Тест к УМК Rainbow English О.В Афанасьева И.В. Михеева К.М. Баранова 5 класс Unit 3 Healthy ways
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Хотянова Наталия Анатольевна

Материал по теме "Здоровый образ жизни" для 5-го класса по УМК Rainbow English.  Тест предназначен для закрепления пройденного материала.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Unit 3 Healthy ways



1. Прочитайте текст. Определи, верны ли утверждения. Отметь true / false

Dolphins are beautiful and clever. They live in a deep blue sea and they swim in the waves all day long. They like to play with each other and sometimes they even play with people. They often follow a ship and you can see them through the water. They are playful and kind and there are stories about dolphins who save people in the open sea.

  1. Dolphins live in the rivers and lakes.      (true / false)
  2. Dolphins are always afraid of people.     (true / false)
  3. Dolphins are playful and clever.              (true / false)
  4. Dolphins like to follow ships.                  (true / false)
  5. Dolphins don’t like to play.                     (true / false)


1. Дополните предложения используя слова из рамки.

Healthy, fit, joyful, successful, early

1 It is not easy to keep to a _____________ diet.

2 Ted is good at snowboarding. He is a _____________ sportsman.

3 It is important to keep _____________ if you want to be in good healthy.

4 It was an easy thing for Mark to get up _____________ in the morning.

5 People think Sally is a happy girl because she is always _____________.

2. Напишите который час.

Clock | FREE ESL printable worksheets, exercises

It’s______________________________________________________________ It’s______________________________________________________________ It’s______________________________________________________________

It’s______________________________________________________________ It’s______________________________________________________________


3. Выберите правильные формы глаголов, чтобы дополнить предложения

1 Ted ( think / thought )__________ about Polly all day yesterday.

2 Molly decided ( to choose / chose )__________ a new house to live in.

3 Mike didn’t ( sleep / slept )__________ well last night.

4 Did you ( find / found )__________the text easy to understand?

5 He liked ( to read / read )___________ books when he was at school.

4. Используйте is / are, was / were . чтобы дополнить предложения.

1 There __________a lot of clocks in the shop and it was difficult for Kate to choose one.

2 All clocks at school __________ fast.

3 Do you know where mom’s watch __________ ? She can’t find it.

4 Where __________ your watch yesterday? You didn’t have it.

5 The clocks on the wall __________ slow yesterday.

5. Напишите предложения иначе.

1 Learn an English song, please.

   Could you learn an English song?

2 Spend more time with your granny, please.


3 Keep to a healthy diet, please.


4 Think about your future career, please.


5 Look after the cat well, please.


6. Выберите правильный вариант и обведите его.

1 My granny ( have got / has got ) a wonderful garden.

2 Sally ( have got / has got ) a busy life.

3 The pupils ( have got / has got ) a good gym.

4 The city ( have got / has got ) a big green park.

5 My grandparents ( have got / has got ) a beautiful garden.

7.  Выберите правильные формы глаголов, чтобы дополнить предложения

1 You will feel healthy if you ( will keep / keep ) feet.

2 The music teacher will give you an excellent mark if you ( will take / take ) part in the concert.

3 Mark ( will be / is ) fit if he has a lot of exercises.

4 If Betsy ( will go / goes ) to the mountains with us, we will have a lot of fun.

5 David will be strong if he ( will take / takes ) up karate classes.

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