Национальные, региональные и этнокультурные особенности в обучении чтению старшеклассников
занимательные факты по английскому языку (9 класс)
Для реализации принципа учета НРЭО мною составлены тексты для чтения для старшеклассников. В текстах представлена информация из разных областей науки: истории, географии, физики, астрономии, экономики. Учащиеся смогут узнать о выдающихся людях, исторических событиях, городах Челябинской области.
Тексты сопровождаются заданиями. Послетекстовые задания предназначены для проверки понимания прочитанного, для контроля за степенью сформированности умений чтения и возможного использования полученной информации в будущей профессиональной деятельности
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Национальные, региональные и этнокультурные особенности в обучении чтению старшеклассников
Нигматуллина Н.К., учитель английского языка
МОУ «Тюбукская СОШ №3»
Федеральный закон «Об образовании в Российской Федерации» формулирует в качестве принципа государственной политики «Воспитание взаимоуважения, гражданственности, патриотизма, ответственности личности, а также защиту и развитие этнокультурных особенностей и традиций народов Российской Федерации в условиях многонационального государства».
Учет национальных, региональных и этнокультурных особенностей обеспечивает реализацию следующих целей:
- достижение системного эффекта в обеспечении общекультурного, личностного и познавательного развития обучающихся за счет использования педагогического потенциала НРЭО содержания образования;
- сохранение и развитие культурного разнообразия и языкового наследия многонационального народа Российской Федерации, овладение духовными ценностями и культурой многонационального народа России;
- формирование положительного имиджа и инвестиционной привлекательности Южного Урала.
В процессе реализации принципа учета национальных, региональных и этнокультурных особенностей в учебно-воспитательном процессе решаются такие задачи гуманизации образования, как уровневая и профильная дифференциация обучения, межпредметная интеграция, практическая направленность обучения, стимулирование познавательного интереса и расширение знаний обучающихся о национальном и региональном своеобразии региона проживания, выполнение заказа общества на активную и социально адаптированную личность, формирующуюся под влиянием социально-экономических преобразований, происходящих в России в целом и в каждом регионе в отдельности.
В практике преподавания английского языка в средней школе сложился подход, при котором английский язык выступает в основном как средство приобщения к культуре стран изучаемого языка. В результате обучающиеся не всегда могут описывать факты и явления, связанные с культурой родного края, на английском языке в процессе реального общения, рассказать о своеобразии родного края и сделать его достоянием мировой культуры.
Таким образом, возникает необходимость включения этнокультурного и регионального компонента содержания образования в обучение английскому языку в средней школе. Решение данной задачи обеспечивается реализацией в практике обучения английскому языку личностно-ориентированного и культурно-ориентированного подходов, в рамках которых региональные знания приобретают не только прикладное значение, но и способствуют подготовке обучающихся к жизни в современных условиях, к формированию у них нравственной позиции гражданина России – гражданина мира, к воспитанию готовности и желания участвовать в диалоге культур с другими народами.
Необходимость обучения английскому языку с учетом этнокультурного и регионального компонента продиктована тем, что понимание иной культуры возможно только на основе знания своей. Отсутствие знаний о культуре своего края, а также о культуре стран изучаемого языка, является источником недопонимания, конфликтов и кризисов в процессе межкультурной коммуникации. Поэтому, одной из ведущих задач языкового образования на современном этапе является формирование социокультурной компетенции обучающихся, которая предполагает умение ориентироваться в различных типах культур, понимать, сравнивать, уметь объяснять явления и факты родной и иноязычной культур в процессе межкультурного общения. Элементы региональной культуры в сравнении с культурой стран изучаемого языка в сочетании с языковыми явлениями выступают как основа коммуникации, средство создания ситуативности, поддержания мотивации учения.
Для реализации принципа учета НРЭО мною составлены тексты для чтения для старшеклассников. В текстах представлена информация из разных областей науки: истории, географии, физики, астрономии, экономики. Учащиеся смогут узнать о выдающихся людях, исторических событиях, городах Челябинской области.
Тексты сопровождаются заданиями. Послетекстовые задания предназначены для проверки понимания прочитанного, для контроля за степенью сформированности умений чтения и возможного использования полученной информации в будущей профессиональной деятельности:
- Asking / Answering Question (вопросно - ответные упражнения) предполагают запрашивание и предоставление необходимой информации.
- Correction - исправление - определение и корректировка языковых или содержательных нарушений в тексте.
- Close - восстановление / заполнение пропусков - приём работы со связным текстом, в котором преднамеренно пропущено каждое n - е слово (n колеблется от 5 до 10). Задача учащихся - восстановить деформированный текст, подобрать пропущенные слова по смыслу, исходя из контекста или привычной сочетаемости слов.
- Matching - соотнесение / сопоставление - приём работы, заключающийся в распознавании соотносящихся друг с другом вербальных и невербальных элементов, например, между картиной и предложением, словом и его определением, началом и концом предложения и т.д.
Научить школьников читать одна из важнейших задач обучения ИЯ, ценное практическое умение, которое потребуется подавляющему большинству выпускников общеобразовательных школ и будет с наибольшей вероятностью востребовано в профессиональной и самообразовательной деятельности.
Развитие умений изучающего чтения является необходимым условием для эффективной деятельности старшеклассников при сдаче ЕГЭ, так как они часто сталкиваются с трудными (в содержательном и языковом отношении) текстами, а после окончания школы большинство профессионально-ориентированных текстов выпускникам предстоит читать именно с помощью данной стратегии.
Таким образом, обучение в рамках реализации этнокультурного и регионального компонента на уроках английского языка направлено на совершенствование коммуникативно-познавательных умений, систематизацию и углубление знаний о родном крае, сравнение, нахождение общего и частного с соответствующими элементами англоязычной и мировой культуры, обмен этими знаниями в условиях иноязычного речевого общения и воспитание на этой основе патриотической и гуманной личности школьника, обладающей творческим потенциалом, готовой к бережному отношению к окружающему миру, продуктивному межкультурному взаимодействию с представителями иноязычных культур.
Lidiya Skoblikova
Lidiya Skoblikova is a retired Russian speed skater and coach. Skoblikova was born in Zlatoust, in a working-class family and had three sisters and one brother. She trained at «Burevestnik» and later at «Lokomotiv» sports societies. In 1959, at age 19, Skoblikova qualified for the Soviet team, placing third in the national championships. She repeated that performance at the world championships, winning two distance medals as well. The next season, she seemed headed for the world title after winning the 500 m and placing second in the 1500 m, but she fell in the 1000 m. By winning the 3000 m, she managed to land on the podium anyway, placing third again. A favourite for the Olympics now, she entered three events. In the first race, the 1500 m, she broke the world record, and won the gold medal. After just missing a second medal in the 1000 m (fourth), Skoblikova approached the world record in the 3000 m (missing it by just half a second), but that was enough for her second gold medal.
For the 1964 Olympics, Skoblikova was qualified for all four distances, and she managed to win all of them, thereby becoming the first Winter Olympian to win four individual gold medals. Eric Heiden who won all five speed skating events in 1980 only beat this record. Two weeks after the Olympics, she repeated her performance from Karuizawa and won all four distances at the world championships.
After retirement in 1969, Skoblikova moved to Moscow to work as a speed skating coach at «Lokomotiv». In 1973, she began her studies at The Academy of Labor and Social Relations and received a degree in pedagogy in 1979. By 1983, she was a member of the Soviet National Olympic Committee, and received a silver Olympic Order from the hands of Juan Antonio Samaranch. For 12 years, she was president of the Russian Skating Federation, and in the 1990s was the head coach of the Russian team. In 1996, she was inducted to the International Women's Sports Hall of Fame, and three years later received the Order for Merit to the Fatherland from the hands of Boris Yeltsin. On February 7, 2014, she was one of the six people who held the Olympic flag during the opening ceremony.
Representing the USSR Olympic team during the Olympic Winter Games in 1960 and 1964, she won six gold medals, still a record number for a speed skater. She also won 25 gold medals at the world championships and 15 gold medals at the USSR National Championships in several distances. She was also the first athlete to earn six gold medals in the Olympic Winter Games, and the first to earn four gold medals at a single Olympic Winter Games.
Find the words in the text by their definitions
- Someone who trains a sports player or team.
- A competition to find the best player or team in a sport or game.
- A competition that decides who is the fastest at doing something, especially running
- The best achievement so far in a particular activity, especially sport.
- A small flat piece of metal that you are given for winning a competition or doing something very brave.
- The time when you stop working, especially because you have reached the age when you are officially too old to work, or the act of doing this.
- Someone who is good at sports, especially athletics, and takes part in sport competitions.
- The amount of space between two people or things.
- A piece of cloth decorated with the pattern and colours that represent a country or organization.
- To defeat everyone else by being the best or by finishing first in competition.
Are these statements true or false? Correct false ones.
- At the age 39, Lidiya Skoblikova became a professional speed skating coach.
- She refused to take part in the opening of the Olympics in 2014.
- Lidiya Skoblikova won ten gold Olympic medals in her career.
- Her record on the 1964 Olympics had not been beaten yet.
- Lidiya Skoblikova represented the team of Russia at the Olympics.
Anatoly Karpov
Anatoly Karpov is a Russian chess grandmaster and former World Champion. Karpov was born on May 23, 1951 in Zlatoust , _________(1)________His early rise in chess was swift, as he became a Candidate Master by age eleven. At twelve, he was accepted into Mikhail Botvinnik's prestigious chess school, though Botvinnik made the following remark about the young Karpov: "The boy does not have a clue about chess, and ______________(2)________________" Karpov acknowledged that his understanding of chess theory was very confused at that time, and wrote later that the homework, which Botvinnik assigned greatly, helped him, since it required that he consult chess books and work diligently. Karpov improved so quickly under Botvinnik's tutelage that he became the youngest Soviet National Master in history at fifteen in 1966; this tied the record established by Boris Spassky in 1952.
He was the official world champion from 1975 to 1985 when he was defeated by Garry Kasparov. He played three matches against Kasparov for the title from 1986 to 1990, before becoming FIDE World Champion once again after Kasparov broke away from FIDE in 1993. He held the title until 1999, when he resigned his title in protest against FIDE's new world championship rules. For his decades-long standing among the world's elite, Karpov is considered by many to be ___________(3)____________.
His tournament successes include over 160 first-place finishes. He had a peak Elo rating of 2780, and his 90 total months at world number one is the second longest of all-time, behind only Garry Kasparov, since the inception of the FIDE ranking list in 1970.
Karpov's "boa constrictor" playing style is solidly positional, taking no risks but reacting mercilessly to any tiny errors made by his opponents. As a result, he is_____(4)____, the famous José Raúl Capablanca, the third World Champion. Karpov himself describes his style as follows: «Let us say the game may be continued in two ways: one of them is a beautiful tactical blow that gives rise to variations that don't yield to precise calculations; the other is clear positional pressure that leads to an endgame with microscopic chances of victory.... I would choose [the latter] without thinking twice. If the opponent offers keen play I don't object; but in such cases I get less satisfaction, even if I win, than from a game conducted according to all the rules of strategy with its ruthless logic.»
Karpov is _______(5)_______and chess book collections. His private chess library consists of over 9000 books.
Complete the text using the appropriate phrases. Find the extra phrase.
- there's no future at all for him in this profession.
- also known to have a large chess stamp
- remained a formidable opponent
- one of the greatest players of all time.
- and learned to play chess at the age of four.
- often compared to his idol
Are these statements true or false? Correct false ones.
- Great future was predicted to Anatoly Karpov.
- He had his own style in playing chess.
- Anatoly Karpov did not study playing chess at any special institution.
- Anatoly Karpov prefers strategic play to keen play.
- He did not lose a single game in his career
Igor Kurchatov (1903 - 1960)
Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov was born on January 8, 1903, in Simsky Zavod, Ufa Guberniya (now the city of Sim, Chelyabinsk Oblast). He studied physics at Crimea State University, graduating in 1923, and shipbuilding at the Polytechnic Institute in Petrograd. In 1925, he moved to the Physical-Technical Institute, where he worked under Abram Fedorovich Ioffe on various problems connected with radioactivity. In 1932, he received funding for his own nuclear science research team, which built the Soviet Union's first cyclotron.
With the outbreak of World War II, Kurchatov joined a group that was working on protecting ships from magnetic mines. In 1943, under Ioffe's recommendation, he was appointed director of the Soviet atomic weapons program. This project remained a relatively low priority until information from spy Klaus Fuchs and later the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki goaded Stalin into action. Stalin ordered Kurchatov to produce a bomb by 1948, and he put ruthless Lavrenty Beria in direct command of the project. On August 29, 1949, the team detonated First Lightning (the west named the test Joe-1), its initial test device (a plutonium implosion bomb) at the Semipalatinsk Test Site.
Kurchatov subsequently worked on the Soviet hydrogen bomb program, but later worked for the peaceful use of nuclear technology and advocated against nuclear bomb tests. With the success of the atomic bomb project and greater awareness of the destructiveness of nuclear weapons, Kurchatov grew increasingly alarmed by the possibility of their use. However, it was witnessing the 1955 test of the first Soviet super bomb that was a turning point for Kurchatov. Both he and Andrei Sakharov began to feel a deep sense of responsibility for the consequences of their work, and they both began to argue against further testing.
During the atomic bomb program, Kurchatov swore he would not cut his beard until the program succeeded, and he continued to wear a large beard (often cut into eccentric styles) for the remainder of his life, earning him the nickname "The Beard." Kurchatov died in Moscow on February 7, 1960, from a blood clot in his brain. His body is buried in a place of honor in the Kremlin wall.
Match the words 1-10 to their definitions A-J.
- An object that can be used to hurt people or damage property, for example a gun, knife or bomb.
- A planned piece of work that has a particular aim, especially one that organized by a government, company, or other organization.
- Hair that grows on a man’s chin and cheeks.
- Someone whose job is to find out secret information about a country or an organization.
- Not involving war or violence
- To put someone’s dead body in the ground during a funeral ceremony.
- Damage that is so severe that something stops existing or can never return to its normal state.
- To make a promise to do something
- The study and knowledge of the physical world and its behavior that is based on experiments and facts that can be proved, and is organized into a system.
- Happening at the beginning of the process.
- a destruction
- a spy
- a weapon
- to swear/swore/sworn
- a beard
- peaceful
- to bury
- initial
- a project
- a science
Find the correct answer.
- Why did Igor Kurchatov stop working on hydrogen bomb program?
- What did build Kurchatov’s nuclear science research team?
- Who directed the project of the atomic weapons after World War II?
Chelyabinsk meteorite
The Chelyabinsk meteorite is the fragmented remains of the large Chelyabinsk meteor of 15 February 2013 that reached the ground after the meteor's passage through the atmosphere. The descent of the meteor, visible as a brilliant super bolide in the morning sky, caused a series of shock waves that shattered windows, damaged approximately 7,200 buildings and left 1,500 people injured. The resulting fragments were scattered over a wide area.
The meteor and meteorite are named after Chelyabinsk Region, over which the meteor exploded. An initial proposal was to name the meteorite after Lake Chebarkul, where one of its major fragments impacted and made a 6-metre-wide hole in the frozen lake surface.
Scientists collected 53 samples nearby a 6-metre-wide hole in the ice of Lake Chebarkul, thought to be the result of a single meteorite fragment impact. The specimens are of various sizes, with the largest being 5 kg, and initial laboratory analysis confirmed their meteoric origin.
In June 2013, Russian scientists reported that further investigation by magnetic imaging below the location of the ice hole in Lake Chebarkul has identified a 60-centimetre-large meteorite buried in the mud at the bottom of the lake. An operation to recover it from the lake began in September 10, 2013, and concluded on 16 October 2013 with the raising of the rock with an estimated mass of 654 kg. It was examined by scientists and then handed over to the local authorities.
On February 15 (anniversary of the event), during the 2014 Winter Olympics, winners received medals with embedded fragments of the meteorite
Are these statements true or false? Correct false ones.
- The largest piece of the meteor was discovered right after its descent.
- No one was hurt after the fall of the meteor.
- Further investigations of the meteor and place of its fall were continued for many months.
- The largest piece of the meteor weighed more than half a ton.
- All fragments of the meteor were exhibited in the Museum of Anthropology.
Answer the questions.
- Where did the scientists find the major piece of the meteor?
- What did winners receive during the 2014 Olympics a year after the fall of the meteor?
- How did the impact of the meteor effect on the villages and towns nearby the descent?
Arkaim is an archaeological site in Russia, __________(1)___________, in the Chelyabinsk Region of Russia, just north of the border with Kazakhstan. It was discovered in 1987 by a team of archaeologists led by Gennady Zdanovich, preventing the planned flooding of the area for the creation of a reservoir. Arkaim is attributed to the early Indo-Europeans of the Sintashta culture, which some scholars believe represents the proto-Indo-Iranians before their split into different groups and migration to Central Asia and from there to Persia and India and other parts of Eurasia.
Scholars have _________(2)________as the cities built "reproducing the model of the universe" described in ancient Indo-European spiritual literature, the Vedas and the Avesta. The structure consists of three concentric rings of walls and three radial streets, reflecting the city of King Yima described in the Rigveda. The foundation walls and the dwellings of the second ring are built according to swastika-like patterns; the same symbol is found on various artefacts. Arkaim is designated as a "national and spiritual shrine" of Russia and has ____________(3)___________ for Rodnover, Zoroastrian and other religious movements.
The fortified citadel of Arkaim dates back to the 17th and 16th century BCE. More than twenty other structures __________(4)____________have been found in a larger area spanning from the southern Urals' region to the north of Kazakhstan, forming the so-called "Land of Towns". Artefacts found at these sites date between the 4th millennium and the 20th century BCE .
Russia's president Vladimir Putin visited the site in 2005, meeting in person with the chief archaeologist Gennady Zdanovich. The visit __________(5)_____________. They presented Arkaim as the "homeland of the majority of contemporary people in Asia, and, partly, Europe". Nationalists called Arkaim the "city of Russian glory" and the "most ancient Slavic-Aryan town". Zdanovich reportedly presented Arkaim to the president as a possible "national idea of Russia", a new idea of civilization, which Shnirelman calls the "Russian idea". According to several analysts, Putin's visit was undoubtedly a message, and it gave credit to the interpretation of Arkaim as an Aryan cult centre.
Match the words 1-10 to their definitions A-J.
- A place where something happened, especially something interesting or important, or where there is an important building.
- A large amount of water that covers an area that was dry before.
- An object in the shape of a circle.
- A picture or shape used to represent a particular idea.
- The political leader of a country that does not have a king or queen.
- The country where someone comes from.
- Most of the people or things in a group.
- The universe space and everything that exists in it, including the Earth and all the other planets.
- Something that is very old
- Happening, moving or acting quickly.
- a symbol
- a site
- ancient
- a homeland
- a flood
- rapid
- majority
- an universe
- a ring
- a president
Complete the text using the appropriate phrases. Find the extra phrase.
- started a rapid research
- built according to similar patterns
- become a holy site
- identified the structure of Arkaim
- received much attention from Russian media
- situated in the steppe of the Southern Ural
Kyshtym disaster
The Kyshtym disaster was a radioactive contamination accident that ________(1)________,a plutonium production site in Russia for nuclear weapons and nuclear fuel reprocessing plant of the Soviet Union. It measured as a Level 6 disaster on the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES),making it the third-most serious nuclear accident ever recorded, behind the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster and the Chernobyl disaster (both Level 7 on the INES). The event occurred in the town of Ozyorsk, Chelyabinsk Oblast, a closed city built around the Mayak plant, and spread hot particles over more than 20,000 square miles (52,000 km2), where at least 270,000 people lived, with 300 immediate deaths among the villagers nearby. Since Ozyorsk/Mayak (named Chelyabinsk-40, then Chelyabinsk-65, until 1994) was not marked on maps, the disaster was named after Kyshtym, the nearest known town.
After World War II, the Soviet Union lagged behind the US in development of nuclear weapons, so __________(2)________to produce a sufficient amount of weapons-grade uranium and plutonium. The Mayak plant was built in haste between 1945 and 1948. Gaps in Soviet physicists' knowledge about nuclear physics at the time made it difficult to judge the safety of many decisions. Environmental concerns were not taken seriously during the early development stage. Initially Mayak was dumping high-level radioactive waste into a nearby river, which flowed to the river Ob, flowing further down to the Arctic Ocean. All six reactors were on Lake Kyzyltash and used an open-cycle cooling system, discharging contaminated water directly back into the lake.
In 1957, the cooling system in one of the tanks containing about 70–80 tons of liquid radioactive waste_________(3)______. The temperature in it started to rise, resulting in evaporation and a chemical explosion of the dried waste, consisting mainly of ammonium nitrate and acetates. The explosion, on 29 September 1957, estimated to have a force of about 70–100 tons of TNT, threw the 160-ton concrete lid into the air. Most of this contamination settled out near the site of the accident and contributed to the pollution of the Techa River. In the next 10 to 11 hours, the radioactive cloud moved towards the northeast, reaching 300–350 km (190–220 mi) from the accident. The fallout of the cloud resulted in a long-term contamination of an area of more than 800 to 20,000 km2
At least 22 villages were exposed to radiation from the disaster, with a total population of around 10,000 people evacuated. Some were evacuated after a week, but it took almost 2 years for evacuations to occur at other sites.
___________(4)_______, the populations of affected areas were not initially informed of the accident. A week later (on 6 October 1957), an operation for evacuating 10,000 people from the affected area started, still without explaining the reasons for evacuation.
The level of radiation in Ozyorsk itself is_______(5)______, but the area of the EURT is still heavily contaminated with radioactivity.
Complete the text using the appropriate phrases. Find the extra phrase.
- claimed to be safe for humans
- affected by the airborne plume
- failed and was not repaired
- occurred on 29 September 1957 at Mayak
- because of the secrecy surrounding Mayak
- it started a rapid research and development program
Are these statements true or false? Correct false ones.
- Many mistakes were made during the construction of the Mayak plant because of rush
- Some rivers nearby the Mayak plant were exposed to radiation.
- The Kyshtym disaster was the most dangerous accident ever.
- Many people did not know about Mayak’s catastrophe.
- The area where the Kyshtym disaster took place is not radioactive anymore.
Kasli is a town and the administrative center of Kaslinsky District in Chelyabinsk Region, Russia, located among several lakes on the eastern slope of the Middle Urals, 87 kilometers northwest of Chelyabinsk. The population of the town is about 16,969 inhabitants.
It was founded in 1747 as the settlement of Kaslinsky around a foundry. Town status was granted to it on July 29, 1942.
The leading branches of industry are non-ferrous metallurgy, machine building, and metalworking. There is also a radio plant and a clothes factory.
Kasli is famous for Kasli iron sculpture—artistic figures made of cast iron. The cast sculptures of Klodt, Lancere, Solovyova, and other prominent artists are among the most famous works in the Museum of Decorative Castings. In 1860, the Kasli factory was honored with the Golden Award (the small golden medal of the Free Economical Society). A year later, the factory was awarded the Small Silver Medal at St. Petersburg's Textile exhibition. Honorable diplomas and silver and golden medals were awarded at the World Exhibitions in Paris (1867), in Vienna (1873), Philadelphia (1876), Copenhagen (1888), Stockholm (1897), and again in Paris (1900). In 1900, an openwork pavilion was molded from metal for the international exhibition. It is now exhibited in the Yekaterinburg picture gallery.
Many renowned historical artistic sculptures and figures at Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as the iron furniture at the Winter Palace, was produced by the Kasli factory.
Are these statements true or false? Correct false ones.
- Kasli is famous for its clothes factory.
- Many famous works made of cast iron were produced in Kasli.
- Cast iron works were not valued abroad.
- Cast iron works are exhibited in many galleries and museums.
Find the words in the text by their definitions
- A building or a group of buildings where large quantities of goods are produced using machines.
- A hard heavy metal that is a common element. It is used for making steel and it is also used in many types of machine and building structures.
- A public show where art or other interesting things are put so that people can go and look at them.
- Bright yellow in colour.
- A solid object that someone makes as a work of art by shaping a substance such as stone, metal, or wood
Zlatoust is a city in Chelyabinsk Region, Russia, located on the Ay River, 160 kilometers west of Chelyabinsk. The population of the city is about 174,962 inhabitants.
Zlatoust was founded in 1754 due to construction of the ironworks. In 1774–76, the workers of the plant took part in the insurrection led by Yemelyan Pugachev. In the early 19th century, Pavel Anosov made the first Russian bulat steel blades in Zlatoust. It was granted town status in 1865. From 1865 to 1919, Zlatoust was part of Ufa Governorate. The town is also known for the first cannons made of Russian steel. In 1903, the Tsarist authorities brutally suppressed a strike, _________(1)_______.
_______(2)________, an arms factory was constructed there which began to produce sabres and swords. Famous artists Ivan Bushuyev and Ivan Boyarshinov authored unique patterns of cold steel decorated with engravings. Flying winged horse was a favorite element of many of Bushuyev's engravings, so he was given a nickname Ivan the Wingy (Ivanko Krylatko). Since then, a Pegasus ___________(3)________. The Soviets gained control over Zlatoust in March 1918. The town was occupied by the Whites between June 1918 and July 1919. On 13 July 1919, Zlatoust was seized by the Red Army.
During the Soviet period, Zlatoust became an industrial city, which specialized in metallurgy, mechanical engineering, tool making, food production, and other industries. Zlatoust is one of the centers of artistic engraving on metal in Russia. Traditionally, such engravings were done on weapons, such as knives and swords; however, during Soviet period the engraving was shifted onto decorative metal plates. Nowadays the weapon engraving is popular again.
Nowadays their creations are ____________(4)___________ and are kept in the Hermitage, Armory and in many other world museums. A collection of decorated weapons is also on display in Zlatoust’s Museum of Regional Studies.
There are many famous names, connected with Zlatoust - over 30 years ago an outstanding scientist, P.P.Anosov, the father of Russian damask steel lived here and a famous military leader, the marshal, B.M.Shaposhnikov originally came from Zlatoust. The ex-World Chess Champion, Anatoly Karpov and multiple World and Olympic Skating Champion Lydia Skoblikova both call Zlatoust “home”.
The nature park “Taganai” _______(5)______.
Complete the text using the appropriate phrases. Find the extra phrase
- located near Zlatoust
- became an industrial city
- has been an emblem of the town
- included in the treasury of Russian decorative-applied arts
- organized by the workers of Zlatoust
- in the beginning of the 19th century
Answer the questions
- What is depicted on the coat of arms of the city?
- What did the arms factory produce in the beginning of the 19th century?
- Which famous people were born in Zlatoust?
- Where did the engravings appear first?
Magnitogorsk is an industrial city in Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia, located on the eastern side of the extreme southern extent of the Ural Mountains by the Ural River. The population of the city is about 407,775 inhabitants. It was named after the Magnitnaya Mountain (a geological anomaly that once consisted almost completely of iron). It is the second largest city in Russia that is not the administrative center of any federal subject or district. Here the largest iron and steel works in the country (Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works) is situated. Magnitogorsk has span between Europe and Asia continents. The official motto of city is «The place where Europe and Asia meet»
Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as the City of Magnitogorsk—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, the City of Magnitogorsk is incorporated as Magnitogorsky Urban Okrug.
In addition to natural resources and favorable geographical location, Magnitogorsk has a number of historical and archaeological monuments, sports tourism facilities, and a relatively well-developed tourist infrastructure. Magnitogorsk International Airport offers regular flights to Moscow.
Magnitogorsk is often called “Magnitka”. In everyday speech, this is also the name of Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK) and the city newspaper “Magnitogorsk Worker”. The city is called the “metallurgical capital” of Russia.
Magnitogorsk was mentioned in the Blacksmith Institute's 2007 survey of the world's worst polluted cities, placed in the report's unranked list of the 25 most polluted places outside the top ten. Pollutants include lead, sulfur dioxide, heavy metals and other air pollutants. According to the local hospital, only 1% of all children living in the city are in good health. The Blacksmith Institute says that, according to a local newspaper report, "only 28% of infants born in 1992 were healthy and only 27% had healthy mothers". However, according to Blacksmith Institute, plant managers have upgraded much of their equipment in recent years and emissions have been reduced by about 60%.
Magnitogorsk has a distinct four-season humid continental climate similar to those found in the North American Plains with warmer summers than subarctic climates, but with relatively severe winters for the latitude. This climate type is typical for southerly Russian areas far from large bodies of water.
Match the words 1-10 to their definitions A-J
- A person or animal that lives in a particular place.
- A baby, or a very young child.
- Hot and wet in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable.
- A structure built in a public place to celebrate an important person or event.
- Something that you can use to help you to achieve something, especially in your work or study.
- The process of damaging the air, water or land with chemicals or other substances.
- To make something smaller or less in size, amount, or importance.
- To contain someone or something as a part.
- A journey through air or space in a vehicle.
- Extremely unpleasant and likely to cause harm or damage.
- a flight
- humid
- a resource
- an inhabitant
- severe
- to reduce
- a monument
- to include
- a pollution
- an infant
Answer the questions
- What is the slogan of Magnitogorsk?
- How do people usually call Magnitogorsk?
- How many percent have emissions decrease recently?
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