Сценарий театральной постановки "Think about the future!"
материал по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Сценарий театральной постановки на английском языке на экологическую тематику.
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Предварительный просмотр:
The planet Earth… 2134…
Student 1 is sleeping, then wakes up:
Student 1:
It Was Beautiful
It was Green and Clean.
The smell of Fresh Air
The sound of the river flowing
I love everything happening there.
I pinched myself to see if it was real.
That was when I realized I was dreaming.
Couldn't it be real!
Now all wasted.
The color is just awful.
The smell of pollution is killing me
The sound of traffic is giving me a headache.
I wanted my perfect dream to come through.
But again, I was dreaming!
Student 2:
Dear, don’t cry… you are right..
Beauty; there was so much to see
in flowers, faces, birds and me,
so much that can be loved for free.
Like trees, or people passing by;
the fragile form of things that fly;
the brown of earth, the blue of sky.
My eyes were opened more each day,
my mouth now closed, what can I say?
Student 2 goes away
Student 3:
Can earth be Earth when all it’s trees are gone,
And sudsy waters have become unfit,
And poisoned life no longer greets the dawn
With raucous sounds that death has caused to quit?
Will trees no longer wave, with limbs unfurled,
On hapless earth, that ever in orbit roams?
Will human ego sacrifice the world
To satiate its lust for pompous homes?
Will distant space look down on orb that’s bald.
I now can hear the mother say,
“I was once called Earth.
But now, bereft of mirth, I weep.
That treeless orb’s no longer Earth”
Student 2: My friends! My friends!
I’ve found the way!
There’s time machine,
Can change the world!
We have a chance
To talk to people in the past!
2013… Still they have chance to save the Earth…
Sound of Time machine.
Sound of a big, noisy city.
Student 3: They hear us! Let’s talk to them!
Student 1:
Look Outside! See the trees!
Watch the flowers in the breeze!
Things won't be like this in a year or two
If polluting is all you do
Student 3:
Seize the night
Seize the day
Things won't always be this way
Thousands of people will be dying
In the night you will hear the children crying….
Student 2:
Stop the war!
Our people are sore….
The world can't help itself
Who cares about your wealth?!....
Help me to help you
Show the world what you can do!
All together: Show the world what you can do! Save the Earth for us and you!
Song: Michael Jackson “Earth Song”
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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