Защита проекта "Music in Our Life" 9 класс
проект по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Музыка и пение оказывают неоценимую помощь в изучении иностранного языка. Когда мы беседуем за круглым столом по теме "Молодежь и музыка" , желающих высказаться о своих музыкальных пристрастиях нет конца. Удивительно, что среди молодежи популярна не только поп-музыка, но и классика. Поэтому работа над проектом "Music in our life" дала возможность всем учащимся по-новому расскрыть себя независимо от уровня владения иностранным языком; научила их приемам сотрудничества и взаимодействия; помогла развить творческие способности и навыки исследования.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение «Лицей» Дальнереченского городского округа Приморского края
Защита проекта в 9 классе
«Музыка в нашей жизни»
«Music in Our Life»
г. Дальнереченск
1. Воспитывать у учащихся интерес к изучению английского языка, творчеству зарубежных и русских композиторов и исполнителей. 2Познакомить учащихся с направлениями в музыке.
3 Развивать у учащихся навыки аудирования и говорения (монологическая и диалогическая речь.)
1 Магнитофон с аудиокассетами (Э.Пресли, Л.Армстронга, Э.Грига, А.Моцарта, собрание сочинений русской классической музыки- П. Чайковский, С. Прокофьев, С. Рахманинов и др.
2 Синтезатор, саксофон.
Оформление доски:
Портреты выдающихся композиторов: П. Чайковский, Э. Григ, А. Вивальди, И. Бах... Постеры популярных певцов и музыкантов.
Постер со словами JI. Армстронга: There are only 2 ways to sum up music: whether it is good or bad. If it is good ,don't mess about it. Just enjoy it! Сообщения учащихся no TeMe:Music in our Life.
Ведущий 1-Hello,dear friends and guests.
Ведущий 2-We are glad to welcome you at our talk show.
1 A great American musician Louis Armstrong once said ': There are only 2ways to sum up music, whether it is good or bad. If it is good ,don't mess about it. Just enjoy it.
2 Music occupies an important part in our life. We can't imagine our life without music.
We hear it everywhere: in the street and in the house, over the radio and on TV, in the parks and shops, at the seaside and in the forest.
1 It is impossible to imagine our life without music. I think the world around us would become boring and gloomy. We like to listen to music, we enjoy dancing to music, we play musical instruments. Music follows us since our childhood. Who doesn't remember mother's lullabies? Mendelson's waltz marks the beginning of a new life for us. .. .We can hear sad music at funerals.
2 Everybody will agree that thanks to music our life is much more interesting, vivid and brighter. So, what is music? Why is it so necessary to us?
-In my opinion, music is the art that reflects life, ideas and emotions. For some people music is a voice of their thoughts and feelings, for others -it is the way to relax and have fun.
-I quite agree with you. Actually people have different musical tastes depending on their age , education, intelligence and even mood. All people like music, nobody can be - indifferent to it. Some are fond of classical music, others prefer rock, pop or jazz.
Nowadays many young people like new rhythms, they enjoy pop music.Pop music unites teenagers all over the world and makes us feel a part of a global family. This music is a kind of a language for the youth. It cuts across all the barriers - age,colour,class, religion - and brings together.
1 -What is pop music?
-Of all cultural influences that have come out of the United States in the 20th century, popular music has been mostly far reaching. In the United States the term "popular music" has aquired a variety of meanings and it refers to the kinds of music enjoyed by a broad public and stands in contrast to the classical music. The dictionary defines "pop music" as modern popular music of a simple kind with a strong beat and not usually of lasting interest, liked especially by younger people. The people often say that pop music is the music often heard on street corners and in dance halls.
2 What music styles are popular nowadays?
-Various music styles are popular among different groups of people. Some of them are crazy about rock 'n' roll, others love hard rock. To my mind Дар is one of the most popular styles among the teenagers.
( Музыкальная заставка "Эминем -Рэп") As for me, I like rock most of all. There are many variants of rock: soul music and funk, heavy metal and folk rock, reggae and salsa, rap music and art rock. American pop rock remains star struck and youth oriented.Performers like Bruce Springteen, Bob Seger, Tina Turner, Billy Joel represent an all American rock tradition. Michael Jackson,Prince, Madonna have established their rhythm- oriented rock in American music. Madonna is popular with teenagers - girls. Other famous rock singers are Whitney Houston, blind singer Stewe Wonder, who has been making hits since he wasl2.
-Г m afraid I can't agree with you. As for me, I like pop music, I admire rock 'n'rolL I enjoy listening to Elvis Presley. As you know, he was an American singer and popular guitar player who made rock'n'roll very popular in the 50s. He is the most successful and influential person in popular music.He is often called the Father of rock or the King of rock'n'roll. His music and songs appeal to my feelings and heart. Let's listen to Ыт.(Музыкальная заставка Э. Пресли)
Ведущий 1 - Who would like to tell us about jazz? -As far as I knowy the founder of jazz was Louis Armstrong. He is really considered the King of jazz. The cradle of jazz music was New Orleans, the native town of L. Armstrong. I know that my father loves jazz very much. His favourite jazz singer is Alia Fitzgerald. -Jazz is a style of music with a strong beat. It was originated by black Americans. Jazz was always a music of freedom. Today the term "jazz" means so many different things to many different people. J
Ведущий 2- By the way, my favourite jazz musician is L. Armstrong. P like you to listen to his "Clara's 1и11аЬу".(Играет пьесу на саксофоне.)
-I would like to tell you about blues. It is a type of music that has its origin in America's black community. Most songs are about loneliness, sadness or lost love, sometimes the words express a humorous reaction to life's troubles.
Ведущий 1- Do you listen to the same music in the mornings and in the evenings? -At present I can't spend a day without music. In the morning I prefer fast rhythmical music.It's like a cup of coffee or a cool shower that encourages you and freshens you up. So, since the early morning you are in a cheerful spirit .Isn't it a great start of the day? -After a hard working day I like to listen to some slow, pleasant melody. It helps me to forget about tiredness. Some classical works are very suitable then. My favourite com¬posers are Chopin, Chaikovskiy, Vivaldi. Their works are as popular now as many years ago. Let's listen to my favourite composer E. Greeg.(Музыкальная заставка «Танец Анитры» Frankly speaking, it's very difficult for me to listen and understand classical music.. I think that pop music is so different and not so difficult to understand.That's why teenagers like it very much. It's unusual and exciting, it's the way of sharing all our hopes and feelings. Of course, tastes differ. Some of us are fond of hard rock, others are keen on heavy metal. Most of us have posters of our favourite pop singers and groups. Ведущий 1 -If you are in bad temper, can music help you? What kind of musicdo you prefer then?
-If I am in bad humour, ij's better to turn to music. Nothing can help you better to forget all your problems than a merry song. I like to listen to Russian folk melodies and my spleen will disappear at once. There are a lot of talented folk groups in our country.But most of all I'm fond of listening to " Golden Ring" and its soloist Nadezhda Kadisheva. Her skillful performance of Russian folk songs makes great impression on people of different ages. -As for American folk music, country music was created by the rural people of the Appalachian Mountain region who were isolated from the industrial America. They began with the things touched them most intimately:their poverty, their crops, their families .
It has many sources :traditional ballads,cowboy songs, Mexican music etc. the first recording of a country music song "Sally Goodin" by Eric Robertson appeared in 1922. The most powerful development in the country music today is "The New Tradinionalism".The most famous country musicians are: Dally Parton, Ricky Sleaggs, George Strait and many others. Let's listen to apiece of country music. (Музыкальная заставка (Country» )
Ведущий2 - We spoke much about music and various music styles, we got to know many gifted musicians, composers and pop singers.
Ведущий 1 -We came to a conclusion that music is one of the greatest arts, music is immortal , it will live with people for ever.
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