Конспект урока Томас Гарди «Тэсс из рода д`Эрбрвиллей »
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект урока
Томас Гарди «Тэсс из рода д`Эрбрвиллей »
учебник «Английский в фокусе» О.В.Афанасьева, Дж.Дули, И.В. Михеева и др. для общеобразовательных школ, 11 класс.
(учитель: Сальникова Елена Ювенальевна, МБОУ СШ№82)
Цель : формирование коммуникативных умений учащихся
Тип урока: урок усвоения новых знаний
- создавать условия для применения ранее изучено лексики в новых речевой ситуациях;
- познакомить с новыми лексическими единицами и способствовать их употреблению в речи при составлении монологических высказываний;
- совершенствовать навыки просмотрового чтения, чтения с частичным и полным пониманием на основе представленного материала;
- способствовать развитию мыслительных операций учащихся ( умений наблюдать , сравнивать, сопоставлять, делать выводы), память , языковую догадку;
- совершенствовать умения аудирования, чтения;
- развивать умения сотрудничества в группе, паре;
- способствовать развитию умений рефлексии;
- расширить кругозор учащихся об английском писателе, Т.Гарди, его произведениях ;
- повышать интерес к английскому языку, английской классике через чтение биографии и отрывка из романа Т.Гарди.
1.Орг .момент и постановка задач на урок.
Good afternoon !
How are you?
Is anybody absent today?
Ok . Today we speak about literature. Do you like to read? What kinds of books do you prefer to read? What books are you reading now?
Look at his portrait , do you know this person?
Have you heard books of Tomas Hardy ?
Well, let`s define the aims or purposes of our lesson:
Pupils offer:
- to find out information about Tomas Hardy.
(who was he, what country he lived)
- to find out what novels he wrote (what his novels were about)
Well done, open your textbooks at p.90-91
2. Работа с биографией Т.Гарди и названиями романов.
Now read the biography of T. Hardy and name two of his novels.
(pupils read and give the answers)
Dear , boys and girls, look through the biography of T. Hardy again and read the other names of his novels.
Try to translate them into Russian, work in pairs and discuss, you have about 5 minutes.
- “The Poor Man and Lady”
- “Far from the Madding Crowd”
- “The return of the Native”
- “The Mayor of Gasterbridge”
- “The Woodlanders”
- “Tess of the d`Urbervilles”
Your time is over . Let`s listen your versions.
Now look , you see the original translation and compare it with yours.
- «Бедняк и Леди»
- «Вдали от обезумевшей толпы»
- «Возвращение на родину»
- «Мэр Кэстербриджа»
- «В краю лесов»
- «Тэсс из рода д `Эрбервиллей»
What information have you leant about Tomas Hardy?
(Work in groups of 4 pupils)
Answers to the questions and present the information about T. Hardy in groups:
1.When and where did T. Hardy live?
2.What profession did he want to get studying in London?
3.Did he like living in London?
4.Was T. Hardy a talented writer and poet?
5. Why did he publish some of his books under a different name?
6.What are his novels about?
7.What is “Tess of the d`Urbervilles” about?
Ok, let`s listen to your answers.
3.Работа с отрывком из романа «Тэсс из рода д `Эрбервиллей»
3.1.Continue our work and look at the picture and describe the house using these words:
red colour huge lawn pine trees greenhouses evergreen oaks forest land gravel driveway stables
How is this house related to Tess Durbeyfields?
Read through the text to find out.
3.2. Look at the blackboard , you can see some new words from the extract.
Durbeyfields - Дарбейфилд
d`Urbervilles - д`Эрбрвилль
a van- horse drawn cart (повозка )
Trantridge Cross- перекресток Трэнтридж
The Chase- “Заповедник”
The Slopes-“ Косогор”
The Mint - the place where official coins are made ( монетный двор)
a bailiff-a person employed to looked after land by the land owner( управляющийимением)
eaves-the lower parts f the roof of a house (свес крыши)
kin –a family relationships (родственник)
fate- smth believed to control events leading to a fixed outcome (судьба)
burden- unpleasant responsibilities/worries (бремя забот)
pasture- fields of grass for animals to eat(пастбище)
grumbling - complaining (ворчливый)
troublesome- causing problems (проблемный)
tended –looked after ( находящийся под заботой)
an estate- important house and connected land ( поместье)
thriving- doing well (процветающий)
ornamental- for decoration only(декоративный)
a descendant- related (потомок)
3.3.Read again and match the sentences to the gaps. There is one sentence that you don`t need to use.
Let`s translate them. Pay attention where they should be in the beginning or in the middle of the sentence. Work in pairs , you have about 7 minutes
- one of the few remaining ancient woodlands in England,
- And now everything was the opposite of what she had expected.
- When it was such a trouble to nurse and provide for them
- Everything looked like money
- In this case it must be admitted that the Durbeyfields were putting forward their fairest family member.
- Tess thought this was the mansion itself, till
- Tess still stood hesitating hardly knowing whether to go on or turn back
- It was more , far more; a country house built for enjoyment pure and simple,
1 С 5 A
2 E 6 D
3 H 7 B
4 F
Listen to the text, check and explain why you`ve used the phrases.
3.4.We continue to work with vocabulary .
Read the underlined words and phrases in the text with their meanings.
1.throw upon her young shoulders (сбросить на молодые плечи ,принудить)
2.by hook or by crook (всеми правдами и неправдами, в любом случае)
3.crimson (малиновый, красный)
4.in full view ( в полном виде, образе)
5.emerald (изумрудный)
6.dignified (величественный, элегантный)
7.fallen in ( согласиться, уступить)
b)agreed with
c) green
d)in any way whatsoever
e)force on a young person
g) where everyone can see something
Self-checking and discussing
1.e 5.c
2.d 6.f
3.a 7.b
4. Д. з. 1. На «4» с.91у.5, найти русский перевод этого отрывка или
2.на « 4» с.91у.5 +найти интересные факты из биографии Т.Гарди
3.на «5» с.95у.5 + рассказать о том, что Тэсс увидела, ее впечатления об имении д `Эрбервиллей
5.Подведение итогов.
Lets return to our aims of the lesson
Have we reached them?
What have you learnt about T. Hardy? his novels?
Would you like to read his novel “Tess of the d`Urbervilles” and learn more about her fate? Why? Why not?
6.Рефлексия и оценивание за урок.
Choose smiles and comment your choice.
Green smiles: I could understand a teacher , classmates and tasks during the lesson. The tasks were easy( were not very difficult ) for me. I felt quite confident during the lesson.
Yellow smile: I could understand a teacher, my classmates and tasks but not always. The tasks were not very difficult for me. I felt quite confident at the lesson.
Red smiles: It was quite difficult for me to understand a teacher, classmates and tasks. I hardly could understand what we were doing. I was not confident during the lesson.
Thank you for your work, your marks for the lesson are….
Good bye!
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