Урок - конкурс на тему "Здоровье"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс)
Данный урок - конкурс был проведен во время недели иностранного языка, посвященной теме здоровья. Может быть использован с учащимися 4 - 5 класса при изучении данной или похожей темы.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок-конкурс английского языка по теме "Здоровье"
Тип урока: повторительно-обобщающий
Цель урока:
систематизировать знания учащихся по теме;
совершенствовать знания, умения, навыки учащихся по всем видам речевой деятельности: говорению, письму, чтению и аудированию по данной теме.
Задачи урока:
- повторение лексического материала по теме;
- развитие навыков устной речи по теме;
- развитие познавательного интереса;
- формирование навыков бережного отношения к своему здоровью.
Ход урока
- Организационный момент
- Сообщение темы и задач урока.
T: The theme of our lesson is “Health is wealth”. This lesson will be in the form of a competition. You will take part in different contests. For each right answer the group gets a vitamin. The winner is the group with the biggest number of vitamins. Let’s start!
- Фонетическая разминка (Phonetic drill):
T: Repeat the words after me and name common sounds in them. Do you know any other words with these sounds?
[t] : | tomato, potato, meat, |
[b] : | beans, vegetables |
[dʒ] : | porridge, orange, cabbage, vegetables |
[æ] : | carrots, cabbage |
[f] : | fruit, useful |
[i:] : | meat, beans |
[Λ] : | onions, blood, pumpkin |
[θ] : | healthy, tooth, teeth |
T: Answer my questions please:
- How often do you brush your teeth?
- Do you go to the swimming pool?
- How often do you wash your hands?
- How often do you air your room?
- Do you walk in the fresh air?
- How often do you have a toothache?
- How often do you visit a dentist?
- Do you like to visit doctors?
- Main part.
T: Now you are ready to start! Can you see the flower on the board? What flower is it? Why is chamomile (ox-eye daisy) the symbol of our lesson?
Now you have 1 minute to decide on the name for your team.
You are going to do the tasks that are written on the petals. Come to the board and take petal #1. Read the task to your classmates.
- Each team gets a crossword puzzle and has to find as many words that mean parts of the body as possible. You have only 2 minutes to do that.
- Guess the riddles that I will read and write down the answer. The more answers – the more vitamins to your team.
Brother Left,
And Right, his brother,
Hardly ever
See each other.
Mirrors is the only place
Where they're coming face to face.(Eyes.)
Riddle me, riddle me, what is that
Over the head and under the hat? (Hair.)
Thirty two white horses upon a red hill,
Now they tramp,
Now they champ,
Now they stand still. (The teeth.)
There are eight on a spider,
And six on a bee,
Four on an elephant,
But only two on me.(Legs.)
Two mothers have five sons each, and all have the same name.
What are they? (Fingers and hands.)
- This is the contest for two people from each team. You take a card with 4 words on it and explain them in English to your team. You get as many vitamins, as the number of correct answers. (Любая лексика по теме)
- You have 2 minutes to write down as many fruit and vegetables as possible. You get a vitamin for each correct word.
- You will make sentences using the words on the cards. Write them down on the separate sheet of paper. Each sentence brings you 1 vitamin, and you can get extra points for correct translation.
«Составь предложения»
Команды составляют предложения из предложенных слов. За перевод ребята могут получить дополнительные очки.
- Wealth, is, good, above, health. (Good health is above wealth.)
- Healthy, fit, food, to, eat, keep. (Eat healthy food to keep fit.)
- Be, take, a, shower, cool, to, healthy. (Take a cool shower to be healthy.)
- Your, eat, wash, hands, before, you. (Wash your hands before you eat.)
- Sweets, are, too, bad, many, teeth, for, your. (Too many sweets are bad for your health.)
- Read the sentences about health and mark the as TRUE or FALSE.
- Drink much cold water when you have a cough.
- If you have temperatures do sports exercises.
- Doctor usually listens to your lungs when you have a headache.
- Drink warm milk with honey when you have a sore throat.
- Eat many sweets if you feel a toothache.
- Stay in bed if you fall ill.
- Chocolate, sweets, cakes are useful for our health.
- Eat dairy products and vegetables if you want to keep fit.
- Do sport exercises once a month to be healthy.
- It is very important to take medicine when you have a cold.
- Now you’re going to be doctors and give advice to pupils how to be healthy. Write down as many pieces of advice as possible for 4 minutes.
- This task consists of 2 parts. First, you are to put sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue. The first team gets 10 points for that. After that you have some time to act out a dialogue “At the doctor’s” having changed the underlined phrases. The best actors will get 5 points. (Распечатать диалог и разрезать на фразы)
Doctor: Good afternoon. How can I help you?
Patient: Good afternoon. I don’t feel very well.
Doctor: What’s the matter?
Patient: I’ve got an earache and a fever.
Doctor: Sit on the table please, so I can have a look at your ear. Does it hurt right now?
Patient: Ouch! Yes, it does.
Doctor: You have an ear infection.
Patient: What do I need to do?
Doctor: You need to put drops in your ear twice a day. Here is a prescription for you to take to the pharmacy.
Patient: Thank you, doctor. When should I see you again?
Doctor: Well, you should come next Friday. See you!
Patient: Good bye!
- Подведение итогов, подсчет баллов.
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