План открытого урока "Диалог культур". Английский язык. 8 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Коучинговый метод задавания "умных вопросов" с использованием расширенной лексики по теме через портал Quizlet.
На чем основывается культурный обмен? Это необходимое условие для самообразования человека: чем больше количество культур вы изучаете, тем болшее количество стран вы посетите, чем больше языков вы изучаете, тем богаче ваш внутренний мир. Диалог культур является основой толерантности, уважения, взаимопомощи, благотворительности.
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Предварительный просмотр:
The theme of the lesson is: ”Cultural exchange”
The aim of the lesson: Training as a way of motivation to succeed.
The problem of the lesson: Answering a question: “What for are we travelling ?
- Organization of the class
Hello, students! The theme of our lesson is cultural exchange. We’ll listen, read and talk about:
- the meaning of the spiritual world of a nation
- the mutual understanding and friendship between the people of different nations
We are to resolve such problems:
How to deal with people?
What for?
Do we know how to do this?
How will we understand it is solved?
We all know that we are different, aren’t we?
And our characteristics are different.
We are visuals, auditories, kinesthetics
And in order to remember the words, in our case, we shall use the new pedagogical method- coutching through Quizlet.
Are you ready to start? OK!
- Quizlet (25 cards)
Now let’s repeat our words
Di’versity ,spiritual, mutual, pre’requisite, incite hatred, instill, com’passion , heal, coe’xistence, mercy, virtue, to escape, adventures, to explore, the natives, to book, to give a lift, to board, a strike, a coach, a motorway, a toll bridge, a harbor, a buffet car, boarding time, single or return how much is the fare, a window or an aisle seat, a domestic flight, to be in the same boat, to drive someone up the wall, to fly someone off, to hit the road, to stay off the beaten track, the world is our oyster.
- Culture Exchange
Cultural diversity – an essential condition for man’s self-knowledge: the more cultures you
learn, the more countries you will visit, the more languages you learn and the richer will be or
spiritual world.
Dialogue of cultures is the basis of tolerance, respect, mutual help, charity.
a)How do we understand the word tolerance?
- peace and harmony
( if cultural identities are under treat we must learn to live together in peace and harmony. It is a prerequisite.)
- respect the right of others
( education must not incite hatred; it must instill respect for the rights of others)
- compassion
( children are encouraged to develop both head and heart and to practice selflessness, compassion & respect for others in all activities)
- forgiveness
( when we heal, we receive forgiveness)
- harmony and diversity
( cultural diversity is the guarantee of the harmonious coexistence)
- mercy
( the mercy is a virtue, without which the human life would be very bitter& cruel)
- friendship
( the friendship among all nations & countries is great)
b) Let’ make a project in groups “What does tolerance mean?”
III. Listening & Reading
Tx.2, p.90 (A,B)
- 1.Do you want to have the experience of a lifetime driving a reindeer sled through the heart of Siberia?
2.Do you want to learn about the rich culture of the native Yakutian people?
3.Will you have a chance to see all sorts of amazing wildlife?
B. 1.Don’t you mind to see the Atlas Mountains of Morocco?
2. Would you like to relax on the beautiful beaches of Morocco?
3. Can you drive a camel?
What are the main features of the human character to survive in these hard conditions?
( passion, endurance and love the country ) endurance – выносливость
Ex.5, p.92 ( reading )
Ex.6, p.93 (listening )
IV. Speaking (grammar)
- Report these tips:
What rules for travelers do you know?
- Have a valid passport.
- Learn about local laws and customs.
- Do not leave your luggage unattended.
- Do not carry large amounts of cash.
- Do not tell people that you are travelling alone.
( The travel agent told me to have a valid passport. )
- Idioms
Ex.11, p.97
What are these idioms in your language?
- Be in the same boat.
- Drive someone up the wall.
- Fly someone off.
- Hit the road.
- Stay off the beaten track.
- Student’s presentations “ The world is my oyster” ( with the help of Oral speaking)
Presentation technique – a technique based on oral report, demonstration as a result of a project.)
- Questionnaire
( Questionnaire – a technique of gathering and exchanging personal information.)
A song “The world is our oyster” Relaxing time: (please, shut your eyes, listen and dream)
- What does this song mean for you?
- Do you want to go on a journey?
- Would you like to see distant landscapes?
- People say that the world is our oyster, isn’t it?
- What is more interesting to see places on TV or visit them ourselves?
- Is there so much to see in the whole world?
- Are you interested in new places to explore?
- Will you like to meet the natives there?
- Will you excite the magic days with them?
- It is a prerequisite to learn English, isn’t it?
- What for have we been learning English?
V. Summery up of the lesson.
A)1. What for have we been studying this theme?
- Do we know how to be tolerant?
- Why do we develop our body & hearts?
- Are we interested in learning our own culture & others?
- Is it possible to say that cultural diversity is the guarantee of the harmonious coexistence?
b) 1. How many idioms, words and expressions have you learnt at this lesson?
2. Wright them on the blackboard, please.
We have answered all our questions, haven’t we?
Thank you for your excellent work, all of you have good & excellent marks.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
This winter why not escape to Yakutia in Russia, where you can have the experience of a lifetime driving a reindeer sled through the heart of Siberia?
Wrap up in warm furs and travel through the valleys of the Lena River and over the frozen landscape, just like the native Yakutian people, who have travelled this way for centuries .
You can spend your evenings in traditional Russian family homes, enjoy home-cooked meals,and learn about the rich culture of these people. YOU CAN SPEND YOUR EVENINGS IN TRADITIONAL Russian family homes , enjoy home-cooked meals , AND LEARN ABOUT THE RICH CULTURE OF THESE PEOPLE The needle is typical for the Eskimos residence. This building has a domed shape. The diameter is 3-4 meters, and the height is 2 meters. they are built from ice or snow blocks. Windows are built from the intestines of seals. Inside shoot skins.
During your trip, you will have the chance to see all sorts of amazing wildlife including wolves,
and elk
You will even be able to ride the famous Yakut horses.
S o are you ready for the adventures?
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