewomen die.
With bad feeling H. was returning to E. Because how everything had started good and ended bad. This ninth feat did not bring him any joy.
For ten days H. was in bad mood – because he was very upset after the battle with horsewomen. And E. was more upset than H. because of the returning of H. But on the eleventh day he called for H. and ordered him to shepherded the herd of the giant Gerion.
H. unbent brow – because every deal draws away from the unpleasant thought. But the deal waiting for him was very difficult. Because G. was considered as the most strong giant at that time. And he was the most cruel. But H. without any doubts started his dangerous way. He had to overcome the sea waves, which were larger than the bulls and the heat of the Libyan Desert and after that the waves of the ocean which were as big as the rocks. But all this danger was overcome by H. and he arrived on the island Erifeiya.
As soon as he arrived and stepped on the island he encountered a big dog of the giant, called Orfo. He was usual dog but he had two heads and he was very big and wicked.
But H. had won more serious enemies. One blow of the club and there was not a dog and the way to the island was opened. H. continued his way across the island and at last he saw the cows, for which he had been sent by E., and also he saw the giant, feeding these cows.
But this giant was not so strong. He was at medium height and not so cruel. H. won him without any problems and thought: “They said that this giant is the most strong and cruel but I didn’t see it!” He gathered the cows and shepherded them to the shore and only he was going to set them aboard the ship when the earth was trembling from the heaviest steps. The island was moving and the waves were coming from it in the ocean. H. turned around and saw the beast going down the hill. What a beast! He had three bodies, six arms and legs, three heads and on each head was the face and all these faces were very furious. The beast was walking and laughing.
- What is now hero, are you afraid? May be you have decided that you won Gerion? It is not true. You won my shepherd but Gerion is me. Try to win me now. Ha-ha-ha!
And the fight was begun but it wasn’t a fight actually because G. caught H. with his six hands so strong that he was absolutely helpless. Tow hands were holding H.’s arms, another two were holding his legs, and another two were holding his body. H. felt that it was the end so he decided to hit the giant the last time. He managed to make his arm free and to hit the giant in the belly. And one head, to which the body belonged, shouted from the pain and began to curse with another heads blaming them for their irresponsibility. So the heads began to argue between them and at this moment H. managed to make himself free from the giant’s embrace. Then he took his club and with three strong blows struck down the giant and after that set the cows on the ship, and swam the sea over and shepherded the cows to E.. But E. didn’t need these cows he just thought that H. couldn’t do this.
Frankly speaking, E. was so tired to give unbearable tasks to H. that he wanted to leave him alone. But he was very stubborn tsar. He didn’t eat and drink for eleven days and at last he thought up where H. should be sent – to the world’s end for the apples of eternal youth. E. heard that there on the world’s end where the sky and the earth meet together there was a garden, which was protected by three sisters Hesperides, daughters of the night. And there such apples were growing that if you eat some you will become young for life.
So H. went for these apples. The road to the world’s end ran through the possession of the giant Antaeus, the son of the earth. But A. didn’t let anybody to pass through his possession and killed everyone. And nobody could win him, because he was invincible. Till his legs touched the earth – his mother – nobody was fearful to him – because the earth gave him new strength.
But H. couldn’t turn back and come to E. with nothing. So he decided to fight with the giant. “Recently I overcame many enemies and why not to overcome A.”, - H. thought and nearly was upset for this careless.
The fight was lasting for ten days. A. was fresh every time, but H. began to get tired and he realized that A. could win soon. H. began to think that his life is over. He remembered all his friends. He bid farewell to them. After that he remembered his mother. He wanted to say good night to her, but he thought suddenly: “What is going on? If she fed me by porridge in vain? No indeed!” H. became angry. He gathered his last strengths, but he didn’t have much and he managed only to lift A. a little from the earth. But it was the most dangerous thing for A. As soon as he was lifted up from the earth he began to loose his strengths very quickly and soon he became so weak that even E. could win him. “Mother!”, - cried weaken giant. But what the earth could do if the legs of her invincible son were in the air. Then A. started to ask H.: “Please return me on the earth! I am surrendering.” But H. had already guessed that if he did this A. would become strong again and win H. So H. didn’t let him touch the earth and won A. Now the way was free. H. had a little rest and continued his way to the world’s end, where the sky and earth meet together. But about this you will know another time.
So after the winning over A., H. continued his way. At last he came. And he saw that the sky and the earth don’t connect with each other. The sky doesn’t lean on the earth. But one man was holding the sky on his shoulders. He wasn’t a usual man of course but a giant. But even he bent from the heaviness and sweat was on his forehead. H. came to him. They became acquainted. The giant name was Atlant.
- Is it difficult for you? – H. asked.
- Don’t say this, - sighed A., - If the sky is clear it isn’t so difficult, but when the led clouds came it was unbearable.
- Yes, - H. sympathized, - You have difficult job. But do you know where is the Hesperides garden nearby? I was ordered to gather the apples of eternal youth from this garden by E.
- Ha-ha-ha, - A. laughed and the sky was trembling above the earth, and all the clouds were confused on it: in Africa the snow dropped and on the Northern Pole there was rain.
- Ha-ha-ha, - A. laughed, - how can I don’t know where is this garden if it is my own garden. But you can’t get anything from it. Only I can fetch up the apples there. But I am busy as you can see I am holding the sky.
Suddenly H. thought up.
- Let’s I replace you for some time and I will bring me the apples.
- Let’s! – A. said gladly, because he was happy to have a little rest.
H. took off his lion hide and stood near A., supported the sky by his shoulders and A. left the sky. H. felt the whole heaviness of the sky but he managed to hold the sky. A. went to the garden. After some time he returned with three red apples. And he thought up some cunning.
- You know, - he said, - you’d better stay here and wait and I will bring the apples to E. by myself. You’ve traveled so much. But H. saw this cunning immediately.
- Of course I’ll stay. But the sky is very rubbed me the shoulders for want of habit. Will you hold it for a minute and I’ll put my hide.
A. agreed, put the apples on the ground and took the sky. H. lifted the apples and said:
- Forgive me A. but each should do his own job. You should hold the sky and I should serve to E. So I have to go. And he went. And he came to E. And he gave him the apples. But E. was so angry when he saw H. in full health that he threw the apples in the dust and ran to the palace. And later these apples were eaten by the big old pig and she turned into the young piglet for all life.
The last task was left for E. to think up. And he tried hard – he was thinking for twelve days. And he thought up the completely unbearable task: he ordered H. to lead to him thee headed dog C., who guarded the entrance from underground realm of the tsar Aid. In this realm there were all shadows of those who had lived whenever on the earth. And no shadow could escape from this realm, passing furious dog C.
For the purpose of completing of the order H. went to the mountains, where the entrance to the realm of Aid was situated. He descended to the cave but didn’t step any longer when some big shadow jumped upon him with roar. H. moved away because he recognized the shadow of the N. lion. He waved with his club but it went through the air and hit the floor and broke. “This is what I deserved because I was afraid of the shadow”, - H. thought. And he went father to look for Aid palace. Finally he found the palace and came into the hall, where Aid was sitting on the throne. H. greeted him and said:
- I beg your pardon, the powerful tsar, that I came to your realm without invitation. But I came not on my will. Tsar E. ordered me to lead to him your loyal servant – the dog C. Let me take him with me. Then I will become free man!
The tsar smiled and said:
- Well then! If you can tame him without weapon you can lead him anywhere.
You think the tsar Aid became kind? Of course not! He just knew that it wasn’t possible to overcome the dog C. without a weapon. But he didn’t take into account one thing: There was the hide of N. lion on the shoulders of H. And it wasn’t easy to win H. wearing this hide. H. wandered for a long time on the underground. At last he saw the strip of light and heard fearful howl. It were three heads of dog, guarding the exit from the realm. But three heads were not all. On each neck there were poison snakes and on the end of the tail was the head of the dragon. That was the monster with whom H. began to fight. The heads were in front, the snakes were on the sides and the dragon was behind – so it was very difficult to approach. At last H. at the certain moment embraced all three heads of the dog and began to press as strong as he could. The snakes tried to sting H. and the dragon tried to bite him but they broke their teeth because of the hide of N. lion. For three days H. was holding in his iron embrace the dog. But on the fourth day the dog howled. H. released the dog and he fell at his legs. H. whistled and the dog accurately followed him to the exit. Thus H. led the dog to E. even without the lace.
When E. got to know that H. had come back, didn’t believe and came out from the palace. Then he saw H, standing on the hill and there was C. by his side. E. wanted to say something but instead he sat on the ground and wept. H. came to him sat nearby, raped him on the knee and said: “It is nothing”. And the dog licked E. nose and ran to the realm of Aid until all shadows didn’t run away. And H. sat a little and then got up and went.
This was already absolute free man.
Thus for twelve days father told the boy about H’s feats. And for twelve days the boy ate the full plate of porridge. And all this time he grew very fast. And after twelve days he became the most strong, the most brave and the most kind boy in all kinder garden.
Twenty seven worlds opened its gates before him: he traveled across their endless oceans and continents, fought and loved, escaped and searched for the treasury, found and lost friends, punished the injury, fought with people and monsters, led the armies into the battle and sat in the siege, assailed the castles of the medieval barons and the bases of alien creatures.
Every characters followed him, desiring freedom, gold or power.
He was hero and winner, master and captain, conquistador and tireless lover.
Предварительный просмотр:
СОГЛАСНЫЕ (транскрипционные символы)
b (читается как русское «б») — bag (сумка).
d (читается как русское «д») — duck (утка).
f (как русское «ф») - fox (лиса).
g (как русское «г») — gift (дар).
h (как русское «х») — home (дом).
j (как русское «й») — yes (да).
k (как русское «к») — cup (чашка).
l (как русское «л») — list (список).
m (как русское «м») — milk (молоко).
n (как русское «н»)— neck (шея).
ŋ (как русское «нг», носовой звук) — long (длинный).
p (как русское «п») — pride (гордость).
r (как русское «р») — rock (скала).
s (как русское «с») — sun (солнце).
t (как русское «т») — top (вершина).
v (как русское «в») — vendor (торговец).
w (как русское «уэ»)— wet (мокрый).
z (как русское «з») — zip (замок-молния).
ȥ (как русское «ж») — garage (гараж).
dȥ (как русское «дж») — jeans (джинсы).
ʃ (как русское «ш») — shell (ракушка).
tʃ (как русское «ч») — lunch (второй завтрак).
Ѳ — (язык находится между зубами, шипящий звук, напоминающий «с») — nothing (ничего).
მ — (язык находится между зубами, звонкий звук, напоминающий «з и в» одновременно) — that (тот).
ᐱ (как русское «а») — cup (чашка).
Ә (как русские «а и о» одновременно) — seldom (редко).
ӕ (как русское «э» открытое) — map (карта).
e (как русские «е и э» одновременно) — friend (друг).
i (как русское «и») — pit (яма).
o (как русское «о») — mop (швабра).
u (как русское «у») — bush (куст).
a: (как русское протяжное «а») — father (отец).
i: (как русское протяжное «и») — believe (верить).
Ͻ: (как русское протяжное «о») — dawn (рассвет).
u: (как русское протяжное «у») — do (делать).
ai (как русское «ай») — line (линия).
au (как русское «ау») — how (как).
ei (как русское «эй») — face (лицо).
әu (первый звук что-то среднее между «о» и «а» + «у») — boat (лодка).
εә (как русское «эа») — bear (медведь).
iә (как русское «иа») — here (здесь).
oi (как русское «ой») — oil (масло).
uә (как русское «уа») — tour (тур).
Урок 3.
1) Повторение лексики. Дни недели. Время. Погода. Человек.
2) Months.
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
A month before – за месяц до этого.
In a month – через месяц.
In January. On Sunday. At three o’clock. In summer. In 2000.
Цвет: black, yellow, red, white, green, pink, gray, orange, blue, purple (фиолетовый), brown.
Вопросительные слова: what, where, why, who, which, when, how.
3) What is your favorite color? My favorite color is…
What is your age? How old are you? I am 20 years old.
What is your job? I am a driver.
Урок 4.
- Повторение лексики. Месяца. Предлоги. Цвета. Вопросительные слова.
- Busy day – Загруженный день.
By day – Днем.
Day by day. – День за днем.
One day. – Когда-либо.
The day after tomorrow. – Послезавтра.
The day before yesterday. – Позавчера.
- Счет. Three hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
- Hello. I want to buy this book. How much does it cost?
8 dollars. Do you want me to pack it for you?
Yes, please. Here are the money.
Thank you for your buying.
Thank you. By the way what is the time?
It’s half past eight.
Oh, I must hurry up to be on time! Goodbye.
Good luck with you.
Урок 5. Present continuous
Предложения для тренировки:
He is here. You are there. It is true. What is it? She is an engineer. You are right. This is the question. Who are you? What is your age? What is the time? Where are you from? That’s it. It’s nice to see you. These are my books. This is a man. There are many flowers. There is a chair in his room. How are you? This is good. Thank you. Goodbye. Hello. Here are my colleagues. Excuse me. This is my friend. You are so beautiful today!
I’m reading an interesting book at the moment.
Let’s go out now. It isn’t raining any more.
Hello, Jane. Are you enjoying the party?
I’m tired. I’m going to bed now. Goodnight.
The are eating.
What are you doing?
Where are you going?
What is going on?
I am going to see my grandmother.
What are you listening to?
What are you waiting for?
What are you looking for?
What are you speaking about?
What are you going to do?
She is going to have some tea.
We are going to visit the Russian museum.
He is going to phone you this evening.
They are going to leave this place.
What are you going to do? I am going to buy her a present.
Эти глаголы обычно не используются в present continuous:
like love hate want need prefer know realize suppose
mean understand believe remember belong contain consist
depend seem see hear smell taste
Когда think означает believe не следует использовать continuous
What do you think will happen?
But - You look serious. What are you thinking about? I’m thinking of giving up my job.
Когда have означает “владеть” не следует использовать continuous:
We have a nice room in the hotel.
But - We’re having a great time.
He is reading an interesting book.
My father has a car.
Tom speaks Russian fluently.
What do you like to read?
What does it mean?
Do you know this theatre?
I am going to visit him this evening.
Why does she live like this?
Where do you keep your documents?
How many trees are in their garden?
She spends too much time doing this work.
He lives in the big city not far from the sea.
What are you looking for? I am looking for my key. May be you know where is it? No, I don’t, but I think it is on your table. No, there isn’t any key. It’s strange. What can I do without my key? Don’t worry. Just relax and try to remember. By the way what is the key? From my flat. It’s really bad. So you can’t get into your flat. Yes, all my relatives are out the city. It’s ok, because you can live in my flat for some time. It’s very kind of you, but all my necessary things are in my flat. So what you are going to do. I think I should try to get into my flat through the window. But you live on the fifth floor. How can you do this? I don’t know yet, but I can’t find another way. And my window is near the rain-pipe. But it’s very dangerous. It seems to me that you are not serious. Just a moment, I feel something in my pocket. Oh my God you don’t believe it but my key is there in my pocket! You are lucky man but you are very forgetful. Sorry to bother you and thank you for your help. It’s all right you are welcome. May be let’s go to celebrate your finding. Yes, this is a good idea, come on.
What is the nasty weather! Yes, you are right, it’s really unpleasant. It is usual weather for our city. But I don’t feel better knowing it. You know, I can see even in such weather romantic spirit. Sometimes I can see it too, but today I am tired and this weather makes me feel sad. I see, I have a proposal – let’s go to somewhere and have a good time! Yes, I wish to, but I have a lot to do.
Урок 6. Present simple.
Nurses look after patients in hospitals.
I usually go away at weekends.
Where do you come from? I come from Canada.
Would you like a cigarette? No, thanks. I don’t smoke.
What does this word mean?
What do you do? I work in a shop.
He is so lazy. He doesn’t do anything to help me.
I get up at 8 o’clock every morning.
How often do you go to the dentist?
Ann doesn’t drink tea very often.
It doesn’t rain very much in summer.
My parents live in Saint-Petersburg.
Перевести (на закрепление Pr. Cont. & Pr. Simple)
- Наш директор часто проводит эти встречи.
- Моя жена любит смотреть эту передачу.
- Дети всегда ждут Нового года как чуда!
- Его друг хорошо говорит по-английски.
- Где живет твоя мама?
- Сколько стоит это платье?
- Ты думаешь, это имеет смысл?
- Мы собираемся прийти туда.
- Что вы ищете? Я ищу свой зонтик.
- Это происходит каждую пятницу.
- Сейчас он занят. Что ему передать?
- Чем они сейчас занимаются? Они пытаются найти решение.
- О чем ты говоришь? Я говорю о нашей непростой ситуации.
- Вы не подскажете, где сейчас проходит совещание? Оно проходит на втором этаже. Все вас давно ждут.
- Что происходит? Они уезжают отсюда.
- Звонит телефон. Может ты ответишь?
- Дует ветер, идет дождь, падают листья.
- Что вы собираетесь делать? Мы собираемся решить этот вопрос позже.
- На кого смотрит эта женщина? Она смотрит на своего отца.
- Итак, завтра мы идем посмотреть это представление.
Урок 7. Past simple
Учить неправильные глаголы
Mozart was an Austrian musician and composer. He lived from 1756 to 1791. He started composing at the age of five and wrote more than 600 pieces of music. He was only 35 years old when he died.
We invited them to our party but they decided not to come.
We saw Rose in town a few days ago.
I went to the cinema three times last week.
It was cold so I shut the window.
Did you go out last night?
Yes, I went to the cinema but I didn’t enjoy the film much.
What did you do at weekend?
I was angry because they were late.
Was the weather good when you were on holiday?
They were not able to come because they were so busy.
Наиболее употребляемые неправильные глаголы:
be fight let sleep
become find lose speak
begin fly make spend
break forbid (forbade, forbidden) запрещать mean stand
bring forget meet swim
build forgive pay take
buy get put teach
choose give read tell
come go run think
cost have say throw
cut hear see understand
do hit sell wake (woke, woken)
drink hold send wear (wore, worn)
drive keep set win
eat know show write
fall leave sing
feel lend sit
Урок 8. Past Continuous.
They were playing tennis at 10.30.
This time last year I was living in Brazil.
What were you doing at 10 o’clock last night?
I was walking home when I met Dave.
Ann was watching television when the phone rang.
Jane was waiting for me when I arrived.
How fast were you driving when the accident happened?
When I last saw him he was trying to find a job in London.
I was walking along the street when suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. Somebody was following me. I was frightened and started to run.
Как вы провели прошлые выходные?
Где ты был в прошлый четверг?
Мы учились в университете.
Я видел Катю, но я не видел Виктора.
Вы смотрели телевизор в вчера вечером?
Я хорошо спал прошлой ночью.
Где вы остановились?
Я играл в теннис в этот день.
Я хорошо провел отпуск.
Мы ходили в кино, но фильм на не понравился.
Было очень жарко в комнате и я открыл окно.
Вы ходили в банк этим утром? Нет, у меня не было времени.
Был ли вчера дождь?
Каккая погода была вчера? Был отличный день!
Урок 9. Complex object
Want ask help would like would love expect
We expected Tom to be late.
Would you like me to go now?
He doesn’t want anybody to know.
Can you remind me to phone Ann tomorrow?
Who taught you to drive?
Jim warned me not to touch the switch.
I wouldn’t recommend anybody to stay in that hotel.
She doesn’t allow us to smoke in the house.
The customs officer made Sally open her case.
Hot weather makes me feel tired.
Her parents wouldn’t let her go out alone.
Let me carry your bag for you.
Урок 10. (I'm) going to (do)
There’s a film on television tonight. Are you going to watch it?
No, I’m tired. I’m going to have an early night.
What is she going to do with her money? She is going to buy a new car.
Если просто continuous то это означает, что речь идет о чем-то заранее спланированном:
What time are you meeting Ann this evening?
I’m leaving tomorrow.
Если going to do то речь идет о решении сделать что-либо:
The windows are dirty. Yes, I know, I’m going to clean them later.
Когда что-то говорит о том, что может произойти
Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain.
Если в прошедшем времени, то в значении невыполненного замысла:
We were going to travel by train but then we decided to go by car instead.
I was just going to cross the road when somebody shouted “Stop!”
Урок 11. Будущее время. Will
Предложение сделать что-то:
That bag looks heavy. I’ll help you with it.
Согласие что-либо сделать:
Can you return me the book I lent you? Of course. I’ll give it to you this afternoon.
Обещание что-либо сделать:
I won’t tell anyone what happened. I promise.
Thanks for lending me the money. I’ll pay you back on Friday.
Спросить кого-либо сделать что-либо:
Will you please be quiet? I’m trying to concentrate.
Will you shut the door, please?
Если спрашивается чье-то мнение, то используется shall:
Shall I open the window?
What shall I do?
Shall we go?
Where shall we go this evening?
Урок 12. Условное предложение первого типа.
If I find it, I’ll tell you.
The test
- I ……………..Christine. Do you know where she is? (look for)
- ………………………….to the radio or can I turn it off? (anybody/listen)
- Bad driving…………many accidents. (cause)
- The population of the world………………very fast. (rise)
- It……………….very much in summer. (rain)
- “How did you learn to drive?” “My father …………me. (teach)
- We couldn’t afford to keep our car, so we ………… it. (sell)
- I…………(walk) along the street when suddenly I …………….(hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody ……………… (follow) me. I was frightened and I……………….. (start) to run.
- Your friend is going to a party tonight. You ask: (use going to):
become | ||
forbade | ||
slept | ||
paid | ||
written | ||
forgive | ||
knew | ||
brought |
- Вы смотрели телевизор вчера вечером?
- Он не хочет, чтобы кто-либо знал.
- Что она собирается делать со своими деньгами?
Задайте 3 вопроса к этому предложению:
Tom speaks Russian fluently.
Present Simple (настоящее простое – описывает то, что происходит постоянно, обычно)
I/we/you/they drive/work/do etc. |
he/she/it drives/works/does etc. |
do does | I/we/you/they he/she/it | work? come? do? |
I/we/you/they he/she/it | don’t doesn’t | work come do |
I usually go away at weekends.
The earth goes round the sun.
What does this word mean?
Present continuous (настоящее продолженное – описывает действие, происходящее в данный момент)
I am (=I’m) he/she/it is (=he’s etc.) we/you/they are (=we’re etc.) | driving working doing etc. |
am is are | I he/she/it we/you/they | working? driving? doing? |
I he/she/it we/you/they | am not is not are not | working driving doing |
Ann is in her car. She is driving to work.
I’m reading an interesting book at the moment.
What are you doing now?
Past Simple (прошедшее простое – описывает действие, случившееся в прошлом)
I she they | enjoyed saw went |
did | you she they | enjoy? see? go? |
I she they | didn’t | enjoy see go |
I/he/she/it was/wasn’t | ||
we/you/they were/weren’t |
I went to the cinema three times last week.
Did you go out last night?
was I/he/she/it? |
were we/you/they? |
I was angry because they were late.
Past Continuous (прошедшее длительное – описывает действие, происходящее в определенный момент в прошлом)
I/he/she/it was We/you/they were | playing doing working |
was were | I/he/she/it we/you/they | working? driving? |
I/he/she/it we/you/they | wasn’t weren’t | working driving |
They were playing tennis at 10.30.
What were you doing at 10 o’clock last night?
Present Perfect (время, которое описывает только что завершенное действие)
I/we/they/you have (=I’ve etc.) | finished lost done been etc. |
he/she/it has (=he’s etc.) |
have has | I/we/you/they he/she/it | finished? lost? done? been? |
I/we/you/they he/she/it | haven’t hasn’t | finished lost done been |
He told me his name but I’ve forgotten it.
I can’t find my bag. Have you seen it?
Present Perfect Continuous (время, описывающее действие, которое началось в прошлом и только что закончилось, или все еще продолжается)
I/we/they/you have he/she/it has | been | doing waiting playing |
have has | I/we/they/you he/she/it | been doing? been waiting? been playing? |
I/we/they/you have not he/she/it has not | been | doing waiting playing |
How long has it been raining? It has been raining for two hours.
You are out of breath. Have you been running?
Past Perfect (время описывающее прошедшее действие до определенного момента в прошлом)
I/we/they/you he/she/it | had | (=I’d) (=he’d) | gone seen finished |
I/we/you/they he/she/it | hadn’t | finished lost done been |
When Sarah arrived at the party, Paul had already gone home.
Future (время, описывающее просьбу, согласие, обещание, предложение что-то сделать в будущем)
I/we/he/she/it/you/they will | drive/work/do etc. |
I/we/he/she/it/you/they will not (=won’t) | drive/work/do etc. |
will | I/we/he/she/it/you/they | drive? work? do? |
Will you shut the door, please?
I won’t tell anyone what happened.
I will give you the book this afternoon.
To be going to (время, описывающее намерение что-то сделать в будущем)
I am going to he/she/it is going to we/you/they are going to | drive work do etc. |
There’s a film on television tonight. Are you going to watch it?
Настоящее время.
Просклонять, отрицание, вопрос:
I like cooking.
He drives a car.
She speaks English.
We play football.
They work at the office.
I study economy.
You live in the city.
She loves to travel.
He has a hobby.
We go to village.
Прошедшее время:
Утверждение, отрицание, вопрос:
We went to school.
She sent a letter.
You bought a car.
He broke a window.
I saw this girl.
They introduced me to him.
She came to the party.
We found the decision.
Будущее время:
Утверждение, отрицание, вопрос:
She will tell them about it.
You will read the book.
He will find the way.
I will go to work.
They will show you.
We will ask him.
You will say it.
He will pass the exam.
Глагол Can & be able to
Мочь, can употребляется без to
Be able to – во всех временах
He is able to make it.
I am able to make it.
We are able to make it.
They were able to make it.
She was able to make it.
I will be able to make it.
Теперь то же самое с глаголами: speak, organize, develop, carry out, execute, ask, read, find out.
Глаголы may & might - когда речь идет о возможности
It may be true. It might be true.
Отрицание It might not be true.
Выражение might as well – когда что-то лучше сделать, потому что больше ничего не остается.
The buses are so expensive these days, you might as well get a taxi.
Глаголы must & have to
Must – должен (тут личный совет)
She’s a really nice person. You must meet her.
Have to – должен (тут обязательство, обусловленное обстоятельствами)
You can’t turn right here. You have to turn left. (because of the traffic system).
He has to work. He doesn’t have to work on Saturdays. What do I have to do to get a driving license.
Отличие в отрицании:
Mustn’t do – необходимо не делать
Don’t have to do – не стоит это делать
You must keep it a secret. You mustn’t tell anyone.
You can tell me if you want but you don’t have to tell me.
Настоящее длительное
Now I am driving
He is working at this moment
We are playing
You are reading
They are enjoying
He is doing his work
Прошедшее длительное
I was having dinner at 5 o’clock yesterday
We were considering the mater at that time.
You were writing a letter
She was watching TV
He was dancing
Ближайшее будущее:
I am going to visit my mother
We are going to do this work
She was going to help me
I was going to find it out
They are going to see this film
It is going to rain.
Выражение USED TO (DO) – иметь обыкновение делать что-либо в прошлом. Тут важно, что раньше было так, а теперь иначе.
He used to smoke – Было время, когда он курил.
____ He used to smoke ________He doesn’t smoke____________________________________
Past 2 years ago now
I used to play tennis a lot but I don’t play very often now.
She used to travel a lot but these days she doesn’t go away so often.
This building used to be a cinema.
I used to think he was unfriendly but now I realize he’s a very nice person.
There used to be four cinemas in the town. Now there is only one.
Вопрос: Did you use to eat a lot of sweets when you were a child?
Отрицание: I didn’t use to like him.
Не путать I used to do и I am used to doing
I used to live alone (=I lived alone in the past but I no longer live alone)
I am used to living alone (=я уже привык жить один)
Had better (I’d better / you’d better)
I’d better do something - я лучше сделаю что-нибудь (когда дается совет, предупреждение, что лучше сделать так, а то будут неприятности)
I’d better stay – я лучше останусь
I’d better go – я пожалуй пойду
I’d better go now or I’ll be late
Shall I take an umbrella? “Yes, you’d better. It might rain.”
Отрицание – I’d better not
You don’t look very well. You’d better not go to work today.
You'd better be on time / You'd better not be late
Had – это прошедшее время, но в этих выражениях оно значит настоящее, будущее время.
I’d better go to the bank now/tomorrow
I’d better do… (not ‘to do’)
Had better – для особых ситуаций
Should – для всех ситуаций (где мнение, совет)
It’s cold today. You’d better wear a coat when you go out. (особенная ситуация)
I think all drivers should wear seat belts. (вообще)
Should в отличие от had better не выражает предупреждение.
It’s a great film. You should go and see it.
The film starts at 8.30. You’d better go now or you’ll be late.
It’s time (for somebody) to do…
It’s time for us to go home.
It’s ten o’clock and he’s still in bed. It’s time he got up. Он уже должен был встать (здесь не прошедшее, а настоящее время)
It’s time you did something = ты уже должен это сделать или начать (для критики или жалобы): It's time the children were in bed. It’s long after their bedtime. Дети должны уже быть в постели.
Jack is a great talker. But it’s about time he did something instead of just talking.
Джек великий болтун. Но пора бы уже, чтобы он чего-нибудь делал, вместо того, чтобы просто говорить.
You’re very selfish. It’s high time you realized that you’re not the most important person in the world.
Ты очень эгоистичен. Давно пора тебе понять, что ты не самый главный человек в мире.
(сделать письменный перевод этих последних двух предложений)
Предварительный просмотр:
Тест Elementary
Вы проходите тест на уровень Elementary — элементарный либо базовый уровень.
1. Anna and Kate _________ to the cinema last Sunday.
A) didn’t went B) don’t go C) didn’t go
2. I had breakfast ________ ago.
A) this morning B) three hours C) 7.30 a.m.
3. When _____ you last _______ tennis?
A) did/play B) do/play C) did/played
4. ______ you like _______ coffee?
A) do/any B) are/some C) would/some
5. There isn’t ________milk in the fridge.
A) many B) much C) a
6. Have you got _________ brothers?
A) some B) any C) the
7. The buildings in Venice are __________ the buildings in New York.
A) older than B) more older than C) much old than
8. Vienna is __________ city in Austria.
A) the most beautiful B) the beautiful lest C) more beautiful than
9. This restaurant is very, very good. It's __________ restaurant in London.
A) the better B) the good C) the best
10. I ________ a jumper and a jacket because it's cold today.
A) wear B) 's wearing C) 'm wearing
11. ________ Jim _____ today?
A) Do / work B) Is / working C) Does / works
12. Look, it's very cloudy. It __________ .
A) 's going to rain B) rainy C) raining
13.When _____ Polly _____ with her friend in Madrid?
A) does / going to stay B) — / is going to stay C) is / going to stay
14. I'm going to Egypt ___________ the pyramids.
A) seeing B) to see C) going to see
15. _________ did you buy your jacket?' 'At a shop in town.'
A) When B) Why C) Where
16. 'How much did you pay for your book?' ____________
A) £8.50 B) Hewitt's Bookshop C) To read some Shakespeare
17. ______ you ever _____ Mexican food?
A) Have / eat B) Have / ate C) Have / eaten
18. Olivia __________ to Rome.
A) has never been B) has ever been C) hasn't never been
19. 'I've met Robbie Williams.' 'When __________ ?'
A) have you met B) did you met him C) did you meet him
20. Raquel and James have _______ had a baby.
A) yet B) just C) ever
21. Has Nigel cooked dinner _____ ?
A) yet B) ever C) just
22. ________ 's the weather like in Mexico City?
A) low B) What C) Which
23. My grandmother started work ________1960.
A) in B) by C) on
24. It's snowy — please drive _____ .
A) carefully B) easily C) careful
25. Let's go for a ______ swim.
A) quick B) badly C) well
Предварительный просмотр:
Суффиксы существительных:
-ment: management, improvement, movement;
-tion/-sion: translation, information, discussion;
-ance/-ence: appearance, finance, influence;
-ness: weakness, happiness, darkness;
-ity: popularity, stupidity, ability;
-ship: friendship, leadership, relationship;
-er/-or: dancer, driver, actor, sailor;
-ist: artist, journalist, psychologist.
Суффиксы прилагательных:
-y: cloudy, sunny, noisy, dirty, foggy;
-ic: athletic, fantastic, scientific;
-ful: careful, helpful, useful, thoughtful;
-al: musical, political,cultural;
-ian/-an: Canadian, Egyptian, African;
-ing: interesting, amazing, exciting;
-able/-ible: enjoyable, comfortable, flexible, visible;
-less: homeless, useless, careless;
-ive: active, creative, sensitive.
Суффикс наречий:
-ly: possibly, successfully, quietly, angrily.
Суффикс глаголов:
-ize(American)/-ise(British): criticize, modernize, organise.
Приставки глаголов:
re-: rewind, remake, rewrite;
dis-: disconnect, disagree, disappear;
mis-: misunderstand, mislead, misinform.
Отрицательные приставки (относятся к разным частям речи):
un-: unfair, unknown, unemployment, unlock, unpack;
in-: incorrect, inexpensive, inability, inaccuracy;
im-: impatient, impolite, impossible.
The (0) Californian (CALIFORNIA) people we see on television are (1)_____________ (USUAL) tall, blond and slim. But California is an (2) _____________ (NATION) place and many (3)_____________ (differ) kinds of people live here. Lots of people are from (4)____________ (JAPAN) and (5)______________ (EUROPE) families. California is the place to find (6)_____________ (SUN) beaches and film stars. The most (7)_________ (FAME) beach in California is Venice Beach. It’s a lively place.
Many (8)_________ (TOUR) visit Rodeo Drive (a place for shopping), but they don’t want to buy clothes – they want to see American actors, actresses and film-makers. They live in big houses and go to (9)____________ (GLAMOUR) parties and film and film premieres.
And California is the (10)__________ (ORIGIN) home of the hippies. There is a special hippie part of town where you can buy clothes and music from the 1960s.
The 1960s saw the birth of the (0) teenager and life was never the same again. It was the start of a social revolution in Britain.
This revolution was partly a (1) _______ to the post war years.
Young people woke up to the idea that that they could have an (2) _______ and lifestyle (3) _______ from their parents.
Teenagers started to break free from the traditions and rules of previous generations in fashion, lifestyle and (4) ________. They wanted their own music, clothes and (5)________ to do their own thing.
The Rolling Stones* were a symbol of teenage (6) ________.
Clubbing became popular. The most (7) _______ club was A Go Go in Newcastle with Jimi Hendrix* and The Animals*.
The Animals went on to achieve (8) ____ success with hits like 'House of the Rising Sun' and 'We've Gotta Get out of this Place'.
(9) ______ culture had become a (10) _______ force, and the teenager was to dominate popular culture for the next three decades.
(0) teenage
(1) react
(2) identify
(3) differ
4) behave
(5) free
(6) rebel
(7) fame
(8) national (9) young (10) power
Предварительный просмотр:
Лицо Лондона Повторение Времена глагола Настоящее простое |
Лицо Лондона Повторение Времена глагола Настоящее длительное |
Лицо Лондона Повторение Времена глагола Прошедшее простое Формы глагола |
Входная контрольная работа.»Времена глагола. |
Говорим об известном Чтение текста , составление вопросов по содержанию |
Говорим об известном Чтение текста ответы на вопросы |
Говорим об известном Чтение текста , краткое изложение |
Говорим об известном Чтение текста составление плана |
Говорим об известном Чтение текста Пересказ по плану |
Артикли Повторение |
Артикли с географическими названиями введение |
Артикли с географическими названиями тренировочные упражнения |
Подготовка к сам.работе АРТИКЛИ \Географические названия |
Самостоятельная работа Географические названия |
Подготовка к тестированию по теме Артикли |
Тестирование Артикли |
Работа над ошибками |
Фразовые глаголы , введение,закрепление |
Фразовые глаголы,., тренировочные упражнения |
Фразовые глаголы , составление предложений |
Фразовые глаголы составление связного высказывания |
Повторение Подготовка к контрольной работе |
Контрольная работа Фразовые глаголы |
Повторение пройденного Работа над ошибками |
Заключительный урок Обобщение изученного |
Раздел Животные в нашей жизни |
Животные в нашей жизни Новые слова текст Читаем о зоопарке |
Животные в нашей жизни т Читаем о зоопарке ,чтение текстов, тренировка л.е. |
Животные в нашей жизни т Читаем о зоопарке ,чтение текстов, тренировка л.е |
Животные в нашей жизни т Читаем и разговариваем о зоопарке ,диалоги. Повторение-Самостоятельная работа –неправильные глаголы |
Животные в нашей жизни Монологическая речь |
Т Обсуждаем проблемы животных Новые лексические единицы , введение, тренировка |
Обсуждаем проблемы животных,Диалогическая речь |
Т Обсуждаем проблемы животных, , мини-диалоги |
Т Обсуждаем проблемы животных Словарный диктант |
Т Обсуждаем проблемы животных Настоящее завершенное время , введение грамматики |
Настоящее завершенное время , грамматические упражнения |
Настоящее завершенное время , грамматические упражнения |
Настоящее завершенное время Вопросы и отрицание |
Т У тебя было домашнее животное ? Новые лексические единицы , введение, тренировка |
Т У тебя было домашнее животное ?Составление, инсценировка диалогов |
Т У тебя было домашнее животное ?Составление, инсценировка диалогов |
Т У тебя было домашнее животное ? Повторение грамматической темы Настоящее завершенное время |
Контрольная работа Настоящее завершенное время |
Настоящее завершенное время Работа над ошибками |
Заключительный урок Обобщение изученного |
Резервные уроки |
Т Семья Разговариваем о родственниках Новые лексические единицы Введение , тренировка |
Т Семья Разговариваем о родственниках Новые лексические единицы Введение , закрепление |
Разговариваем о родственниках Отработка слов в упражнениях |
Разговариваем о родственниках Настоящее время |
Разговариваем о родственниках Отношения внутри семьи Новые лексические единицы Повторение неправильные глаголы |
Разговариваем о родственниках Отношения внутри семьи Новые лексические единицы тренировка |
Отношения внутри семьи Настоящее завершенное и прошедшее простое время .Условия выбора ,тренировка |
Отношения внутри семьи Настоящее завершенное и прошедшее простое время .Условия выбора,закрепление |
Отношения внутри семьи Настоящее завершенное и прошедшее простое время .Условия выбора,закрепление |
Отношения внутри семьи Диалогическая речь |
Т Что британцы любят есть ? Повторение слов по т ЕДА |
Т Что британцы любят есть Новые лексические единицы |
. Т Что британцы любят есть- составление рецепта. Диктант по тематическим словам |
Т Что британцы любят есть Повторение степени сравнения прилагательных |
Предварительный просмотр:
My – мой (май)
His – его (хиз)
Her – ее (хё)
Its – этого (итс)
Our – наш (ауа)
Their – их (зеа)
Hello – привет
What is your name? – Как тебя зовут? (уот из ё нэйм)
My name is Sergey. – Меня зовут Сергей. (май нэйм из Сергей)
Nice to meet you. – Рад с вами познакомиться. (найс ту мит ю)
How are you? – Как ваши дела? (хау а ю)
I am fine, thanks. – У меня все хорошо, спасибо. (ай эм файн фэнкс)
Where are you from? – Откуда вы? ( уэа а ю фром)
I am from Russia. – Я из России. (Ай эм фром раша)
Where do you live? / From what city are you? – Где вы живете? / Из какого вы города? ( уэа ду ю лив / фром уот сити а ю)
I live in Saint-Petersburg / I am from Saint-Petersburg – Я живу в Санкт-Петербурге / Я из Санкт-Петербурга. ( ай лив ин сэнкт-питерсбёрг / ай эм фром сэнкт-питерсбёрг)
Good-bye – до свидания (гуд бай)
Have a nice day – хорошего вам дня (хэв э найс дэй)
The same to you – и вам того же (зэ сэйм ту ю)
See you – увидимся (си ю)
I – я (ай) am (эм) – я есть
He – он (хи)
She – она (ши) is (из) – он есть, она есть, это есть
It – это, оно (ит)
You – ты (ю)
We – мы (уи) are (а) – ты есть, мы есть, они есть
They – они (зэй)
Pay – платить fly – летать
Do – делать swim - плавать
Live – жить read – читать
Get – доставать drive – водить машину
Take – брать leave – покидать, уходить
Like – нравится
Buy – покупать
Want – хотеть
Speak – говорить
Give – давать
Put – класть
Sleep – спать
Go – идти
Walk – гулять
Visit – посещать
Spend – тратить
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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Методическая разработка конспекта занятия по коррекции дисграфии. Логопедическая тема: Слоговой анализ и синтез. Грамматическая тема: согласование прилагательных с существительными м.р. и ж.р. Лексическая тема: Насекомые.
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