Разработка урока в 8 классе
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс)
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Unit 5. A healthy living guide
Lesson 7. Do you always understand the instructions?
Класс: 8
Цели урока:
воспитательный аспект — воспитание уважительного отношения к собеседнику, его взглядам;
социокультурный аспект — развитие умения вести себя соответственно нормам, принятым в США и Британии, ориентироваться в аутентичных текстах различной функциональной направленности (рекламно-справочные), употреблять в устной форме одну из норм речевого этикета (уточнение информации);
метапредметные результаты (развивающий аспект):
регулятивные — умение самостоятельно осуществлять, контролировать и корректировать деятельность, выбирать наиболее эффективные способы решения учебных и познавательных задач; познавательные — умение осуществлять информационный поиск;
предметные результаты (учебный аспект): развитие речевого умения (диалогическая форма речи: диалог этикетного характера); развитие умения использовать речевые функции: asking for more focused explanation, checking that you have understood;
сопутствующая задача: развитие умения аудировать с целью извлечения необходимой информации и пониманием основного содержания.
Речевой материал:
продуктивный: лексический — to mix;
речевые функции: asking for more focused explanation (I understand this, but could you explain the next/first thing you said? I got what you said about the first part, but I didn’t get the next part. And can you explain ...?), checking that you have understood (Do you mean that ...? Does that mean ...? If I’ve understood right, ... In other words ... (Right)? I am not sure how/when/where ...);
рецептивный: лексический — focused;
грамматический — для повторения: вопросительные предложения, фразовые глаголы.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент, речевая зарядка.
T: – Good morning, everybody! I’m very glad to see you at today’s lesson. How are you?
P: – I’m fine, thanks. And how are you?
T: – I’m fine too. Thank you.
T: – Is there anything more important than health? I do not think so. You can’t be good at your studies or work well when you are ill. So the topic of our lesson « Do you always understand the instructions?» Today we’ll discuss how be fit, healthy and strong.
You will know something interesting and new for you. I hope that our co-operation will be important and useful for you and for me.
You see that your health is in your own hands.
Thousands years ago ancient Greeks said: «Health is the greatest wealth». These words will be the motto of today’s lesson.
How do you understand it, translate please.
P: - «Здоровье величайшее богатство».
T: - What other expressions or proverbs about health do you know?
P: - «An apple a day keeps the doctor away»
T: - How do you understand this proverb? Does it mean that we must eat a lot of fruit and vegetables which are very rich in vitamins and minerals. Do you like apples?
P: - «Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise»
T: - You must sleep 8-9 hours every night if you won’t to be healthy. Don’t sleep too much or too little
P: - «Eat to live, but not live to eat».
T: Eating isn’t the main thing in our life, is it? Do you agree with me? We must eat only to live an useful and interesting life.
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
T: - It’s time to practice today’s vocabulary. Look at the screen. You can see two columns of words. Can you match the words from the first column and the second one to make up the word combinations?
Physical low fat food
Taking breakfast
Personal activity
Skipping alcohol
Regular drugs
Environmental diet
Health hygiene
Healthy meals
Eating influence
Drinking habits
3. Проверка домашнего задания
T: - Today the influence of advertising on our life is constantly growing. Every day watching TV or reading newspapers we can see and hear a lot of advertisements. Advertising for tobacco products and alcohol should be banned. You have prepared the anti-advertisements on smoking and alcohol drinks
P: - I think that the worst habit is drinking alcohol. It makes you brain centers sleep and affects badly the whole family and the people around you. Drinking alcohol causes many diseases: heart diseases, brain disease, headache, makes speech unclear, and leads to death. Don’t drink alcohol!
P: - No smoke! Smoking is a very bad habit. It makes your teeth yellow and skin unhealthy. Smoking causes many diseases: causes a cough, causes a headache, and a cancer.
T: I think that these arguments against bad habits convince you.
4. Развитие навыков диалогической речи
Т: - It’s time to role- play the dialogues. You will get the task to role-play the short dialogues. Imagine yourself in one of the following situation and act on these instructions. Work in pairs.
Situation 1
You’ve got a sore throat. It’s difficult to breath. You have come to your doctor .Tell him about your physical problems and ask for help.
Situation 2
Your friend has serious heart trouble. Telephone the First Aid station and ask for a doctor.
Situation 3
You’ve got a bad headache. Your nose is running. You have caught a cold. You have come to doctor.
Situation 4
Your friend has a backache. Advice him (her) to consult the doctor.
5. Поставь слова в логической последовательности. T: - Put the words in the logical order and translate the sentences.
1 Wealth, is, good, above, health. (Good health is above wealth)
2 Health, fit, food, to, eat, food, keep. (Eat healthy food to keep fit) 3 Be, take, a, shower, cool, to, healthy. (Take a cool shower to be healthy)
4 Your, eat, wash, hands, before, you. (Wash your hands before you eat)
5 Sweets, are, too, bad, many, teeth, for, your. (Too many sweets are bad for your teeth).
6. Физкультминутка
T: - I see you are tired. Let’s relax.
Clap your hands when you hear words about good or bad habits.
No waiting, no parking,
Don’t smile, stop laughing.
Turn it on, turn it off,
Open your mouth, try to cough.
No smoking, no drinking,
No running, stop thinking.
Work all day, play all night,
Do what I say – that’s right.
Turn left, turn right,
Always love, never fight.
Come early, don’t be late,
Try to be good, don’t hate.
Нет ожидания, нет парковки,
Не улыбайся, прекрати смеяться.
Включите его, выключите,
Открой рот, попробуй кашлять.
Не курить, не пить,
Не бегать, хватит думать.
Работать весь день, играть всю ночь,
Делай, что я говорю – это правильно.
Повернуть налево, повернуть направо,
Всегда люблю, никогда не ссорюсь.
Приходите пораньше, не опаздывайте,
Старайся быть хорошим, не ненавидь.
7. Чтение. Примерные диалоги
T: - Let’s read the text about them and find out the reasons why people choose this way of life.Диалоги разыгрываем на уроке.
Упр.2. стр.145
— Take 2 tablets with water. Maximum 4 doses a day.
— I understand about water but could you explain about the doses?
— You shouldn’t take more than 4 doses (that means 8 tablets) in a 24-hour period.
— Brown the onion in a saucepan.
— Do you mean that I should cook the onion till it is brown?
— Yes, that’s right. Then mix the eggs with the seasoning.
— I understand about the eggs but I didn’t get the last part.
— I mean you mix the eggs with the herbs. Then you mix all the ingredients together and heat through.
— In other words, I cook it till it is ready. Right?
— Yes, you are right.
3. Учащиеся работают в парах. Затем всему классу можно предложить выбрать лучший диалог.
Примерный вариант:
— I understand about warm water but could you explain the first thing?
— That means you put enough of this stuff into warm water.
— I’m not sure how to use this stuff.
— You keep your feet covered with water for 5—10 minutes.
— What about eyes? Does that mean the product is not good for my eyes?
— Yes, it can make your eyes hurt.
8 .Фразовые глаголы помечены знаком *.
Verb | Meaning |
read up* | специально изучать |
get down | снять (с полки) |
read through* | изучать от начала до конца |
take up* | отнять (время), занять (место) |
sit down | садиться |
write out | выписывать |
fold up | сворачивать |
go out | выходить |
hand in | вручать |
hand back | возвращать |
stuff someone’s head with* | забивать голову ненужными вещами |
9. Заключительный этап урока
T: - I’m afraid it’s time to finish. You were active during the lesson today.
What have we done at the lesson?
Thank for your work.
Your marks are……
Your homework…
Verb | Meaning |
read up* | специально изучать |
get down | снять (с полки) |
read through* | изучать от начала до конца |
take up* | отнять(время) занять (место) |
sit down | садиться |
write out | выписывать |
fold up | сворачивать |
go out | выходить |
hand in | вручать |
hand back | возвращать |
stuff someone’s head with * | забивать голову ненужными вещами |
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