Конспект урока Spotlight 10
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)
Конспект обобщающего урока по теме "Teenagers: clothes and fashion"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Teenagers: clothes and fashion
Первым этапом определяем тематику урока через пословицы, высказывания, тематические картинки
- Good clothes open all doors but do they open hearts?
- Appearance is deceptive
- Never judge a book by its cover
-All that glitters is not gold
Вспоминаем ранее изученную лексику, распределив по категориям существительное, прилагательное, глагол, наречие.
Далее используя предлагаемые фразы и выражения согласия, несогласия, высказываем свою точку зрения
II. Read the phrases. Do you agree or disagree?
.What do you think about clothes?
- Clothes can really affect what I feel about myself.
- To follow fashion you need a lot of time and money.
- I would wear something out of fashion.
- I care more about style and good taste.
- Expensive clothes don’t mean good personality.
- Second hand clothes are all right for me.
- It’s stupid to judge people by their clothes.
- I’m hooked on fashion.
- I’m happy when people around look at me.
- Other people judge me by what I wear.
Основной этап -введение новых лексических единиц через тематический текст
По данной тематике в учебнике дается текст
III. Listen, read and translate the text
Teenage Fashion in the UK (Spotlight 10, Culture corner)
Через чтение, отработку выражений в различного типа упражнениях, стараюсь добиться использования данной лексики в итоговых устных и письменных высказываниях.
Who (Amy, John or Liza);
- chooses clothes based on practical reason?
- likes to look different?
- has money to spend on trendy clothes?
- doesn’t like dressing just to impress?
- loves shopping?
Вторично читаем текст с поиском конкретной информации о каждом подростке, заполняем таблицу
IV. Read the text carefully and write down the key words to describe teens’ preferences. Fill in the chart:
John | Amy | Lisa |
well-dressed | keep up with | take one’s inspiration |
comfortable | fashionable | different styles and trends |
show individuality | top designers | pick up bargains |
baggy jeans, trainers, hoodie | high street shops | market |
be bothered about | be full of | put together |
stick to | trendy | stand out in a crowd |
rip | affordable | creative |
fall off | Hit the shops! | be influenced by |
Post-reading Activities
V. Retelling. With a partner, look at the table again. Take turns to tell about your new friend (John, Amy or Lisa).
Работаем в парах, используя материал таблицы рассказываем об одном из друзей
VI. Role Play
Следующим этапом является ролевая игра: двое из друзей собираются купить подарок третьему, выбираем одежду в соответствии с его предпочтениями.
The two friends (Amy and Lisa, or Lisa and John, or Amy and John) are going to buy a birthday present for the third one. Discuss the problem and choose a piece of clothing for her/him.
Students’ dialogues:
1. Amy and John are talking about a present for Lisa.
– Well, John...It’s hard work to find a present for such an unusual person as Lisa.
– When it comes to fashion, tastes differ. As for Lisa, she always stands out in a crowd.
– That’s quite right. You see...I keep up with all the latest trends and spend too much time and money on them but she usually picks up bargains at the street markets and second - hand shops
and looks fine in any style and colour!
– That’s an idea! Why not go to the second - hand shop?
– You must be joking! It would be awful to give her something used as a birthday present.
– Not at all. She’s creative enough and has a good sense of dress to put things together and feel comfortable.
– In this case she must have a good sense of humour! By the way, I know a high street shop full of trendy but affordable clothes not far from here. Let’s go!
– OK.
2. Lisa and Amy are talking about a present for John.
– Amy, what about a present for John? Any ideas?
– No problem. He’s keen on skateboarding and not bothered about brand names and logos, so...
– So, you mean we should buy him another pair of jeans or, say, a hoodie.
– Sure. His clothes often rips when he falls off his skateboard.
– Well...On the one hand, he sticks to cheaper clothes, on the other hand, he likes being well - dressed. I suggest buying him a trendy T- shirt made by a top designer for a change.
– We see eye to eye. I’m all for it!
3. John and Lisa are talking about a present for Amy.
– John, what are you doing in the evening?
– Nothing special. Why?
– Don’t you remember about Amy’s birthday? It’s time to buy a present.
– Oh, no.. To choose a present for a girl is always a great problem for me.
– Never mind. You know she keeps up with all the latest trends and we can buy something stylish.
– It’s so easy to be fashionable if you can spend much time and money in the shops!
– Stop grumbling! Lots of top designers make clothes for the cheaper, high street shops. They are full of trendy, affordable clothes.
– That suits me. Let’s hit the shops!
Следующий этап- узнавание лексики через аудирование
VII. Listen to the text. People are answering the journalist’s questions:
- Jessica b. Paul c. Kate d. Martina e. Simon
Match the speaker and the statement:
- This person is crazy about fashion.
- This person didn’t care about fashion and how has changed her mind.
- This person cares more about style, not about fashion.
- This person cared about fashion but now doesn’t
- This person is absolutely indifferent to fashion
What have you learnt about each of them?
В конце освоения темы подбираю тематические картинки. Учимся описывать фотографии в соответствии с планом.
Такие задания предотвращают забывание лексики, позволяя учащимся оперировать знакомой лексикой в новых ситуациях и, таким образом, учат ребят продуктивно ею владеть
VIII. Describe pictures? According to the plan: (Подбор тематических картинок)
- When and where the photo was taken
- what/who is in the photo
- what is happening
- why you keep the photo in your album
- why you decided to show the picture to your friend
Заключительным этапом может быть написание эссе или презентация
IX. Essay
- Fashion industry exists to persuade people to spend money on things you don’t need
- Clothes that people wear influences their behavior
- Following a fashion is a waste of time
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