Сценарии театральных постановок для школьного театра на английском
материал (английский язык, 8 класс) по теме
За многие годы работы с театральным проектом в школе у меня накопилось много авторских сценариев. Надеюсь, они будут востребованы коллегами.Представляю вам сценарий музыкальной постановки King Midas
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Предварительный просмотр:
King Midas
-Once upon a time, in ancient Greece ….
-Sorry, where? In Paris?
- No, in ancient Greece. There lived a powerful king. His name was Midas.
- Who? Adidas?
- No, he was King Midas, my dear.
- Oh, I see. King Midas. Was he young? Rich? Handsome?
- He was OK. Neither young, nor handsome. But he was very rich.
- You’ve said “rich”? How rich? As Bill Gaits? Or, probably, as Abramovich?
- I don’t know exactly. He had a lot of money. But …
- But what? Why do you say “but”?
- But he was a little greedy.
- Greedy? I don’t like greedy men.
- But he was.
King Midas was a rich man,
But a little greedy too.
He wished he could have lots more gold,
One day his wish came true.
- Came true? Really? Tell us, what happened.
- Well, are you sure you want to know?
- Yes, we do!
- Then let’s go to his palace, to ancient Greece.
Scene I
King : Good afternoon, old man. Who are you?
Old man: I am a poor man. Can you give me something to eat?
King: Yes, certainly. Sit next to me and be my guest. Bring us wine and fruit, cheese and olives to eat!
Old man: Thank you! You are very kind, King Midas!
(гром, вспышка света, появляется Дионис)
King: Oh, who are you?
Dionysus: I am the god Dionysus. I want to thank you for being so kind to my friend and my teacher.
King: Is this old man your friend and your teacher?
Dion.: Yes, he is. You are a kind man, Midas. I can do whatever you like. Tell me your wish.
King: I want everything I touch to turn gold.
Dion. But you are very rich now, Midas. Are you sure that’s what you want?
King: Oh, yes, I am sure.
Dion.: Let it be so! The Gods of Olympus! I give this man power to turn everything he touches into gold. (Гром, вспышки)
King: Look, everything I touch turns to gold! The trees are gold, the flowers are gold and the stones are gold! Amazing!
He touched a leaf, a loaf of bread
A flower a cup of wine.
King Midas laughed “They’ve turned to gold!”
And all this gold is mine!
King: Let everyone eat and drink! Soon I will become the richest man in the world!
Oh, no! My wine is gold and my sweets are also gold! I can’t eat or drink! I will die!
King Midas could not eat or drink
“What shall I do?”- he said.
“I wish my cup of wine was wine,
I wish my bread was bread!”
King: Dionysus, kind god! Please, help me. I am a greedy man. I made a bad wish. Come and save me!
Dion. : You are a good man. But greed is a terrible thing. Take this water and wash your face and hands with it.
King: Thank you, Dionysus! I am all right now.
-And King Midas was never greedy again.
So live your life as it was done
Don’t think that money is all.
There are some things beneath the sun
You cannot buy for gold!
Выходят на поклон, поют King Midas, танцуют
King Midas oh the secret of your touch
King Midas oh I like your smile so much
King Midas oh the way you spin me round
I’m going down down down to Vegas
King Midas was a rich man,
But a little greedy too.
He wished he could have lots more gold,
One day his wish came true.
He touched a leaf, a loaf of bread
A flower a cup of wine.
King Midas laughed “They’ve turned to gold!”
And all this gold is mine!
King Midas could not eat or drink
“What shall I do?”- he said.
“I wish my cup of wine was wine,
I wish my bread was bread!”
So live your life as it was done
Don’t think that money is all.
There are some things beneath the sun
You cannot buy for gold!
King Midas oh the secret of your touch
King Midas oh I like your smile so much
King Midas oh the way you spin me round
I’m going down down down to Vegas
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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