Музеи Англии и России
презентация к уроку по английскому языку на тему
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Аннотация Музеи играют важную роль в культурной жизни любой нации. В музеях можно узнать много интересного об истории, традициях и обычаях разных народов. Там можно найти документы, фотографии, книги, рукописи, произведения искусства, личные вещи знаменитых людей и другие вещи. Изучение данной темы поможет учащимся старших классов оберегать и ценить шедевры искусства, созданные предками.
Задачи Развитие речевых умений учащихся. Расширение знаний учащихся о культуре своей страны и страны изучаемого языка. Повышение интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка
There are many museums in England. One of the largest English museums is the British Museum. It was founded by Dr Ganse Sloan in 1753.One can see many subjects of primitive art and antique culture. It is famous for its greatest library and a huge reading room in it. Here you can find everything you want: English Chronicles, Autographs of great writers, Greek and Latin manuscripts, books and magazines from all parts of the world. The British Museum
If you fond of paintings you’ll go to the Tate Gallery. It was founded by a famous sugar manufacturer Henry Tate in 1897.There are about 300 oils and 19,000 water - colours and drawings. You can see works by the English painters such as William Turner, John Constable, Thomas Gainsborough . In the Tate Gallery one can see works by modern painters, Pablo Picasso among them. The Tate Gallery
There are many museums in our country.The most famous of them is the State Tretyakov Gallery. It is a museum of Russian art. Pavel Tretyakov, a young businessman organized a museum of national art which must be open to all in 1856. He bought the pictures by Perov, Repin, Shishkin and others. You can see the landscapes «After rain» and «Golden Autumn» by Levitan, «Trinity » by Andrey Rublyov. The State Tretyakov Gallery
The Hermitage is one of the world-wide known museums. The word «Hermitage» means «a place of solitude». This name was given by Catherine II in the 18 century. It is one of the most outstanding museums of world culture and art. Originally the first paintings were housed in the Winter Palace. Now the museum occupies five buildings. The Hermitage possesses works of Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt. The Hermitage
The museum «Lermontov`s house » is located at 4 Lermontov Street in Pyatigorsk.It is the centre of the memorial complex devoted to the great poet. There are places connected with the name of the famous poet. They are Lermontov monument, the Verzilins house, the arbor “Eolova harp”, grottos Diana and Lermontova, the Restoration, the place “Proval”, the Lermontov gallery, the place of duel and others. A lot of people visit Lermontov’s places every day. The Museum of Lermontov
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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