Великая Отечественная война. Патриотическое воспитание.
проект (9 класс) на тему
- В 2015 году страна празднует 70 лет со дня Победы в Великой Отечественной Войне. Война с первых месяцев стала поистине всенародной. Бессмертен трудовой и ратный подвиг советского народа. Война останется в истории как время величайшего патриотического подъема миллионов людей разных возрастов и разных национальностей, мужчин, женщин и даже детей. Ратные и трудовые подвиги дедов и отцов – замечательный пример патриотизма и гражданственности для молодого поколения.
Обоснование актуальности темы
- Проблема нравственно-патриотического воспитания в современном мире актуальна и сложна. Патриотизм – высокое человеческое чувство, оно многогранно по своему содержанию: это и любовь к родным и близким людям и к малой родине, и гордость за свой народ. Одним из проявлений любви к Родине и преданности ей у взрослого человека является готовность встать на ее защиту. В нашей школе много лет традиционно проходят военно- патриотические мероприятия, встречаемся с ветеранами, проводим тематические концерты, собираем и систематизируем фронтовые письма, фотографии из семейных архивов, берем интервью у ветеранов, посешаем Места боевой славы на экскурсиях. Своим исследованием, посвященном основным военным битвам, наиболее значимых событий Великой отечественной войны 1941-1945 гг, пытались привлечь внимание учащихся, информировать о важных этапах войны в которых участвовали наши деды.
- Ранее в школе проводились опросы, изучали места боевых сражений наших прадедов. Пытаемся привить через подобные выступления патриотические чувства.
Предварительный просмотр:
( 143005, Московская область, г. Одинцово, ул. Б-р Маршала Крылова, д. 5) тел. 591-34-66
Номинация ( иностранный язык)
«The Great Patriotic War “
Пронин Дмитрий,9 класс
Московская область, г. Одинцово,
Руководитель: Игнатьева Ольга Александровна,
учитель английского языка
Одинцовской гимназии № 14
1.Введение …........................................................................................стр.
2.Основная часть..................................................................................стр.
Приложение. 1 Презентация « The Great Patriotic War”.
Приложение 2. Печатный сборник детских творческих работ, посвященных Победе в Великой Отечественной войне 1991-1945
В 2015 году страна празднует 70 лет со дня Победы в Великой Отечественной Войне. Война с первых месяцев стала поистине всенародной. Бессмертен трудовой и ратный подвиг советского народа. Война останется в истории как время величайшего патриотического подъема миллионов людей разных возрастов и разных национальностей, мужчин, женщин и даже детей. Ратные и трудовые подвиги дедов и отцов – замечательный пример патриотизма и гражданственности для молодого поколения.
Обоснование актуальности темы
Проблема нравственно-патриотического воспитания в современном мире актуальна и сложна. Патриотизм – высокое человеческое чувство, оно многогранно по своему содержанию: это и любовь к родным и близким людям и к малой родине, и гордость за свой народ. Одним из проявлений любви к Родине и преданности ей у взрослого человека является готовность встать на ее защиту. В нашей школе много лет традиционно проходят военно- патриотические мероприятия, встречаемся с ветеранами, проводим тематические концерты, собираем и систематизируем фронтовые письма, фотографии из семейных архивов, берем интервью у ветеранов, посешаем Места боевой славы на экскурсиях. Своим исследованием, посвященном основным военным битвам, наиболее значимых событий Великой отечественной войны 1941-1945 гг, пытались привлечь внимание учащихся, информировать о важных этапах войны в которых участвовали наши деды.
Ранее в школе проводились опросы, изучали места боевых сражений наших прадедов. Пытаемся привить через подобные выступления патриотические чувства.
Патриотическое воспитание можно назвать одним из самых сложных направлений в школьном воспитании по ряду причин:
- особенности школьного возраста, максимализм подростков,
- многоаспектность понятия «патриотизм» в современном мире,
- отсутствие концепции, теоретических и методических разработок (характерной особенностью многих исследований является обращение лишь к отдельным аспектам проблемы).
Задачи исследования:
- Воспитание у детей любви и привязанности к семье, родному дому, школе, родной улице, городу.
- Развитие чувства ответственности и гордости за достижения Родины (победа в ВОВ).
- Формирование толерантности, чувства уважения к другим людям, народам и их традициям.
Выше перечисленные задачи и направления решаются в различных видах деятельности:
- Во время непосредственной образовательной деятельности,
- в проектной деятельности.
Великая Отечественная война – важное событие в жизни нашей Родины. Как научить детей помнить защитников Родины, отстоявших родную землю, гордится мужеством, героизмом, стойкостью советских солдат и офицеров, самоотверженностью тружеников тыла – женщин, стариков и детей? Где взять эти знания, чтобы передать детям? Первоисточником, конечно же, является сам
человек. Но время всё дальше отодвигает события Великой Отечественной войны и, к сожалению, её ветеранов остается с каждым годом все меньше. Закономерности человеческой жизни таковы, что скоро их не останется совсем. Очень важно именно сейчас не прервать живую нить памяти о героическом подвиге нашего народа в те годы, и в школьном возрасте лелеять ростки памяти о прадедах, их мужестве.
Объектом нашей работы является воспитание патриотических чувств у старших школьников на примере участников Великой Отечественной войны.
Изначально была определена цель исследования : формирование у детей осознанного отношения к празднику Победы как результату героического подвига народа в Великой Отечественной войне.
- Показать детям, какой ценой была достигнута Победа, насколько трудными были шаги к ней.
- Знакомить детей с главными событиями и памятными датами в истории страны в период Великой Отечественной войны.
- Знакомить детей с тем, как наши деды сражались на полях Великой Отечественной Войны и трудились в тылу, приближая Победу.
- Воспитывать уважение к ветеранам Великой Отечественной войны.
Воспитывать патриотизм и высокие моральные качества у школьников, желание защищать свою Родину и беречь мир.
- Провести праздник, посвящённый Дню Победы с приглашением ветеранов, родственников детей.
Гипотеза. Мы надеялись, что в результате исследования и последующего выступления с презентацией, получим следующие результаты
- У учащихся возраста сформируется осознанное отношение к празднику Победы.
- Они с большим желанием примут участие во всех праздничных мероприятиях, посвящённых этому дню.
- Активно и творчески подойдут к созданию книги « Война моего деда».
- С уважением и благодарностью будут относиться к ветеранам.
В ходе работы над исследованием применяются современные методы :
- создаются ситуации нравственных переживаний ( читают отрывки из писем военных лет;
- анализ художественных произведений по теме,
- - анализ жизненных ситуаций,
- интервью,
- опрос,
- анализ и синтез
- - создание ситуации успеха.
Своей работой мы достигли поставленной цели: у школьников сформировано осознанное отношение к празднику Победы как результату героического подвига народа в Великой Отечественной войне.
Практическая значимость:
Исследование разработано на реальных исторических событиях (Приложение 1). Информацию можно использовать на уроке английского языка, на тематических мероприятиях, посвященных празднованию Дня Победы. Детально разработаны конспекты занятий (Приложение 2).
Аналитическая часть
Первой проблемой было то, что дети изъявили желание участвовать в городском творческом конкурсе стенгазет «Великая Отечественная война глазами детей». Выбор материала был не легким. Так как информации много- а что актуальнее?
Прояснил ситуацию мониторинг.
Учащимся школы задали вопросы и получены ответы:
1. Какой праздник отмечает наша страна 9 мая?
2. Когда началась Великая Отечественная война?
3. Как сейчас называется этот день (начало войны)?
4. Что такое «война»?
5. Есть ли среди твоих (Ваших) родственников (прадедушки, прабабушки, дедушки, бабушки, тёти, дяди), которые участвовали в этой войне?
6. Какие города-герои ты (Вы ) знаешь ( знаете)?
7. Есть ли в нашем городе памятники, установленные в честь воинов-победителей. Как они называются?
8. Каким должен быть солдат, чтобы победить врага?
9. Что ты (Вы) знаете о детях войны?
10. Какие песни, стихотворения, рассказы, фильмы ты (Вы) знаешь (те) о войне?
- Что вы знаете о героях Вов, чьими именами названы улицы нашего города.
- В каких сражениях участвовали ваши дедушки?
У школьников отмечалась хорошая рефлексия на полученные в ходе реализации материала исследования, проведения презентации, которая проявилась в том, что:
- дети осознали, какой ценой была достигнута Победа в Великой Отечественной войне, насколько трудными были шаги к ней;
- при знакомстве детей с произведениями искусства, посвящёнными теме Великой Отечественной войны, воинам-защитникам, труженикам тыла, детям войны у них наблюдалось серьёзное отношение, повышенный интерес;
- дети с энтузиазмом включились в сбор материала из домашних архивов.
- появилась масса вопросов на тему войны, активизировалась воспитательная работа в семье;
- восстановилась связь поколений в семье через память о войне.
Гипотеза, которую мы предполагали в начале работы над исследованием, дала положительные результаты, которые радуют и нас педагогов, и детей и родителей.
The content
2.The main part..................................................................................page
5.The application..........................................................................................page
App. 1 Presentation Of "The Great Patriotic War".
Appendix 2. Printed collection of children's creative works dedicated to the Victory in the great Patriotic war 1991-1945
In 2015, the country is celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the great Patriotic War. War from the first months became truly popular. Immortal labor and the feat of the Soviet people. The war will go down in history as the greatest Patriotic enthusiasm of millions of people of different ages and different nationalities, men, women and even children. Military and labor feats of our fathers and grandfathers great example of patriotism and citizenship for the young generation.
Rationale for the relevance of the topic
The problem of moral and Patriotic education in the modern world is challenging and complex. Patriotism - high human feelings, it is multifaceted in its content: it and love to the family and loved ones and to a small home, and pride for his people. One of the manifestations of love of country and devotion to her, the adult is the willingness to stand up in its defense. In our school many years are traditionally military - Patriotic activities, meeting with veterans, thematic concerts, collect and organize letters, photos from the family archives, interviewing veterans, poseses places of military glory tours. His study of major military battles, the most significant events of the great Patriotic war 1941-1945, tried to attract the attention of students, to inform about important stages of the war involving our grandfathers.
Earlier in the school were interviewed, studied places of battles of our forefathers. Try to instill through such performances of Patriotic feelings.
Patriotic education is one of the most difficult areas in the school education for a number of reasons:
features of school age, perfectionism adolescents,
the multidimensional nature of the concept of "patriotism" in the modern world,
the lack of the concept, theoretical and methodological developments (a characteristic feature of many studies is to appeal to only certain aspects of the problem).
Objectives of the study:
The education of the children of love and affection to family, home, school, home street, home city.
The development of a sense of responsibility and pride in the achievements of the Motherland (the victory in the great Patriotic war).
The formation of tolerance, respect for other people, the peoples and their traditions.
The above issues are solved in different activities:
During direct educational activities,
in project activities.
The great Patriotic war is an important event in the life of our country. How to teach children to remember the defenders of the homeland, to defend their native land, proud of the courage, heroism, resistance to Soviet soldiers and officers, the selflessness of workers in the rear - women, old people and children? Where to get the knowledge to pass on to children? The original, of course, is itself
people. But all the time further and further away the events of the great Patriotic war and, unfortunately, her veterans stays with every year less. Patterns of human life are such that soon they will not remain at all. It is very important right now not to interrupt the thread alive the memory of the heroic feats of our people in the years and school age to nurture the sprouts memory of the ancestors, their courage.
The object of our work is the education of Patriotic feelings in senior schoolchildren for example, participants of the great Patriotic war.
Was originally defined the purpose of the study : children forming a conscious attitude to the Victory as the result of the heroic deeds of the people in the great Patriotic war.
To show the children what the price was achieved Victory, how difficult were the steps to her.
To acquaint children with the main events and anniversaries in the history of the country during the great Patriotic war.
To acquaint children with the way our grandfathers fought in the great Patriotic War and worked in the rear, bringing the Victory.
To foster respect for the veterans of the great Patriotic war.
To foster patriotism and high moral qualities in the students the desire to protect the Homeland and protect the peace.
To spend a holiday dedicated to the Victory Day inviting veterans, relatives of the children.
The hypothesis.
We had hoped that as a result of research and make a presentation, get the following results
Students ages formed the consciousness of the Victory celebrations.
They are eager to take part in all the celebrations of this day.
Actively and creatively suited to the creation of the book "the War my grandfather".
With respect and gratitude would be to treat veterans.
During the work on the study of modern methods are used :
created a situation of moral emotions ( read excerpts from letters from the war years;
- analysis of literary works on the subject,
- analysis of real-life situations,
- analysis and synthesis
- creation of a situation of success.
The main part.
The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945- the fair, the liberation war of the Soviet people for freedom and independence of their country against Nazi Germany and its allies, the most important and crucial part of the Second World War 1939-1945. The war was a national character. The treacherous attack of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union led to a broad popular circles striving by all means to defend the freedom and independence of their country. To protect the Fatherland climbed all the peoples of multinational Soviet state.
August 23,1939 was signed the Soviet-German non-aggression pact. On the German side it was signed by Ribbentrop, who arrived for this purpose in Moscow. The Soviet-German pact was concluded for a period of ten years. February 11, 1940, he was added to the Soviet-German trade agreement. Pact was signed after a long period of cooling of the Soviet-German relations, folding bilateral economic relations and armed conflict, during which the USSR opposed Hitler coalition in Spain and in the Far East, and has become a political surprise to countries such as England and France.
Since the German attack on the Soviet Union June 22, 1941 agreement, as well as all the others, has become invalid.
Position in the world in the spring of 1941 was characterized by the complexity of inter-state relation, with risk of further scaling began in September 1939, the 2nd World War. Aggressive block the forces of world imperialism- Germany, Italy and Japan- to expand and strengthen, joined by Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria and Finland
June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany invaded without declaring war on the Soviet Union. In 3 hours 30 minutes in the morning, when the Germans were prearranged signal «Dortmund», according to the Soviet border outposts and fortifications was suddenly suffered an artillery strike, but after a few minutes the enemy hordes invaded the Soviet Union.
A large force of German aviation brought down thousands tons of deadly cargo on Soviet airfields, bridges, railways, warehouses, lines and communication nodes on the sleeping city. In the border areas of the country seemed a giant firestorm. For the Soviet people began a brutal, bloody and incredibly terrible Great Patriotic War
The heroic defense of the Brest Fortress became a bright page in the history of the Great Patriotic War. June 22, 1941 the command of Hitler`s troops planned to fully capture the fortress. As a result of a surprise attack the garrison of the Brest Fortress was cut off from the main part of the Red Army. However, the Fascists met fierce resistance of its defenders.
Most of the defenders died heroically, they held until recently, went into battle without the weapon, understood that the die. For his native country, they were ready for everything.
September 19, 1941 the German army captured Kiev, were captured about 665 thousands soldiers and officers of the Red Army. Subsequently, on September 29 in Kiev area began mass executions of civilians, mostly Jews. In the early days were executed 33 thousands people. During the occupation of Kiev killed 100 thousands people. After the occupation of Kiev, German troops moved towards Odessa and Sevastopol, capturing them after a while.
German troops launched a major offensive, and August 30, 1941 the city was in the grip. 8 September the Germans cut the railroad Moscow-Leningrad, took Shlisselburg and surrounded Leningrad from the land. Began a bloody battle on the Pulkovo Heights and southern outskirts of the city. On September 9, Leningrad Zhukov arrived. Relieved of his command Voroshilov, he canceled all the arrangements for the delivery of the city.
Was ordered to defend Leningrad to the last man. Fearing heavy losses in the assault, Hitler ordered a long-term siege. He said: "This city is necessary to starve. Cut all supply routes to the mouse there could not slip. Mercilessly bombed, and then the city will collapse like overripe fruit».
Began constant bombing and shelling. Was tightened heavy siege artillery, the Germans began to methodically destroy the city. During the blockade of Leningrad, the Germans brought down on 100 thousand. Bombs and 150 thousand shells.
Loomed terrible famine. Since November 20, the daily bread ration for the workers was only 250 g, for employees, dependents and children - half. According to the blockade, the ration of bread was a small, sticky, moist piece consisting of bran and a small part of the flour. Residents began to eat everything that could stifle hunger.
To top it all out of order system of urban water supply, and water had to be taken from the Neva River and canals. Winter 1941 was unusually harsh. Lack of heating was a monstrous challenge for residents. However, despite the difficult situation, the inhabitants of the city took part in his defense.
People worked in enterprises producing ammunition, military vehicles repaired. In late December, the grain rations became twice as much - by this time a considerable part of the population died. Hunger took the unprecedented scale. Cases of cannibalism began. Many residents have weakened, fell and died on the streets. In the spring of 1942, after the melting of snow in the city was discovered 13 thousand corpses. From starvation during the siege killed 642 thousand people.
However, there are estimates that are actually lost higher - up to 850 thousand people. January 24, 1944 by the Volkhov and Leningrad fronts offensive was undertaken as a result of which was completely lift the blockade. In the city at this time have survived 560 thousand. Residents - 5 times less than at the beginning of the siege. 872 days and nights continued bloodiest and heroic siege in the history of mankind.
By mid-summer of 1942 battles of World War II and got to the Volga. August 23, 1942 German tanks came to Stalingrad. From that day the fascist aviation became systematically bombed the city. On the ground also does not stop the battle. Just live in the city it was not - it was necessary to fight to win. 75 thousand people volunteered for the front. But in the city people worked day and night.
By mid-September the German army broke through to the city center, battles were fought in the streets. Fascists increasingly intensified attack. In the assault on Stalingrad involved nearly 500 tanks, the German aircraft dropped on the city of about 1 million bombs.
Courage Stalingrad had no equal. Many European countries conquered by the Germans. Sometimes they had only 2-3 weeks to capture the entire country. At Stalingrad, the situation was different. Nazis took weeks to grab one house, one street. In the fighting took place early autumn, the middle of November.
By November, almost the entire city, despite the resistance, was captured by the Germans. Only a small strip of land on the banks of the Volga still being held by our troops. Within 2 months in high secrecy at Stalingrad was created strike force.
The significance of this battle is very hard to overestimate. The victory of the Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad was a major influence on the further course of the Second World War. She stepped up the fight against the fascists in all European countries. As a result of this victory, the German side has ceased to dominate.
The Nazis were aware of the weakness of his side, but he did not anticipate that the Soviet command to be able to collect the right amount of troops. The destruction of the encircled enemy army was instructed troops Don Front (commander - General KK Rokossovsky).
Since the German High Command rejected the ultimatum to cease resistance, Soviet troops crossed to the destruction of the enemy, which was the last of the main stages of the Battle of Stalingrad. February 2, 1943 the last enemy group was eliminated.
The significance of this battle is very hard to overestimate. The victory of the Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad was a major influence on the further course of the Second World War. She stepped up the fight against the fascists in all European countries. As a result of this victory, the German side has ceased to dominate.
German army suffered huge losses. Soviet soldiers fought for every street, threw enemy troops, died defending their homeland until the end, understood that they had to defend their country from fascism, to live on this earth, we are today and the next generation in the future. We must remember and appreciate it.
During the struggle against fascism in 1941-1945 the Russian people through their love of country was the patriotic spirit which helped them in difficult times, so the soldiers of the Red Army fought in the battles to the end.
To maintain the spirit of the soldiers, in order to let him know that Homeland hopes on him, that behind him stands his ground, were invented patriotic anti-fascist posters since 1941.
From the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet leadership confronted the US and UK issue of the imminent opening of the Anglo-American forces a second front in Western Europe. Allied landing in France led to the reduction of losses of the Red Army and the civilian population, the rapid expulsion of the enemy from the occupied areas. At some stages of the fighting in 1941 - 1943 years. issue a second front for the Soviet Union had a critical value.
At the same time, the timely opening of hostilities in the West could significantly accelerate the defeat of the fascist bloc, shorten the duration of the Second World War. However, Western leaders question of a second front was largely a matter of implementation of their strategy.
During the talks, the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs VM Molotov Prime Minister Winston Churchill and US President Franklin D. Roosevelt in May-June 1942, an agreement was reached on the establishment of a second front in Western Europe in 1942. However, soon after the talks, Western leaders have decided to revise their previous commitments and postpone the opening Second Front
June 6, 1944 advanced units of the Americans, the British and the Canadians entered the land of Normandy. Simultaneously with the release into the sea from bases in the UK armada of warships and "boats" Allied aircraft brought down thousands of tons of bombs on the positions of artillery batteries, airfields, headquarters, hubs opponent, outlining the landing area.
Norman operation was carried out in two stages:
Operation "Neptune" - the code name of the initial phase of Operation "Overlord" - began June 6, 1944 (the date is also known as "D-Day"), ended July 1, 1944. Its purpose was to gain foothold on the continent, which lasted until July 25; Operation "Cobra" - a breakthrough and offensive in France was carried out immediately after the end of the allies of the first operation ("Neptune"). Together with the 15 August to the beginning of autumn, American and French troops successfully conducted Operation Dragoon, as a supplement to the Normandy operation. Further, in carrying out these operations, the Allied troops advancing from the north and the south of France, joined and continued to advance to the German border, freeing up almost the entire territory of France.
Battle for Normandy continued for more than two months and was based, retention and expansion of beachheads allied forces. It ended in the liberation of Paris and the fall Falezskogo boiler at the end of August 1944.
The final battle in the Great Patriotic War was the Battle for Berlin, or Berlin strategic offensive operation, which took place from April 16 to May 8, 1945. April 16 at 3:00 local time began air and artillery training in the area of the 1st Byelorussian and the 1st Ukrainian Front. After its completion included 143 spotlights to blind the enemy, and the attack went infantry, supported by tanks. Without encountering strong opposition, she progressed to 1.5-2 km.
However, the further advanced our troops, the stronger grew the enemy's resistance. Troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front carried out a rapid maneuver on the exit to Berlin from the south and west. April 25 troops of the 1st Ukrainian and 1st Byelorussian Fronts joined West Berlin, completing the encirclement of the whole of the Berlin grouping. The elimination of the Berlin enemy group in the city itself lasted until May 2nd. Sturm had to take every street and house. April 29 began fighting for the Reichstag, the mastery of which was placed on the 79 Infantry Corps 3rd Shock Army of the 1st Belorussian Front.
April 29, 1945 the first battles took place in the surrounding neighborhoods and the Reichstag inexorably approaching the citadel and symbol of German power. Each meter closer to the building, surrounded by a massive high-rise buildings, the deepest dungeons, protected by the majestic River Spree from the north and Landwehr kanaloma from the south and turned in the grip of the Nazis in a powerful center of resistance was conjugate with enormous difficulties. But the end of the III Reich inexorably approaching ...
The Banner rearranged three times: first at the entrance, then on the second floor loophole, alternately protecting it from the Germans, who could "snitch" it at any time, and, in the end, placed it on the roof, pierced by a bullet stuck in the side figure horse. After the final release of Reichstag and Berlin, followed the end of bloody war.
Thanks to great courage, perseverance and love of country our soldiers, due to their hope and fortitude, the Soviet Union heroically won a landslide victory over the German war machine and liberated Europe from fascism. Memory of this victory we must pass on from generation to generation, we must remember that people are makes impossible for us.
Through our work, we have reached our aim: students formed a conscious attitude to the Victory as the result of the heroic deeds of the people in the great Patriotic war.
Practical significance:
The study was developed on real historical events (Appendix 1). Information can be used in English language, thematic events dedicated to the Victory Day celebration. Detailed synopses of practice (Appendix 2).
The analytical part
The first problem was that the children expressed a desire to participate in the city's creative competition of wall Newspapers "the Great Patriotic war through children's eyes". The choice of material was not easy. Since a lot of information - and what is more relevant?
Clarified the situation monitoring.
Students asked questions and answers:
- What holiday do we celebrate in our country May 9?
2. When was the Great Patriotic war?
3. What do you know about those days (early war)?
4. What does mean word "war"?
5. Are there any of your relatives (their great-grandparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles) who participated in this war?
6. What city -heroes do you know?
7. Does our city monuments, established in honor of victorious warriors. What they are called?
8. How did be soldiers to defeat the enemy?
9. What do you know about the children of war?
10. What songs, poems, stories, movies do you know about the war?
11. What do you know about the great Patriotic war heroes, whose names given to the streets of our city.
12. What do you know in what battles consisted of your grandfather?
Students reported good reflection on received during the implementation of the research material, conducting presentations, which was manifested in the fact that:
the children realise what the price was achieved Victory in the great Patriotic war, how difficult were the steps thereto;
when introducing children to the works of art on the theme of the great Patriotic war, the soldiers-defenders, home front workers, children of war they had experienced serious attitude, high interest;
children with enthusiasm in the collection of material from home archives.
there are a lot of questions on the war, intensified educational work in the family;
recovered the relationship between generations in the family through the memory of war.
The hypothesis, which we assumed at the beginning of work on the study gave positive results that delight us and the teachers, children and parents.
Through our work, we have reached our aim: students formed a conscious attitude to the Victory as the result of the heroic deeds of the people in the great Patriotic war.
Practical significance:
The study was developed on real historical events (Appendix 1). Information can be used in English language, thematic events dedicated to the Victory Day celebration. Detailed synopses of practice (Appendix 2).
The analytical part
The first problem was that the children expressed a desire to participate in the city's creative competition of wall Newspapers "the Great Patriotic war through children's eyes". The choice of material was not easy. Since a lot of information - and what is more relevant?
Clarified the situation monitoring.
Students asked questions and answers:
- What holiday do we celebrate in our country May 9?
2. When was the Great Patriotic war?
3. What do you know about those days (early war)?
4. What does mean word "war"?
5. Are there any of your relatives (their great-grandparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles) who participated in this war?
6. What city -heroes do you know?
7. Does our city monuments, established in honor of victorious warriors. What they are called?
8. How did be soldiers to defeat the enemy?
9. What do you know about the children of war?
10. What songs, poems, stories, movies do you know about the war?
11. What do you know about the great Patriotic war heroes, whose names given to the streets of our city.
12. What do you know in what battles consisted of your grandfather?
Students reported good reflection on received during the implementation of the research material, conducting presentations, which was manifested in the fact that:
the children realise what the price was achieved Victory in the great Patriotic war, how difficult were the steps thereto;
when introducing children to the works of art on the theme of the great Patriotic war, the soldiers-defenders, home front workers, children of war they had experienced serious attitude, high interest;
children with enthusiasm in the collection of material from home archives.
there are a lot of questions on the war, intensified educational work in the family;
recovered the relationship between generations in the family through the memory of war.
The hypothesis, which we assumed at the beginning of work on the study gave positive results that delight us and the teachers, children and parents.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Проект "Патриотическое воспитание школьников на примере Великой Отечественной войны".
Цель данного проекта состоит в том, чтобы выявить проблемы, определить пути и способы совершенствования методов работы по патриотическому воспитанию учащихся, подготовить и осуществить ...
Внеклассное мероприятие по гражданско- патриотическому воспитанию учащихся к 65 летию Победы в Великой Отечественной войне «Героические страницы города Набережные Челны»
Цели: показать мужество и патриотизм героев старшего поколения; продолжить замечательную традицию патриотических дел, которыми отмечает страна всенародный праздник – 65-летие Победы....
Статья Шашковой О.И. «Из опыта работы по патриотическому воспитанию на уроках истории при изучении темы «Великая Отечественная война»».
В статье описываются формы работы с учащимися на уроках истории России и во внеурочное время при изучении темы "Великая Отечественная война"- проектная деятельность творческие задания, уроки мужества ...
Программа патриотического воспитания "Это не должно повториться"(по страницам летописи Великой Отечественной войны).
Программа создана к 70-летию Великой Победы в ВОВ для учащихся 5-9 классов.Программа даёт возможность реализовать идею инклюзивного образования (благодаря сотрудничеству с социальными партнёрами) : со...
Образовательный проект по патриотическому воспитанию школьников "Мы помним, мы гордимся!" Посвящается 70-летию Победы в Великой Отечественной войне
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В данной статье рассмотрены вопросы патриотического воспитания детей школьного возраста, посредством вовлечения их в подготовку и проведение мероприятий, связанных с Великой Победой в Великой Отечеств...
Методическая разработка по патриотическому воспитанию" Интегрированная игра по Великой Отечественной войне "Я только слышал о войне..."
Методическая разработка по патриотическому воспитанию" Интегрированная игра по Великой Отечественной войне "Я только слышал о войне..."...
Великая Отечественная война
Ольга Александровна, к нам работы отправляются на русском языке.