методическая разработка (5 класс) по теме

            Грамматические рифмовки являются очень хорошим подспорьем в процессе обучения, так как помогают пусть и в стихотворной форме запомнить различные грамматические особенности английского языка. Рифмованные структуры и стихи могут быть успешно использованы на разных ступенях обучения


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                 Выполнила: учитель английского языка

                                                                          МОУ «Гимназия 83»

                                                                          Пушина Надежда Николаевна


            В условиях гуманизации образования, когда личность растущего человека находится в центре всей образовательной и воспитательной деятельности, поиск эффективных способов и приемов обучения, в том числе и обучения иностранному языку привлекает пристальное внимание многих ученых, методистов и учителей. Изучение языка требует нелегкой систематической работы. Наиболее сложным в овладении языком является изучение грамматики. Система времен английского языка и другие грамматические явления отличаются от родного языка, а иногда не имеют аналогов в нем. Поэтому дети часто считают грамматику неинтересной, скучной. Чтобы сделать этот процесс более занимательным и эффективным, можно использовать различные материалы и упражнения. Например, рифмовки и стихотворения. Это – тот текстовый материал, который дети любят, который им интересен, а следовательно, работа с ним положительно эмоционально окрашена для ученика, что в значительной степени содействует усвоению материала.

            Грамматические рифмовки являются очень хорошим подспорьем в процессе обучения, так как помогают пусть и в стихотворной форме запомнить различные грамматические особенности английского языка. Рифмованные структуры и стихи могут быть успешно использованы на разных ступенях обучения:

- на этапе презентации нового грамматического явления ( в качестве иллюстрированного материала для формулирования правила его употребления);

- на этапе формирования рецептивных навыков ( узнавание той или иной грамматической формы в другом контексте);

- при формировании продуктивных грамматических навыков говорения ( благодаря упражнениям на подстановку, трансформацию, расширение структур и комбинирование грамматического материала с ранее  изученным и усвоенным учащимися).

             Надеемся, что приведенные ниже стихотворения и рифмовки предоставят учащимся возможность развить и углубить свои знания английской грамматики, будут способствовать активизации их мыслительных и творческих умений на уроке английского языка.

Глагол  to be:

I am a mouse,

 You are a cat

One, two, three

 You catch me.

 I am Ann

You are Dan

He is Peter

She is Rita

I am not Ann

I am not Dan

He is not Peter

She is not Rita

My name is Ban

Her name is Nan

His name is Kan

Say it again

I ‘m a mouse

I’m a pretty mouse

I’m a pretty witty mouse

I live in a pretty little house

It is a cat

It is a hat

It is a car

It is a star

She is a teacher

She is a writer

He is a doctor

He is a fighter

Глагол have\has

Pat has a pet

Pat’s pet is fat

Sam has a hat

Sam has a black hat

Sam has a black hat in his hand

I have a doll, you have a ball

He has a dog, she has a frog

It has a box, we have a fox

You have a hare, they have a bear

Baa, baa, black sheep

Have you any wool?

Yes, sir, yes, sir

Three bags full

One for my master

One for my dame

And one for the little boy

Tommy by name

I have two pencils

You have many pencils

You have four toys

They have many toys

We have four kittens

One kitten has got a black nose

One kitten has a white nose

One kitten has a pink nose

One kitten has a grey nose

Look at the boy

He has a toy

Look at the girl

She has a doll

Модальные глаголы:

I can skip and I can run,

I can play games in the sun,

I can hear and I can see.

Lucky me! Oh, lucky me!

I can think of six thin things

Six thin things, can you?

Yes, I can think of six things

And of six thick things, too.

I can swim and ride a bike,
I can roller-skate with Mike.
I can ski, I can make tea,
I can play chess with Lui,
I can play tennis, basketball,
Cricket, handball, volley-ball,
I can play so many games,
With Tom, Helen, Tracy, James.

When the weather is wet
We must not fret.
When the weather is cold
We must not scold.
When the weather is warm,
We must not storm.
But be thankful together
Whatever the weather.

You must come

You must come to supper

You must come to supper with us

You must come to supper with us

And join in the fun

Guests can come on Sunday

Guests can come on Sunday

Guests must come

The mother gives them tea.

Sunday must be sunny

Sunday must be windy

And it*s nice, it*s nice

To have a cup of tea

Do all the good you can

By all the means you can

In all the ways you can

In all the places you can

In all the times you can

To all the people you can

As long as ever you can

I can think of six thin things

Six thin things, can you?

Yes, I can think of six thin things

And of six thick things, too

Can you jump like a rabbit?

Can you swim like a fish?

Can you run like a tiger?

Can you sing like a bird?

Can you hop like a rabbit?

Can you jump like a frog?

Can you walk like a duck?

Can you run like a dog?

Can you fly like a bird?

Can you swim like a fish?

And be still like a good child?

I cannot work on Sunday

Nor start the work on Tuesday

Wednesday is holiday

I must play on Thursday

What to do on Friday

On Saturday I get my pay

On Sunday I must rest all day

I have many pencils

Red and green and blue

I can draw a picture

And give it to you

I can draw my father

I can draw my mother

I can draw my sister

And my little brother

Притяжательные местоимения:

I am your friend

And you are my friend

Give me your hand

She is his friend

And he is her friend

They are the best friends

Множественное число существительных:

. One little, two little, three little Indians.

Four little, five little, six little Indians.

Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians.

Ten little Indian boys.

2. Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians.

Seven little, six little, five little Indians.

Four little, three little, two little Indians.

One little Indian boy.

Future Simple:

Tomorrow on Sunday

We go to the Zoo

Tomorrow, tomorrow

We go to the Zoo

There is a Zebu there

And a zebra too

A bear and a monkey

And a kangaroo

Goosy, goosy, Ganda

Where shall I wonder

Upstairs and downstairs

And my lady*s chamber

When I am ten,

I’ll get a pen

Then I shall write

Like brother Ben

Robin Hood has gone

To the wood

He’ll come back again

If we are good

If bees stay at home,

Rain will soon come

If they fly away,

Fine will be the day

Lazy Mary, will you get up,

Will you get up, will you get up

Lazy Mary, will you get up,

Will you get up today?

No, no, Mother, I won’t get up,

I won’t get up, I won’t get up

No, no, Mother, I won’t get up,

I won’t get up today/

Bat, bat, come under my hat

And I’ll give you a slice of bacon

And when I bake

I/ll give you a cake

On a hunting we will go

On a hunting we will go

We’ll catch a fox

And put him in a box

And never let him go

Tomorrow will be wonderful

I’ll drive my little car

I’ll walk along the river- bank

I watch the ships sail by

The next day will be better

I’ll take you to the Zoo

I’ll show you bears and monkeys

And a great gorilla too

      Will you come to the party on Friday?

Will you meet me under the tree?

Will you merry me in September?

Will you come and live by the sea?

Shall I sing?

Says the luck

Shall I blew

Says the flower?

Shall I come

Says the sun

Or shall I

Says the shower

I shall make a little cake

He and she will make some tea

We shall make another cake

For you and they will come today

We shall overcome

We shall overcome

We shall overcome some day

Oh, deep in my heart

I do believe

We shall overcome sometime

Black and white together

Black and white together

Black and white together

Oh, deep in my heart

I do believe

We shall overcome someday

When the wind blows

The cradle will rock

When the bough breaks

The cradle will fall

And down will come baby

Cradle and all

Conditional sentences:

                 If you go to Rome

If you go to Rome

You’ll see the Coliseum

If you go to London

May be you’ll see the Queen

If you  stay with me

You won’t see anything

And you’ll be very happy

That*s for sure

      If you climb that mountain

You’ll be above the noisy crowds

If you catch a jet plane

You’ll see above the clouds

If you stay with me

You won’t see anything

But you’ll be very happy

That’s for sure

          If I had a hammer

If I had a hammer

I’d hammer in the morning

I’d hammer in the evening

All over this land

I’d hammer out danger

I’d hammer out a warning

I’d hammer out love between

My brothers and  sisters

All over this land

If I had a bell

I’d ring it in the evening

I’d ring it in the morning

All over this land

I’d ring out a danger

I’d ring out a warning

I’d ring out love between

My brothers and my sisters

All over this land

If it snows, if it snows

What will you do, what will you do?

I’ll go sking if it snows

That is what I will do

If it rains, if it rains

I will stay at home if it rains

That’s what I will do

If there is right in the soul

There is beauty in the person

If there is beauty in the person

There will be harmony in the home

If there is harmony in the home

There will be order in the nation

If there is order in the nation

There will be peace in the world

If all the world were paper,
And all the sea were ink;
If all the trees were bread and cheese,
What should we do for drink.

If wishes were horses, 
Then beggars would ride;
If turnips were watches,
I would wear one by my side.

Порядковые числительные:

Take a pencil. Draw four glasses,
You are having grammar classes,
In the first glass there is no water,
In the second there is a quarter.
There is some water in the third.
In the fourth there is a lot.
There is a little in the last,
That is all. Please, take on trust.

Множественное число существительных:

. One little, two little, three little Indians.

Four little, five little, six little Indians.

Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians.

Ten little Indian boys.

2. Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians.

Seven little, six little, five little Indians.

Four little, three little, two little Indians.

One little Indian boy.

Four, five, six

We have a lot of chicks

Four, five, six

I like to feed the chicks

Present Continuous

I am counting to ten,
You are giving me a pen.
She is looking at the door,
He is sitting on the floor.
Each of us is working well.
Waiting, waiting for the bell.

    The ship is sailing, the wind is waving

Hello, my friends, hello, my friends

   The sun is shining, the stars are smiling

       Hello, my friends, hello, my friends

Through rains and thunders, we^ll see the wonders

With you, my friends, with you, my friends

        We^ll be together in any weather

        Hello, my friends, hello,my friends

Deegrees of comperason

This is the smartest cat

This is the funniest hat

This is the quickest dog

This is the smallest frog

Honey is sweeter than sugar

Coffee is stronger than tea

Juice is better than water

You can’t be smarter than me

Good, better, the best

Let’s never rest

Till our good’s better

And our better best

Who'll run fastest, you or I?
Who'll laugh loudest? Let us try.
The wise old owl sat in an oak.
The more he heard the less he spoke.

'Better late than never'
'East or West home is best'
'Last but not least'
'He laughs best who laughs last'

                                                                                                                                                                            Tim*s the tallest in the group

Because likes the cabbage soup

Nelly is the cleverest

She can do the hardest test

    The duty of the strong

You, who are the oldest

You, who are the tallest

Don*t you think you ought to help

The youngest and the smallest

You, who are the strongest

You, who are the quickest

Don*t you think you ought to help

The weakest and the sickest

Never mind the trouble

Help them all you can

Be a little woman

Be a little man

School is over

Oh, what fun

Lessons finished

Play begun

Who*ii run fastest

You or I?

Who*ll laugh loudest?

Let*s try.

The weather is good

What about mood?

If it is better

Let*s play together

My best friend is with me

We are happy, aren*t we?

Say well and do well

Eat with me better

Say well is good

Do well is better

Say well and do well

Eat with me better

Say well is good

Do well is better

Passive voice

What is done cannot be undone

A tree is known by its fruit

Lost time is never found again

Rome was not built in a day

Don*t count  your chickens before they are hatched

Never fry a fish till it is caught

A liar is not believed when he talks the truth

The wind shook the house

The house was shaken

We took what we could

But not everything was taken

Some man brought the boats

When the boats were brought

They went to buy some clothes

The clothes were bought

Tea is prepared from the leaves of trees

Honey is gathered and made by the bees

Butter is made from milk of a cow

Pork is flashed of a pig or a sow

Oil is obtained from the fish and the flax

Paper is made from the trees and rays

Worsted is made of wood soft and warm

Silk is prepared and spunn  by worm

Love ca not be forced- Насильно мил не будешь

Do as you would be done – Поступай так, как ты хочешь чтобы поступили с тобой

Pinocchio was followed by the robbers

Pinocchio was caught and hung an a big tree

The dog was sent to the forest to find and bring Pinocchio

Pinocchio was brought to the house and put on bed

Pinocchio was given son\me medicine and a piece of sugar

Pinocchio was taught a good lesson not to tell lies

Past Simple:

There was a young lady from Niger
Who smiled as she rode on a tiger.
They returned from the ride
With the lady inside.
And the smile on the face of the tiger.

Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie,
Kissed the girls and made them cry.
When the boys came out to play,
Georgie Porgie ran away.

A black cat sat on a mat
And rapidly ate a fat rat.
A black cat sat on a mat
And rapidly ate a fat rat.

There was an old woman who lived in a shoe

She had so many children, she didn*t know what to do

She gave them some broth without any bread

She whipped them all sandly and put them to bed

Solomon Grundy,
Born on Monday,
Christened on Tuesday,
Married on Tuesday,
Married on Wednesday,
Took ill on Thursday,
Worse on Friday,
Died on Saturday,
Buried on Sunday.
That is the end
Of Solomon Grundy.

Hickory dickory dock

The mouse ran up the clock

The clock struck one

The mouse ran down

Hickory dickory dock

There is\are

Little yellow bee, bee, bee

How many flowers do you see?

There are three flowers on Mary’s hat

There is one in Willy’s hand

Would you like to draw, my friends?
Near the chairs a table stands,
There is a TV set at the cupboard,
There is an armchair on the carpet,
On the wall there is a mirror,
On the sofa there is a pillow,
There is a bookshelf on the wall,
On the shelf there is a ball.
There is a clock on the chest of
In the vase there is a rose.

Here is a problem. Can you solve it?

There are 4 corners in the room

There is one cat in each corner

In front of each cat there are 3 cats

How many cats are there in the room?

There are two glasses under one glass

There is one glass on two glasses

There are two glasses on one glass

There is one glass under two glasses

There is a glass on a glass and a glass under a glass

So, how many glasses are there all in all?

There is a party here today

There is a party here today

I can tell it by the smile

That there is a party here today

This is the key of the kingdom

In the kingdom there is a city

In the city there is a town

In the town there is a street

In the street there is a yard

In the yard there is a house

In the house there is a room

In the room there is a bed

On the bed there is a basket

In the basket there are some flowers

There is a room in my house

There is a bed in the room

There is a lamp by the bed

There is a cupboard by the lamp

There is a table by the cupboard

There is a chair by the table

In front of my house there is a tree

Next to my house there is a creek

Near my house there is a park

On top of my house there is a nest

Over the door there is a light

There was a sofa

There was a door

There was a carpet on the floor

Was there a sofa?

Was there a door?

Was there a carpet on the floor?

If things were to be done twice

All would be wise

I have a house and it is small

There are two pictures on the wall

There is a carpet on the floor

There is a mirror near the door

There are four flowers on the shelf

There are some books and me myself

Is there Sun in the sky?

Yes, there is and it is bright

Are there birds in the air?

Yes, there are, little birds are up there

Is there something new you can see?

Yes, there is, we call it spring

How many colours are there in a rainbow?

There are seven and my favourite is yellow

How many cows are there in a field?

There is one and it is smiling  to me

How many homes are there in the world?

For me – only one and I think it is the best

Posessive case

Giraffes’ necks are so long!
Elephants’ trunks are big and strong.
Zebras’ stripes are black and white.
Parrots’ feathers are so bright!
Monkeys’ faces are very funny.
Bees’ product, you know, is honey.

Red sky at night
Sailor’s delight.
Red sky in the morning
Sailor’s warning.

Present Simple

Little children – girls and boys
Like the magic world of toys.
Boys enjoy a rocking horse
And a clown’s funny nose.
Girls prefer a baking set,
An umbrella blue and red.

Why do you cry, Willie?
Why do you cry?
Why, Willie? Why, Willie?
Why, Willie?

This is a mouse.
She lives in the house.
This is a cat.
He is very fat
Because he lives in the house
And he likes to eat a mouse.

He laughs best who laughs last.
All is well that ends well.
The early bird catches the warm.
Every cloud has a silver lining.

What does the Bee do?

It brings home honey

And what does father do?

He brings home money

What does mother do?

She spends all the money

And what does Arthur do?

He eats up the honey

Чем занимается пчела?

Она приносит мед.

Что делает отец с утра?

Он доллары кует

А мать, конечно, тратит их

И это- тьма хлопот

Ну, а сынок за всех троих

Черпает ложкой мед

  The Wind Mill

When the wind blows

Then the mill goes

When the wind drops

Then the mill stops

Now the wind is blowing

So the mill is going

Если ветер трудится

Мельница крутится

Ветер дуть устает

Сразу мельница встает

Ветер трудится сейчас

И ветряк пустился в пляс

Do you know Mary?

Mary? Who?

Mary McDonald.?

Of course, I do.

Do you know her sister Betty?

Yes, of course, I do. I know her elder sister Betty and her younger sister Sue.

Do you know her husband Bobby?

Yes, of course, I do. I know her husband and her cousin, too.

Do you know her aunt Erik?

Yes, of course, I do. I know her aunts and her uncles and her brother, too.

Do you speak English? Yes, I do.

Do you play tennis? Yes, I do.

Do you like music? Yes, I do.

Oh, yes, I do.

Do you speak Swedish? No, I don*t.

Do you play cricket? No, I don*t.

Do you like apples? No, I don*t.

Oh, no I don*t

Does Tom play the drums? Yes, he does.

Does he read comics? Yes, he does.

Does he like horses? Yes, he does.

Oh, yes, he does.

Does Tom collect stamps? No, he doesn*t.

Does he play the piano? No, he doesn*t.

Does he write letters? No, he doesn*t.

Oh, no he doesn*t.

What does Daisy do on Mondays?

She looks after Mary.

What does Daisy do on Tuesdays?

She goes out with Martin.

What does Michael do on Wednesdays?

He goes to the boys* club.

What does Michael do on Thursdays?

He plays cards with Simon.

Get up, little Freddy

Breakfast is ready

Butter and cheese

All that you please

Milk and bread

For little Fred

Tea and jam

For brother Sam

Present Perfect:

Oh, where have you been, Billy Boy, Billy Boy

Oh, where have you been, Charming Billy?

I have been to seek a wife

She’s the joy of my life

She’s a young thing and cannot leave her mother

She has bought a new hat

He has caught a wild cat

They have seen a black bat

I have heard an old rat

Have you ever been to Boston?

Yes, I have.

No, I haven’t.

Have you ever been to London?

Yes, I have,

No, I haven’t.

Has your brother read this book?

Yes, he has.

But I have not!

Has your sister ever cooked?

Yes, she has.

But I have not.

I have met you today

Have you seen me?

Yes, OK

I have never been so glad

What a good company

I’ve ever had!

Have you ever seen the beaches of Mexico?

Have you ever walked the streets of San Juan?

Have you ever been to Haiti?

Have you ever been to Spain?

Have you ever walked barefoot in a heavy rain?

Have you ever been in trouble?

Have you ever been in pain?

Have you ever been in love?

Well, I’ve never seen the beaches of Mexico

Well, I’ve never walked the streets of San Juan

Well, I’ve never been to Haiti

Well, I’ve never been to Spain

Well, I’ve never walked barefoot in a heavy rain

But I’ve sure been in trouble

But I’ve sure been in pain

But I’ve sure been in love

I’d do all again

Present Contunious:

The Sun is shining

The Sun is shining today

It*s raining today

I love the rain

Not me

It*s raining today

It*s raining today

It*s snowing today

I love the snow

I*m cold

It*s snowing today

It*s snowing today

Where are you going.
Little kittens?
We are going to town
To get us some mittens.
Mittens for kittens!
Do kittens wear mittens?
Who ever saw little kittens
With mittens

One and two and three and four, I am sitting on the floor

I am playing with a ball and a pretty little doll

       One and two and three and four, I am sitting on the floor

       I am playing with a car and a pretty little star

One and two and three and four, we are sitting on the floor

We are sitting, girls and boys, we are playing with the toys

Are you sleeping, are you sleeping, brother John, brother John?

The morning bells are ringing, the morning bells are ringing

Ding-ding-dong, ding-ding-dong

           Are you sleeping, are you sleeping, sister Mary, sister Mary?

           The morning bells are ringing, the morning bells are ringing

           Ding-ding-dong, ding-ding-dong

Spring is coming, spring is coming

Flowers are coming too

Snowdrops, lilies, daffodils

Now are coming too

I am walking down the streets

I am waiting for a bus

I am watching an old lady

Who is holding a small dog

I am looking through the windows

On the shops along the way

I am thinking of my true love

Who is the angel of the day

I can*t see her in the city of light

I can*t hear her in the dark of the night

I*m lying in the sun

I*m looking at the sun

I*m lying, I*m lying

And I*m looking at the sun

Phino- no is walking here

Crocodile – dile*s swimming near

Only I*m still lying

And still looking at the sun

Past Continuous:

Sally was reading when I came

Marry was singing when I came

Petty was dancing when I came

And when they came

I was playing game

A wise old owl was lying in the oak

The more he saw

The less he spoke

The less he spoke the more he heard

Why can’t we all be like that wise old bird?

What were you doing

When I saw you in this stable Alice?

What were you doing?

When I saw you there?

What were you doing?

When I saw you in this stable Alice?

What were you doing?

When I saw you there?

       I was listening to the stories

Of the big white horses

They were telling me  all about

Their favourite corses

While I was being a little boy

I washed my  mummy’s dish

And while I was sleeping

I saw a golden fish

If nothing is done

Forests will be cut down

If porches are arrested

Tigers will be survived

When I reached my house at seven

Max was playing the guitar

Jane was sitting at the table

Eating pickles from a jar

Ted was sitting at the piano

Playing sonatas to Louise

And my parrot Paul was singing

All the songs and melodies

Bob was sleeping under the table

He couldn*t even stay awake, and my dog was in

The kitchen

Eating off the birthday cake

Yesterday in a Pub

I met a lion cub


Bert is in the cabin of the aircraft

My camera is on the rack

My umbrella is at the suitcase

If you want to call the stewardess

Push the button over your seat

There is a beautiful branch above my head

The car is in front of the house

There is a small garden behind the school

The bookshop is opposite the chemist*s

The post office is between the school and the church

Among tall trees we can see a small house

He leaves his bicycle by the wall

It is dark inside the cave

There are many flowers outside the house

Beside the house there is a café

The post office is next to school

The cat is under the table

In, on, at, above and under

On the right and on the left

In the corner and behind you

And in front of you it is

In the middle, in the centre

From and to and out of

Near, at and up and down

And across and opposite

It is a cat, it’s under the mat

It is a fox, it’s in the box

It is a bear, it’s on the chair

It is a dog, it’s under the log

It is a ball, it’s near the doll

It is a star, it’s on the car


I think mice are very nice

Their tails are long

Their faces are small

They don't have any

Chins at all.

Исходя из всего вышеизложенного, можно сделать следующие выводы:

Проблема использования стихотворений и рифмовок  в обучении грамматике английского языка заслуживает должного внимания на всех ступенях обучения, начиная с начального, заканчивая старшим, так как повышает эффект обучения. Использование стихотворений и рифмовок на уроке английского языка дает импульс творческому воображению детей, обладает огромным эмоциональным воздействием, играет огромную роль при обучении грамматическому аспекту иностранного языка, позволяет ученикам достичь хороших результатов в изучении английского языка.


  1. Г.И. Арефьева "Рифмовки и скороговорки    на английском языке" ИЯШ №3/91 стр. 105-106 
  2. языка" стр.48-53.
  3. ИЯШ №2/98 "Стихи и рифмовки на уроках иностранного языка в V-VII классах" стр.37-40.
  4. О.И. Медведева  "Творчество  учителя  на  уроках  английского  языка  ",  М "Просвещение", 1992 г. стр.9, стр. 18-20.

5. Дьяченко Н.П. Стихи, рифмовки и песни как средство повышения эффективности урока английского языка: Н.П. Дьяченко // Педагогический вестник. – 2004, №3. – С. 30-33.

6. Любченко А.С. Нестандартные уроки английского языка в школе. - Ростов Н/Д.: Феникс, 2007. - 301с.

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