Защита проекта "English Has No Equals!" 8 класс
проект по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Современному человеку необходимо знать хотя бы один иностранный язык, который позволит ему познакомиться с культурой этой страны, работать на компьютере, общаться со своими сверстниками через интернет, а главное найти более престижную работу. Поэтому наша задача добиваться того, чтобы интерес к изучению английского языка был постоянным и устойчивым. Мы должны не просто загрузить ученика знаниями, но и научить применять их на практике. Работа над проектом вызвала огромный интерес у ребят и стремление узнать о нем больше.
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Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение «Лицей» Дальнереченского городского округа
Приморского края
Защита проекта в 8 классе
« English Has No Equals!!!»
«Английскому нет равных»
г. Дальнереченск
Good morning, girls and boys, our dear teachers and guests.
You are welcome to our annual traditional Day of Knowledge and Science. We would like to speak about one of the most important and popular school subjects-English. I am sure all of you are great lovers of English.
You are quite right. A modern educated person can"t live without English. As you know, the total number of languages in the world is from 2 to 5 thousand. But the most popular of them is English. Who knows how many people speak it?
— If I am not mistaken ,about a billion people , practically, it is all over the world. It is spoken as the mother tongue in the UK ,the USA ,Canada, Australia and New Zealand. English has the richest vocabulary. For example ,compare English ,German and French: English has of about 500 thousand words, German- about 2 hundred thousand, French- less than 100 thousand words.
Do you know that English did not exist nearly 2 thousand years ago when Julius Caesar landed on the British Isles?
— Of course ,the rise of English is a story of wonderful success. In the 5th century very few people in Great Britain spoke English and it was not the same language we know today. But at the end of the 16th century, when W. Shakespeare created his
works, English was the native language of about 6 million Englishmen.At that time it was not used anywhere else except Great Britain.
— Excuse me for interrupting you .Nowadays English is the most widespread on the Earth. It has become the language of the planet ,the first truly global language and the second only after Chinese in the number of people speaking it.
As far as I know ,5 hundred years ago people did not English in North AmericaT he American Indians had their own language. So did the Eskimos in Canada, the Aborigenese in Australia and the Maories in New Zealand.The English arrived there and set up their colonies..
—- Do you want to say that English spread throughout the world as a result of various historical events.?
^Certainly, English surrounds us like a sea, like the waters of a deep sea it is full of mysteries.lt is represented in every continent and in the 3 main oceans- the Atlantic, the Indian and the Pacific oceans. English has constantly been changing. Some words die ,some change their meanings and all the time new words appear in the language. Do you know how many languages of the world were brought into English?
my mind, words from 120 languages are borrowed by English from Arabic ,French, German ,Greek, Italian, Spanish and even Russian .When Christopher Columbus
came back from South America he brought home to Spain new plants -potatoes, tomatoes and tobaccos .With these plants he brought their names. This is how these words appeared in Spanish and later were borrowed from it by the English language.
—Friends, I wonder whether you know that these words came to English and later to Russian from other languages? Do you know that Arabic gave English algebra, harem, zero, mattress, cipher and zenith?
— Where have you read about it?
^ During the week of English, which took place in our Lyceum I paid attention to the wall newspaper about English borrowings. I took much useful information and I would like you to know it .Many European and Asian languages enriched English. Among the borrowed words -marmalade (Portugese), chauffeur (French), humburger (German), ballerina (Italian), synonym (Greek), pyjamas (Hindy), yoghurt (Turkish) ,bistro,cosmonaut, sputnik (Russian). If you are interested in it, you may read this newspaper.
—Thank you very much for your advice .As for me ,1 learnt recently that about 500 words are added to the English vocabulary every year. 70% of the English vocabulary are borrowed words. Only 30% are native.The most frequently used words in English are: the, of, and, to, in, that, is, I, it, for, as.
The commonest letter is e. More words begin with the letter s than any other. The largest English dictionary is the 20 volume Oxford English Dictionary, with about 22 thousand pages.The commonest English name is Smith. In England there are 800 thousand people called Smith, and about 2 million in the USA.
A century ago some lingvists predicted that one day England ,America, Australia and Canada would speak different languages. However, Britons and Americans as well as Australians probably speak more alike today than they did 50-60 years ago. In the 1930s , for example, American films were dubbed in the UK. It is no longer the practice today. Of course, there are some differences in their pronunciation, using and writing some words.
—American call his mother mom, while British- mum. In the USA they say apartment- in the UK-flat. American fall is for British autumn etc.
—People have long been interested in having one language that could be spoken throughout the world. Such a language would help to increase cultural and economic ties and simplify communic ation between people. Through years, at least 600 hundred universal languages have been proposed including Esperanto.About 10 million people have learnt Esperanto since its creation in 1887, but according to specialists English has better chances to become a global language. So why not learn it?
''^English is the language of computers science, business ,politics. 3 quarters of the world "s mail are in English It is the official voice of the air and the sea. It is the language of sports and beauty: the language of the Olympic Games and the Miss Universe Competition. The largest broadcasting companies in the world CBS, ABC, NBC ,BBC transmit in English. It is one of 6 official languages of the United Nations. 80 % of communication between a person and a computer is in English, as well as in Internet.
-—You've told us about the main reasons why people all over the world learn English, more than that everyone can easily think of more reasons to learn English. Some people need it for their future profession. Others-to travel abroad, for others English is just a hobby. As for me, I enjoy working on my computer and Internet.
—We c^n say knowleage of languages opens doors to any foreign country and gives tfypm a possibility to communicate, to understand and be understood by the people .Foreign languages develop our mind.Speaking English
'-I can travel everywhere, because it is spoken all over the world Thanks to English I can understand people of different countries, their culture and traditions.
^ We study English not only We learn grammar, listen to the texts, retell them, dramatize dialogues, work much at our pronunciation etc. I think it's impossible to live without English. English has no equals! To master it one should work hard, listen to native- speakers , read books in the original. No wonder, that learning English is very difficult. It needs a lot of time, patience and love for the subject.
-—Good luck to everybody in learning English!
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