Урок английского языка по теме "Museums"
план-конспект урока (8 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Date: 17. 03. 2014
Class: 8
Unit: 5
Lesson: 2
Topic: Changing times, changing styles. «The London Museum»
Aim: Activization of the vocabulary on the topic
Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to: use the vocabulary in describing the museum of London; to find information in the text; to practice dialogue speech and monologue speech; to work in groups, pairs; to respect the culture of other countries; to have cultural information about other countries.
Equipment: dictionaries, computer, projector, internet, hand outs, flashcards, costumes, sweets, map, badges.
Answer the questions:
Who are the figures of Madam Tussaud's museum?
Where in London is it situated?
When it was opened?
How many figures are in the museum?
Can the characters talk?
What’s the price of a ticket to the museum?
What is “animatronics”?
Fill in the table:
1. Who are the figures of Madam Tussaud's museum? | 2. Where in London is it situated? | 3. When it was opened? | 4. How many figures are in the museum? | 5. Can the characters talk? | 6. What’s the price of a ticket to the museum? |
“animatronics”? |
Fill in the table:
1. Who are the figures of Madam Tussaud's museum? | 2. Where in London is it situated? | 3. When it was opened? | 4. How many figures are in the museum? | 5. Can the characters talk? | 6. What’s the price of a ticket to the museum? |
“animatronics”? |
Madam Tussaud's Madam Tussaud's is the most popular wax (воск) museum in the world. It was opened in eighteen thirty five. There are more than thousand wax models of the famous and infamous, both living and dead, from every walk of life. Elvis Presley, the Beatles, Marilyn Monro, Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga, Charlie Chaplin, the British Royal family (Kate Middleton, Prince William, Elizabeth 2), Bill Clinton, Barak Obama... There is no other place where you can see all famous people at once, even if they are only wax figures. The museum is situated in Marylebone Road, not far from the street which is famous as the home of the first great detective in fiction, Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes. There's usually a long queue (очередь) in front of the museum. No wonder! Many tourists would consider their trip to London worthless if they didn't visit the famous Madam Tussaud's. There are several halls at Madam Tussaud's. Highlights include the Grand Hall, the Chamber of Horrors and "The Spirit of London" exhibition. The wax figures are standing and sitting, and sometimes even moving and talking. They are extremely realistic and when they look at you, their eyes sparkling (сверкают), you often feel uncomfortable in their company. Computer controlled figures (they are called audio animatronics) are especially popular with the visitors. The price of tickets is from twenty five till forty pounds. New models are being produced all the time while the old ones are quietly removed from display. Over the years hundreds of famous persons have made their way to Madame Tussaud's studio. Most people agree to be portrayed, but some refuse. Mother Teresa was one of the few who declined, saying her work was important, not her person. |
Describe Madam Tussaud’s museum, using the plan:
Madam Tussaud's is …
It was …
There are …
We can see …
The museum is …
The figures …
1 | 2 | 3 |
4 | 5 | 6 |
7 |
1 | 2 | 3 |
4 | 5 | 6 |
7 |
Julia | |
| Nastya |
| Vanya |
Natasha | Karina |
Nastya | Alex |
Olga | Nastya |
Stas | Roma |
Dasha | Regina |
Nikita | Ira |
Julia S. |
Describe the museum:
Madam Tussaud's is …
It was …
There are …
We can see …
The museum is …
The figures …
Describe the museum:
Madam Tussaud's is …
It was …
There are …
We can see …
The museum is …
The figures …
Describe the museum:
Madam Tussaud's is …
It was …
There are …
We can see …
The museum is …
The figures …
Describe the museum:
Madam Tussaud's is …
It was …
There are …
We can see …
The museum is …
The figures …
Describe the museum:
Madam Tussaud's is …
It was …
There are …
We can see …
The museum is …
The figures …
Describe the museum:
Madam Tussaud's is …
It was …
There are …
We can see …
The museum is …
The figures …
Describe the museum:
Madam Tussaud's is …
It was …
There are …
We can see …
The museum is …
The figures …
Describe the museum:
Madam Tussaud's is …
It was …
There are …
We can see …
The museum is …
The figures …
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