Технологическая карта открытого урока по теме "Green transport" 25.03.2020
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс)
Технологическая карта урока по теме "Экологические виды транспорта" для 9 класса (по учебнику "Английский в фокусе"
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Предварительный просмотр:
План-конспект открытого урока по теме «Green transport».
Деятельностная цель: формирование у учащихся способностей к выявлению причин затруднений и коррекции собственных действий.
Содержательная цель: закрепление изученной лексики по теме «Экологические виды транспорта» и Страдательного залога.
Этап | Деятельность учителя | Деятельность учащихся | УУД |
1. Мотивация к учебной деятельности. | -Good morning, dear children. -I'm very glad to see you. I hope you are all fine and are ready to work hard at your English lesson. Today we will work individually and in teams. Rimma and Maksim, go to the whiteboard, choose one classmate for your team and say why. (For example: I want Rimma to be in my group because she is very nice. I choose Maksim because he is an inventive boy.). -Now we have two teams. Take your seats, please. (These desks are for the first team and these ones are for the second group). | -Good morning, Anna Vladimirovna. I want… to be in my group/I'd like to have…. in my group/I choose…. because she/he.. (speaks English well; is a bright student to my mind; is very kind and helpful; is very smart; knows English grammar well; is my close friend; is clever; has a good sense of humour). | К, Л, П |
2.Постановка учебной задачи. | -Watch the video, please, and tell me what it is about.(Sustainable transport). -What is the video about? -Why have we watched this video? What is the theme of our lesson? -That's right, the theme of the lesson is ecological or green transport. And now arrange the tasks we will do at the lesson, please. | - The video is about transport and its harmful influence on environment. - People want to protect nature and develop transportation system. -The theme of our lesson is transport and ecology/ecological transport. - We will revise and learn new words on the theme; We will watch the video; We will revise Passive Voice; We will read a text about green transport and do some exercises; We will do projects on the theme. | К, Л, П, Р |
3. Актуализация знаний и фиксация затруднений в деятельности. | -Now let's revise some words, please. Read after me. (слова без перевода на слайде) [s] sailer |ˈseɪlə|– парусное судно, парусник suburban train – |səˈbəːb(ə)n| электричка [t] tram – |træm|трамвай helicopter |ˈhɛlɪkɒptə|– вертолет motor ship |ˈməʊtə| теплоход raft |rɑːft|– паром, плот or transport emissions- транспортные выхлопы, traffic fumes- выхлопные газы, eco-friendly- экологически безопасный -What do these words mean? -Look at these words. -What public transport is there in our town? When does it run? - Which means of transport do you and your family members use and why? -Our town is on the Volga river. What kind of water transport is used here? -Has our town got eco-friendly transport? | (дети переводят слово, на слайде появляется ответ). -There are buses, trolley-buses, minibuses |ˈmɪnɪbʌs|and taxies in Engels. They usually run from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. - My parents usually go to their work by minibus because it’s fast and not expensive. I usually go on foot because my school is not far from my house. - You can see motor ships, motorboats and sailers on Volga. -I think, it has. Some people go by bicycles, for example. | К, П, Л |
4. Первичное закрепление. | Now, let’s play and do some lexical exercises at the same time. Take your progress cards, please. Write down your scores during the lesson. Now take seats at the computers, please. Let’s play the game “Transport”. 1.Match the words and the pictures. You have 2 minutes and then I’ll check your results. Write down your scores in your progress cards. 2. Match the words with the definitions. Are you ready? Write down your scores in your progress cards. | Дети играют в игру на сайте https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/vocabulary/beginner-vocabulary/transport | П, Л, Р |
5. Самостоятельная работа с самопроверкой по эталону.
| Now take your seats at the desks, please. Let's learn some new words and phrases on the theme. Let's read them altogether, please. Each team has a card with these words and their definitions. Your task is to find Russian equivalents of these words. You have 4 minutes. Then you will exchange your papers with another group and give it 1 point for each right answer. Now exchange your papers, please, and read. Check the answers of another team using the keys. The first group will start. How many points has the first/second team got? (на доске к английскому слову учитель вывешивает русское) Run on - continue without stopping (работать на) Hood - a covering over the engine of an automobile (капот) individual design - unique pattern (индивидуальный дизайн) a huge hit - very popular (большой успех) to rent – to borrow (арендовать) pass – ticket (проездной документ ) destination – the place to which you are going (место назначения ) the authorities - people in power (власть ) (Примерные предложения: 1 Cars that run on natural gas are environmentally friendly (Машины, которые ездят на природном газе, дружелюбны окружающей среде) 2 Custom-made cars have an individual design to suit your personal taste (У машин, изготовленных на заказ, свой индивидуальный дизайн, который подходит вашему личному вкусу) 3 When it's sunny, Max lets down the hood of his sports car (Когда солнечно, Макс опускает крышу своего спортивного автомобиля) 4 Electric cars have become a huge hit in North America (Электромобили стали большим хитом в Северной Америке) 5 Bicycles are now available to rent around numerous European cities (Велосипеды сейчас доступно арендовать во многих европейских городах) 6 My monthly bus pass saves me lots of money (Мой месячный проездной билет на автобус экономит мне много денег) 7 If your destination is near, maybe you should walk (Если ваше место назначение рядом, возможно вам следует пройтись пешком) 8 Suits are the normal dress code for bank workers (Костюмы – это нормальный дрес код для банковских рабочих) 9 People who drop litter should be reported to the authorities (О людях, которые бросают мусор нужно сообщать властям) 10 With this special 24-hour ticket, you can hop on and hop off buses anywhere in the city (Со специальным 24х часовым билетом, вы можете садиться и высаживаться из автобуса в любом место города) 11 We should car pool because your office is on the way to mine (Мы должны ехать вместе, потому что ваш офис на пути к моему) Now we know a lot of words on the theme but we need to revise some grammar rules to do the project. Let's speak about Passive Voice. -How do we form passive sentences? (на доске опора) That's right. Take your seats at the computers and do the test. Open Test 1 on the desktop and type your surname, name and class. Write down your scores in your progress card. You have 4 minutes. Are you ready? Do you have any mistakes? Now let's continue our work in groups. Take your seats at the desks, please. | Дети в командах разучивают новые слова (подбирают русский эквивалент выражения, опираясь на английское выражение и его определение). Затем придумывают предложения с новыми выражениями. - We use to be+ Past Participle in Simple Tenses. - We use to be+ being + Past Participle in Present and Past Continuous. -We use have/has+ been + Past Participle in Perfect Tenses. Учащиеся выполняют тест на компьютере. Choose the right variant:
a)has been appearing b) has appearing c)appeared 2. This transport… tuk-tuk. a) called b) is called c) is calling 3. The city's network of rivers and canals… for a new form of public transport. a) uses b) will use c) will be used 4. The traffic problem… by this service. a) will ease b) ease c) will be eased 5. Bikes… on the streets of Paris. a) can be rented b) can rented c) be rented 6. All tuk-tuks… like the British flag. a)are painting b) are painted c) had painted | П,Л,К, Р |
6. Построение проекта выхода из затруднения. | Open your books at page 102 ex. 4. Read the text about green transport and mark the statements as T, F or NS. Write down your answers in your cards. You have 5 minutes. Are you ready? Read the text aloud in a chain, please. Exchange your papers and check. The first team will read 3 statements. Give arguments. The second team will continue. How many points has the first team/second got? | Учащиеся читают текст в учебнике, отмечают правдивые и ложные утверждения. Зачитывают текст вслух по очереди и свои ответы, оценивают друг друга. | К,П,Р |
7. Реализация построенного проекта. | Use this text as an example. Work in your teams and make a mini-project. Imagine you are a Minister of Transport. Decide what programme to adopt to make the transportation system eco-friendly in your town. Present your programm to the class. Use words and phrases in your cards. The 2 team, give mark to the 1 team, please. | Используя тексты как пример и опираясь на данную им лексику, выполняют в группах проекты по усовершенствованию транспортной системы. Представляют проекты друг другу и оценивают. (Лексика для опоры: eco-friendly mode of transport, avoid negative effects, transport emissions into the atmosphere, useful for health, can't do without, reduce the number of cars, Intensive traffic, traffic fumes, air pollution, Constant noise and traffic jams, harmless fuel, electric cars or solar panels.) (Примерные ответы: Группа 1: In our opinion, people should use bicycles more often to get to the places they need to go. This mode of transport help us to avoid such negative effects as noises and transport emissions into the atmosphere. Besides cycling is useful for health and helps us to keep fit. But sometimes people can't do without a car. In this case they can ride together if they’re going to the same place. This reduce the number of cars on the road and transport emissions. Группа 2 : Intensive traffic is the cause of traffic fumes and air pollution. Constant noise and traffic jams make living in cities unpleasant. We should make transport using harmless fuel, for example, electric cars or solar panels. Going by public transport, for example, buses, trolley-buses and metro instead of cars is another way of reducing toxic fumes. We can also use water transport, such as boats, more often. We believe that people should create new eco-friendly modes of transport. They can also ride bicycles and horses. | К, П, Л, Р |
8. Рефлексия. | How many scores have you got? How many scores has your team got? What have we done at the lesson today? Name 10 new words and phrases. Can you form sentences in Passive? Have you had any difficulties at the lesson? Was our lesson useful for you? | Анализируют свою деятельность на уроке, подводят итоги, оценивают свою работу и работу других команд. | К, Л, П, Р |
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