Рождество в Англии и России. История и традиции
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5, 6, 7 класс) на тему
Сценарий праздника на английском языке. Рекомендовано для учащихся 5-7 классов
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ВЕДУЩИЙ1 (УЧИТЕЛЬ): Hello, children! ВЕДУЩИЙ2 (УЧИТЕЛЬ): Good afternoon, our guests! ВЕДУЩИЙ1 (УЧИТЕЛЬ): Please, listen to the music. It is magic, isn΄t it? ВЕДУЩИЙ2 (УЧИТЕЛЬ): Look at the screen! You can see beautiful pictures Do you know what holiday is coming? ДЕТИ ИЗ ЗАЛА (ПРЕДПОЛАГАЕМЫЕ ОТВЕТЫ): Christmas! New Year! ВЕДУЩИЙ1 (УЧИТЕЛЬ): Yes, Christmas! One of the most popular holidays in England and Russia. ВЕДУЩИЙ2 (УЧИТЕЛЬ): What symbols of Christmas and New Year do you know? ДЕТИ ИЗ ЗАЛА (ПРЕДПОЛАГАЕМЫЕ ОТВЕТЫ): Christmas tree, cards, candles, Grandfather Frost, Santa Claus, Father Christmas
ВЕДУЩИЙ1 (УЧИТЕЛЬ): You are right! Christmas tree! Look! Our Christmas tree is big and green. But it is not bright. Let΄s decorate it! ВЕДУЩИЙ2 (УЧИТЕЛЬ): Давайте украсим елочку словами, которые у вас ассоциируются с Рождеством. ДЕТИ ИЗ ЗАЛА (ПРЕДПОЛАГАЕМЫЕ ОТВЕТЫ): winter, presents, songs, snow, ……. ВЕДУЩИЙ1 (УЧИТЕЛЬ): Oh, you are clever pupils! You know so many words! Thanks! Christmas tree is more beautiful now! ВЕДУЩИЙ2 (УЧИТЕЛЬ): Listen! Christmas is coming!!! | Звучат колокольчики Музыка тихо Музыки нет Нарисованная елка Украшаем елку «шарикам» (словами-ассоциациями) Громко звучат колокольчики |
ВЕДУЩИЕ (УЧЕНИКИ) : история праздника в Англии To begin with, Christmas is a religious holiday. The word Christmas means Christ’s Mass that is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. That is why many people go to church on that day. Christmas is celebrated in all countries but in a different way. In Europe it is celebrated by Catholics on the 25th of December The tradition to decorate the Christmas tree with baubles, glass balls, toys and tinsel started in Germany in the 16th century. The legend says that Martin Luther, an important Christian leader, was walking home through the forest one Christmas Eve. Suddenly he looked up and saw a beautiful starlit sky. The stars looked like as if they were shining on the fir tree branches. When he came home, he put a small fir tree inside his house and decorated it with lighted candles. In England this tradition was introduced by Prince Albert, the German husband of Queen Victoria. ВЕДУЩИЙ: история праздника в России The Russian Orthodox Church still uses the old Julian calendar which is 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar used in the Western nations. That is why, Christmas is celebrated in Russia on the 7th of January. There is a 40-day Lent preceding Christmas Day. The Lent period ends with the first star in the night sky on the 6th of January – a symbol of Jesus Christ's birth. Many people go to the church that evening. The Russian word for Christmas Eve “sochelnik” comes from the word.”sochivo” (a dish is made from wheat or rice with honey and fruit This dish symbolizes hope, immortality, happiness and success) ВЕДУЩИЙ: English and Russian people sing beautiful Christmas songs. Christmas carols are special songs which are sung during the Christmas season. The songs are about Jesus and the time when he was born. The most popular Christmas carol in England is “Silent Night”. ВЕДУЩИЙ: In Russia Christmas songs are called КОЛЯДКИ ВЫСТУПЛЕНИЕ: ИСПОЛНЕНИЕ КОЛЯДОК ВЕДУЩИЙ 5.2: I hope you know them! Grandfather Frost and Santa Claus. Where does Grandfather Frost live? ДЕТИ ИЗ ЗАЛА (ПРЕДПОЛАГАЕМЫЕ ОТВЕТЫ): He lives in Veliky Ustyug, Vologda region. ВЕДУЩИЙ 8.2: Where does Santa Claus live? ДЕТИ ИЗ ЗАЛА (ПРЕДПОЛАГАЕМЫЕ ОТВЕТЫ): He lives in Lapland. ВЕДУЩИЙ 8.2: By the way, British Father Christmas is not much different from American Santa Claus. Kids throw their messages into the fireplace, with the smoke of burnt letters Father Christmas gets the messages. Look, they are coming! _____________________________ (Grandfather Frost, Santa Claus are coming) S: -Hello, dear friends! DM: Здравствуйте, дорогие дети! S: Здравствуй, Мороз! DM: Hello, Santa! S: -You look great in your long coat and warm hat. DM: -Thanks, you are very smart in your fashionable boots and jacket. I’m afraid you are cold wearing such a costume. S: -You are right, on a cold frosty afternoon like this I dream of a fur coat and valenki. By the way, your white beard has become much longer since last Christmas. DM: -Really? I have to ask my granddaughter Snegurochka to make it shorter a little. S: -I believe, you are happy to have a granddaughter. DM: -Yes, I love this pretty child, she’s my best helper. S: -Have you come by troika here ? DM: -Certainly, I’ll never change my horses for noisy and dirty cars. Are your eight reindeer as fast as usual? S:- Oh, they are excellent runners and they’ve carried me for less than five minutes here! DM: It’s a real magic, I hope you haven’t lost the gifts for children when travelling. S: -Gifts? No. I haven’t brought them. It’s not the time! I’ll put them into stockings on Christmas Eve. | Слайд ____ Слайд ____ Слайд ____ Слайд ____ Слайд ____ Слайд ___+“Silent Night” Слайд ____ Слайд ____ Слайд ____ Слайд ____ Слайд ____ Слайд ____ Слайд ____ |
ВЕДУЩИЙ : Santa, could you tell us why you fill stockings with presents? S: -Don’t you know? ВЕДУЩИЕ: No, we don’t. Please, tell us. |
ЭЛЬФЫ: №1: The legend says Saint Nickolas once heard of a poor widowed man who had three unmarried daughters. They couldn’t marry as they didn’t have money. Saint Nickolas wanted to help them. №2: In the evening the eldest daughter had hung her stockings to dry by the fireplace and the next morning she found a lump of gold in one. №3: No one knew where this money came from, But she could marry. Shortly after gold was found in her sisters’ stockings. №4: Now children hang their stockings near the fireplace hoping Santa Claus will fill them with presents. | Слайд ____ |
DM: - It’s a very exciting legend! Christmas is the best time for presents. I have a big bag with gifts too. Santa, do you know my bag is bottomless? S:- Bottomless? You mean it contains all the presents for all Russian kids, do you? DM: - Yes, I do. S: It’s unbelievable!!! You, Russians, always have your own secrets! DM: -Would you like to get a little present from me? S: -I’m surprised! ПЕСНЯ ПРО САНТА КЛАУСА (на сцене 6-8 человек) | Слайд ____ Слайд ____+ видео |
ВЕДУЩИЙ : Thanks Santa! Thanks Grandfather Frost! You are great! See you later!!! ВЕДУЩИЙ: Before Christmas people decorate their houses and Christmas trees. The famous Christmas decorations in Russia are:
ВЕДУЩИЙ: In English houses - The Christmas trees are always decorated with fairy lights, angels and small toys - Ivy is a symbol of eternal life in the pagan world - Mistletoe and holly are symbols of peace and joy, protecting life and love | Слайд ____ - рожд.звезда - ангел -колокольчик - снежинка Слайд ____ - елка - ivy / плющ -mistletoe / омела, holly / венок + Слайд ____ ПЕСНЯ |
ВЕДУЩИЙ: Lunch is the most important point of Christmas Day. The traditional lunch in England consists of roast turkey with potatoes and vegetables, followed by Christmas (plum) pudding made with dried fruit and brandy. Sometimes a coin is put in the pudding as a surprise. First Christmas puddings date back to the 17th century. The most popular sweets are GINGERBREADs. ВЕДУЩИЙ: Traditionally, the “Holly Supper” in old Russia consisted of 12 different foods, symbolic of the 12 Apostles. The most important ingredient was a special porridge called KUTYA. Nowadays, Christmas lunch includes goose with apples, roasted pork and other meats, potatoes and vegetables, salads. But children like sweet dishes: cakes, biscuits, honey (фото +рецепт приготовления пряников( на английском)) | Слайд ____ Слайд ____(pudding) Слайд _____(пряники) Слайд ____ Слайд _____
Слайды____ |
УЧИТЕЛЬ: А теперь нас ждет мастер-класс по украшению рождественских пряников. УЧИТЕЛЬ: Но прежде!. У вас было домашнее задание: написать желание на вырезанных из бумаги колокольчиках. Давайте украсим ими нашу большую елку. /Дети украшают елку/ Нам всем хочется услышать аплодисменты, передающие ваше настроение: оно у вас улучшилось? ухудшилось? (на выходе из зала, дети украшают нарисованную елку смайликами желтыми (если настроение улучшилось) и синими (если наоборот)) СПАСИБО ЗА УЧАСТИЕ В ПРАЗДНИКЕ!!! Гости и ученики /по 2 человека от класса./ приглашаются на мастер-класс | Слайд _____ (рождественские картинки) Слайд _____(Спасибо за внимание) Видео и музыка на время мастер-класса |
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