тест по английскому языку (10 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Name: ______________ Date: ______________
Class: ______________ Mark: ____ / 100
Read the text. Then do Exercise 1.
Every year there are many film festivals which take place in different countries around the world. Some of them include the Asian Festival of First Films, the Berlin International Film Festival, the Venice Film Festival and Moscow International Film Festival to name a few. Perhaps the most prestigious festival takes place in France and is known as the Cannes Film Festival.
The Cannes Film Festival was officially founded in 1946 making it one of the oldest film festivals today. It is usually held every year in May at the Palais des Festival et des Congres and lasts twelve days. The festival’s history, however, starts before its official launching. In the late 1930s the fascist governments of Italy and Germany interfered with the selection of films that would be shown at the Mostra del cinema di Venezia in Italy. That is when Jean Zay decided to create a film festival in France. The first festival to be held in Cannes was scheduled for the month of September in 1939. However, the festival never took place because Germany attacked Poland on the 1st of September after which Britain and France declared war on Germany, and World War II began.
After the Second World War was over, the first film festival in Cannes finally took place in1946. Since then it has become the largest international showcase of cinema. Many filmmakers who are unknown look forward to the festival to get a chance to show their work. Unlike the Oscars, everyone has a chance to show their films at Cannes. Journalists and people involved in film from all over the world come to Cannes in May to meet with each other. Of course, unless you are in the media or involved in film it is very unlikely that you would be able to be a part of any of the events.
Cannes is known for showing all kinds of films, which is what makes it so attractive to so many people who search for different things when they watch a movie. As in other film festivals, awards are given to the best movies and the people who make them. There are two categories of awards: Feature Films and Short films. A committee chooses the people that decide which films will be awarded. These people are chosen from the film industry and for the past years they have almost all been either directors or actors. There are a lot of awards given at Cannes, but the most important one is the Palm d’Or which is given to the best feature film and the best short film.
Perhaps more important than the awards, is the opportunity for new films, new artists and new artistic approaches to be seen by important people in the film world. Whether or not a movie wins the Palme d'Or, it has the opportunity of grabbing the attention of film critics and producers who can really help the movie as its director and actors become known around the world.
1 Give short answers to the following questions. [10 points]
1 Why did France decide to hold a Film Festival in France?
2 What year was the first Cannes Film Festival held?
3 Who can attend the Cannes Film Festival?
4 Who decides which movie receives the Palm d’Or?
5 Why is the festival important for new directors or actors?
2 Complete the sentences with these words. [6 points]
boarding school, university, secondary school, degree, home school, nursery
1 My parents travelled a lot because of work so they sent me to ______________ in England.
2 I am going to ______________ to study law and become a lawyer.
3 Some parents ______________ their children because they feel they will get a better education this way.
4 We go to ______________ before we go to primary school.
5 Some students go to university and others go to technical schools after ______________.
6 I want to get a ______________ in science and become a scientist.
3 Choose the correct answer. [5 points]
My friends and I do not spend much of our time shopping for clothes and we are not very 1) ____. Many teens our age like to 2) ____ at the mall, but we prefer to spend our time at our neighbourhood square, each other’s house or the cinema. Sometimes we may wear something 3) ____ like a suit if we have to go to a wedding or something like that. But generally, we try to avoid 4) ____. Some of us like to look a bit different and have 5) ____ our hair different colours.
1 a casual b formal c fashionable
2 a hang out b make up c break up
3 a fashionable b formal c casual
4 a trying on b dressing up c wearing up
5 a dyed b skipped c died
4 Choose the correct answer. [6 points]
1 I like hearing / listening to music when I am travelling by train or ferry.
2 I love watching / seeing DVDs at home when it is raining outside.
3 Look / See out! A car is coming.
4 That wonderful movie we saw was directed / performed by Emir Kusturica.
5 I prefer sitcoms / dramas because they are more light-hearted and fun.
6 We should book / close the tickets soon. They are a very popular band.
5 Complete the sentences with these words / phrases. [6 points]
hang up, piece of cake, invention, call in, network, demonstrate
1 I always just ______________ on people who call and try to sell me things.
2 I am not feeling well this morning. I’m going to ______________ sick.
3 The ______________ of the plane made travel to other countries much quicker.
4 You’ve done this a thousand times before. It should be a ______________ for you.
5 We asked the teacher to ______________ how to solve the maths problem.
6 They are going to set up a computer ______________ in the office today.
6 Choose the correct answer. [6 points]
Every summer we go to the village and stay at our summer house. It’s nice to get away from the 1) ____ environment. I don’t mind the city, but it is nice to go somewhere less 2) ____. There are small one-family homes in the village and no 3) ____ or department stores. The village is located in a 4) ____ so there are a lot of trees everywhere you look. I always take my bicycle when I go because there are a lot of amazing 5) ____ I can ride on when I am there. I enjoy riding my bicycle by myself because it is 6) ____.
1 a outdoor b urban c valleys
2 a outdoor b quiet c polluted
3 a blocks of flats b paths c wonders
4 a theatre b valley c forest
5 a roundabouts b paths c remotes
6 a quiet b urban c noisy
7 Choose the correct answer. [6 points]
1 My mother tells me to be careful with the knife when I slice / serve the bread.
2 ‘May I offer / fry you something to drink?’
3 ‘Can you pour / beat some water for the guests, please?’
4 When I fry my food I always use onion / olive oil.
5 Timothy felt injured / ill and he didn’t go to school on Monday.
6 I hope I fever / recover in time for the game this weekend.
8 Complete the sentences using reported speech. [10 points]
1 ‘What movie did you see at the cinema’ Anna asked Angela.
Anna asked Angela ______________________________________________________________________.
2 ‘This spaghetti tastes bad,’ Jenny said.
Jenny said _____________________________________________________________.
3 ‘No, I don’t want to eat Chinese tonight,’ said Terry.
Terry said _____________________________________________________________.
4 ‘Why don’t you tell Michael to come with us?’ Ross suggested.
Ross suggested ________________________________________________________.
5 ‘I won’t be able to finish my work on time,’ Sandra told us.
Sandra told us _________________________________________________________.
9 Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice. [10 points]
1 The computer technician is going to fix our computer.
2 Who directed the Star Wars trilogy?
3 A chef will prepare the food for the dinner party.
4 They have already booked the rooms for us.
5 The new company employees will take on the project.
10 Complete the sentences with these modal verbs. [5 points]
should, shouldn’t, can’t, must, might
1 I ______________ have ordered the chicken. It’s terrible!
2 It ______________ be Richard who stole your bag. He is out of town.
3 Everyone ______________ have had a good time. The adventure park is so fun!
4 You ______________ have warned him about how difficult the hike up the mountain is. He is exhausted.
5 She ______________ win the race if she paces herself correctly.
11 Choose the correct answer. [10 points]
1 The witness saw him getting / to get into the car.
2 Everyone / Anyone thinks history class with Mrs Sills is very interesting.
3 I forgot reminding / to remind Jonathan to bring me my CDs when he comes.
4 Does anyone / nobody want to come with me for a walk down town?
5 Is there anything / everything I can do to help you?
6 Do you remember watching / to watch cartoons when we were younger?
7 One thing I liking / like to do with biscuits is dip them in milk.
8 None / Every of the athletes were able to jump over the bar.
9 I liked both / neither the comedy and the thriller.
10 It was so / such a scary flight to Madrid.
12 Is it a good idea to spend a lot of time on the Internet? Write an essay (120–150 words) discussing the topic. [20 points]
1 First, decide if you agree with the statement, or disagree with the statement. You can also choose to discuss both views.
2 Make a plan for your essay:
- Introduction: State the problem / topic.
- Paragraph 2: Express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion.
- Paragraph 3: Express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion.
- Paragraph 4: Explain why you disagree with the opposing opinion.
- Conclusion: Summarise what you’ve said and make a final comment about the topic.
3 Remember to use linking words and phrases.
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