Методическая разработка для дополнительных занятий по английскому языку "Защита окружающей среды" 8 класс
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)
Экологическое воспитание школьников занимает важное место в учебном процессе. Главная цель экологического воспитания - научить школьников бережно относиться к окружающей среде.
Данная методическая разработка интересна ученикам, так как содержит увлекательную информацию об окружающей природе, предлагает интересные опыты, занимательные индивидуальные и групповые занятия. Она интересна и учителям английского языка, так как дает возможность наполнить урок новым, актуальным содержанием, соединить речевую и практическую деятельность учащихся.
Даннная разработка предназначена для учащихся восьмых классов, школы гимназического типа, изучающих английский язык со второго класса.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Гордина Анна Олеговна
Учитель английского языка
Онищенко Марина Алексеевна
Учитель английского языка
ГБОУ гимназия №441 г. Санкт-Петербург
Класс: 8
Тема: Методическая разработка для дополнительных занятий «Защита окружающей среды»
Экологическое воспитание школьников занимает важное место в учебном процессе. Главная цель экологического воспитания – научить школьников бережно относиться к окружающей среде.
Данная методическая разработка интересна ученикам, так как содержит увлекательную информацию об окружающей природе, предлагает интересные экологические опыты, занимательные индивидуальные и групповые занятия. Она интересна и учителям английского языка, так как дает возможность наполнить урок новым актуальным содержанием, соединить речевую и практическую деятельность учащихся.
Данная методическая разработка предназначена для учащихся восьмого класса, школы гимназического типа, изучающих английский язык со второго класса.
Целью данной работы является совершенствование лексических и разговорных навыков учащихся по теме «Защита окружающей среды».
В соответствии с заявленной целью были поставлены следующие задачи :
1. Подобрать лексический материал по теме Защита окружающей среды в соответствии с уровнем знаний умений и навыков, учащихся в области английского языка,
2. Подобрать тексты по данной теме,
3. Разработать задания к определенным текстам, направленные на контроль понимания учащимися прочитанного, и умения активизировать новые языковые явления,
4. Разработать серию условно – речевых и языковых упражнений, направленных на развитие и закрепление знаний учащихся по данной теме,
5. Разработать коммуникативные задания по данной теме, с целью развития речевых навыков учащихся и закрепления необходимого лексического минимума в активном словаре учащихся.
Методическая разработка состоит из трех глав. Каждая глава состоит из условно – речевых упражнений, текста, заданий по тексту, различных языковых упражнений, коммуникативных заданий. Первая глава посвящена знакомству с новым лексическим материалом по теме Защита окружающей среды. В данной главе рассматриваются основные проблемы окружающей среды. Вторая глава посвящена климатическим проблемам окружающего мира. В третьей главе рассматриваются проблемы, касающиеся животных, находящихся под угрозой вымирания.
Данная методическая разработка предназначена как для работы в классе, так и для самостоятельной работы.
(слайд 2)
Глава 1 The Environment: Problems and Solutions
(слайд 3)
Essential vocabulary
Read and translate the words
Acid rain Disaster Dump Dustbin The environment To harm/damage/destroy/pollute the environment To protect/look after the environment Environmentalist/green Exhaust fumes Finite resources Flooding Global warming | The greenhouse effect To litter/rubbish/refuse/waste/trash Pollution To pour waste into water Power station Purification system To recycle Recycling centers To reduce Solar/wind/wave power Toxic waste Ultraviolet light |
(слайд 4)
Vocabulary practice
1. Match word combinations with their translations
To pollute the atmosphere токсичные отходы
Rubbish bin парниковый эффект
Environmental problems загрязнять атмосферу
Endangered species электростанции
Acid rain мусорный бак
The greenhouse effect переработанная бумага
Ultraviolet light солнечная энергия
Solar power проблемы окружающей среды
The ozone layer исчезающий вид
Power station кислотный дождь
Toxic rain ультрафиолетовые лучи
Recycled paper озонный слой
2 Put in an appropriate word or word combination
a) All the bottles we use now made from……glass.
b) Wolves used to be common throughout Europe, but are now…….
c) The biggest……today is a car.
d)……is an organization that fights to protect……
e)……is the layer of gases that protects us from……the sun.
f) In the last few years the news has been full of stories of hurricanes, floods, droughts and other ……caused by the weather.
(слайд 6)
3. Put the words in the right order
1. and of in thousands live the Thousands animals rainforests.
2. floods homes to rose thousands the had of canals people rivers their in higher of and The higher and leaves water because the and danger of
3. does long desert in time a Sometimes not very climates it for rain
4. underground or nearer cables the electricity into goes houses ground by sometimes The
(слайд 7)
4. What do people throw away? Complete a spidergram and make your own sentences with the words
For example: People should recycle old paper.
(слайд 8)
5. Match the words in list A with their definitions in list B.
1. rays a. the waste gas that is produced when an engine is working.
2. aerosol b. a layer of gas that stops harmful radiation from reaching the earth.
3. ozone c. a small metal container from which a liquid comes out.
4. exhaust d. lines of light.
6. Find the words from ex. 5 in the text below and explain their meaning in Russian.
Reading and discussion
1. Read the text and answer the questions below
Environment: Problems and solutions
The Earth is 4,600 million years old. Modern man has lived on the Earth for only 35,000years but, in that time, we have changed our planet in many ways. Many of things we have done are good, but many, many more are not good for the Earth.
In the last 40 years, the population of the world has doubled. By the year 2200, it will probably be 10,000 million. This means that we must change the way we use energy and natural resources. We must also look after the environment.
Pollution is damage to the air, sea, rivers or land caused by chemicals, waste and harmful gases. The biggest polluter today is the car. Exhaust fumes are the main cause of bad air quality, which can make people feel ill and have difficulty breathing. This problem is especially bad in big cities where, on days when there is not much wind, a brown layer of smog hangs in the air. The number of cars is increasing every year and this causes serious congestion. Governments build new roads trying to improve the situation, but this means that they cut down trees and destroy more of the countryside.
The greenhouse effect is caused by harmful gases known as greenhouse gases. These gases are produced when we burn fuels, especially coal burned in power stations to make electricity. The gases go up into the Earth’s atmosphere and stop heat from leaving the Earth. As the heat cannot escape, the temperature on the Earth is running up. This is known as global warming. Global warming may result in the melting of the ice at the Poles and rising sea levels, leading to serious flooding and other disasters in many parts of the world. In other places the temperature will rise and there will be less rain, turning more of the land into desert.
Holes in the ozone layer. The ozone layer is a layer of gases that protects us from ultraviolet light coming from the sun, which can have a harmful effect on animals and causes skin cancer in humans.
Acid rain is a rain harmful to the environment because it contains acid from factory smoke. Acid rains cause damage to trees, rivers and buildings.
Species extinction is a natural feature of the evolution of life on earth, the best-known example is the disappearance of the dinosaurs. In the last 400 years, however, human activities have been responsible for the loss of most of the animals and plants that have disappeared.
Deforestation is the term used to describe the disappearance of forests from large parts of the world’s surface. Deforestation has been occurring steadily since the 20th century.
Alternative forms of transport. One of the main problems with cars is that they cause a lot of pollution and often carry only one person. Public transport is more environmentally friendly because buses and trains can carry large numbers of people at the same time. Even cleaner solutions are electric cars and bicycles.
Alternative energy sources such as wind wave and solar power do not pollute the environment. They are much cleaner than oil and coal, but it’s more difficult to get them regularly.
Recycling is another solution: instead of throwing away glass, paper, cans can taken to special “banks” and recycle there.
Protesting. Many people try to protect the environment by joining environmental groups that inform people about ecological problems and try to persuade governments to take more care of the environment, especially by organizing protests.
(слайд 9)
2 Answer the questions on the text
a) Why is the car the biggest polluter? What are other polluters?
b) Why can the greenhouse effect be dangerous?
c) What do you know about holes in the ozone layer?
d) what are of the alternative forms of transport? Can they really solve the problem of air pollution?
e) What is recycling?
f) Do you think the protests organized by the “greens” are really effective?
(слайд 10)
3. Translate from Russian into English
Одна из главных проблем охранять окружающую среду
Перевозить к.-л. информировать
Одновременно убеждать
Выбрасывать наносить ущерб
Перерабатывать выхлопные газы
Исправить положение сжигать топливо
Вырабатывать электричество пустыня
Защищать вызывать, быть причиной
(слайд 11)
4. Which word in each line is odd one out? Why?
Car bicycle plane space rocket
To pollute to harm to litter to recycle
Rain flooding melting air pollutes
Ultraviolet light acid rain smog the greenhouse effect
(слайд 12)
5. True or False
1. Pollution is damage to the air, sea, rivers or land caused by people
2. The number of cars is increasing every year and this causes serious congestion.
3. Deforestation is the term used to describe the disappearance of rivers
4. Acid rains cause damage to trees, birds and cars
5. Many people try to protect the environment by joining environmental groups
(слайд 13)
6. Translate into English
1. Захоронение токсичных отходов в земле приводит к загрязнению почвы
2. В результате глобального потепления сухие тропические регионы могут стать еще суше, а влажные – еще влажнее.
3. Во многих больших городах мира воду из местных водоемов и рек пить невозможно, так как она загрязнена промышленными отходами.
4. Людям всего земного шара нужно беречь природу.
7. Discuss the following
- Name environmental problems and solutions to them.
- Think of some consequences of the environmental problems.
- Do you think that the condition of the environment depends only on industry or on ordinary people too?
- We often hear the words “harmful effects of civilization on nature”. What do they mean?
Additional tasks
Speaking and writing
1. Work with a partner
a) A: you want to construct a new car park next to B’s house
B: persuade him not to do that
b) A: You want to drink some tap water
B: warn A against doing that
2 . Work in pairs. Imagine that you are on a television programme called “Save the Earth!”. Prepare some questions and answers. One of you can be an “expert” and the other can be the interviewer. For example:
What problems are there with the environment?
What can we do with our rubbish?
3. Work in small groups. What other problems are there now with the environment? What do you think other alternative ways to make energy?
4. How can you “Save it, Recycle it, Reduce it” in your school? Make a list of your ideas
For example: Save water. Turn of the taps when you are not using them.
Recycle boxes and envelopes.
Reduce packing. Don’t buy disposable bottles. Buy refills.
(слайд 14)
Глава 2 Climate
(слайд 15)
Essential vocabulary
Read and translate the words
Area Avalanche Average Carbon dioxide Climate Coastal Current Desert Draught Efficiency Emission To emit Flood Feature Forecast Flat | Gale Heat To insulate Ice cap Hurricane Landslide Level Mankind Proven Reflect To succeed Short - term Temperate Threat Wildfire |
(слайд 16)
Vocabulary practice
1. Find Russian equivalents to the following words
Avalanche Ice cap
Average To insulate
Carbon dioxide Mankind
Coastal Reflect
Efficiency Short - term
Emission Temperate
(слайд 17)
2. Match the words in list A with the words in list B
Global Age
Climate Cans
Average Gases
Coastal Warming
Ice Expert
Sea Temperature
Greenhouse Areas
Recycle Level
(слайд 18)
3. Put the letters in the right order
orafscet, hotdrug, elasdnidl, lecamit, lgea, egareva, tenrurc
4. Read the sentences below and decide which answer, A, B or C best fits each space
1. Experts predict that the global…..temperature will rise by 2-3 degrees.
A middle B average C high
2. As the arctic ice cap melts, a flow of fresh water will change….. .
A energy B attitude C current
3. People began to….temperature not so long ago.
A measure B reduce C take
4. People should use clean….such as wind and solar power.
A lifestyle B energy C method
(слайд 19)
5. What type of climate does each of these sentences describe?
Polar climate Tropical climate
Desert climate Cool temperate climate
Monsoon climate Warm temperate climate
- It is very cold with strong dry winds
- In areas with this climate, there are two very different seasons – a wet one and dry one.
- It is always hot and there is a lot of rain.
- Places with this climate have very hot, dry summers – often over 40 degrees/
- It rains almost all the year and it is usually very warm
- It is very hot but at night it gets very cold.
Reading and discussion
1. Read the text and explain the underlined words
Is our climate changing?
Jerome K. Jerome said that we are never happy with the weather. The weather, like the government, is always in the wrong. But something has been really wrong with it lately. Draughts, wildfires, landslides, tornadoes, floods, avalanches, gales… . All over the Europe it’s the same story. The weather is definitely getting worse and the so–called extreme weather events are becoming more and more frequent. Scientists have noticed it too. Their explanation is short: the cause is global warming.
What is global warming?
Greenhouse effect is actually a natural feature of our atmosphere without which life on our planet would be impossible. Certain atmospheric gases ( the most important of them is carbon dioxide – CO2 ) work as a kind of blanket, keeping the Earth warm. The amount of these “greenhouse” gases used to be more or less the same for centuries. But the industrial revolution broke this balance. Because of heavy industry and other human activities the amounts of CO2 and other gases have increased by 30%.
Climate experts predict that by 2050 the global average temperature will rise by 2-3 degrees. It doesn’t see much. Remember, however, that the difference between the average global temperature s now and the last ice age ( 20,000 years ago ) is only 6 to 8 degrees.
So what could happen?
Northern regions will be warmer and wetter, southern regions will be drier and hotter. Forests will grow instead of tundra in Siberia. It will be possible to grow grapes in Britain. Not so bad so far. But parts of Spain, Italy and Greece will turn as dry as a desert. Snow will melt in the Alps and the water will cause floods, landslides and avalanches. Sea levels will rise and a lot of coastal areas will disappear under the water.
Moreover, some experts argue that the short-term global warming will lead to a more catastrophic long-term global cooling. As the arctic ice cap melts, a flow of fresh water will change currents.
What shall we do?
Certainly we can cheer ourselves up with the idea that this forecast is far from proven. After all, people began to measure temperature not so long ago. The climatologic history of the world is long and man’s knowledge of it is short.
But it doesn’t mean that we can just sit and wait. Since the global warming is the result of air pollution, the main thing is to lower greenhouse gases emissions. People should use clean energy , such as wind, solar and wave power, which do not emit greenhouse gases. If we recycle cans and paper, insulate our homes, take public transport and think about energy efficiency in the home – switching off unused light, for example, we’ll reduce the threat of global climate change.
The question is: Will mankind succeed in making such radical changes in attitudes and lifestyles in time?
2. Try to answer the last question in the text
(слайд 20)
3. True or False
a) The weather is definitely getting better and the so–called extreme weather events are becoming more and more frequent
b) Global warming is actually a natural feature of our atmosphere without which life on our planet would be impossible
c) Climate experts predict that by 2050 the global average temperature will rise by 3-4 degrees.
d) It won’t be possible to grow grapes in Britain
e) As the arctic ice cap melts, a flow of dirty water will change currents.
f) The climatologic history of the world is long and man’s knowledge of it is long too.
g) If we recycle cans and paper, insulate our homes, take public transport and think about energy efficiency in the home – switching off unused light, for example, we’ll increase the threat of global climate change.
(слайд 21)
4. Translate into English
Пресная вода, выброс энергии, климатическая история, изменение течения, становиться сухим как пустыня, сход ледника, деятельность человека, перерабатывать бумагу, измерять температуру, ледниковый период, частое явление, нарушать баланс, предсказывать погоду.
5. Make your own questions to the text with the phrases from ex.4
Additional tasks
Speaking and writing
1. Work with a partner. Imagine that one of you is a witness of an accident, the other one is an operator of emergency service. Make short dialogues. Use the headings below.
Forest fire
2. Work in two groups. What do you think we can do to stop:
- climate changing
- natural disasters happening
3. What do people have to do if there are floods, hurricanes, wildfires or snowstorms? Write a poster to give information about what to do. Use your imagination.
(слайд 22)
Глава 3. Endangered species
(слайд 23)
Essential vocabulary
Read and translate the words
Abandon Nature Reserve Domestication Donation Shelter Ignore Commercial exploitation Captivity Extinct Extinction To survive Swamp To drain Mammals Reptiles Habitat | To damp To prey Soil Pest Lifespan Tusk Horn Ivory Slaughter Alert Poaching Space To occur Vegetation Amphibians Insects |
(слайд 24)
Vocabulary practice
1. Find the meaning of the words in Russian and then explain them in English:
Captivity Reserve
Slaughter Extinction
Poaching Vegetation
Domestication Shelter
(слайд 25)
2. There is only one wrong word in each sentence. Find and correct them.
1. Wild animals are those that have been bred to live with people for thousand of years.
2. A nature reserve is a place where abandoned animals are kept.
3. The tiger, the mouse, the elephant are animals variants.
4. Plants and animals help to destroy the chemical balance of the atmosphere.
(слайд 26)
3. Fill in the gaps with the words below. Change the form if necessary.
Appealing donation abandon shelter
Battersea Dog’s Home is very famous home for lost and (1)……dogs and cats in London. The home gives dogs and cats medicine, food (2)…… and love. It tries to find the dogs a good home. Every year 27 dogs come to home. That’s about 10,000 a year! In Britain in many public places money-collecting boxes shaped like dogs or cats can be seen. They look very (3)…… and people can place their (4)…… to support such places as Battersea Dog’s Home.
(слайд 27)
4. Can you classify these animals?
Elephants, orangutans, alligators, bats, rabbits, foxes, lizards, koalas, pigeon, dove, tropical fish, dragonfly, salamander, lion, turtle, cockroach, frogs, snake, guinea pig, canary, tiger, hamster, dolphin, seal, echidna, platypus, parrot.
Mammals | Reptiles | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Insects |
Reading and discussion
1. Read the text and answer the questions below
Australian Endangered Species
No one will ever see a paradise parrot fly across the sky again. Paradise parrots are extinct. Extinction is forever.
Since the settlement of Australia by Europeans in 1788, thirty species of mammals and birds and about 100 species of plants have become extinct. A further 57 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, frogs and fish, many hundreds of plants are considered endangered and could become extinct within ten to twenty years.
The main cause of extinction is the destruction of habitats. A habitat contains all that a living thing needs to survive: space, light, water, food and shelter. Habitat destruction may occur when vegetation is cleared for agriculture, forestry, cities, mines or roads. It can also occur when swamps are drained or rivers are damped to store water. About 50 species of introduced animals live in the wild in Australia. These animals prey on native animals or compete with them for food and shelter.
Today we have a far greater understanding of the threats our wildlife faces than did the early settles. Yet still we have created added treats such as urban and industrial development, pollution, and pet and fur trade. Parrots, for example, are illegally transported overseas. Often the parrots cannot adapt to the new environment and die.
People are the only animals with the power to save endangered species. But, why save species? Without a variety of species, the earth may not be inhabitable by humankind. Plants and animals help to maintain the chemical balance of the atmosphere. Forests help to regulate water supplies. Plants and animals help to make soil. They provide food and control pests and diseases. They also provide a constant source of wonder and enjoyment.
(слайд 28)
2. Answer the following questions:
a). What does a living thing need to survive?
b). What is a main cause of extinction?
c). What can affect the lifespan of animals and plants?
d). Can extinction be reserved?
e). What kinds of threats does our wildlife face?
f). If people don’t protect animals, who will?
g). What do animals and plants provide?
(слайд 29)
3. Make your own sentences with the following:
The main cause of Variety of species
To be clear To store water
To drain swamps Help to regulate
To have understanding Constant source of wonder
(слайд 30)
4. Translate into English
1. Мы все – часть природной среды и должны отвечать за свои взаимодействия с нашей средой.
2. Если мы не начнем менять свое поведение , то нам станет негде жить.
3. мы должны думать о том, что наши действия могут непосредственно разрушить живую природу и среду обитания многих видов животных.
4. В 1916 году свыше двух миллионов коал были убиты из-за их красивого меха.
5. Дорога к вымиранию устелена кольцами, браслетами и разными поделками из слоновой кости. Все они прекрасны. Все мертвы.
6. Если ты пожертвуешь немного денег в фонд защиты животных, то сможешь спасти несколько животных от голода.
7. Коммерческую эксплуатацию диких животных следует сократить.
8. В настоящее время многих животных используют для медицинских исследований.
(слайд 31)
5. Which of the words from the text are connected with:
a) Harm that people do to animals
b) Measures aimed to help animals survive
6. Discuss the following
1. People keep exotic pets for different reasons. What are they?
2. What can we make to protect animals from extinction?
3. What animals make good pets? Why?
4. Why do you think people use animals?
Additional tasks
Speaking and writing
1. A. In pairs, summarize what people depend on animals for?
Example: People depend on animals for power.
2. Work in groups. Which of the following can be called commercial exploitation of animals? Give your reasons.
Taking pictures of animals Zoos Pet shops
Cattle breeding Fur industry Animal shows
3. In small groups begin a Help Animal campaign. Follow the steps.
1. Choose one item below that seems to you most interesting and appealing:
Taking part in TV/ radio programme, joining social organizations, making appealing visuals (posters, leaflets), founding natural reserves/shelters, giving donations, organizing demonstrations.
2. To support your campaign make up one of the following materials:
A poster, a chart, a leaflet.
3. Brainstorm the ideas for your material.
4. Check your spelling and grammar.
5. Produce your version ready for a display.
4. Presentation
Choose one item from the list below for your presentation
A short report about a domestic animal
A report on dinosaurs or extinct animals
Short story or essay about a wild animal
Follow the steps
- Prepare your presentation: think about your general attitude to the way people treat animals.
- Consider the points connected with the topic of your presentation
How are you going to present your material (display, read befo
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Методическая разработка по дополнительным занятиям аэробикой
В данной методической разработке представлены содержание, структуры и формы занятий аэробикой.Физическое воспитание, представленное в общеобразовательных программах является неотъемлемой частью гумани...

Методическая разработка контрольно-измерительных материалов по английскому языку 7-8 классы.

Методическая разработка группового адаптационного занятия для учащихся с овз 1х классов с участием классного руководителя и воспитателя «Лесная школа доброты и вежливости».
Групповое адаптационное занятие с участием детей и педагогов 1-го класса проводиться педагогом-психологом на начальном этапе адаптационного периода.Содержит элементы визуализации, ролевой игры, релакс...
Методическая разработка Методическая разработка (для факультативных занятий по английскому языку для учащихся 10-11 классов) Создание банка дистанционных уроков с использованием инструментов современного интернета (Googl Docs, Delicious/BobrDoobr, Mind
Методическая разработка входит в серию дистанционных уроков английского и немецкого языков , разрабатываемых с целью подготовки учащихся к выполнению письменной части ЕГЭ по указанным дисциплина...

Методическая разработка " Рабочая программа занятия по английскому языку в 5 "А" классе по теме "Способности"
Методическая разработка"Методическая разработка занятияв 5 "А" классе по теме: Способности"автор Рябкова Надежда АндреевнаУважаемы учителя!Представляю Вашему вниманию методическую разработку занятия. ...