конспект урока Spotlight 7 модуль 4
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
По учебнику В. Эванс, Дж. Дули, О. Подоляко, Дж. Ваулиной «Spotlight 7»
Учитель: Лигети Наталья Михайловна, ГБОУ СОШ № 79
ТЕМА: News stories .
ЦЕЛИ: Образовательные:
1) Формировать лексические навыки по теме «News stories».
2) Активизировать навык употребления в речи времени Past Continuous.
1) Формировать у школьников готовность вступать в иноязычное общение, стремление к дальнейшему самообразованию в области иностранного языка.
2) Совершенствовать мыслительные операции: синтез, анализ, сравнение, обобщение.
1) Поддерживать интерес к учению и формировать познавательную активность.
2) Воспитывать культуру общения.
1) Формировать системное представление учащихся о средствах массовой информации.
2) Ввести и закрепить новые лексические единицы.
3)Активизировать групповую работу и работу в паре.
4) Развивать навыки устной речи.
5)Обучить восприятию на слух аутентичного текста.
6)Автоматизировать навык употребления Past Continuous.
7) Практиковать использование грамматического материала в устной речи.
новый : лексика по теме «News» (local/national/international news, daily horoscope, interviews, weather forecast, chat shows, advertisements, celebrity gossip, documentaries, fashion and beauty advice)
для повторения: Past Continuous.
ОСНАЩЕНИЕ УРОКА: УМК «Английский в фокусе» («Spotlight 7»), компьютер, проектор, экран, презентация, раздаточный материал.
- Организационный момент.
T: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you! How are you today? Who is absent today? What’s the date today? Let’s begin our lesson.
- Фонетическая зарядка.
T: Now let’s train our tongue! Look at the screen!
- Речевая разминка. Формулировка темы урока.
T: Look at the slide and say what you can see. ( newspapers, magazines, television, radio, the Internet) Good.
T: These pictures refer to our new topic. Can you guess it? (Mass Media)
T: Yes! This is the topic of our following lesson and we are starting the new Module “In the News”. We’ll read and talk about different types of Mass Media.
T: Where we can find news? (in the Mass Media)
What types of Mass Media do you know? (newspapers, magazines, television, radio, the Internet) Good.
- Семантизация новых лексических единиц.
T: Now it’s time to learn some new words. Look at the screen, please. Listen to me and repeat all together. Now read them.
- local/national/international news interviews
- weather forecast
- chat shows
- advertisements
- celebrity gossip
- fashion and beauty advice
- documentary
- Автоматизация новых лексических единиц.
- Подстановочное условно-речевое упражнение.
T: Boys and girls, look at the screen. There are some photos. Then each of you come to me and take one card. You should match you card to the correct picture. Who wants to be the first? Good job!
- Имитативные условно-речевые упражнения.
T: Say, if this is right.
- You can see the weather forecast in the news programme.
- The news from the World Cup is international news.
- Young girls like read daily horoscopes.
- «The Times» is a popular national newspaper in the UK.
- Usually girls are interested in fashion and beauty advice.
T: Disagree with me, if I make a mistake.
- Documentaries are about documents. (Documentaries are about famous people.)
- «Vremya («Время») is a chat show. (It’s the news programme.)
- Real men like to watch the daily horoscopes the most. (They watch football.)
- The wedding of a local farmer is celebrity gossip. (It’s just local news.)
- John found the weather forecast in a scientific journal. (He found it on the Internet/ in a local newspaper/…)
Работа с аудиотекстом.
T: Now we are going to listen to the dialogues.
- Снятие трудностей.
T: Before you will listen to the dialogues, let’s learn some new words:
- Reality show - реалити-шоу.
- Soap opera – сериал.
Channel - канал.
T: Repeat them all together!
- Первичное прослушивание текста.
T: Now listen to the dialogues and try to understand the names of the characters and what they are talking about.
Dialogue 1/2- T: Now name the names of the characters. (Becky and Sam / Pete and Julie). What are they talking about? (about TV)
- Вторичное прослушивание текста.
T: Listen to the dialogues and answer the questions: Who wants to watch:
- a reality show? (Becky)
- the news? (Sam)
- a documentary? (Julie)
- a sports programme? (Pete)
- a soap opera? (Julie)
- Активизация техники чтения вслух.
T: Look at the titles of the texts. Where could you see them? (I could see A on a web site, B and C in a newspaper, D on a mobile phone.) Good! Listen and read. Which text is about :
- a brave pet?
- an amazing success?
- an unwanted visitor?
- a beast and a brave man?
(Text A is about an unwanted visitor ; Text B is about a beast and a brave man ; Text C is about a brave pet ; Text D is about an amazing success.)
- Автоматизация грамматической структуры.(Past Continuous)
T: We continue our lesson. Let’s repeat the Past Continuous. We use the Past Continuous to describe: a) an action in progress at a specific time in the past. He was watching TV at 6 o’clock yesterday.(When? At 6 o’clock yesterday.)
b) an action in progress when another action interrupted it. He was cooking when there was a power cut.
Time expressions used with the Past Continuous:
while, when, as, all day, yesterday at 5 o’clock etc.
T: Now, let’s practice!
- Имитативные условно-речевые упражнения.
T: Children, look at the screen! These pictures were taken yesterday afternoon at 6 o’clock. What was each person doing? Use the Past Continuous.
- John was reading a text message at 6 o’clock yesterday afternoon.
- Sue was watching an interesting film at 6 o’clock yesterday afternoon.
- Tony was reading the newspaper at 6 o’clock yesterday afternoon.
- Mary was reading the magazine at 6 o’clock yesterday afternoon.
- Laura was sending emails at 6 o’clock yesterday afternoon.
- Подстановочное условно-речевое упражнение.
T: Ask and answer questions about what you were doing last Saturday at 7o’clock. Work in pairs. The example on the screen will help you.
A: What were you doing last Saturday at 7 o’clock?
B: I was … . And what were you doing last Saturday at 7 o’clock?
A: I was … .
- Трансформационное условно-речевое упражнение.
T: So the next task for you. Ask and answer questions about the people in the pictures. Work in pairs.
1) Example:
Laura / read the newspaper / 6 o’clock?
A: Was Laura reading the newspaper at 6 o’clock?
B: No, she wasn’t. She was sending emails.
2) A: Was John reading a magazine at 6 o’clock?
B: No, he wasn’t. He was sending a text message.
3) A: Was Sue sending text messages on her mobile at 6 o’clock?
B: No, she was watching TV.
4) A: Was Tony sending e-mails at 6 o’clock?
B: No, he was reading a newspaper.
5) A: Was Mary watching TV at 6 o’clock?
B: No, she wasn’t. She was reading magazines.
- Репродуктивное условно-речевое упражнение.
T: Now, let’s play! Choose a leader. Who wants to be a leader? P1, it is you.
The leader says where he/she was last Sunday. In teams, you try to guess what the leader was doing there.
Leader: Last Sunday I was at the park.
Team A P1: Were you having a picnic?
Leader: No, I wasn’t. etc.
- Рефлексия.
T: Good job! Tell me, please, what you have learnt today? Let’s remember our new words. Look at the screen! Great !
- Домашнее задание.
T: Your homework is to learn new words by heart and read the dialogue at page 37, exercise 3.
The lesson is over! Good bye !
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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