презентация к творческой работе ученицы 6 класса по теме "Завтраки в Англии и России.Традиции и современность"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Сиразетдинова Гульназ Тимеряновна

Презентация является продолжением к творческой работе ученицы 6 класса по теме" Завтраки в Англии и России. Традиции и современность. Презентацией могут воспользоваться как ученики так учителя английского языка.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Breakfast of students in England and in Russia. Traditions and Present .

Слайд 2

The subject of the research is a rational and a healthy breakfast of a student . The aims of the research are: 1.To study the basis of rational nutrition by example of a traditional English and a typical Russian breakfasts. 2. To study, how a sound and good breakfast has an influence on the work of brain of the student and on the capacity for work all in all .

Слайд 3

In order to achieve our aims we should solve the following tasks : Set the impact of a good food on the organism and the health of schoolchildren . Assess student’s knowledge of healthy eating . Assess how well students have breakfast in the morning . Identify the right products and determine the mode of nutrition for children . Analyze the nutrition of the pupils of the 6 th forms of school № 7 according to the origin and kinds of their breakfasts and internet the results . 6. So , my research is theoretical and practical . To achieve these aims we asked questions and an interrogation of schoolchildren with following analysis of the data .

Слайд 4

The hypothesis : We suppose, that the most students of our school do not eat properly in the morning and they do not even know, that just rational breakfast has influences on the school progress . The actuality of this work is find the peculiarities and differences of Russian and English breakfast . The novelty of the research : The research work is determined by the necessity of the study of rational and balanced breakfast for growing organism of a pupil , because most of schoolchildren do not know the danger of ready quick-soluble food . Typical breakfast of England and Russia can tell us a lot about history and development of countries .

Слайд 5

Typical breakfast in England.

Слайд 6

English tea is very strong. The Englishmen drink a lot of tea. They drink it with lemon and sugar or with milk.

Слайд 7

Continental breakfast, which consists of croissant with jam and a cup of tea or coffee.

Слайд 8

Historically, that simple and hearty breakfast was prepared in the families of British workers who tightly refreshed in the morning, the whole day doing hard physical labor.

Слайд 9

The classic English breakfast must include : 1 .Two or three scrambled eggs . 2.Two fatty fried sausages – bengers , special which are available only in England . 3.A few slices of fatty fried bacon, very fresh and fragrant . 4.Two or three pieces of stewed fresh or canned tomatoes . 5.Some fried mushrooms. 6.A portion of white beans in tomato sauce . 7.Two or three fresh toasts with butter . 8.Glass of orange juice or a cup of coffee .

Слайд 10

For breakfast you need : 20 grams protein . No more than 5 grams of fat . A lot of fiber . Vitamins and minerals.

Слайд 11

Class Quantity Scrambled eggs Tea with sandwiches Porridge cereal Corn flakes Bread with cheese , butter Only tea with sweets 6 a 27 6 10 8 1 2 - 6 b 26 7 9 3 - 4 3 6 v 25 4 7 4 - 4 6 6 g 24 7 2 2 - 10 3 Total 102 24 28 17 1 20 12 Table № 1

Слайд 12

Class Quantity Scrambled eggs Tea with sandwiches Porridge cereal Corn flakes Bread with cheese and butter Only tea with sweets or cake 5 a 2 8 5 1 2 4 - 5 2 5 b 26 5 10 3 2 3 3 5 v 2 6 3 9 2 2 7 3 5 g 2 8 6 10 - 1 10 1 Total 10 8 19 41 9 5 2 5 9 Table № 2 Different kinds of breakfasts among students of 5th form.

Слайд 13

Rational and balanced breakfast among students of 5-7th forms of the school №7

Слайд 14

Valuation of ready and quick-soluble food among the schoolchildren of 6th form.

Слайд 15

Analysis of the tables To do this research, we conducted an investigation among students of the 5-7th forms, during that we learned the approximate daily breakfast. It turned out that the best breakfast have students of the 5-6th grades. The students of the 7th grades are in the second place. Also in the course of questioning from the table № 1 was revealed that only 17 pupils of 102 respondents prefer a porridge cereal for breakfast-the healthiest food in the morning. The most of them usually have only a cup of tea with sandwiches. According to the table №2 we see that 41 pupils of 108 prefer tea with sandwiches , 25 of them eat bread with cheese and butter, and only 19 students have scrambled eggs for breakfast. Out of the table № 3 we can make the conclusion that 32 pupils of 81 prefer tea with sandwiches , 10 -porridge cereal and 11 students have bread with cheese and butter for breakfast .

Слайд 16

Some statistics . 58% of b ritish students ( age 12-13 years old ) have porridge with cheese , toasts with butter , some salad , cup of tea , glass f fruit juice with biscuits and a piece of cake . 31% of british students – some fruits , fatty fried sausages with stewed vegetables . 11 % of british students – corn flakes with milk , glass of orange juice and scrambled from two or three eggs .

Слайд 17

Thank you for your attention! Good bye!

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