Сценарий урока на тему "Свободное время"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс)
Представленный материал может быть использован на уроках иностранного языка на первом курсе СПО. Обучающимся предлагается выполнять задания разных видов: аудирование, чтение, подстановка, первичное закрепление.
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1 курс Тема: ‘Leisure’
- Организационный момент и приветствие.
Teacher: Good afternoon, dear students and teachers! I am glad to see you!
Let’s start with reciting the poem ‘Leisure’ (by W. H. Davis) – прослушивают стихотворение в записи, текст есть в печатном виде у каждого студента
What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
Стихотворение «Беззаботность» (В. Х. Дэвис)
Что толку жить в оковах суеты,
Когда не видишь в мире красоты?
Не смотришь на закат, на облака,
Что солнцем подрумянены слегка;
Не вслушиваешься в лесную тишь,
За резвой белкой взглядом не следишь;
В сверкающих ручьях средь бела дня
Не видишь звезд прозрачного огня;
Не замечаешь, как тебе вослед
Глаза девичьи робкий шлют привет
И как улыбка из ее очей
К губам бежит, сияя горячей.
Остановись! В плену своих забот
Ты не заметишь, как и жизнь пройдет.
What do you think is the theme of our lesson today? Today we’ll speak about your interests, hobbies and favourite leisure activities.
- Проверка домашнего задания
Answer my questions:
-Leisure is such a fascinating word, such a fascinating time, isn’t it?
-How much leisure time have you got every day?
-How often do you go for a walk?
-Do you manage to find time for sport or exercise?
-Do you prefer to spend your free time in social networks or meeting with friends?
-Have you got a hobby?
- Мозговой штурм
What associations have you if you listen to the word ‘Leisure’?
Студенты говорят слова, ассоциирующиеся со словосочетанием «свободное время». Преподаватель записывает их на доску, а студенты в тетради.
- Работа с текстом песни
All right. That`s is all meaning of leisure.
1). Первичное прослушивание
But now I suggest you to make some trip to a city. What the city is it? Listen to the song watching the video.
2). Прослушивание для общего понимания
- What language is it sung in?
- Do you know the singer?
- What country is shown in the video clip?
- What event is it?
- You know people in Italy organize such a carnival to say ‘Good-bye’ to Winter.
- Have you heard any familiar words?
- Look at the script. There are original lyrics with translation. Pay attention to the underlined words. Trace back their Latin origin
3). Детальное понимание
Студенты слушают песню Тото Кутуньо «Венеция» (видеоклип с Венецианским Карнавалом) на французском и итальянском языках) и смотрят видеоклип. Им предлагается узнать знакомые слова, известные им или похожие по звучанию на русские, английские, латинские и из других языков.
Затем предлагается проанализировать текст оригинала и построчный перевод песни с выделением данных слов и указанием их происхождения из латинского языка.
C'est Venice Toto Cutugno
Quante volte fra i banchi di scuola ho studiato Venezia
Quantestorie d'amore hanno scritto
i poeti a Venezia
La laguna che cambia colore
Come le nostre stagioni di cuore
Se una donna la perdi
la puoi ritrovare a Venezia
Quante volte i giornali hanno scrittosalviamo Venezia
E poi quante bugiarde promesse han ferito Venezia
Sulla Piazza San Marco sei mia
C'è il carnevale per un'altra follia
C'è sempre un canto d'amore
e poesia solo a Venezia
C'est Venice pour l'éternité
Venice qui meurt jamais
Comme l'amour dans tout le mondeentier
C'est Venice per l'eternità
Venice non morirà
Come il nostroamore senza età
Quante volte ho pensato che se non ci fosse Venezia
Dove andrebbero gli innamorati
a sognare Venezia
Sulla Piazza San Marco sei mia
E un gondoliere che ci fa compagnia
C'è nell'aria una stranapoesiasolo a Venezia
C'est Venice pour l'éternité
Venice qui meurt jamais
Comme l'amour dans tout le monde entier
C'est Venice per l'eternità
Venice non morirà
Come il nostro amore senza età
Latin English
Quante, schola, studio study
amor, scriptor amorous story
poeta poet
color lagoon,colo(u)r
salviamo salvation(спасение)
ferio (бить) promise
carnival descants(poetsongs)
semper, cant eternity, eternal
solus (единств.) entire (весь, целый)
mundus (мир)
non no
noster, amor pensive(задумчивый)
- Работа с текстом
Read the text. Say what is the main chain of it?
The Use of Leisure
By the way in which a man uses his leisure his character can be told more surely in all probability than by the way he does his work. For most men work is necessity in order to gain a living. Vast numbers of men have not even been able to choose what work they would do, but have been forced by economic necessity to take the first job that came their way. But in their leisure time they do what they really want to do and their real selves are reflected in their actions.
Some people are completely passive during leisure hours If such people go out they go to some place of entertainment where no effort is required by them, a cinema or a dancing hall, and if the latter, they do not dance but simply sit and watch others dancing.
A different type of person hurries home from work full of eagerness to begin on some scheme which he has been planning for his leisure time. Perhaps his hobby is carpentry or model engineering, or gardening, or he might wish to write, or to study some subject in which he is interested. This is the creative type of character. For him, his leisure hours are full of promise and he can look back on them with satisfaction when he reviews what he has achieved in them.
Leisure should be refreshment; it should send a man out with fresh spirits to battle with the problems of life. Sometimes this freshness comes not from doing anything, but by filling one's mind with fresh springs of beauty. Many a man gets full value from his leisure by contemplating nature, listening to music, or reading noble books. By this sort of occupation he may not have made anything that he can show, but he has none the less recreated his own source of inspiration and made his own mind a richer and fuller treasure house. This is the true use of leisure.
a). Answer the questions
1) Why can a man's character be told by the way he uses his leisure?
2) What types of men are there by the way they spend their leisure?
3)What do passive people do during leisure hours?
4) How does a creative type of character spend his leisure time?
5) Why should leisure be refreshment?
b). Find in the text equivalents to the following words and phrases:
1) досуг, 2) огромное количество, 3) свежие источники красоты, 4) садоводство, 5) полный стремления, 6) место развлечения, 7) собственный источник вдохновения, 8) сокровищница, 9) творческая личность, 10) свое настоящее Я, 11) род занятий.
c). Answer the questions:
What type of character are you?
Are you an out-going person or a stay-at-home?
What is your favourite occupation in leisure time?
Did (or will you) you choose your job by economic necessity?
What is your friend's hobby?
- Работа в группах
To my mind all the teenagers are fond of watching TV nowadays. Think of the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV. Work in groups. The first group will speak about advantages. The second group will speak about disadvantages. (Раздать карточки с выражениями)
Advantages of television
Television is one of the main sources of information. We watch news to learn what is happening not only in our own country, but all over the world. We watch commercials to learn about new products and services on the market. Television is where we find out about future exhibitions, films or events.
Television is a source of entertainment. When you want to have some rest after a long and intense day, television can be a great way to relax. Films, TV series, music, sports events, concerts – everyone can find something to watch.
Television is a source of education. There are educational channels where we can learn interesting facts about the world around us, about other people’s lives and much more. Broadcasts like that are interesting not only for children but for adults, too.
Television is widely available. Many channels can be watched for free, and the full package of them is relatively inexpensive.
Disadvantages of television
When we watch television, time flies. That is why many people spend hours watching television. This is not very good for our health and lifestyle.
One should choose wisely what broadcast to watch. Some of them are of no use at all, and we waste our time watching them. Gossip and crime won't make our life any better. We already understand that our world is far from being perfect. In order to relax, it is better to give preference to some interesting entertaining show or watch a music channel or a film.
Programs for children are not always safe and useful. There are scholastic movies and cartoons, but there are many of them aggressive. Parents must be careful , while keeping their kids alone with TV.
Another bad thing is that after watching TV too much we feel tired and our eyes are really stressed. We can lose vision very early. For children it’s hard to understand.
The influence of television on people’s life and behavior is great. Things have been absolutely different before this electronic appliance entered everyone’s homes. Today, it is an integral part of our lives. However, computers and Internet gradually displace TV sets. People have started watching all TV shows, soap operas, movies and news reports online.
On average, they spend over 26 hours a week watching TV. It is not only a source of entertainment, but also of information and education. Many people are against this tool. They say that TV brings too much violence, irrelevant and unnecessary information into their homes. There is no doubt that TV is a convenient device and comparatively cheap pleasure. For example, for a family of 4 it is cheaper to stay at home overnight and watch a funny show or a football match, than to go out to the cinema or sports bar.
But this is where danger lies. TV viewers become extremely passive. They move less, gaining excessive weight, eyesight and back problems. Moreover, they become passive absorbers of information. They have no choice, they just accept what they see and hear, while the information can be fictional or fabricated. For some people TV became an addiction. They can’t imagine living a day without it. Others try to spend less time in front of the screens and they find much more time to do other things, such as meeting up with friends, playing tennis, going to the gym, reading a book. The effect of TV can be rather negative on children. There is so much inexplicable cruelty that they might accept it as standard behavior.
- Монологическое высказывание
What about you? How do you prefer to spend your leisure?
Краткая ЛСС и пример высказывания по схеме
1. We spend our free time in different ways.
2. When I have free time, I like …
3. In the evening I like …
4. At the weekends I prefer …
5. In winter I …
6. In summer I …
7. But most of all I like … It`s my hobby.
- Рефлексия
Рефлексия – Заполнение таблицы. Read the statements. Think about your progress and tick one of the boxes.
I need more practice | I sometimes find this difficult | No problem | |
I can name popular hobbies, sports and activities. | |||
I can talk about my leisure. | |||
I can ask about people’s leisure time. | |||
I can express my likes and dislikes. |
- Домашнее задание
Learn your essay about your leisure by heart.
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