Методическая разработка "The Grasshopper and the Ant". Уровень 5 класс.
методическая разработка (5 класс) по теме

Комплекс заданий к мультфильму "Кузнечик и муравьи" (ссылка дана). Задания разработаны так, что выполнив их, ученик может пересказать содержание мультфильма. Уровень 5 класс.

Вообще, я делала это задание к учебнику Богородицкой 5 класса. Там есть целый раздел, посвященный басням. Но, думаю, можно дать такое задание и по теме "Книги". 

Автор: Хорошавина Анна Олеговна


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Предварительный просмотр:

The Ant and the Grasshopper http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAd0jOuQg8o 

According to the cartoon who said this:

  1. “Let’s sing and dance!”
  2. “What will you do when winter comes and the snow covers the ground?”
  3. “You were right and I was wrong!”
  4. “Please, don’t throw me away!”
  5. “Only those who work may stay with ants!”

Describe the Grasshopper and the Ant using the following adjectives:

  1. lively
  2. hard-working
  3. lazy
  1. unwise
  2. serious

  1. wise
  2. silly

Say who in this fable:

  1. worked hard and stored everything he needed for the cold winter.
  2. played, sang and danced the whole summer.
  3. only wanted to have fun and to spend a lovely time.
  4. was hungry when winter came.
  5. had a lot of food in winter.

Open the brackets in Past Simple:

  1. In summer the Ant _________ (work) hard and _________ (store) food for the cold winter.
  2. The Grasshopper ___________ (not want) to work. He _________ (play), __________(sing) and __________(dance). He ___________ (have) a lot of fun and ___________ (spend) a lovely time.
  3. When winter ____________ (come) the Grasshopper _____________ (not have) anything to eat. He _________(be) hungry.
  4. The Ant _________ (have) a lot of food. He __________ (not be) hungry and cold in  winter.

Choose the best moral for the fable:

  1. Always have fun. Somebody will surely take care of you.
  2. Prepare today about the needs of tomorrow.
  3. Be friendly and help those in need.

How can you apply this moral to your everyday life? Think of a situation in your life.

Retell the story about the Ant and the Grasshopper.

The Ant and the Grasshopper http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAd0jOuQg8o 

According to the cartoon who said this:

  1. “Let’s sing and dance!”
  2. “What will you do when winter comes and the snow covers the ground?”
  3. “You were right and I was wrong!”
  4. “Please, don’t throw me away!”
  5. “Only those who work may stay with ants!”

Describe the Grasshopper and the Ant using the following adjectives:

  1. lively
  2. hard-working
  3. lazy
  1. unwise
  2. serious

  1. wise
  2. silly

Say who in this fable:

  1. worked hard and stored everything he needed for the cold winter.
  2. played, sang and danced the whole summer.
  3. only wanted to have fun and to spend a lovely time.
  4. was hungry when winter came.
  5. had a lot of food in winter.

Open the brackets in Past Simple:

  1. In summer the Ant _________ (work) hard and _________ (store) food for the cold winter.
  2. The Grasshopper ___________ (not want) to work. He _________ (play), __________(sing) and __________(dance). He ___________ (have) a lot of fun and ___________ (spend) a lovely time.
  3. When winter ____________ (come) the Grasshopper _____________ (not have) anything to eat. He _________(be) hungry.
  4. The Ant _________ (have) a lot of food. He __________ (not be) hungry and cold in  winter.

Choose the best moral for the fable:

  1. Always have fun. Somebody will surely take care of you.
  2. Prepare today about the needs of tomorrow.
  3. Be friendly and help those in need.

How can you apply this moral to your everyday life? Think of a situation in your life.

Retell the story about the Ant and the Grasshopper.

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