Открытый урок в 8 классе на тему "The press in Britain and Elsewhere"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Закрепить структуру газеты. Познакомить учащихся с российскими и британскими газетами, используя изученную лексику. Закрепить грамматические конструкции had better, would rather.Закрепить умение строить общие и специальные вопросы по теме.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Дата 21 апреля 2017 г
Класс 8
Тема урока: The press in Britain and Elsewhere.
Цели урока: Закрепить структуру газеты. Познакомить учащихся с российскими и британскими газетами, используя изученную лексику. Закрепить грамматические конструкции had better, would rather.Закрепить умение строить общие и специальные вопросы по теме.
Оборудование урока: Компьютер, классная доска УМК О.В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий, колледжей. -М; Просвещение. -2014, российские и британские газеты.
I. -Good morning! Let’s start our lesson. Today we repeat grammar structure “had better” and “would rather” and continue to speak about British and Russian newspapers.
II. –Remember what kinds of editions you know. Start with: daily, weekly, monthly, morning, evening; national and local; quality and popular. Repeat them in chorus again. Good!
III. – Let’s check up your grammar home task. Read ex 65 p 226.
Complete the sentences with “had better” or” would rather”.
I think you…look the word up again: you don’t remember what it means. 2. Where… you… go—to Paris or to Madrid? 3…. Not he…stay with us until he get’s well. 4. My sister… fruit and sweets than meat and chicken; I know her taste.5. You… wear your warm jacket it’s quite cold today. 6. We… finish the work today as tomorrow is going to be a busy day. 7. I… have five lessons of English than one lesson of Chemistry. 8. I know I… go to the shop now, but I…do it tomorrow. -Very good!
IV. - Now look at the blackboard, read and explain these words: issue, section, headline, politics, economics, business and finance, science and technology, patterns, culture, home news, cooking, foreign news, current affairs, reviews, sports news, readers letters, entertainment, fashion and dress, children pages, recipes, gardening, weather forecast, radio and TV programs.
V. - Now Diana Tserekaeva will give us her presentation about British newspapers. Listen to her and ask 2 general and 2 special questions.
British Newspapers
There are many British daily newspapers: the Times, the Guardian, the Financial Times, the Independent, the Daily Telegraph that are serious or quality newspapers. They are for those who want to know about important happenings everywhere.
Popular papers or tabloids are: the Daily Mail, the Sun, the Daily Express. They make a much easier reading and have a more general readership.
Daily papers are published from Monday to Saturday.
The Sunday papers are not Sunday editions of the daily papers but separate weekly editions coming out on Saturdays.
(Pupils ask questions, Diana answers).
- Now Lisa Alekseieva will tell us about Russian newspaper. Listen to her and ask 2 general and 2 special questions.
Rosiyskaia Paper
Rosiyskaia Paper is a weekly paper published on Friday. It is an edition where you can find domestic and foreign news. This paper combines the serious and popular approach reporting and explaining the news with the aim of informing the readers as fully as possible and includes a lot of photographs too. It contains 40 pages.
The paper consists of separate sections such as Politics, Finance, Business, Science, Culture, Current affairs, foreign news, Sport news, Health, Readers letters, Weather forecasts, TV program, astrology and crosswords. It has a very high reputation and the best writers and journalist write for this paper. (Pupils ask questions and Lisa answers them.)
–Did you like girl’s presentations?
VI. –Read and compare these questions to your’s:
1. Are there many British serious newspapers?
2. Do Sunday papers separate weekly editions coming out on Sunday?
3. What kinds of papers are in Britain?
4. When are they published?
5. Is Rosiyskaia Paper serious?
6. Has it a high reputation?
7. What way does it report and explain the news?
8. What sections does this paper have?
VII. -Answer these questions. (Pupils answer the questions.)
VIII.-Now write your home tasks: to learn new words from Topical Vocabulary on p 281-282, and to speak about British and Russian newspapers, their structure.
- Now here are your results: very good marks get: Lisa, Zarina, the rest of you l get good marks. Did you like the lesson?
- The lesson is over. Good bye!
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