Разработка учебного занятия по английскому языку для школ естественно-научного профиля по теме "Teeth"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)
Разработка занятия дополнительной образовательной программы по английскому языку по теме "Teeth" (Зубы).
Включает в себя презентацию и дополнительные раздаточные материалы к уроку.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Different types of teeth You have different types of teeth to do different jobs. Incisors Incisors are at the front of your mouth. They have flat, sharp edges like a knife because they have to cut your food when you bite it.
Canines Canine teeth are the fang-like teeth at the front of your mouth. They are long and pointed so that they can tear through tough food like meat.
Premolars and Molars These teeth are at the sides and back of your mouth. They grind the food up so it is easier to swallow. premolars molars
This picture shows a full set of adult teeth. There are 32 teeth in an adult mouth. When you are very young you only have 20 teeth. Your jaw has to grow to fit all your teeth in!
Inside your teeth If you cut a tooth in half , the inside would look like this. The part of your tooth that is seen is called the Crown. The part of your tooth that is in your gum is called the Root. enamel dentin pulp gum cementum jaw bone
enamel The crown of each tooth is covered with enamel which is very hard and often shiny. Enamel is a very tough substance and it acts as a tooth's personal bodyguard. Enamel works as a barrier, protecting the inside parts of the tooth.
dentin If you were able to peel away the enamel, you would find dentin. Dentin makes up the largest part of the tooth and is similar to bone. Although it is not as tough as enamel, it is also very hard.
pulp Dentin protects the innermost part of the tooth, called the pulp . The pulp is where each tooth's nerve endings are found. When you eat very hot soup, cold ice cream, or fall and hurt your teeth, it's your pulp that hurts. The nerve endings inside the pulp send messages to the brain about what's going on. The pulp also contains the tooth's blood vessels, which feed the tooth and keep it alive and healthy.
cementum Both the dentin and the pulp go all the way down into the root of the tooth, which is under the gum. Cementum which is like your body's glue, holds the root of each tooth to your jawbone.
Lets have another look inside our mouth at our teeth. Incisors are for cutting our food. Canines are for tearing our food. Premolars and Molars are for grinding our food.
Mark the tooth with the appropriate colour. Incisors - green Canines - blue Premolars and Molars - red
Thank You
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Name_____________________________________________________________________ Year 4 _____
Colour these teeth according to the key below:
Incisors – green
Canine – purple
Premolar – pink
Molar – blue
Wisdom – orange
Answer these questions.
1. What is the main function of your teeth?
2. What are the functions of incisors?
3. What is the function of canines?
4. What are the functions of premolars and molars?
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