Конспект урока Is slavery a thing of the past
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс)
Lesson plan Is slavery a thing of the past
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Предварительный просмотр:
Is slavery a thing of the past?
Slavery, both historical and modern day |
• To raise awareness of the issue of modern day slavery • To develop vocabulary, looking at a range of topic related nouns and verbs. E.g. trade, product, campaign • To develop reading and speaking skills through a jigsaw reading activity, and other speaking tasks. • To provide an introduction to, or a review of, simple past and simple present passive forms. |
Age / level
Older teenagers and adults – Council of Europe Framework level B1/B1+ |
55-70 minutes |
Worksheets 1, 2 and 5 can be shared. Worksheets 3 and 4, students need one each |
This lesson will help to raise awareness of the issue of slavery, historical and modern day. The lesson begins by asking students to consider what they know about the issue, then takes them through a process of learning more before concluding by asking them about what they have learnt, and how their understanding might have changed. The lesson involves plenty of speaking, a vocabulary focus, which pre-teaches topic related vocabulary later found in the text, a jigsaw reading and a focus on passives. |
1. Lead-in (5 minutes) | • Write on the board, ‘Is slavery a thing of the past?’ and check students understand both the broad meaning of slavery, and that ‘ a thing of the past’ means something that no longer happens today. • Put students into small groups and ask them to discuss the questions in worksheet 1, exercise 1. This worksheet could be shared between 2-3 students. • Brief feedback as a class. |
2. Pre-reading/ Prediction (5 minutes) | • Put students into pairs and ask them to discuss how each picture might be connected with slavery. Monitor, but don’t give any answers or explanations at this stage (though depending on your students you might need to explain that picture A is cotton). |
3. Vocabulary focus (10 – 15 minutes) | • Either working individually (one worksheet each) or in pairs, sharing worksheet 2, ask students to match the words and definitions. Make sure they understand that (n) means the word is a noun and (v) means that it is a verb. With the exception of exchange, goods and product, these words are above B1 level, but are important for reading about and discussing the topic. • Check students’ answers: 1 H; 2 I; 3 A; 4 E; 5 J; 6 K; 7 B; 8 C; 9 D; 10 F; 11 G • Ask students to discuss in pairs how the words could relate to the topic. There are no specific answers here. |
4. Jigsaw reading (15 – 20 minutes) | • Put students into pairs (or keep in the same pairs) and give each pair either worksheet 3 or worksheet 4. Ask them to read the text and match each paragraph with a picture from worksheet 1 (exercise 1) • Let them check their ideas with their partner and then briefly check as a class. Answers: worksheet 3 1C (Egyptian slaves building the pyramids) 2A (Cotton being grown, or possibly B showing African slaves) 3B (African slaves being taken on ships to the Americas) 4E (A Victorian child worker) Answers: worksheet 4 1A (Cotton being grown) 2D (Woman looking at clothes) 3F (Image of a piece of chocolate) • Give the pairs of students a few minutes to discuss what surprised or shocked them (exercise 2). • Put the students into new pairs so that each pair has a student who read worksheet 3 and a student who read worksheet 4. Ask them to tell each other about what they read, and discuss their reaction to it. (exercise 3) |
6. Grammar (passives) (15-20 minutes) | • If your students have seen the passive before, briefly elicit from the class what they already know about the passive. E.g. it is formed using the verb to be + the past participle. It is used to talk about processes, or when we are focusing on the action rather than the person who did the action. • If the passive is new to them, write on the board: ‘some factories employ children’. ‘children are employed by some factories’ Show the difference in the verb forms, and how we use ‘by’ to show who does the action. Then discuss why we might choose the passive here- to put more emphasis on the children, rather than the factories. Show the students a similar example using the past tense. E.g. ‘Slaves were taken to the Americas’ vs ‘The traders took slaves to the Americas’ and discuss the fact that the passive focuses more on the slaves, and doesn’t even mention who did the action because it is obvious. • Then ask students to complete the sentences from the text on worksheet 5, using the verbs in the box in the correct passive tense (the first set are all simple past and the second set are all simple present). • Check as a class. • Then ask students to write their own passive sentences about what they read. Monitor and help as needed, then elicit some examples from the class. |
7. Speaking (5 minutes) | • Put students into small groups and ask them to discuss the questions. Students may now be better able to see the relevance to their own lives (e.g.that they probably buy products which were produced using slavery, and understand, if they didn’t before, that slavery is still very much a problem nowadays) |
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