урок английского языка "What political system does Russia belong to?"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Конспект урока + небольшая презентация к уроку английского языка в 10 классе по учебнику Кузовлева В.П., раздел 2.
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Предварительный просмотр:
What political system does Russia belong to?(слайд1)
- Обеспечить условия для развития умения высказывать свои суждения на основе предложенной схемы.
- Создать условия для воспитания чувства гордости и патриотизма за свою страну, умения взаимодействовать в группе.
- Способствовать развитию умения обобщать.
- Содействовать расширению знаний по теме государственного устройства России.
- Практиковать употребление слов, относящихся к политике.
- Организовать учащихся для работы по предложенной схеме.
- Стимулировать учащихся к использованию изученных слов и выражений при обобщении материла.
- Учебник В.П.Кузовлева «English 10-11».
- Интерактивная доска
- Компьютер
- Мультимедиапроектор
- Символика России.
- Слайды
Лексический материал: The Federal Assembly,а chamber, the Council of Federation,the State Duma,the Chairman of the Government,a deputy,the Cabinet of Ministers,the Constitutional Court,to guarantee
План урока:
1.Организационный момент.
3.Фонетическая отработка лексики.
4.Активизация лексического материала по теме.
5.Обобщение изученного.Работа в группах.
7.Подведение итога урока.Оценивание.
8.Домашнее задание.
Ход урока:
1.Организационный момент
T.-Good afternoon,children. I am very glad to see you. How do you feel today?
Pp.-Good afternoon. We are glad to see you too. We are fine, thanks.
T.-At the previous lessons we studied some facts about the governmental system of the UK and the USA. Do you know anything about the state system of our country? Answer some questions,please:
- Who is the President of our country?
- Who is the Prime-Minister of the Russian Federation?
- What branches of power do you know?
- What do you think we are going to talk about?
3.Ознакомление со словами и их фонетическая отработка (слайд 1)
T.-Now, children, look at the blackboard ,read the words and then pronounce after me in chain:
- The Federal Assembly
- A chamber
- The Council of Federation
- The State Duma
- The Chairman of the Government
- A deputy
- The Cabinet of Ministers
- The Constitutional Court
- To guarantee
4.Изучение и осмысление предложеннной схемы на стр.48
T.-We live in the Russian Federation which adopted its Constitution in 1993. The political and economic situation in our country has been rather complicated recently. The industrial production was increasing. The prices were constantly rising, the rate of inflation was rather high. People were losing their jobs because many factories and plants were going bankrupt. But in spite of the problems Russia is always one of the leading countries in the world. I`m sure that the younger generation can do very much to make Russia as strong and powerful as it used to be.
T.-Look through the scheme and answer the questions:(слайд 2)
- 1.What political system does the Russian Federation represent according to the Constitution?
- 2.What is special about the political system of the Russian Federation?
- 3.What political institutions represent power in the Russian Federation?
- 4.Can you explain how the branches of power interact?
- 5.Who is the head of the Russian Federation?
- 6.Which institutions exercise the legislative, executive, judicial power?
- 7.What is each branch of power responsible for?
Работа с текстом
T.-Listen to the text about the political system of Russia (магнитофонная запись, учебник стр.341, упр.3)
T.-Choose the correct statement (слайд 3)
- 1.a) The Russian President is elected by the representatives.
- b) The Russian President is elected directly by the people.
- 2).a)The Russian President can dissolve the Duma.
- b) The President cannot dissolve the Duma.
- 3).a)The President`s Administration is the part of the Federal Government.
- b) The President has his Administration but it is not part of the Federal Government.
- 4).a) The Duma makes laws.
- b) The President makes laws.
- 5).a) The Federal Government represents the executive branch of power.
- b) The Federal Government represents the legislative branch of power.
T.-Check your answers (on the blackboard)
T.-Translate from Russian into English:
1.Глава парламентской республики России – президент.
2.Правительство Российской Федерации состоит из законодательной, исполнительной и судебной властей, подконтрольных президенту.
3.Законодательная власть осуществляется Федеральным собранием, избираемым всенародным голосованием на 4 года.
4.Во главе каждой из палат стоит спикер.
5.Законопроект становится законом, если президент не наложит на него вето.
6.Законопроект должен быть одобрен обеими палатами и подписан президентом.
7.Исполнительную власть представляет кабинет министров, возглавляемый премьер-министром.
8.Судебная власть осуществляется Конституционным судом, Верховным судом и другими судами.
9.К государственным символам относятся флаг, гимн и герб.
5.Обобщение изученного.Работа в группах.
T.-Let’s summarize all information we’ve spoken about.You are to match the correct answers:
- I group
- What is the name of our country?
- When was the new Constitution adopted?
- What is the Russian Federation state system according to the Constitution?(
- For how long is the President elected?
- Who is the head of the Government?
- Can you depict the State symbol of Russia?
- What is the National Emblem of Russia?
- II group
- Our country`s name is the …
- … was adopted in 1993.
- According to the Constitution Russia is a Presidential Republic.
- The President is elected for four years.
- The Prime Minister is.
- The State symbol of Russia is…
- A new National Emblem is a two-headed eagle.
T.- Now boys and girls! During the lesson we have done a lot. So, tell me, please:
-What have you learned today at the lesson?
-What was difficult for you?
-Was it interesting to know new information about state system of Russia?
7.Подведение итогов. Оценивание.
I think our lesson was very interesting today. I am very pleased with your work at the lesson. Thank you. Your marks are...
8.Домашнее задание:
T.- Be ready for the next lesson to speak about the state system of our country, the UK and the USA. Be ready to compare them.Feel yourself Russian. The lesson is over.Good-bye.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
The Federal Assembly (the Parliament) The Federal Council (the upper Chamber) The State Duma (the bottom Chamber) The Federal Assembly represents the Legislative branch of power. It's made up of the two houses: the Federation Council and the State Duma, which make laws. The Federal Assembly is also called Parliament, but it's not its official name.
1.a) The Russian President is elected by the representatives. b) The Russian President is elected directly by the people. 2).a)The Russian President can dissolve the Duma. b) The President cannot dissolve the Duma. 3).a)The President`s Administration is the part of the Federal Government. b) The President has his Administration but it is not part of the Federal Government. 4).a) The Duma makes laws. b) The President makes laws. 5).a) The Federal Government represents the executive branch of power. b) The Federal Government represents the legislative branch of power.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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