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Наталья Владимировна Георгиева
сайт преподавателя медколледжа № 1
Профессия: преподаватель английский яз.
Профессиональные интересы: английский яз
Увлечения: чтение, спорт
Регион: Санкт-Петербург
Место работы: Медколледж № 1
Ссылка на мой мини-сайт:
https://nsportal.ru/yans-raynirAsk me no questions, I'll tell you no lies
О себе
Part of the problem is the concept of “life purpose” itself. The idea that we were each born for some higher purpose and it’s now our cosmic mission to find it. This is the same kind of shitty logic used to justify things like spirit crystals or that your lucky number is 34 (but only on Tuesdays or during full moons).
Here’s the truth. We exist on this earth for some undetermined period of time. During that time we do things. Some of these things are important. Some of them are unimportant. And those important things give our lives meaning and happiness. The unimportant ones basically just kill time.
So when people say, “What should I do with my life?” or “What is my life purpose?” what they’re actually asking is:
“What can I do with my time that is important?”
Книги, которые сформировали мой внутренний мир
George Orwell 'Down and out in Paris and London'
Erich Remarque 'All quiet on the weatern front'
Ellis Peters 'The Cadfael Chronicles'
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