Описание интегрированного проекта «Школьное образование в Англии и России сегодня»
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Описание интегрированного проекта
«Школьное образование в Англии и России сегодня»
Уже второй год наш класс занимается проектной деятельностью, и мы уже понимаем, что проектная работа – это самостоятельная работа под руководством учителя. Ведь любая проектная деятельность предполагает работу, как в группе, так и индивидуальную работу.
Изначально мы хотели осуществить лишь небольшой издательский проект, но в процессе работы мы поняли, что, не обладая знаниями о российской системе образования, не сможем создать собственный буклет о нашей школе. Именно поэтому одним из основных аспектов нашей работы - создать сравнительную характеристику двух систем образования. В этом нам помогли учебные материалы уроков английского языка (учебник О.В.Афанасьевой и И.В. Михеевой. 8 класс) В результате получился общий проект “Образование в Англии и России сегодня.”
Мы выделили следующие направления:
- Сравнительный анализ систем образования в двух странах- научно-исследовательский проект (Шайхулморданова Алиса).
- Издательский буклет о нашей школе (Кукоба Павел)
- “Школьная форма вчера, сегодня, завтра.” – информационно- творческий проект(группа учащихся)
Наша работа представляет собой исследовательский проект с элементами издательского, творческого, литературного и научного.
Проект проводился сразу в рамках нескольких дисциплин: английский язык, информационные технологии, история.
Для осуществления нам понадобились: аудитория, доступ к интернету, разноязычная литература.
Результаты нашей деятельности можно смело использовать:
- На уроках английского языка при прохождении темы образования страны изучаемого языка, одежды.
- Во вне школьной деятельности.
- При подготовке ко дню открытых дверей
- Для широкого применения в целях самообразования.
Как мы понимаем, метод проектов всегда ориентирован на самостоятельную деятельность участников - парную, групповую, индивидуальную или командную. Ведь все прекрасно знают, что от успеха каждого в отдельности зависит успех всей команды, поэтому с самого начала было решено распределить обязанности:
- Поиск и обработка информации – Андреев Андрей, Гольденберг Константин.
- Структурирование и систематизация полученной информации.
- Консолидация всего материала с выводом на презентацию-Кукоба Павел.
Нашу работу можно сравнить с живым организмом, поэтому по ходу деятельности задачи появлялись, менялись, решались и исчезали. Для выполнения всей нашей работы было использовано много методов:
- Анализ.
- Сравнение.
- Метод опроса.
- Структурирование информации в виде графиков, схем, таблиц и диаграмм.
- Индуктивный и дедуктивный методы.
Также была создана таблица, отображающая порядок выполнения всего проекта, структурирующая всю нашу деятельность:
Этапы деятельности | Деятельность учащихся | Результат деятельности | Учащиеся |
Целеполагание | Обсуждение цели, направления работы. Определение конечного продукта. | Поставлена цель, определён конечный продукт. | Все участники проекта. |
Организация и планирование | Составление плана, распределение ролей деятельности. | Составлен план, промежуточные результаты, проведены опросы и обсуждения. | Организатор пректа- Решетникова Ольга Ивановна |
Выбор средств | Составление банка средств деятельности. | Использован учебник, интернет, опрос, различная литература, компьютерные программы: Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia, Microsoft Publisher. | Андреев Андрей, Кукоба Павел, Данченков Андрей |
Выполнение проекта | Составление рабочего варианта текста, участники обмениваются информацией и дополняют каждый свою часть. | Готовы черновики, тексты, изменён формат, произведена работа с электронными носителями. | Кукоба Павел |
Составление рабочего варианта | Определение структуры и содержания проекта, оформление работы. | Окончательный электронный вариант проекта, а также вариант на бумажном носителе. | Кукоба Павел и Данченков Андрей |
Составление текста проекта | Окончательное оформление проекта. | Завершён окончательный текст презентации, а также завершён сценарий мероприятия. | Кукоба Павел |
Презентация проекта | Презентация проекта | Конечный продукт деятельности | Кукоба Павел |
Оценка | Подведение итогов | Итог подвёден |
Как вы поняли, работа состояла не только из издательского буклета о нашей школе, а также и из еще одного проекта “Школьная форма вчера, сегодня, завтра.” В ней также были отведены обязанности каждому участнику:
- История школьной формы в Англии и России – Тульских Анастасия
- Аргументация за и против школьной формы в наши дни - общая работа.
- Опрос школ на предмет наличия школьной формы/дресс кода- Андреев Андрей.
- Презентация школьной формы будущего – Соколова Полина.
- Создание анимационного фильма по произведению Роялда Дала “The boy” – Кошеварова Виктория, Волкова Анна.
Итоговое мероприятие было проведено в виде конференции, на которой каждый из учащихся представлял свой проект.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Hypothesis: there are many similarities between the systems of education in England and Russia. Purpose: to conduct a comparative analysis of two systems of education. Objective: to identify common and distinctive features.
State-run schools Compulsory education The age of schooling Differences in notions Setting system Assessments Examinations High school National Curriculum Types of school School uniform
Infant school Nursery school Junior school
Class School Age School Class 1 Creche (Optional) Pre-school 2 Nursery school (Optional) 3 Kindergarten (Optional) 4 5 Year 1 Infant school Primary school 6 Year 2 7 Primary General Secondary School First form Year 3 Junior school 8 Second form Year 4 9 Third form Year 5 10 Fourth form Year 6 11 Middle SFA Fifth form Year 7 Secondary school GSCE 12 Sixth form Year 8 13 Seventh form Year 9 14 Eighth form Year 10 15 Ninth form Year 11 16 Upper USE Tenth form Year 12 Sixth Form « A » level 17 Eleventh form Year 13 18 University, institute Higher Education Freshman University or polytechnic 19 Sophomore 20 Junior 21 Senior Education in Russia Education in England
In Russia this term of 11-year study in general secondary school consists of : a 4-year term of primary school a 5-year term of middle school 11 years a 2-year term of high school I n England comprises 6 years of primary school and 5 years of secondary school. a 2-year term of infant school 6 years a 4-year term of junior school 11 years a 5-year term of secondary school
On average children are required to be in full-time education between the ages of : 7 and 18 In Russia 5 and 16 In England
English A corresponds to our 5 , B is 4+ , С is 4 , D is 3 , E is 3- . In England In Russia Assessments letters a five-point scale
« A » (Advanced) level exam = USE (Unified State Exam) GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) = SFA (State Final Attestation)
General Secondary School Comprehensive Grammar Modern Specialist Selective Super selective Great Britain has different types of schools.
General Secondary School General Gymnasium Lyceum Specialist Specializing in a certain subject Russia has different types of schools.
Curriculum Key Stage 1 (age 5-7) Key Stage 2 (age 7-11) Key Stage 3 (age11-14) Key Stage 4 (age14-16) Subject Key Stage 2 (age 7-11) Key Stage 3 (age11-14) Key Stage 4 (age14-16) + + + + English Russian + + + + + + + Mathematics + + + + + + + Science Chemistry Biology Physics + + + + + Art & Design + + + Citizenship + + + + + Design & Technology + + + + Geography + + + + + History + + + + + + Information & Communication Technology + + + + + Modern foreign languages + + + + + + Music + + + + + Physical Education + + + Russia Great Britain
Items Russia England State-run schools Free of charge Free of charge Compulsory education Education is compulsory Education is compulsory The age of schooling a 4-year term of primary school a 5-year term of middle school a 2-year term of high school 11-year term of studying a 2-year term of infant school a 4-year term of junior school a 5-year term of secondary school 11-year term of studying Differences in notions 5 th former Classes (from 1 to 11) 1 st former Forms (from 1 to 5) Setting system There i s not There is Assessments 5, 4+, 4-, 3+, 3- Move from class to class automatically A, B, C, D, E Move from form to form automatically Exams SFA, USE GCSE, “A”-level High school Is obligatory. Studying for 2 years Isn’t compulsory. Studying for 2 years National Curriculum Russian, Mathematics and Sciences ( Biology, Chemistry, and Physics) English, Mathematics and Science Types of school Gymnasiums, lyceums, schools specializing in a certain subject, specialist schools Comprehensive, modern, specialist and grammar School uniform Isn’t compulsory Is compulsory
Предварительный просмотр:
Secondary school № 169
of Moscow Institute of Open Education
Research work
on discipline: “English”
on topic: “Systems of education in Russia and England”
Done by:
8 “A” grade pupil
Shaykhulmardanova Alisa
Supervisor of the project:
English teacher of the highest category
Reshetnikova Olga Ivanovna
Moscow, 2012
Table of contents
1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………...3
2. Main body………………………………………………………………………...3
I. State-run schools……………………………………………………………...3
II. Compulsory education……………………………………………………….4
III. The age of schooling………………………………………………………..4
IV. Differences in notions………………………………………………………5
V. Setting system………………………………………………………………..5
VI. Assessments………………………………………………………………...5
VII. Examinations………………………………………………………………6
VIII. High school………………………………………………………………..6
IX. National Curriculum………………………………………………………...7
X. Types of school………………………………………………………………7
XI. School uniform……………………………………………………………...8
3. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………8
4. List of literature………………………………………………………………….8
5. Attachment………………………………………………………………………8
6. Footnotes………………………………………………………………………...8
Hypothesis: there are many similarities between the systems of education in England and Russia.
Purpose: to conduct a comparative analysis of two systems of education
Objective: to identify common and distinctive features.
- Introduction
It’s impossible to imagine our life without education. Everybody gets knowledge in school and school years leave a lasting impression, so education is very important in our life.
During our English lessons this year we got acquainted with some facts dealing with education in Britain. But nothing was said about the system of education in Russia. So we found it interesting to present Russian education in the English language. But it seemed to us that it would be much more useful and memorable to compare two systems of education, because only comparing different systems we can find advantages and disadvantages. We can better understand differences through comparison. Moreover, it helps us learn more facts about our culture and to be tolerant to other culture.
The theme is big and that is why we choose to speak about state-run non-selective secondary schools only. And even within this theme we limit our research to 11 items:
- State-run schools
- Compulsory education
- The age of schooling
- Differences in notions
- Setting system
- Assessments
- Examinations
- High school
- National Curriculum
- Types of school
- School uniform
Main Body
- State-run Schools
State-run schools in England and Russia are free of charge and mostly nonselective.* They take pupils of all abilities without any exam.
In England children don’t have to go to school until they reach the age of five, but there is some free nursery-school education before that age. There kids play a lot, learn colors, numbers, letters and study to listen attentively, to behave themselves. Nursery school corresponds to out kindergartens.
In our country there is pre-school education, which isn’t compulsory - children can get it at home. It consists of creches and kindergartens. The children there learn such things as numbers, letters and colors but mostly they play. This education is for kids, who are 3 to 6 years old.
- Compulsory education
In Russia and England school education is compulsory. In England and in Russia it consists of primary and secondary education. But in England secondary education includes middle school, while in Russia it comprises of 2 stages: middle and upper stages.
In Great Britain compulsory education begins at the age of five, when children go to infant school. There they draw pictures, sing songs, dance, play games, listen to the stories and tales and have a lot fun. Their classes aren’t formal. At eight children go on to junior school. So, all in all they study in primary school for 6 years.
Compulsory education in Russia begins at the age of seven. The centre of the system of education in Russia is the general school which prepares the younger generation for life and work in modern society. Pupils begin to go to school at the age of 7, when they go to primary stage, where they will study for 4 years. Classes are formal.
- The Age Of Schooling
In both countries children are required to be in full-time education for 11 years. ** It is a similar feature. But there are differences.
In Russia this term of 11-year study in general secondary school consists of/comprises:
- a 4-year term of primary school
- a 5-year term of middle school
- a 2-year term of high school
Whereas in England compulsory school doesn’t include high school. It comprises 6 years of primary school and 5 years of secondary school.
- a 2-year term of infant school
- a 4-year term of junior school
- a 5-year term of secondary school
In England if school children choose to stay on into the 6th form that corresponds to upper stage in Russia, their school age will be prolonged to 13 years of study in secondary school.
- Differences In Notions
There is an interesting fact, which can be rather confusing for us, the Russians, because our first formers are those children who are 7 years old and just enter the school, whereas in England first formers are those, who enter the middle school or 5th form, according to our reality and who are 12 years old.
In England traditionally secondary schools are divided into 5 years called forms (from 1 to 5), but in Russia they are called classes.
- Setting system
In England pupils at comprehensive schools are often put into «sets» for such subjects as Mathematics or languages. Sets are small groups of children, formed according to ability in each subject. For example, the child may be in the highest set for Maths but in the lowest set for French. For modern languages students are set when they are in the 2nd form. For Maths when they are in the 3rd form, that corresponds to the 6th and 7th forms in our middle school. In these two subjects the top sets take GCSE exams a year earlier.
There is no setting system in Russian schools. Two groups are usually formed to study modern languages, within a class. But this division is based not on pupils’ abilities, but just to make the number of people equal. It’s more convenient to study in small groups to have more practice.
- Assessments
It’s rather interesting to know how students are assessed. In England pupils’ progress is assessed in letters. In our country we have a five-point scale. For example: English A corresponds to our 5, B is 4+, С is 4, D is 3, E is 3 -.
In both countries pupils move to the next class automatically on the result of their standard assessment tests (SATs) at the end of the year.
- Examinations
In England students sit for their 1st exam which is at the end of the 5th form and in Russia it is at the end of the 9th form. In England this exam is called GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education), which corresponds to Russian GIA (Государственная Итоговая Аттестация) and is translated as the State Final Attestation. You should take four exams, where two are compulsory (Russian, Mathematics) and two are optional ones. After the exam students of both countries get a certificate. Then British pupils can leave school if they wish, because the 5th form is the end of compulsory education. Some 16-year-olds continue their studies in the sixth form at school or at the sixth form college. Many pupils in England choose vocational schools to get a profession. They are called Further Educational Colleges. They get a diploma. Most courses of these colleges train people in a particular skill and combine periods of study with work experience.
Whereas in our country most students continue studying in the same school or can change it. But they also have a choice between entering the 10th grade of a general secondary school and enrolling at a specialized secondary or vocational school, called colleges, where they study for 4 years. They also have to sit for USE (in Russian «ЕГЭ») to get a certificate of general compulsory secondary education.
- High School
The next stage of general secondary education is high school in Russia and in England which is called the 6th form. There are differences and not only in the term of the name. In England it isn’t compulsory. This is the main difference with our upper school which is obligatory.
What is in common: students of both countries study there for 2 years and start preparing for their final exam, the result of which are very important for young people to be admitted to universities and study for a bachelor’s degree. In England only pupils attending the 6th form have a real chance to enter one of British universities. The sixth form prepares pupils for a national exam called «A» level («A» stands for Advanced Level). These exams give a real chance to enter a higher educational establishment. The best result at the exam provides the best university to enter.
By the way, «A» level exams do not include core subjects, while in Russia such subjects as Russian and Mathematics are the «must» subjects at the Unified State Exam. And this is the difference. «A» level exams in England correspond to Unified State Exams in Russia. Our eleventh formers must sit 5 exams where 2 are compulsory as I have mentioned above, and 3 or even more optional ones.
To sum up, in both countries these exams («A» level and USE) give a chance for young people to enter university and get higher education. And it is a similar feature.
- National Curriculum
In both countries the subjects to be taught in state schools are laid down in National Curriculum, which also sets the standard to be achieved.
Children in both countries have to study the core subjects: in Russia they are Russian, Mathematics and Sciences. In England they are English, Mathematics and Science. But we see that in Russia there are 3 separate sciences: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, which are taught by different teachers, whereas in England in state-run schools these three subjects are united into one subject called Science, and it’s usually taught by one teacher.
In Russia and England students have to study the foundation subjects of technology, geography, history, art, music and physical education. They study a foreign language, but in Russia students begin to study it in primary school whereas in England-in middle school.
In Russia and England the National Curriculum is the basis for the development of regional training plans. They take into consideration regional peculiarities of particular area.
- Types of school
In both countries there are different types of secondary schools. In England there are comprehensive, modern, specialist and grammar, which are subdivided into selective and super-selective schools. Intake to grammar schools is in accordance to school performance tables.
In our country general schools correspond to English comprehensive schools. Besides, there are gymnasiums, lyceums, schools specializing in a certain subject, specialist schools. As to grammar schools in England the intake to gymnasiums, lyceums and some specializing schools is based on the results of tests and in accordance to school performance tables. So, they are also selective.
- School uniform
In England at all anxious attitude to the traditions, and the school uniform in particular, it’s one of the components of once and for all established way of life. So, all schools have their own school uniform which is stored and then issued to all students free of charge. So, it may seem to be obligatory.
Whereas in Russia it isn’t compulsory.
- Conclusion
The table shows that there are many similar features, but, of course, there are many different ones. They are reflection of socio-cultural peculiarities of the countries. Each country has its own cultural traditions, and in education in particular.
But we, the Russians and the English, are part of the world. That’s why there are many things in common. The main thing is the understanding of the importance of secondary education, which is guaranteed by the state.
List of literature
O. V. Afanasyeva, I. V. Mikheeva English Student`s Book VIII
Presentation «Comparative analysis of two systems of education»
*The selective system, which still exists in some areas of Britain, is old. It was introduced in 1944. Children are selected according to their abilities. In Britain children take an examination at the age of 11, which is called 11-plus. Those who are successful go to the grammar schools, which give a secondary education of a rather high standard. And those who fail enter the secondary modern schools, which prepare student only for practical job and don’t prepare for universities.
**In England the leaving age for compulsory education was raised to 18 by the Education and Skills Act 2008. The change will take effect in 2013 for 16-year-olds and in 2015 for 17-year-olds.
Предварительный просмотр:
Some glimpses of school uniform history in England and Russia.
1.1 History of school uniform in England.
We know the English to preserve their traditions anxiously. And so do they in accordance with their school uniform. It is one of the components of once and for all the established way of life. All schools have their own school uniform, stored in the school, which is issued to all students free of charge.
School uniforms in England were first introduced on a large scale during the reign of King Henry VIII. The uniforms of the time were called "bluecoats", as they consisted of long trench-coat-style jackets dyed blue. The blue color was chosen for the children charitable schools because, in the reign of the Tudors and Stuarts blue was the cheapest available dye for cloth. The blue-painted materials were cheap and meant humble status of the student and thus were avoided by gentlemen and aristocrats. The first school to introduce this uniform was Christ's Hospital and it is the oldest uniform of any school. And it has survived the times.
This picture shows a school uniform for Christ's Hospital school worn today. The boys form consists of a long blue coat, having silver buttons and a narrow leather belt. They also wear knee-breeches, yellow stockings and the scarves on the neck. Free shirt without a collar is worn under the coat. The girls wear a coat of the same color and a yellow skirt. When there are school parades their school uniform evokes admiration and exciting comments of many spectators.
In 1870, the Elementary Education Act introduced free primary education for all children. The popularity of uniforms increased and, finally, most schools had a uniform. At that time school uniform for junior students differed from school uniform of senior students. Boys wore short trousers and blazers until the age of 14-15, and then they began to wear long trousers. Girls mainly wore a blouse, a tunic dress and pinafore. Since the beginning 20th century until 1950 they wore gymslips. These uniforms were worn until the 1950s. There were some school reforms which encouraged schools to implement uniform codes which were practically the same for all schools. There appeared "summer" and "winter" variety of school uniform for girls. Dresses were worn in spring and autumn and gymslip in winter.
Today, the Government believes that school uniforms play a valuable role. They contribute to the ethos of schools: encourage schools to have a uniform as it can instill pride; support positive behavior and discipline. It helps pupils of all races and backgrounds to feel welcome; it promote good relations between different groups of pupils. School uniforms are required to be fair for both genders, be available at a reasonably low cost and tolerate religious freedoms, for example, allowing Sikhs to wear turbans.
Traditionally an English schoolboy wears a blazer and short trousers, shorts, and a satchel. To some extent this form is an echo of the past. There is a school badge on breast pocket, but a cap and short trousers now are tribute to the old form. They can also wear scarves which are the color of their school.
1.2 School uniform in Russia.
School uniforms in Russia appeared in 1834. A law was adopted, which approved the general system of all civil uniforms in the Empire. But then the form introduced only for boys. In 1896 appeared a school uniform for girls. Since then, the school uniform has been repeatedly canceled and introduced again.
School uniform was the object of pride. It distinguished a student from all other boys and girls, who didn’t go to school because couldn’t afford education.
Caps were usually light blue with three white edges, and with a black hood, and it was a special chic for boys to wear crumpled cap with a broken peak. Usually students wore woolen tunic of blue color with a silver embossed buttons, black leather belt with a silver buckle, black trousers. There was the output of the form: dark blue or dark gray single-breasted jacket with padded silver lace collar. Girls, students of high school, were ordered to wear dark strict dress which covered the knee
In Russia, school uniforms were abolished after the 1917 revolution, but were re-introduced in 1948. Initially, the new uniform was very similar to that in place before the communist takeover. Wearing uniform was made mandatory and pupils were penalized for not following the rules.
The style of Soviet school uniform was modernized in 1962, and since that time was modified each decade. There could be some variations across different Soviet Republics. Boys generally wore dark blue trousers and jackets, girls — brown dresses with black pinafore and black bows. The members of the Young Pioneer organization, to which literally every student belonged, wore famous red neckties.
In 1992, mandatory school uniforms were abolished. Today, there is no unified standard uniform in Russia; however, certain schools may have their own uniform that students are required to wear. Educational institutions without a uniform may also have a certain dress code
There is also a modern-day tradition for girls to dress into brown Soviet-style school uniform for their graduation ceremony.
Предварительный просмотр:
Буклет проекта Ссылка для скачивания - https://yadi.sk/d/3qmRNEuccAGzx
Буклет о школе 169 на английском языке - https://yadi.sk/d/TIZhok0fcAHAf
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Между британской и российской системами образования существуют различия. В данной работе представлена попытка проанализировать эти различия , даётся характеристика основных форм школьного ...
проект "Система образования в Германии и России"
Тема данного исследования - «Германия и Россия: система школьного образования». Образование человека играет большую роль в его жизни.Цель данной работы: составить сравнительный а...
Презентация урока по теме "Школьное образование в Великобритании и России" по английскому языку для 8 класса
Презентация урока по теме "Школьное образование в Великобритании и России" по английскому языку для 8 класса...
"Школьное образование в Великобритании и России"
"Школьное образование в Великобритании и России"...

План-конспект открытого урока "Система образования в Англии и России" 7-й класс
План-конспект открытого урока...