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методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Урок рассчитан на учащихся 5-6 классов.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Оснащение урока: презентация, «валюта» для аукциона, молоток для проведения аукциона, магнитофон, аудиозапись диалогов.
Ход урока
I. Аукцион.
Teacher: Hello, dear friends. How do you do our guests? Today we have unusual lesson. Let's meet our experts from one of the British bank. They will give you money for your right answers.
And now we begin our lesson with the auction. There are 9 questions in it. If you answer the question in right way you will earn a sum of money, but if your answer is wrong you must pay. Let's begin.
Question : What large shop in London sells records, radio, Hi-fi and is also a chemist's?
Teacher: If you answer this question in right way you earn £5.
Team 1: "Boots" is a large shop...
Expert: You earn £5.
Question 2: What is a national chain of shops which sells newspaper, magazines, records and stationary? (£5)
Team 2: "Smith" is a national chain of shops...
Exp.: Ok. You earn £5.Congratulation.
Question 3: How many pence are in £1?
Teacher: This question costs £5.
Team 3: There are lOOp. in £1.
Question 4: What is the name of a department store in Oxford street, London?
Exp: The price of this question is £10. May be other teams want to buy this question for some more money?
Team 1: £11!
Team 2: £15!
Exp: One, two, three! Sold!
Team 2: "Selfridges" is a department store in Oxford street, London.
Question 5: What is a large clothes and food supermarket in London? (£15)
Team 1: "Marks and Spencer" is a large clothes and food department in London.
Question 6: What does British Money look like? (£15)
Team 2: There are 4 banknotes and 7 coins. They are of a different colours and sizes. £50 notes are brown, £20 notes are purple, £10 notes are blue. There are £1, 50p., 20p., 10p., 5p.,2p., and Ip. coins. Both the 50p. and 20p. coins are silver and seven - sided. The coin of 50p. is large and the 20p. is much smaller. All the other coins are round.
Question 7: How do British shops work? (£15)
Team 3: British shops open at 9:00 a.m. and they close at 5:30 or 6 p.m. Big British shops don't close for lunch. Small shops usually close for an hour at lunch time. One or two days a week - usually Thursday and Friday some large shops are open until about 8:00 p.m. for late night shopping.
Question 8: What do you know about "Harrods"? (£15)
Team 1: Harrods is a department store. It is a tourist attraction in London, like Buckingham Place or the Tower of London. There can be about 50,000 customers, among them 16 food halls and 34 for fashion, a library, a bank, a kennel for customers' dogs.
Question 9: Complete the following shop notices with the correct prepositions: on, at, from, to.
Sale starts ... Monday. |
Gone for lunch. Back ... 5 o'clock. |
Open ... 9a.m. Closed ... 5:30p.m. |
Closed for lunch... 1 ... 1.45. |
Teacher: Now the auction is over. Would you like to count the money you earned? Well now we have some muddles. The answers are mixed in these tasks. Try to put them in a right way
П . Muddles.
Muddle 1: Listen the announcements in a big department store. Try to put them in a right way.
Sale on Toys-25-30% of all items. |
We are looking for a lost boy... |
Clothing sale. |
Closing time is 6:00p.m. |
All sale shoes 1/2 price. |
Announcements: 1. Attention shoppers! It's 6p.m. We are closing for the a. Please complete all our purchases. Thank you for shopping at Field's.
Attention shoppers! Today we're having a special sale on all toys. Twenty-five to fifty percent of all items! That's right. Everything in our toy department is on sale, today only!
Attention shoppers! Our clothing sale is going on right now on the fifth floor. That's right. Everything is on sale in our clothing department on the fifth floor.
Attention shoppers! We're looking for a lost boy. His name is Bobby. He's four years old. He's wearing a blue jacket.
Attention shoppers! Are your feet tired? Maybe you need a new pair of shoes. We're having half-price sale on all shoes, today only. Come and try on a pair or two!
Teams: Сделав задания, сдают результаты экспертам. Эксперты проверяют и записывают итоги на доске. (£ 25).
Т: And now the right answer is:
2, 4, 3, 1, 5. If you answer is correct you'll earn £25.
Muddle 2: Listen the conversation in the clothing department. What do the customers want to buy?
Команды слушают разговор 3-х покупателей и выполняют следующее задание.
Teacher: Listen to the conversations and put the words in the right or not.
1. Customer 1: Excuse me. Can I try this blouse on?
Salesclerk 1: Certainly. The dressing room is right over there
Customer 1: Thanks... Oh, this one is too small. It's really tight on me. Uh, I'm getting too fat. Well, do you have a bigger one? Maybe a size 12.
Salesclerk 1: Let's see. Oh, you're in luck. There's one left.
2. Salesclerk 2: This jacket looks great on you.
Customer 2: Really? Well it's a little expensive though. Do you have anything less expansive?
Salesclerk 2: Yes, we do. But this one is made for you. Customer 2: Oh, let me think about it.
3. Salesclerk 3: Would you like to try that skirt on?
Customer 3: Um, I don't think so. It's a little too short. I'd like something longer.
Salesclerk 3: Well, this one is longer. And I think it's a better co lour for you.
Customer 3: Yes, I think you're right. I'll take it.
Ребята сдают свои результаты экспертам. Эксперты оценивают и подводят итоги.
Т: The right answer is: If your answer is right you earn £ 25.
Customer 1 | a blouse |
Customer 2 | a jacket |
Customer 3 | a skirt |
Ш. Let us go shopping.
Teacher: You all earn a lot of money and now we are going to spend them in different department stores in London. First team earns the biggest sum of money, that's why you have a possibility to choose what department you go.
Team 1: We are going to the clothes department to buy jeans for Misha's younger brother.
Team 2: We are going to the toy department where we can buy a present for our classmates.
Team 3: We are going to the shoes department to buy new trainers for Oleg.
T: No Let's make a dialogue. Try to use all constructions we have learned before. Be polite and active!
Учащиеся составляют диалоги в течение 3-4 минут, т.к. эта работа для них уже знакома, все структуры отработаны на предыдущих уроках. Затем команды разыгрывают свои диалоги.
Т: I'm glad that all your money is spent for presents for the nearest people. Our lesson is over. And I'd like to say that all of you are winners in today's game. Best wishes for Christmas and New Year.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
What Is The Largest Clothes & Food Supermarket In London? Marks & Spencer £5
How Many Pence Are There In £1 ? £5
What Large Shop In London Sells Records, Radio, Hi-Fi & Is Also A Chemist's? BOOTS £5
What Is The National Chain Of Shops Which Sells Newspapers, Magazines, Records & Stationary? Smith £ 10
Selfridges £10 What Is The Name Of The Biggest Department Store In Oxford Street, London? (It looks like a palace)
What does British money look like ? £15
How Do British Shops Work ? £15
What Do You Know About Harrods? £15
Complete The Following Shop Notices With The Correct Prepositions: from, at, on, to. Sale starts ... Monday Gone for lunch. Back ... 5 p.m . Closed for lunch .... 1p.m.....1.45 . Open... 9 a. m. Closed... 5.30 p.m . £20 on at at at from to
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