Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия “Christmas Is Knocking at the Door…” с мультимедийным сопровождением
методическая разработка (8 класс) по теме
Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия “Christmas Is Knocking at the Door…” с мультимедийным сопровождением для учащихся начальной и основной школы
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Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия
“Christmas Is Knocking at the Door…”
Учитель английского языка
МОУ «Гимназия №2»
Морозова Светлана Владимировна
- Совершенствование навыков устной речи
- Расширение лексического запаса по теме «Рождество»
- Расширение кругозора и знакомство с традициями страны изучаемого языка
- Актуализация страноведческого материала
- Развитие социокультурной компетенции
- Развитие навыков творческого письма
- Формирование навыков общаться и работать в команде
- Повышение интереса к изучению английского языка
- Развитие творческих способностей учащихся
- Формирование мотивации к изучению иностранного языка
- Развитие презентационных умений и навыков
Уровень: комбинированный - начальный и средний. Данное мероприятие на тему «Рождество стучится в дверь» охватывает учащихся двух параллелей – четвёртые и восьмые классы. Таков выбор неслучаен. Мероприятие задумано как рассказ представителей среднего звена об английской традиции представителям младшего звена. Восьмиклассники презентируют традицию, а четвероклассники под их руководством иллюстрируют её.
К внеклассному мероприятию учащиеся готовятся заранее. Вместе с учителем ученики подбирают фактический материал, выбираются и готовятся костюмы и необходимые атрибуты, раздаются слова, обсуждается ход мероприятия.
За неделю до проведения тематического внеклассного мероприятия в классе у доски вешается сумка с рождественской символикой для писем учащихся, адресованных Санта Клаусу. Тематика письма – свободная ( просьба о подарке, пожелание Санта Клаусу, рассказ о себе и т.д. ).
Слайд 1
(На сцену выходит ученик, в руках держит веточку сосны, ели или рождественский венок.)
Слайд 2
Pupil 1: Every country has its own traditions and customs. In Britain traditions play a very important role in the life of people mostly because the British are very conservative. They are proud of their traditions and keep them carefully. Today we are going to present you а popular English tradition – Christmas. So, let’s imagine it’s Christmas day now.
Слайд 3
Учащиеся выходят на сцену. Зазвучала музыка. Учащиеся исполняют песню “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”.
Слайд 4
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year.
Good tidings to you wherever you are
Good tidings for Christmas and a happy New Year.
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a happy New Year.
Good tidings we bring to you of good cheer
Good tidings for Christmas and a happy New Year.
Comic verse (исполняет солист)
We fish you a hairy Chris moose
We fish you a hairy Chris moose
We fish you a hairy Chris moose
And a Hippo New Year.
Good tidings to you wherever you are
Good tidings for Christmas and a happy New Year.
Риpil 2: Do you know much about this holiday? Today you can learn more about Christmas. Let’s have a quiz and define the winner.
( На интерактивной доске появляются вопросы викторины, а затем и правильные ответы c сопроводительными иллюстрациями.)
- When is Christmas day observed? (On the 25th of December.)
Слайд 5
- What do the English brighten up their homes with at Christmas? (Holly, mistletoe and other evergreens.)
Слайд 6
- Who were the first to use the Christmas tree in their celebrations? (The Germans.)
- When did the Christmas tree gain popularity in England? (Under Queen Victoria, because of the influence of her husband, Prince Albert, who was German.)
Слайд 7
- What do people decorate the Christmas tree with? (Fairy lights, small toys, little packets of nuts, candies and special biscuits, artificial frost.)
Слайд 8
- Why is holly known as the Holy Tree? (It promises everlasting life because it bears berries in winter.)
Слайд 9
- What is the Advent wreath? (A wreath which is hung outside the front door for the whole period of Advent.)
Слайд 10
- What magic and healing properties does mistletoe have? (It gives protection from thunder and lightning.)
Слайд 11
- What should people do if they stop under a mistletoe? (Kiss each other.)
- Why is Christmas sometimes spelt Xmas? (The word for Christ in Greek is Xristos. The use of shortened form “Xmas” became popular in Europe in the 1500s.)
Слайд 12
Pupil 3 (читает наизусть стихотворение “It’s Christmas” by Jack Prelutsky.) На лацкане пиджака – остролист.
Слайд 13
It’s Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Yes, it’s merry, merry Christmas,
it’s time for hanging stockings,
It’s time for riding sleighs,
It’s time for jolly greeting,
Snow and holly, overeating,
Oh, I love you merry Christmas,
You’re the best of holidays.
Слайд 14
Pupil 4(держит в руках разноцветные традиционные чулки ): You see, I’m holding several stockings in my hand. Some of you may think I’m cold and I’m going to put them on. But you’re mistaken. Does anybody know what they are meant for at Christmas? (обращается к младшим школьникам). Yes, they are for Christmas presents. Children in Britain put their stockings by the side of the chimney for Father Christmas or Santa Claus to put their presents in. Now, let’s peep into our stockings. Will you do it and see if there is a present for you?
(Ученик подходит к нескольким учащимся, предлагает им заглянуть вовнутрь чулок и получить небольшие подарки для себя.)
Слайд 15
Pupil 5 ( читает наизусть стихотворение “The Mistletoe” by Jack Prelutsky.)
На стене над дверью висит омела.
Mommy, Daddy, quick!
Let’ go
And stand beneath the mistletoe.
You kiss me and I’ll kiss you,
Here comes Sister,
Kiss her too.
Mommy, Daddy, quick!
Let’s go
And stand beneath the mistletoe!
Слайд 16
Pupil 6 (выходит на середину зала, в руке у него – красивая почтовая открытка):
Oh, I see some of you have already got Christmas presents. It’s a very good tradition, isn’t it? But there is one more pleasant thing people do before Christmas: they send Christmas cards to their friends, relatives and beloved ones to congratulate them with coming year and to express their wishes on this occasion. Now I suggest having a competition for the best Christmas card. I invite two pupils from each form to come up to me. Here you can see some posters and coloured pencils. During three minutes you will be writing a Christmas card to any person you want. Try to make your message humorous, mind your grammar and spelling. (учащиеся подходят к постерам и принимаются за работу в группе).
Pupil 7
( в костюме 19-го века): While the participants of our competition are busy writing, I’ll tell you about the history of sending Christmas Cards. In the mid-19th century in London there lived a man, Henry Cole by name. Every year he sent short notes to his friends at Christmas, but in 1843 he had no time for letter writing, so he asked an artist John C. Horsley, to design a card with the printed message that would substitute his annual greeting. His request inspired a billion dollar industry and added a tradition of sending Christmas cards.
Pupil 6:Now let’s see what the results of our competition are. We should take into consideration spelling, grammar mistakes, special character of the message, design, of course, etc.
Учащиеся выбирают лучшую рождественскую открытку и поздравляют победителя.)
(На сцену выходит группа учащихся и декламирует стихотворение “Our Christmas Play” by Jack Prelutsky.)
Pupil 8:
Слайд 17
We were nervous and excited
in assembly today,
For our parents came to visit us
and watch our Christmas play.
Pupil 9:
Слайд 18
Our teachers helped a little,
but we did the most ourselves,
The fattest kid played Santa
and the smallest kids were elves.
Pupil 10:
A few were Santa’s reindeer
so they got to run and leap,
Some of us were shepherds,
and a bunch were woolly sheep,
Pupil 11:
Слайд 20
There was Jesus in the manger,
there were angels wearing wings,
There was Joseph, there was Mary,
and the three wise Eastern kings.
( во время декламации этого отрывка на экране или на интерактивной доске идёт демонстрация тематических слайдов)
Pupil 12:
We wore makeup, we wore costumes,
it was really lots of fun,
And our parents all applauded (аплодисменты участников)
when our Christmas play was done.
Pupil 13(в костюме рождественской ёлки):
Then we took our bows together, (все участники кланяется)
everyone that is, but me –
I just stood there, green and fragrant,
for I played…
Слайд 22
Pupil 14: So, we’ve got Christmas presents and Christmas cards. What else do people usually do at Christmas? ( участники запевают рождественскую песню).Yes, they sing. Carol-singing at Christmas is a very old custom. All over the country groups of people (young and old) sing in the streets and outside people’s houses. The center of carol-singing in London is Trafalgar Square. Can we sing here? Do you know any Christmas songs?
Pupils: -Yes, we do!
Pupil 14: O. K. Let’s try to sing together!
(Учащиеся получают аутентичные тексты рождественских песнопений и все вместе исполняют их под фонограмму «-1». Также можно вынести слова песни на экран построчно ).
Angels from the Realms of Glory
Angels from the realms of glory
Wing your flight over all the earth
Ye, who sang creation’s story,
Now proclaim Messiah’s birth
Come and worship, come and worship
Worship Christ the newborn King.
Shepherds in the fields abiding
Watching over your flocks by night
God with man is now residing
Yonder shines the infant light
Come and worship, come and worship
Worship Christ the newborn King.
Sages leave your contemplations
Brighter visions beam afar
Seek the great Desire of nations
Ye have seen His natal star
Come and worship, come and worship
Worship Christ the newborn King.
Saints before the alter bending
Suddenly the lord, descending,
His temple shall appear
Come and worship, come and worship
Worship Christ the newborn King.
Pupil 15: There are many customs and traditions, but there are many Santa’s favourite Christmas superstitions. Can you match the two halves of these Christmas superstitions? (Работа на интерактивной доске)
Слайд 23
- c
- e
- b
- f
- d
- a
На доске появляются вопросы, а учащиеся организуют дискуссию.
Слайд 24
Do you believe in these superstitions?
Слайд 25
Are there any similar Christmas or holiday superstitions in your country?
Pupil 16: We have already sung one of the old Christmas carols. But let’s sing the song, which is popular all over the world. Now this song is like a Christmas symbol. Do you know what song it is?
Pupils: Yes, we do know.
Pupil 14: O.K. Let’s sing it all together.
(Музыкальное сопровождение: скрипка, пианино)
Jingle Bells
by John Pirpont, 1857
Dashing through the snow, in a one-horse open sleigh,
O’er the fields we go, laughing all the way.
Bells on bobtail ring, making spirits bright,
What fun it is to run and sing a sleighing song tonight!
CHORUS: Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.
Oh! What fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh!
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.
Oh! What fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh!
A day or two ago, I thought I’d take a ride,
And soon Miss Fannie Bright was sitting by my side.
The horse was lean and lank, misfortune was his lot.
He got into a snowdrift bank p and we? We got upsot!
So now the moon is bright, enjoy it while you’re young.
Invite your friends tonight to sing this sleighing song.
Just get a bob-tailed nag and give him extra feed.
Then hitch him to an open sleigh – and crack! You’ll take the lead!
( 9 учеников выстраиваются в ряд. У каждого в руках английская буква.)
Слайд 27
The True Christmas Poem
by Jim Smith
C is for the Christ child lying in a manger.
H is for the Holy one who saved us all from danger.
R is to remember him who died that we may live.
I is to Inspire us that we may always give.
S is for Joyful Songs and sacred hymns that praise.
T is to Thank the Lord for showing us the way.
M is for Miracles that bless us each day.
A is for Almighty who always puts us first.
S is for the Shepherd who guides us on the Earth.
(На сцену выходит ученик, в руках у него – горящая свеча. У всех участников в руках – свечи.)
Слайд 28
Pupil 14:
I hope when you close your eyes
All your wishes come true!
Now blow our Christmas candles
And make a good wish…(задувают свечи)
(in chorus) Happy Christmas to you!!!
Слайд 29
( Под звуки рождественской мелодии ученики выбегают в зал и дарят поздравительные открытки всем присутствующим).
Wishing You
a Merry Christmas
and a Prosperous
New Year!
( Звучит мелодия рождественской песни, учащиеся уходят со сцены.)
- Музыкальное сопровождение: пианино, скрипка
- Необходимое оборудование: журнальный столик, украшенная ёлка, свечи, остролист, омела, рождественский венок
- Проектор
- Музыкальный центр
- Калинина Л. В. Предметная неделя английского языка в школе. Ростов н/Д.: Феникс, 2007. – (Библиотека учителя).
- Kathleen Carroll, Marina Novikova. Holidays Go Round and Round. American Holidays: Traditions, Poems, Songs. – СПб.: «Триада», 1996.
- Полякова С. Е., Рыжих Н. И. Английский язык 365 дней в году. English All Year Around. – Донецк: ООО ПКФ «БАО», 2006.
- Химунина Т. Н. и др. В Великобритании принято так ( об английских обычаях). Учеб пособие для пед. ин-тов и фак. иностр. Яз. Л., «Просвещение», 1974.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Customs and Traditions of Great Britain Christmas Celebrations
Christmas is coming and knocking at the door…
We Wish You a Merry Christmas!
Christmas Day is observed on the 25 th of December . Christmas was once a movable feast celebrated many different times during the year. It was the Pope Julius I in the 4 th century AD who chose December 25 to celebrate Christmas.
Holly, Mistletoe and Other Evergreens evergreens have been a part of mid-winter festivals long before Christmas they played a symbolic part because they stayed green and alive when other plants appeared dead and bare they symbolized everlasting life and hope for the return of spring
Queen Victoria The Christmas tree gained popularity in England under Queen Victoria, because of the influence of her husband, Prince Albert, who was German.
The Christmas Tree represents the Tree of Life from which Adam and Eve ate and as a result were banished from the garden of Eden stands for the eternal life of Christ is decorated with blown-glass ornaments, tin angels, paper chains, fairy lights, small toys, candles and cornucopias filled with sugar plums and decorations
Holly Meaning : evergreen shrubs and trees usually having prickly dark shiny leaves and red berries. Is known as the Holy Tree. It promises everlasting life, because it bears berries in winter.
Advent Wreath A ring-shaped garland of leaves and flowers (usually holly) People hang wreath on a door as a decoration at Christmas It is hung outside the door for the whole period of Advent
Mistletoe It has magic and healing properties It gives protection from thunder and lightning This plant holds magic power which gives life and fertility, protects against disease English people put it above the door and kiss under it
Christmas or Xmas? The word for Christ in Greek is Xristos The use of shortened form “ Xmas” became popular in Europe in the 1500s
It’s Christmas, Merry Christmas!
Christmas Stockings
Beneath the Mistletoe…
Christmas Cards
Our Assembly
Our Party
Santa’s Reindeer
The Christ Child
Christmas tree
Carol-Singing at X-mas
A Key: c e b f d a
Do you believe in these superstitions?
Are there any similar Christmas or holiday superstitions in your country?
Jingle Bells by John Pirpont, 1857
The True Christmas Poem by Jim Smith C is for the Christ child lying in a manger. H is for the Holy one who saved us all from danger. R is to remember him who died that we may live. I is to Inspire us that we may always give. S is for Joyful Songs and sacred hymns that praise. T is to Thank the Lord for showing us the way. M is for Miracles that bless us each day. A is for Almighty who always puts us first. S is for the Shepherd who guides us on the Earth.
Happy Christmas to You!!!
Wishing You a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!
Ресурсы http://images.yandex.ru / Калинина Л. В. Предметная неделя английского языка в школе. Ростов н/Д.: Феникс, 2007. – (Библиотека учителя). Kathleen Carroll, Marina Novikova. Holidays Go Round and Round. American Holidays: Traditions, Poems, Songs. – СПб.: «Триада», 1996. Полякова С. Е., Рыжих Н. И. Английский язык 365 дней в году. English All Year Around. – Донецк: ООО ПКФ «БАО», 2006.
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