Урок-обучение речевому взаимодействию
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Способствует развитию диалогической речи на иностранном языке.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тип урока: комбинированный
Вид урока: урок формирования лексического навыка говорения
Topic: (Unit 10, lesson 5) "Let’s make a fruit salad"
Educational aims:
- To teach pupils to be polite, to listen attentively to other students and the teacher.
- To encourage students not to be afraid of speaking up and to give full, well-reasoned answers
Aims or Objectives:
- To teach pupils to describe places in the past.
- To train pupils to write a recipe
Subsidiary aims:
- To practice students in reading for information and details
- To practice students in listening for detail and logical sequence
- To practice students in asking for/giving information about food
- To practice students in writing a recipe
Speech patterns, structures, vocabulary, text/s:
- New Vocabulary: recipe, mix, take, add, cut, put, wash, need, vegetable salad, strawberry, yougurt.
- Revision: imperatives, How many? Some/any
- The tape
1. Greeting the class (1 min) T-Cl 2. Ex 1a - Introducing the new vocabulary, predicting the sequence of events in listening (3 min ) T-Cl T-P1,2,3 3. Ex 1b - Practicing listening for detail (7 min) T-Cl T-P1,2,3 4. Ex 2 – Practising the vocabulary in a meaningful context. (4 min) T-Cl T-P1,2,3 5. Ex 3a - Developing reading for details (5 min) T-Cl T-P1,2,3 6. Ex 3b – Practising giving reasons (2 min) T-Cl Pairs 7. Ex 4 – Providing pracice in oral interaction (6 min) T-Cl Pairs T-P1,2,3 8. Ex 5 – Practising writing texsts (10 min) T-Cl 9. Homework (2 min) T-Cl | T - Good morning, pupilsts. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you today? It's good. And now let's go to our new theme. Today we are going to know more about your preferences in food, but first, let's practice our new vocabulary. T – By the way, does anybody know how to make a fruit salad? If yes, let’s check your knowledges. First, let’s read the words. Do it in a chain, please. Now, your task is to read the words and then to put the pictures in a right order. Does everything clear? Ok, you have 1 minute to complete this easy task. The time is up. Let’s check. T – Now please listen to the tape and check your answers…Ok, Is there anybody who has none mistakes? That very good. Now we will listen to it once again, and after every imperative sentences I will make a pause and you should repeat. Do you understand the task? Ok, let’s begin….Very good! T – Before we will come across the next exercise, who will tell me the meaning of a word “need”? Ok, any other versions? That’s good! Now you are ready for this task. Your task is to read the text and to fill in the gabs with the words from the basket. For this you have 2 minutes. Begin please…And now let’s check. P1, start reading, please…Does everyone agree? Good, go on, P2…Very well done! T – Now please look at exercise 3a – here you have to rea the sentences and find the extra one which is not logacally connected with the instructions. Do you understand it? Yes, the recipe belongs to the picture on the right. You have 2 minutes for this task, begin…Ok, checking. Please, p3, say what you’ve got. Ok. Does everyone agree? Aha…P4, give me the reason please, why do you think that’s it’s an exstra sentence….Ok, very good! Thank you! T – You’ve managed this work, and now I want you, in pairs, to give to this delicious cake an approptiate name. Can you fo it? Ok, 1 minute for this task, and don’t forget about the reasons, why do you like his or that very example…The time is up. Pair 1, your variant. Why do you prefer this one?...Thank you. T – Look at exercise 4. It’s an information-gab exercise. The first variant is to open p.133, and the second p. 134. Have you found the cards? You should ask your partner questions to fill the gabs on your card. After 2 minute we will check who manages to fill all the gabs. (During this task I’m walking and correcting mistakes. Encouradge Pps to speak in English) And stop. Who has all information? Ok, P4, begin reading, please…Veru\y well done! Thank you! T – And for the last task we will divide into 2 groups. On the blackboard you can see 2 names of salads from ex.5. Each group has to choose the instructions to complete their recipe. You are to write the recipe on the board quicker than the second group. I will invite to the board one by one. Ready? Let’s start! Thank you for your work, students. You did well today. Your marks for the lesson are… Your home task is to do Lesson 5 from you Exercise Books. Do you have any questions?.. Then you may be free now. |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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