Урок английского языка «Хорошие манеры» в 6 классе по программе М.З. Биболетова 5-6 класс «Enjoy English».
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Содержит конспект урока, приложения и презентацию к уроку "Хорошие манеры"
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Предварительный просмотр:
муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение –
средняя общеобразовательная школа № 8 города Аткарска Саратовской области
урока по английскому языку
в 6 «Б» классе
по теме «Хорошие манеры»
в рамках конкурса «Учитель года»
учитель английского языка
Уткова Татьяна Станиславовна
2012 год
Тема урока: « Хорошие манеры» («Разговор за столом»).
Класс: 6 «Б».
Тип урока: урока систематизации и обобщения знаний и умений.
Цели урока:
Учебный аспект: контроль усвоения языкового материала по теме «Разговор за столом» и актуализировать грамматические навыки : must/mustn’t; построение вопросительных и отрицательных предложений и использование их в диалогической речи; формировать умение учиться, замотивировать учащихся к учебным действиям; организовать самостоятельную работу с самопроверкой по эталону, руководить рефлексией урока.
Развивающий аспект: обучение устной речи – диалогической с элементами монологической речи, обработка лексических единиц в речевых блоках, в связных высказываниях и реальных ситуациях, совершенствовать произносительные навыки учащихся: фонетика, английская интонация (логическое ударение, ритм), развитие у учащихся интереса к языку, преодоление языкового барьера для обеспечения эффективной учебной деятельности учащихся.
Воспитательный аспект: научить детей адаптироваться в реальных ситуациях общения, делая акцент на этикетные нормы; в качестве непременного условия общения использовать вежливый, доброжелательный и доверительный тон; воспитывать веру в себя, в свои способности, чтобы дети раскованно, с удовольствием говорили на английском языке, воспитывать интерес к английскому языку.
Формы работы:
1) фронтальная;
2) самостоятельная;
3) индивидуально –групповая;
4) парная.
Оснащение урока: учебник «Enjoy English 5 –6» (авторы - М. З. Биболетова, Н. Н. Трубанева), мультимедиа, учебная презентация, раздаточный материал, сервировка стола, цветочное поле, смайлики.
Этапы урока:
№ | Этап урока | Средства обучения | Реализуемые задачи | Время. |
1 | Организационный мотивационный этап, целеполагание. (Introduction) A poem “Polite” | Стихотворение. | Введение в урок, привлечение внимания к теме урока | 3 минуты |
2 | Фонетическая разминка. (Phonetic activities) | Слайд. | Работа над формированием произносительных навыков. | 2 минуты |
3 | Речевая разминка. (Warming-up) | Слайд. | Активизация лексических единиц по теме в устной речи | 5 минуты |
4 | Чтение. (Reading.) | Учебник. | Работа над совершенствованием навыка чтения. | 10 минут |
5 | Физминутка. (Тhe exercise). | 3 минуты | ||
6 | Работа с лексическими единицами. (Lexical activities) | Аудиозапись. | контроль усвоения языкового материала по теме | 2 минуты |
7 | Говорение. (Speaking.) | Слайд. | Обучение устной речи – диалогической. | 5 минут |
8 | Грамматический материал. (Grammar.) | Слайд. | Работа над грамматическим материалом (самостоятельная работа). | 6 минут |
9 | Подведение итогов урока. The conclusion of the lesson. | Контроль усвоения ЗУН, полученных на уроке. | 3 минуты | |
10 | Рефлексия. (Reflection). A song “Manners, Manners…” | Песня. | 4 минуты |
Развёрнутый конспект урока.
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент.
Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls.
Pupils: Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you.
Good morning, good morning,
We are glad to see you.
Teacher: I’m glad to see you too. Sit dawn, please. Let’s start our lesson. Answer my questions, please.
(Беседа с дежурным).
Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What is the date today? What is the day of the week today?
What is the weather like? Is it frosty (sunny, rainy) today?
Do you like such weather? Do you like more winter or summer?
Thank you! Sit down.
( слайд 2 )
Teacher: Look at the blackboard, listen the poem and try to guess what we are going to speak about today.
Always be polite and sweet
At your home, in the street.
Remember please, goodbye and thanks,
And you will have a lot of friends.
Teacher: We are going to speak about …
Pupil: … good manners.
(Карточка с темой прикрепляется на магнитную доску “Good manners”.)
( слайд 3)
II. Фонетическая зарядка
Teacher: And now let’s practice the English sounds and words. Look at the screen and repeat after me: ( слайд 4 )
[i:] – be, sweet, street, pleas
[æ] – thanks, at, and , have
[eu] – polite, home
[e] - friends, remember
[o:] - always
III. Речевая разминка
( слайд 5 )
Teacher: 1) Children, try to learn the poem. Please, repeat after me (отрабатывается произношение).
2) Write the poem.
3) Remember the poem (несколько учеников воспроизводят стихотворение).
IV. Совершенствование навыков чтения. Проверка домашнего задания.
( слайд 6 )
Teacher: Today we shall read the story about an Englishman.
Open your books, page 97, exercise 57. Read and translate.
( слайд 7 )
Teacher: I want you look through the text and read some sentences from the text to prove my ideas.
- Mr. Tailor didn’t have lunch in the hotel.
- Mr. Tailor had an English friend.
- The name of a German wasn’t Mahlzeit.
- Mr. Tailor thought that the Germans had strange traditions.
- “Mahlzeit” is the German word for “good appetite”.
- The German thought that “Tailor” is the English word for “Mahlzeit”.
Teacher: Very good.
V. Физкультминутка
( слайд 8 )
Teacher: It’s time to have a rest now. Stand up, please.
Let’s do the exercise together!
Hands up! Hands down!
Hands up! Hands down!
Hands up! Clap! Clap!
Hands down! Hop! Hop!
Hands on hips!
Bend left! Bend right!
Bend left! Bend right!
Clap! Clap!
Stand still!
Sit down, pleas.
VI. Активизация речевых клише по теме «Еда».
Teacher: Let’s look at the table on page 97 and listen to information “Be polite”.
(Дети слушают запись и переводит) (Аудиозапись)
Teacher: Please, translate this information.
(Работа с учебником).
Teacher: It’s very important for us to have good manners at table.
- Find in the table next phrases.
( слайд 9 )
Спасибо большое | Excuse me |
Извините меня | Thank you very much |
Пожалуйста | Sorry |
Угощайся. | Thanks, it’s great. |
Как мило с вашей стороны | Please |
Простите | Help yourself |
Спасибо, это вкусно | How kind of you |
VII. Тренировка навыков диалогической речи.
Teacher: It’s time to work in groups. Look at the picture of exercise 58, page 97. You will work in groups and have a talk at the table.
- Let’s imagine situations.
(За сервированном столом дети проигрывают диалоги)
( слайд 10 )
The dialog for the first group:
Mother: Mike, breakfast is ready.
Mike: Well, Mother, I am here.
Mother: What do you want to eat?
Mike: I want a cup of tea and some cheese.
Mother: Do you want some milk?
Mike: Yes, please.
Mother: All right! Sit down and eat.
Mike: Thank you, Mother.
( слайд 11 )
The dialog for the second group:
Mother: Dinner is ready.
Father: Good appetite.
Daughter: Would you like a cup of tea?
Son: Just a little, please.
Father: The soup is very delicious.
Son: I like it very much.
Daughter: Will you pass me the salt?
Mother: OK.
( слайд 12 )
The dialog for the third group:
Jane: Thanks, Mother, it was lovely!
Father: Yes, the dinner was really delicious today! I really enjoyed it!
Mother: Would you like some salad, Jim?
Jim: Oh, thanks, mom. I’m already full. But it was rely very nice.
Mother: What did you like most?
Jim: The salad. It was great. Thank you.
Mother: You are welcome!
VIII. Повторение грамматического материала.
( слайд 13 )
Teacher: Table manners is an important part of many culture.
- You should write down what we must and mustn’t do at the table.
( слайд 14 )
1. | We ………… speak with our mouth full. |
2. | We ………… put the table napkin on our knees. |
3. | We ………… reach (тянуться) across for the salt. |
4. | We ………… use the fork and knife properly. |
5. | We ………… put our elbows on the table. |
6. | We ………… wave (махать) the knife or fork in the air. |
7. | We ………… eat noiselessly (бесшумно). |
8. | We ………… wash our hands before we eat. |
- Check yourself!
( слайд 15 )
- Children, make up the proverb. Read the proverb and try to give Russian equivalent.
(COMES, EATIG, APPETITE, WITH) (Магнитная доска)
( слайд 16 )
Appetite comes with eating. - Аппетит приходит во время еды.
- Write the proverb.
- Learn the proverb. (Разучивается пословица – учитель по слову убирает с доски).
( слайд 17 )
Dear boys and girls,
Remember gold rules:
When you sit at the table
Don’t lick your fingers
Sit up straight and say thank you,
Use your knives and forks or spoons,
But don’t put your elbows on the table.
- Write the gold rules.
IX. Итог урока
( слайд 18 )
Teacher: Thank you for your work.
( слайд 19)
Open your diaries please and write down your homework: learn poem by heart “Good manners”.
- You were active, friendly and attentive. It is very interesting to know our results. (Выставляются отметки и по возможности комментируются). I think I should give only good and excellent marks.
- So, at the end of our lesson tell me, did you like our work? (Yes, we did – Yes, I did. / No, I did not. – No, we did not.)
- What was the most interesting? ( I understand that I have to be a polite girl.)
X. Рефлексия.
( слайд 20 )
Teacher: Now everyone may say you like or didn’t like this lesson. Please, take the smile – happy or sad.
(Ребята, посмотрите, пожалуйста, на листочки, которые лежат у вас на столе. Вы видите два символа: веселое лицо и грустное лицо. Если вам понравился урок, вы должны поместить веселое лицо на доске, если нет – грустное. Дети размещают на «клумбе» цветочки. Улыбающиеся смайлы - для тех, кто доволен своей работой на уроке и её результатами, грустные - для тех, чьё настроение ухудшилось или он не удовлетворён достигнутыми результатами.)
Teacher: Now listen the song “ Manners”.
Our lesson is over. Good-bye. Have a good day.
Pupils: Goodbye, teacher!
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Ф.И.____________________________________ Класс ____________
1. Find in the table next phrases.
Спасибо большое | Excuse me |
Извините меня | Thank you very much |
Пожалуйста | Sorry |
Угощайся. | Thanks, it’s great. |
Как мило с вашей стороны | Please |
Простите | Help yourself |
Спасибо, это вкусно | How kind of you |
2. Let’s imagine situations.
The dialog for the first group:
Mother: Mike, breakfast is ready.
Mike: Well, Mother, I am here.
Mother: What do you want to eat?
Mike: I want a cup of tea and some cheese.
Mother: Do you want some milk?
Mike: Yes, please.
Mother: All right! Sit down and eat.
Mike: Thank you, Mother.
The dialog for the second group:
Mother: Dinner is ready.
Father: Good appetite.
Daughter: Would you like a cup of tea?
Son: Just a little, please.
Father: The soup is very delicious.
Son: I like it very much.
Daughter: Will you pass me the salt?
Mother: OK.
The dialog for the third group:
Jane: Thanks, Mother, it was lovely!
Father: Yes, the dinner was really delicious today! I really enjoyed it!
Mother: Would you like some salad, Jim?
Jim: Oh, thanks, mom. I’m already full. But it was rely very nice.
Mother: What did you like most?
Jim: The salad. It was great. Thank you.
Mother: You are welcome!
3. You should write down what we must and mustn’t do at the table.
1. | We ………… come on time. |
2. | We ………… wash our hands before we eat. |
3. | We ………… speak with our mouth full. |
4. | We ………… put the table napkin on our knees. |
5. | We ………… reach (тянуться) across for the salt. |
6. | We ………… use the fork and knife properly. |
7. | We ………… put our elbows on the table. |
8. | We ………… wave (махать) the knife or fork in the air. |
9. | We ………… eat noiselessly (бесшумно). |
10. | We ………… say “thank you” and “good bye”. |
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Manners, Manners The fork goes on the left, The knife goes on the right, And never, ever try to eat Without your fork and knife. Spoons are for soup, Forks for cakes and stew. But never, ever try to bite More food than you can chew. Refrain: Manners, They are all that matters. Sit as straight as you could, Elbows close to your sides. Manners, They are all that matters. Never play with your food, And you will be all right.
Manners, Manners If something is too far, You pass it to your mates. But never, ever try to take From other people’s plates. To talk at table is polite, And not to talk is rude. And never, ever try to talk When your mouth is full of food. Refrain: Manners, They are all that matters. Sit as straight as you could, Elbows close to your sides. Manners, They are all that matters. Never play with your food, And you will be all right.
Manners, Manners At table every time You have to watch yourself, And never, ever start Without a napkin on your lap. Refrain: Manners, They are all that matters. Sit as straight as you could, Elbows close to your sides. Manners, They are all that matters. Never play with your food, And you will be all right.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Focus on phonetics [ i :] – be, sweet, street, please [æ] – thanks, at, and , have [əu ] – polite, home [e] - friends, remember [ɔ: ] - always
Always be polite and sweet At your home, in the street. Remember please, goodbye and thanks, And you will have a lot of friends.
Open your books, page 97, exercise 57.
Let’s relax Hands up! Hands down! Hands up! Hands down! Hands up! Clap! Clap! Hands down! Hop! Hop! Hands on hips! Bend left! Bend right! Bend left! Bend right! Clap! Clap! Stand still! Sit down, pleas.
Find in the table next phrases. Спасибо большое Excuse me Извините меня Thank you very much Пожалуйста Sorry Угощайся. Thanks , it’s great . Как мило с вашей стороны Please Простите Help yourself Спасибо, это вкусно How kind of you
The dialog for the first group: Mother: Mike, breakfast is ready. Mike: Well, Mother, I am here. Mother: What do you want to eat? Mike: I want a cup of tea and some cheese. Mother: Do you want some milk? Mike: Yes, please. Mother: All right! Sit down and eat. Mike: Thank you, Mother.
The dialog for the second group: Mother: Dinner is ready. Father: Good appetite. Daughter: Would you like a cup of tea? Son: Just a little, please. Father: The soup is very delicious. Son: I like it very much. Daughter: Will you pass me the salt? Mother: OK.
The dialog for the third group: Jane: Thanks, Mother, it was lovely! Father: Yes, the dinner was really delicious today! I really enjoyed it! Mother: Would you like some salad, Jim? Jim: Oh, thanks, mom. I’m already full. But it was rely very nice. Mother: What did you like most? Jim: The salad. It was great. Thank you. Mother: You are welcome!
1. We ………… speak with our mouth full. 2. We ………… put the table napkin on our knees. 3. We ………… reach ( тянуться ) across for the salt. 4. We ………… use the fork and knife properly. 5. We ………… put our elbows on the table. 6. We ………… wave (махать) the knife or fork in the air. 7. We ………… eat noiselessly (бесшумно). 8. We ………… wash our hands before we eat. TABLE MANNERS
1. We ………… speak with our mouth full. 2. We ………… put the table napkin on our knees. 3. We ………… reach ( тянуться ) across for the salt. 4. We ………… use the fork and knife properly. 5. We ………… put our elbows on the table. 6. We ………… wave (махать) the knife or fork in the air. 7. We ………… eat noiselessly (бесшумно). 8. We ………… wash our hands before we eat. You should write down what we must and mustn’t do at the table . 1. We ………… speak with our mouth full. 2. We ………… put the table napkin on our knees. 3. We ………… reach ( тянуться ) across for the salt. 4. We ………… use the fork and knife properly. 5. We ………… put our elbows on the table. 6. We ………… wave ( махать ) the knife or fork in the air. 7. We ………… eat noiselessly ( бесшумно ). 8. We ………… wash our hands before we eat.
We mustn’t speak with our mouth full. 2. We must put the table napkin on our knees. 3. We mustn’t reach ( тянуться ) across for the salt. 4. We must use the fork and knife properly. 5. We mustn’t put our elbows on the table. 6. We mustn’t wave ( махать ) the knife or fork in the air. 7. We must eat noiselessly ( бесшумно ). 8. We must wash our hands before we eat. Check yourself!
Appetite comes with eating . Аппетит приходит во время еды .
Dear boys and girls , Remember gold rules : When you sit at the table Don’t lick your fingers Sit up straight and say thank you , Use your knives and forks or spoons , But don’t put your elbows on the table .
Thank you for your work!
HOME WORK Learn poem by heart “Good manners”.
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