Презентация "The Political System of Russia"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

данная презентация содержит вопросы по обобщению материала "The Political System of Russia".


Office presentation icon the_political_system_of_russia_.ppt1.68 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

1.What is the state system of the RF?

Слайд 3

2.What bodies exercise the state power in the RF?

Слайд 4

State power The President The Federal Assembly The Government The courts

Слайд 5

3.What is the basic principle of the constitutional government in the RF?

Слайд 6

4.Who is at the summit of the system of state power in the RF?

Слайд 7

5.What does he ensure?

Слайд 8

6.Who is the President elected by?

Слайд 9

7.What official is he?

Слайд 10

7.What is his main responsibility?

Слайд 11

8.What political body is this?

Слайд 12

9.Is the President connected with or distanced from the branches of power?

Слайд 13

10.Is the closeness legal?

Слайд 14

11. How is the government formed in the RF?

Слайд 15

12.What is the main drawback of such formation?

Слайд 16

13.What powers is the President given to overcome such negative consequences?

Слайд 17

14.What are the consultative bodies the President works with?

Слайд 19

Are you politically aware?

Слайд 20

What is his name? What post does he occupy?

Слайд 21

Dmitry Livanov The Minister of Education and Science

Слайд 22

What is her name? What post does she occupy?

Слайд 23

Veronika Scvortsova The Minister of Healthcare

Слайд 24

What is his name? What post does he occupy?

Слайд 25

Vladimir Medinsky The Minister of Culture

Слайд 26

What is his name? What post does he occupy?

Слайд 27

Sergey Lavrov The Minister of Foreign Affairs

Слайд 28

What is his name? What post does he occupy?

Слайд 29

Vladimir Bulavin The Plenipotentiary Envoy in the Komi Republic

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