проект по английскому языку на тему
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Автор: Поняева Нина Валерьевна
Руководитель: Самилкина Людмила Михайловна
МБОУ «Большеигнатовская СОШ»
Му Motherland. My native land. My Mordovia…
When people hear these words they have pleasant memoirs because everybody has his own native land. Everything begins with it: friendship, love, kindness. It isn `t important where it is, big or small. The main thing is that the person loves it with all the heart. In memory of any person it becomes as something native and close.
My Motherland is the Republic of Mordovia. I live in the village of Bolshoe Ignatovo. I like my district very much and in my composition I want to tell about it.
My district is situated in the northern part of Mordovia. It isn `t big in its size but it is big in its beauty. In our district we have a lot of forests, spacious plains, beautiful ponds and flowers. Nature is one the treasures of my native land. A part of the national park «Smolny» is situated here.
Our people are very hospitable. A lot of visitors come to my district from different regions and countries and we always glad to meet them . They have a rest, breathe fresh air and enjoy by the beauty of nature.
The land of Ignatovo is remarkable. Many wonderful sons and daughters - clever, vigorous, beautiful were born here. I think that people is the main treasure of Mordovia. Since my childhood I have already known many countrymen who became famous for their achievements throughout Russia . So, I think that I must say some words about them.
First, I want to tell about our warriors. More than 4000 people took part in the Second World War and 2700 of them didn`n come back. 6 Heroes of the Soviet Union were brought up by our earth. We must not forget about them because we are obliged them by our peaceful life.
We are very proud of Sergey Ivanovich Yunoshev. He made a great contribution to explorations of space. He took part in the creation of the space complex «Buran».He is the academician of Space Academy of Sciences, the State Prize laureate. He was awarded by many orders and medals. Now he lives in Moscow but often visits his motherland and meets with schoolchildren.
In Mordovia everybody knows the talented painter Anatoly Bargov. In his paintings, he shows the natural beauty of our native land. His paintings are bright joyful and colourful. Sometimes we don`t notice the beauty of nature but he does. He is a member of the Russian Union of Artists and the Chairman of Union of Artists of Mordovia.
The great heights has reached Vyacheslav Fedorovich Soltaganov. He became the director of the Federal Tax Police Service of the Russian Federation. He never forgets about the countrymen and often helps our district.
Yevgeny Ivanovich Dergunov is very famous in Bolshoe Ignatovo. He was born and studied here. Now he is the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Mordovia. He often visits our village and takes part in many actions and celebrations. He is highly respected among our people.
Every visitor notices that people often speak in Mordovian. It isn`t surprising because the basic part of our population is Mordovians. Vany ancient pagan`s traditions of Mordovians are preserved nowdays. I want to tell about one of them. It is « Rasken ozks».
It takes part every three years in the village of Chukali. Many people from Russia and abroad come here. They bring a handful of earth from places where they live with them. This ritual symbolizes the contact between generations. Then the big candle is lit-« Shtatol», the symbol of life. People drive round dances , have fun , ride on a swing. After the ritual people have the big concert and dinner. A lot of reporters and journalists are interested in this tradition. I think that such traditions have to take place because they give meaning to life, strength, clear up interest to the history, give a meeting with friends.
I am very proud of my native land, my village, my Mordovia. In our modern time Mordovia goes on the world level. Our republic is already well-known in the world. Thanks to Nikolai Ivanovich Merkushkin our republic is developing rapidly. English proverb says « There is no place like home» and I agree with it because I think that if a person lives far from his native land he will want to come back .
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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