Сценарий театральной постановки "The Selfish Giant"
Сценарий театрального урока в 4 классе с использованием игры-драматизации.
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Сценарий театрализованного урока в 5 классе с использованием игры-драматизации
The Selfish Giant
Child 1
Child 2
Child 3
Child 4
The North Wind
Bird 1
Bird 2
Bird 3
Tree 1
Tree 2
Scene 1
Сад, играют дети
Storyteller (показывает на сад): This is a very beautiful garden. It is a Giant's garden. The Giant is very selfish. But now he is away and children can come and play in the garden.
Дети играют, деревья раскачиваются, птички поют.
Birds (поют на мелодию песни "Чунга-Чанга"): Flying clouds
In the blue-blue sky,
Where are you going
Flying so high?
Over the mountains
And over the sea
Flying clouds
Won't you take me?
Child 1: It is a lovely garden!
Child 2: There is soft green grass in it.
Child 3: What beautiful flowers grow here!
Child 4: The birds sing so sweetly in the garden!
Children 1-4 (хором): How happy we are here!
Storyteller: But one day the Giant came back.
Входит Великан
Giant: What are you doing in my garden?
Child 1: We are playing in it.
Child 2: We like to jump and run in your garden.
Child 3: We like to play hide-and-seek in your garden.
Child 4: It's fun to play tag in your garden!
Giant: it's my OWN garden! You can't play in it. Go away! Shew-shew!
Дети убегают, а Великан начинает строить стену.
Giant: I will build a wall round my garden. Nobody can play here!
Scene 2
Storyteller: Then Spring came…
Входит Весна
Spring: I like to skip!
I like to jump!
I like to run about!
I like to play!
I like to sing!
I like to laugh and shout!
(Оглядывается вокруг) Oh! No children! No games! I don't like this garden! Good-bye!
Bird 1: Where are the children?
Bird 2: We don't want to sing here!
Bird 3: Let's fly away!
Tree 1: There are no children in the garden!
Tree 2: We won't blossom any more!
Storyteller: Only Winter, Snow and Frost stayed in the Selfish Giant's garden.
Входят Зима, Снег и Мороз
Winter: How I like this garden! No flowers, no birds, no children!
Snow: How nice! I can cover up the grass with my white cloak!
Frost: Wonderful! I can paint trees white and silver.
Winter: The North Wind come and stay with us.
Winter, Snow, Frost (хором): the North Wind will blow,
And we will have snow!
Входит Северный Ветер
North Wind: This garden is a nice spot.
I will blow,
And we will have snow.
And what do children for fun?
Ha-ha ha!
They don't skip, jump and run!
Садятся в саду
Scene 3
Великан сидит и смотрит на сад
Giant: It's still winter. I can't understand why spring is so late!
Storyteller: Then Summer came…
Входит Лето
Summer (поет на мелодию песенки "Чижик-Пыжик"): I am the season
When nights are short,
When children are full
Of fun and sport
Playing, swimming
All the day
With a happy song
On a sunny day!
(Оглядывается вокруг) Oh! I will never come to this garden! Only Winter, Snow and Frost are in it! Bye-bye!
Уходит. Зима, Снег, Северный Ветер и Мороз смеются над ним.
Storyteller: Then Autumn came…
Входит Осень
Autumn: Down, down, down,
Red, Yellow, Brown
Autumn leaves fall down!
Oh no! I'm sorry but I can't give golden fruit to this garden! The Giant is very selfish. See you some other day!
Уходит под смех Зимы, Северного Ветра, Снега и Мороза, которые начинают танцевать
Storyteller: So it was always Winter in the garden. And Frost, Snow and the North Wind danced under the trees.
Великан лежит, вдруг слышит музыку (мелодия из "Чунга-Чанга")
Giant: The music is so sweet. I think spring has come at last!
(Выбегает в сад) What do I see?! Children are in my garden! They are sitting I the trees… And the trees are in blossom again!!!
Tree 1: We are happy!
Tree 2: Children are back again!
Bird 1: We are happy too!
Bird 2: We can sing songs to children!
Раздается плач
Giant: But who is crying under the tree?
Tree 1: Climb, little boy!
Tree 2: Don't be afraid!
Boy: I can't! I'm little and you are too high for me. I can't reach up your branches.
Великан подходит к мальчику
Giant: Calm down little boy! I will help you.
Дети пугаются и убегают
Children 1-4: Selfish Giant! Selfish Giant!
Великан садит мальчика на дерево. Деревья еще больше расцветают.
Tree 1: How wonderful!
Tree 2: We are in blossom again!
Прилетают птицы и начинают петь
Birds 1-3 (поют на мелодию из песенки о Кузнечике): Love is a tender feeling
Love is a way of being
Love is sharing your candy
Love is being very friendly!
Love, love!
Love, love!
Love is a tender feeling!
Love, love!
Love, love!
Love is a way of being!
Boy: Thank you very much, Giant!
Giant: How selfish I have been!
Появляются дети и Весна
Spring: The Giant is not wicked or selfish any longer, children.
Child 1: Your garden is so beautiful, Giant!
Child 2: It is so nice!
Child 3: We are so happy in it!
Child 4: Let's play together!
Giant: It is YOUR garden, little children. I will pull down the wall. Now my garden is the children's playground for ever and ever.
Великан и дети играют вместе
Giant and children (хором): One, two, three,
Play with me
Four, five, six,
Pick up sticks,
Seven, eight, nine,
Walk in line.
Child 1: Thank you very much, kind Giant!
Giant: But where is your little friend?
Child 2:We don't know.
Child 3: He has gone away.
Child 4: We have never seen him before!
Giant (поворачивается и спрашивает зрителей): Then who was he?
Выходят рассказчик и мальчик
Storyteller: The boy was an Angel. He helped the Giant to become kind.
Boy: Kind hearts help trees blossom and people become happy!
The End
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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