Сценарий театральной постановки "Знакомство с Англией"
статья по английскому языку (7 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
День ООН. Англия
- Гарри и Гермиона дома у Рона. Гермиона читает книжку. Гарри о чем то думает. Входит грустный Рон.
Рон:- I hate summer holidays! I am sitting at home the whole day and doing nothing!
Гарри:- Why? And what about London? Why don’t you go to London?
Рон:- I am from a family of magicians. I have never been to London and I don’t know anything about it!
Гермиона:- I’ve got an excellent idea. Why not go to London and show it to Ron!
Гарри:- I like it! But how can we do it?
Гермиона:-Let me do it!
Все трое заходят в телефонную будку и оказываются в Лондоне возле Букингемского дворца.
Рон: Where are we? Wow! The building is majestic!
Гермиона: This is Buckingham Palace. It is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II. It is situated in St. James's Park. In front of the Palace we can see the Victoria Memorial. The memorial includes the large marble statue of Victoria, the first monarch to reside at Buckingham Palace. There are 775 rooms where members of the Royal family and their servants live. There are also rooms for guests. There are offices, a post office and even a swimming pool in the palace.
Throughout the year right in front of Buckingham Palace the ceremony of the Changing of the Guards takes place, attracting a lot of tourists.
Гарри: Look, the ceremony is just starting!
На экране видео о смене караула.
Выходит королева.
Гермиона: Good afternoon, your majesty!
Королева: Good afternoon! What are you doing here?
Гермиона: Nothing special! We are showing London to our friend! Would you kindly tell us what interesting events are taking place in this wonderful city?
Бьют часы. Королева смотрит на наручные часы.
Королева: Oh, my dear, I’ll be happy to help you, but later. It’s time for 5 o’clock tea! Will you accompany me?
Гермиона: With great pleasure!
Королева, Гарри , Рон и Гермиона сидят за столом и пьют чай. Рон замечает в окне Английский флаг.
Рон: And what is there above the palace? I have never seen such a flag.
Гарри толкает его в бок: Shame on you! It’s the flag of England!
Королева: Haven’t you told your friend about our flag? It’s unacceptable! My dear, it’s the flag of the United Kingdom! People call it Union Jack. It is a combination of the flags of England (the cross of St. George), Scotland (the cross of St. Andrew), and Ireland (the cross of St. Patrick).
Рон смотрит на стену и видит герб Англии.
Рон: And what is it? Is it the coat of arms of England?
Королева: You are absolutely right! The Three Lions Crest is A symbol of England
Richard the Lionheart used the three golden lions (sometimes described as leopards) on their scarlet background as a powerful symbol of the English Throne during the time of the Crusades.
Well, you asked my advice about some interesting events in England. And you are very lucky as today is the first day of the Royal Ascot horse racing festival. It is a MUST to visit.
Гермиона: Thank you so much, your majesty! It was a real pleasure to talk to you! Unfortunately, we have to go now.
Гермиона, Гарри и Рон кланяются и уходят. Заходят в телефонную будку и оказываются на скачках.
Гарри: I have never heard about this festival .
Гермиона: Really? It is One of Britain's most well-known racecourses. Ascot holds a special week of races in June each year called Royal Ascot, attended by The Queen, who has had an interest in horses since childhood. This week has become Britain's most popular race meeting, welcoming around 300,000 visitors over five days, all dressed up in their finest clothes and hats. look there!
Проходят кавалеры с дамами в необычных шляпках .
На экране видео о скачках.
Рон: I am very hungry. I’d like to eat a chocolate frog now.
Гарри: A chocolate frog? Kidding? It isn’t a magical world, they are not sold here.
Рон: And what are we going to do then?
Все трое заходят в телефонную будку и попадают на рынок. Мимо проходят торговцы с товарами
Рон: It smells so good!
Гарри: Oh, fish and chips! Ummm Yamy!
Fish and chips are England's traditional takeaway food. These shops serve fried fish covered in batter with fried potatoes. People like to add salt and vinegar, peas, tomato, ketchup or curry sauce. There are thousands of fish and chips shops all over Britain. Locals and tourists all love to visit them. Информация об английской еде.
На экране появляется картинка с городской площадью и начинает играть музыка.
Рон: Oh, look! What is it?
Гарри: It is our national dance.
Танец. (Гарри и Гермиона тоже могут станцевать)
Вдруг начинает звонить телефон. Рон подбегает к телефонной будке и берет трубку
Рон: Hello!
Мама Рона: Ron, where are you?
Рон: Don’t worry, mum.We are in London
Мама Рона: In London?! Get home now!
Все актеры выходят на поклон под гимн англии.
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